Remember this map exists:
Great map...have added 4 new FTTN nodes in Buff Point
Looks like i'll be moving into the 2NAA-03 region from my FTTP comfort bubble at Point Clare. Thanks for the map, looks like i'm pretty close to the Node.
Looks like i'll be moving into the 2NAA-03 region from my FTTP comfort bubble at Point Clare. Thanks for the map, looks like i'm pretty close to the Node
Hardly worth getting ADSL connected if you move in soon.
Good idea to check the NBN map with your exact address to find out which node you'll be connected to. Sometimes your closest node isn't what you'll be connected to.
Hardly worth getting ADSL connected if you move in soon.
Good idea to check the NBN map with your exact address to find out which node you'll be connected to. Sometimes your closest node isn't what you'll be connected to.
Ah yep, just checked now, 2NAA-03-13. Has there been many delays with 2NAA-03? I waited a significant amount of time at my Point Clare address which has prompted me to get an ADSL connection just in case.
Has there been many delays with 2NAA-03?
Not that I am aware of. RFS date still set at 12th August. It seems Visionstream is pretty much done with 2NAA-03 and is working on 2NAA-02 now. There is a big hole in the ground near 2NAA-03-10 on the corner of Deane St and Hanlan St, but I'm hoping whatever is going on there isn't causing delays.
2NAA-03, 01, 2ERN-01, 02, and 03 are all RFS scheduled for the same date. It will be interesting (painful) to see how quickly the network becomes congested, and how long it will take to remedy.
It will be interesting (painful) to see how quickly the network becomes congested, and how long it will take to remedy.
Hopefully it will be all sorted by the time 2NAA-02 reaches RFS on Oct 7th....
...who am I kidding.
Well I finally picked up the keys to our new home..
Off Rain Forest in Wyoming, and a total internet blackspot!!
Sh!t 4/3G service.
No new ADSL services allowed.
No Vivid wireless available.
Going from a NBN connection to nothing is like taking my first born..
Come on. Connect it already!
Well got my FTTN connected yesterday and was getting 93/38 so happy with that. Lucky I live close to the Node. Sure made a difference to my old ADSL2+ connection.
The Central Coast inspired #AuditNBN campaign has begun.
Support the call to Audit the NBN rollout in early rollout zones like the NSW Central Coast.
What is the deal with 2TGL-03??
RFS date is passed and keeps getting extended.
Does anyone have any more details?
I'm in 2TGL-03 and have ordered through Optus on Friday and will be connected in 3 to 4 business days (let's see how that goes!), which reseller have you spoken to?
Edit, the finder website has finally added a note on the area map saying that the map hasn't been updated and the area is live.
The finder website is not very accurate anymore?
Called Optus and they said, it is still not active yet? What street are you on?
Not that I am aware of. RFS date still set at 12th August
I'm reading that 2NAA-03 is RFS 24 June
2NAA-01 is 5th August
Hopefully it will be all sorted by the time 2NAA-02 reaches RFS on Oct 7th....
...who am I kidding.
23rd of September. Finder says it has been moved up :-)
I know it will not happen then but we can live in hope .............
The finder website is not very accurate anymore?
It is, it's just slow to update. This is what it shows for me:
Called Optus and they said, it is still not active yet? What street are you on?
I suggest you ring Optus again. I'm in Avoca by the way.
I suggest you ring Optus again. I'm in Avoca by the way.
I do not know how you got past the Optus guards! Ha, they are still saying it is not active...
I do not know how you got past the Optus guards! Ha, they are still saying it is not active...
How are you contacting them? Previous customer?
Truth be told I enetered my address on the Optus site
How are you contacting them? Previous customer?
Truth be told I enetered my address on the Optus site
Not a previous customer. I rang their generic sales number � tried other ISPs as well, and got the same response!
The link you give, says that construction has started but not finished.
I am in the middle of 2TGL-03, maybe you are on the edge of the zone??
Further to this 2BUP-03
Doyalson, Wyee, Blue Haven;
Build started
18 Apr 2016
Ready for Service*
Jan 2017
I am in the middle of 2TGL-03, maybe you are on the edge of the zone??
I'm not sure what to tell you, perhaps I should ring Optus to confirm. It's only the second business day since I've ordered though. I've also been with Optus for a fair while and had pre registered for their nbn service.
The finder site shows the area live, I clicked on most resdential areas and it all shows to be live?!?
The finder site shows the area live, I clicked on most resdential areas and it all shows to be live?!?
or the area has been declared RFS but the address in the link to NBN Co that Optus use shows the premises are not yet connectable
This seems to be happening more and more in newly released RFS areas
So, I rang Optus and my order is indeed going through.
Dazedandconfused is most likely correct.
NBNCo wins this round! Makes no sense, lol
I currently live in Gosford and have been on the NBN for 3+ years now.
We have purchased a house in Wyoming (off Rain Forest) and I cannot believe the state of the NBN in this area!
I cannot get ADSL connected, as it is in a "NBN Serviced" are, but I am unable to get NBN as it isn't connected yet..
At the moment I am at a loss and do not know what to do.
A Tel$tra 4G wifi plan appears to be the only alternative.
Unfortunately the pathetic data allowance and overpriced plans make this a costly exercise if the NBN is not connected soon.
Is this in Paperbark close? I too am having this problem. I have taken my complaint to the Department of Broadband and communications and am in the process of having NBNco move forward the fix for this as it is currently set for 16th August 2016.
As I have no phone line (has been cut somewhere) they have taken this quite seriously. I look forward to hearing about the outcome within the next week.
If You'd like to PM me, maybe we can join our case together for better options?
Who are you quoting?
You are probably better of PM'ing them
From 31st March:
just had a drive around to the location of the 2WOY-04-17 and 2WOY-04-18 node areas, found 1 micronode here but their must be one I have missed
there is no way that either of these ADAs are RFS
Update: Our street in Daleys Point is now NBN-ready, approx. 3 months after Ausgrid upgraded the power. I'll run with our VividWireless for a year or so now before connecting to NBN. Is there a time limit on free connection? And does anybody know the approximate connection cost if one must pay?
Is there a time limit on free connection? And does anybody know the approximate connection cost if one must pay?
If you already have a phone line in place (i.e. a port on the wall) there will definitely not be a connection fee and there is no nbn Co. imposed connection fee planned.
Even if there is no copper line to your house in place at all, you also shouldn't need to pay. FTTP customers didn't need to pay so I can't see why you should.
Your RSP may charge a 'setup fee', particularly if you don't take out a contract, but that's different.
If you already have a phone line in place (i.e. a port on the wall) there will definitely not be a connection fee and there is no nbn Co. imposed connection fee planned.
Even if there is no copper line to your house in place at all, you also shouldn't need to pay. FTTP customers didn't need to pay so I can't see why you should.
Your RSP may charge a 'setup fee', particularly if you don't take out a contract, but that's different.
since April 1 nbn� have started charging for some connections .
One case if you have no copper line into your house, this may now be charged for running new copper, same as if Telstra had to connect a new premises.
Generally inside the 18 month transition period most transfers of service are a "no charge" connection from nbn�, after that the odds are they can and will charge, that is what they were going to be doing in the FTTP areas from the initial builds
Still no updates to 2TGL-03 !!
Still no updates to 2TGL-03 !!
Hopefully they working on getting 2NAA-03 RFS today
Then I can put in for my FTTP premise switch
Still no updates to 2TGL-03 !!
Nbn technician has been booked for Tuesday to install..
Something isn't right...
P.s I finally answered your PM after only just noticing it.
Rollout seems to be commencing in Blue Haven to install some nodes.
Riding out today for work and noticed an Archos Communications (I think was the company) truck on my street corner digging a pit, further up at the next intersection another truck there digging another pit. Just recently along the main drag they removed a lot of the small trees planted along the nature strip, I guess getting ready for NBN cabling.
What happens with the NBN rollout? Do they switch it on street by street as they go or do they connect up an entire area and switch it on all at once?
Checking finder for my address shows RFS Jan 2017. But that may just be the generic date for the entire area.
There is a greenfields estate between us and the exchange so hopefully that means it will speed up the rollout. Our ADSL is ADSL1 and shockingly slow. Nearly useless having it.
Still no updates to 2TGL-03 !!
I am in 2TGL-03. With FTTN who will be responsible for the copper connection? I am with Telstra ADLS2+ & reluctant to jump ship if they are still going to be responsible for the copper with NBN. Since every issue we have had has been due to the copper connection 'up the street' I didn't see the point of going with someone else who would then have to negotiate with Telstra around any faults but maybe this line of thinking is wrong...
With FTTN who will be responsible for the copper connection?
nbn Co. Not Telstra.
I didn't see the point of going with someone else who would then have to negotiate with Telstra around any faults
All ISPs (Including Tesltra) will have to communicate to nbn Co about connections, line issues, etc.
Rollout seems to be commencing in Blue Haven to install some nodes.
If you spot any, be sure to put them on the map if you can (sign in and click edit). Doesn't matter if you don't know the ADA number.
What happens with the NBN rollout? Do they switch it on street by street as they go or do they connect up an entire area and switch it on all at once?
Checking finder for my address shows RFS Jan 2017. But that may just be the generic date for the entire area.
Whole areas go live at once. Each area is designated a service area module (SAM) which should all go live at the same time. The dates seem to get more accurate closer to RFS time. My SAM (2NAA-03) showed RFS as August 12 for ages, but recently changed to June 24 (Today's date! Not showing as RFS yet though).
My SAM (2NAA-03) showed RFS as August 12 for ages, but recently changed to June 24 (Today's date! Not showing as RFS yet though).
I'm on the same SAM
Telstra say it will be the 30th
See what happens today
nbn Co. Not Telstra.
All ISPs (Including Tesltra) will have to communicate to nbn Co about connections, line issues, etc.
Thanks, much appreciated.
If you already have a phone line in place (i.e. a port on the wall) there will definitely not be a connection fee and there is no nbn Co. imposed connection fee planned.
There is a line. It hasn't had a phone service for at least 3 years.
Your RSP may charge a 'setup fee', particularly if you don't take out a contract, but that's different.
Yep. Got it. Thx.
Generally inside the 18 month transition period most transfers of service are a "no charge" connection from nbn�, after that the odds are they can and will charge, that is what they were going to be doing in the FTTP areas from the initial builds
OK. That's handy to know.
I'll stay with VividWireless for 6-12 months as it's adequate for now, then connect NBN later � it's not me in the house, well, not often!
Thx also.
Telstra is now letting me order NBN for 2NAA-03
Application in and Appt next Friday
Have also submitted my FTTP Premises switch application
2TGL-03 status has changed on the NBN website, they say to contact a internet provider for more information, but when I do they say that it is not available!? Ha!
Nbn still says my SAM is not ready but Telstra says it is
Try Telstra and see what the website says about NBN and your address
2TGL-03 status has changed on the NBN website, they say to contact a internet provider for more information, but when I do they say that it is not available!? Ha!
Do it by phone. I called Internode a week ago when they first updated the page to say that my exchange had gone live, but the rollout map hadn't yet been updated. The ISP online checks came back negative for NBN, but I called up and ordered it. My switch is Tuesday.
2TGL-03 status has changed on the NBN website, they say to contact a internet provider for more information, but when I do they say that it is not available!? Ha!
As Synister noted, it takes a couple of weeks for the map to update.
In our case it was nearly 2 weeks before RSP's started reporting that we could connect. Interestingly they all didn't report a potential connection at once. Do some of them work off their own cached copy of the rollout map?
Do it by phone.
Tried that already and did not work!
Looks like most of the streets in 2TGL-03 are now showing as active on the NBNco website � most excluding mine!
Telstra is now letting me order NBN for 2NAA-03
Oh so FTTN installs don't need the external/internal boxes or anything?
Oh so FTTN installs don't need the external/internal boxes or anything?
Usually just street work at the node
Oh that's awesome, great news about being 2 months ahead and rfs. Hope mine goes well, the node isn't far away.
Telstra is now letting me order NBN for 2NAA-03
Was that ahead of schedule?
I am in 2NAA-002 and work on nodes seems to progressing well. Hoping they are going to go live before the current late September date.
Was supposed to be August 16 or somewhere around there
My parents live in MacMasters Beach. According to Finder, they are in 2TGL-03, which says it was connected on the 19th of June, although none of the ISP websites say there is a service available at their address. Also, when I view the map on Finder, the area is highlighted brown.
Havn't been following the rollout too closely, although is there a reason for this? When could my parents expect to be able to get an NBN service?
Was supposed to be August 16 or somewhere around there
That is correct it was the 16th of August and definitely not complaining here.
Saw the nodes being installed back at the end of April.
My connection has now been ordered through Telstra without an issue. Appointment on the 4th.
If it wasn't for the 4 day delay imposed by the NBNCo he said it could have been done this week.
Haven't decided on the 100/40 or 50/20 yet, going to wait and see what the congestion is like.
Was that ahead of schedule?
I think so updated a few weeks ago to the 24th
That is correct it was the 16th of August and definitely not complaining here.
Saw the nodes being installed back at the end of April.
Hopefully the team from 2NAA-03 have moved straight into 2NAA-02. We are down for the end of September, would be great to get it a little bit early.
My connection has now been ordered through Telstra without an issue. Appointment on the 4th.
If it wasn't for the 4 day delay imposed by the NBNCo he said it could have been done this week.
Haven't decided on the 100/40 or 50/20 yet, going to wait and see what the congestion is like.
Got mine in for the 4th also. I think I'll see how it goes speed wise, the ADSL line quality here hasn't been great with noise issues over the years but the node being so close gives me hope that I can get some improvement. Does anyone know if the speed boost is instant when you apply for it?
My parents live in MacMasters Beach. According to Finder, they are in 2TGL-03
Seems like this area is getting connected on a suburb by suburb basis.
I'm in Avoca (within 2TGL-03) and my appointment with an nbn tech for connection is tomorrow! However the modem from my isp has yet to show up.. I may have to swing by officeworks as a backup plan.
I'm in Avoca (within 2TGL-03) and my appointment with an nbn tech for connection is tomorrow! However the modem from my isp has yet to show up.. I may have to swing by officeworks as a backup plan.
I'm also in Avoca and I am booked in to be activated on Wednesday 100/40 with Optus but i'm on 2TGL-05-17-FNO-001
If you need a cheap NBN modem I have a brand new spare one PM me!
Seems like this area is getting connected on a suburb by suburb basis.
It appears that almost all of 2TGL-03 and 2TGL-05 is now active!
Except for a few streets (including my street) that require "additional work". NBNCo or the ISPs do not have a date for this and are unwilling to provide ANY further information...
100/40 with Optus but i'm on 2TGL-05-17-FNO-001
I'm assuming your modem got sent out early? I'm going with Optus also (100/40)
If you need a cheap NBN modem I have a brand new spare one PM me!
If it doesn't show up tomorrow I might take you up on that offer, thanks!!
2bup looking like progress is being made. pits open and fibre being dragged on scenic drive around wills st and east of buff point exchange. Unrelated to nbn, but a few new antennae were hung on the phone tower at the exchange as well yesterday.
Does anyone know if the speed boost is instant when you apply for it?
Not sure of instant but the sales rep (who stuffed up and didn't put in for my speedboost during the order) said I can order it the day of install and it would be done that day.
I'm going with Optus also (100/40)
Well, connection by the tech has come and gone 8am-12pm. (no one actually came)
Modem all set up.
No connection.
No adsl
No phone
No nbn
Not happy.
Well, connection by the tech has come and gone 8am-12pm. (no one actually came)
Modem all set up.
No connection.
No adsl
No phone
No nbn
Not happy.
another "situation normal all fudged up" cutover.
gotta love the claims about their being less impact when cutting over to FTTN than to FTTP by MT
another "situation normal all fudged up" cutover.
gotta love the claims about their being less impact when cutting over to FTTN than to FTTP by MT
Mine was supposed to be today as well. They were effective at removing my ADSL, not so effective at replacing it with VDSL. No net and no ETA. Grr..
Mine was supposed to be today as well
I'll take a guess and say you are another "happy" optus customer?
Curious notice in tomorrow's edition of the Central Coast Express Advocate page 48 � Notification of Proposed nbn Fixed Wireless Facilities to be located at 790 Wisemans Ferry Rd, Somersby. Curious because Somersby is not even on the nbn rollout maps.
Will they really be getting service in the near future, or is it just a teaser like the letter I received on 28 Aug 2013 advising that construction will be starting soon (2GOS-05 FTTP) and I'm still waiting (I have the dreaded NSS � Network Shortfall Syndrome � for which there appears to be no cure :-(
Mine was supposed to be today as well. They were effective at removing my ADSL, not so effective at replacing it with VDSL. No net and no ETA. Grr..
Hmm not feeling to confident about my install tomorrow...
Hmm not feeling to confident about my install tomorrow...
Hope you have better luck than me, currently playing call centre ping pong.
Notification of Proposed nbn Fixed Wireless Facilities to be located at 790 Wisemans Ferry Rd, Somersby.
I wondered if they would do fixed wireless up there. FTTN would never work � they'd need a ton of micronodes and would probably be cheaper to do FTTP. I guess fixed wireless makes sense. There is an existing Vodafone 4G tower at that address. Somersby industrial area should get fixed line though, probably annexed to Kariong rollout when that eventually happens.
FTTN would never work
I can confirm that a single micronode got installed in Somersby industrial estate last month... No idea what that means for the surrounding area?
Hmm not feeling to confident about my install tomorrow...
Well, it's all turned out great!
Got home from work and ADSL was not working, within about 10 minutes I had everything configured (the way like like it with own SSID etc.) and I'm now running at 91/38 on NBN compared to 13/1 this time yesterday... not to shabby I think!
Well, it's all turned out great!
Glad one of us got a decent service!
I have a nbnco tech coming out tomorrow to fix my service.. Fingers crossed.
How far from the node are you?
240m according to google maps
I have run a couple of tests through the night � highest i have got is 104/43
Current downloading at 8MB/s but have got up to 10.6MB/s
Fingers crossed.
Nbn tech was prompt in arriving, service up and running in 15 minutes. "Apparently" the cut over wasn't fully completed at the pillar.
Several tests and I'm getting a constant 95/38. Frustrating experience but finally happy.
Good news and speeds!
Modem arrived today, I get to stare at it for a few days and hope the install goes well :P
Several tests and I'm getting a constant 95/38. Frustrating experience but finally happy.
Very nice... I suggest keeping an eye on everything over the next week or so
I have had 1 drop out this morning (only for a minute) but will be logging these incase there is a wider issue
With 2NAA-03 now live (and it looks to be 2 months early?) is anyone seeing activity in 2NAA-02?
I live in 2NAA-02 (Fountaindale) and have seen the Micronodes go in and get powered etc. even the final coat of topsoil to make it look pretty :-)
Maybe they have just started at my end but I am hoping that 02 may go live earlier than the late September date we currently have.
Plenty of work going on in Ourimbah at the moment they finished working on one pillar just off burns road now about to start on the two on Pacific hwy near yates road and the school. We have been told late August / early September, who knows currently getting an average of 13 mbps on speed test and we live near the Ausgrid depot.
Our whole street "requires additional work" � everywhere else on the official NBNCo website (in 2TGL-03) is now active!
Does anyone know how to get more information from NBNCo about RFS dates? I have called them and a few different providers. None have been able to provide anything meaningful?
Try your address here
Seems to be more accurate and updated than the NBN Site
did a pre poll at Woy Woy yesterday morning.
Lucy was there along with what seemed like a pack of 20 young Liberals.
She must be very worried about the outcome of the FTTN policy, especially as Woy Woy would have had FTTP now rather than FTTN
She must be very worried about the outcome of the FTTN policy, especially as Woy Woy would have had FTTP now rather than FTTN
I have no problem with it.
FTTN � RFS sometime in November this year (if I believe the Finder) .... not even in the initial 5 year plan with FTTP.
Many of my students were unable to get ANY broadband due to exchange being chockers (building itself was full !) � they now have a reliable enough service. Again not even in the initial 5 year plan.
Try your address here
Seems to be more accurate and updated than the NBN Site
The finder website does not help � does anyone know if there is a "level 2" (or equivalent) support phone number for NBN Co? I highly doubt there is...
Application in and Appt next Friday
Have also submitted my FTTP Premises switch application
How did the change over go Shakow. Incidentally which node are you being connected to?
I have no problem with it.
curious, what area?
I and the rest of the Peninsular went from FTTP to FTTN (now all installed).
My copper path to pillar is around 1000 metres
Haven't been able to transfer across yet because the only Telco offering to port my landline number is Telstra (have to keep that number as my aged Dad uses it, no matter how often he has been told to ring the mobile)
How did the change over go Shakow. Incidentally which node are you being connected to?
I'm in the US right now, not back till Monday
I believe its 2NAA-03-12, but will double check when I'm back
Haven't been able to transfer across yet because the only Telco offering to port my landline number is Telstra
Have you tried iiNet? Can't they port it over to VoIP? That's what I was hoping to do.
the only Telco offering to port my landline number is Telstra
Did you need to do anything to get the house wiring/cabling reconfigured in readiness?
MrsB had a call today from a telephone sales guy saying they will do this "readiness" for free and with no ISP contract. Got off as soon as she could. Is this a new selling stategy?
Haven't been able to transfer across yet because the only Telco offering to port my landline number is Telstra (have to keep that number as my aged Dad uses it, no matter how often he has been told to ring the mobile)
Barefoot Telecom had no drama porting my Telstra number on the Woy Woy exchange over to their VOIP service, although the actual transfer took a couple of weeks to go through (they gave me a temporary number in the meantime). Telstra did hit me with an $8 "local number portability service fee" though � they always have a way of drawing the last drop of blood.
double check when I'm back
Well I can tell you that Telstra have stuffed up my order apparently no phone no internet at home.
I suspect they didn't actually arrange NBN to perform cutover as when I called after 230pm I was told NBN staff have been sent to complete the cutover and will call me back in an hour..... 2 hours ago...
Maybe time to jump ship to TPG afterall.
Mine went perfectly, connected on the day they said
Only issue is that I only get 44Mbps DOWN, but I get a very good 30 Mbps UP
Have a logged a fault with Telstra to see what the case is
Most people who get 44 DOWN only get 10 UP
Mine went perfectly, connected on the day they said
Lucky man. Apparently your technician actually turns up.
After four phone calls today with Telstra staff blatantly lying to me at 5:30pm that the cut over had occurred and would be finalised later tonight....
I get home and plug in the old modem and voila still on ADSL2+ so no cut over. I should be thankful that at least I have 5-8Mb until the Telstra tools work out how to actually order an appointment with NBN correctly.
The case manager refuses to take any responsibility that Telstra has failed the customer. From the communication throughout the day it was apparent that a technician had not been arranged until after I called at 2:30pm and then told a tech has been assigned to complete the work in the next hour or so.
Then get told at 730pm that the technician was stuck on a previous job and unable to attend.
Now earliest appointment is Thursday ffs.
At each stage I had to initiate the communication as they don't check status until 24 hours after completion. Talk about managing through exception.
Haha same thing here Cracker, at least you have company.
The finder website does not help � does anyone know if there is a "level 2" (or equivalent) support phone number for NBN Co? I highly doubt there is...
You'd have better luck getting through to the NASA space station. LOL
curious, what area?
Off Orange Grove road, WW.
After my 4 month connection wait and running the new aerial lead in I've got to say FTTN has been pretty impressive.
I'm with Node on a 50Mb plan synching at 53. Its held a continuous connection for 2 months.
So far I'm getting full speed at all times and my ping to Sydney servers is 7ms.
The speeds probably overkill for me but it's dam nice. Was previously 7MB on ADSL 2.
Haha same thing here Cracker, at least you have company.
Appointment two...
Again 7am-2pm appointment.
Again no NBN staff at my node � sigh
Again no escalation by Telstra I had to do that myself. NBNco only saw it as a standard appointment.
At least now it is noted in their system that this is a rescheduled appointment, no sure it has any impact though.... sigh
Appointment two...
Again 7am-2pm appointment.
Again no NBN staff at my node � sigh
Yeah it's not looking good for today. Wonder if the rain has something to do with it.
At least now it is noted in their system that this is a rescheduled appointment, no sure it has any impact though.... sigh
It seems from what I've read that it doesn't matter if it's rescheduled or not, you're just entered back into the system as a fresh appointment and the minimum seems to be 3-5 business days.
It's a strange system where if they don't show up, the booking disappears like it never existed, then you have to tell them that they didn't show up and then it's rebooked as new. From one of the IINet threads they said they have to do FTTN bookings manually with staff because it isn't set up yet like the automatic FTTH one.
It's a strange system where if they don't show up, the booking disappears like it never existed, then you have to tell them that they didn't show up and then it's rebooked as new.
Sadly this was confirmed to me by the NBN phone operator.
Now that the marginal seat of Dobell has fallen to the ALP there is no longer a rush to rollout in this area.
Shadow got his connection just before the election on the first appointment...
Conspiracy theories aside I haven't seen a single NBN co staff around this week.
Anyone else?
How are we looking Cracker, do you think they'll pull some overtime and get us in today? Haha
Not good. I am on the phone with Telstra now and just got told that the technician is onsite.
When I mentioned that I can easily send my wife around the corner to check he quickly back tracked and stated he is waiting on feedback. FFS couldn't organise a root in a brothel.
How are we looking Cracker
Well *$#& me. Escalation through NBN co and various Telstra teams have proven fruitful..
Now connected 20 minutes ago. Still jaded on the response from Telstra and their lack of customer management.
Rachael from NBN was the only one that gave me full details and explanation of what was happening and when.
Now hopefully little to no congestion until everyone else is brought on board fingers crossed
Drama still not over though as they didn't enable the speedboost on the order.... rrrrrrrrrrrr
Are you sure?
It just doesnt show on website
Are you sure?
Yeah got them to confirm the connection speed. The original sales staff when i ordered the cut over didn't add it to the order. Now I am told that I have to wait 24-48 hours for the original order to come through as completed before they can apply the speedboost order... ffs
Oh well still better than 8Mb I was on, I honestly wonder though if this is a tactic to dissuade customers from taking up the full bandwidth available to reduce congestion.
paranoia does not mean they are not out to get you...
What did you email confirmation from Fiona Hayes say?
When I signed up I got an email from the person that I spoke to who confirmed all my details of sign up just after hanging up
3 days later I got an email from Fiona Hayes, an auto generated confirmation email that reconfirmed all the things I had requested including the speedboost
Prob should blank out your address
got an email saying nbn is ready for my address at Niagara Park. Talked to belong and I'm getting an upgrade to NBN FTTN.
Hopefully everything goes well
Thought I should follow up on final status as of Friday night.
Now have super duper spectacular speed boost enabled from Telstra. 100/40
Not without it's problems but that is expected by Telstra and NBN at this point.
Got home to find max/actual line rate at
- Down: 81.22/79.84
- Up: 38.39/38.39
However when doing speed tests it ranged between 14-22Mb down load and 36 upload.
Call put through to Telstra and told still on the 25/5 plan the speed boost will be applied within 24 hours...
They didn't appreciate being called a liar but recanted once I reminded them that the upload was indeed as expected but the download was worse than the previous night. So obviously something had been applied but the download setting was not correct.
Low and behold during the conversation while on hold the download starts testing at 70Mb.
Their response was there you go it wasn't an issue after all....
Again they didn't appreciate being told not to lie to the customer and to check with their technical staff what actually happened. Long story short, denied any fault, put it to me what are you complaining about it is working now we didn't change anything.
They didn't appreciate being called a liar
Abusing the service reps doesn't get you anywhere.
They didn't appreciate being called a liar but recanted once I reminded them that the upload was indeed as expected but the download was worse than the previous night. So obviously something had been applied but the download setting was not correct.
There are multiple different settings on their end which need to be adjusted (by RSP) after NBNCo has advised the changes have been applied. They may have you set to an equivelant of 25/40 on their side. It would appear to sync at 100/40, but the throughput would appear to not line up.
Abusing the service reps doesn't get you anywhere.
I agree abuse gets you nowhere. I didn't abuse them I was very calm and simply asked them not to lie to me and to find out who was lying to them.
They may have you set to an equivelant of 25/40 on their side. It would appear to sync at 100/40, but the throughput would appear to not line up
That appears exactly what happened. It was at least three hours after the 40up was enabled only when I called them that it changed to 100(80) down.
Some signs of life in 2BUP-02.
Whilst helping Mrs Budgie with the leaflets this morning I noticed a whole of lot spray painted markings on the footpaths near pillars.
It looks like the node closest to me is going to be located a bit closer than my pillar (BUPT-10) , which given the fact that a danged great tree is causing the pillar to lean is no surprise (streetview the corner of Kalani St & Natuna Ave Budgewoi to see what I mean).
It looks like the node closest to me is going to be located a bit closer than my pillar (BUPT-10)
just remember that your copper will go
a node being closer to you than the pillar is no advantage.
Finally got mine connected, can't get the speed boost yet but I'm pretty happy based on the max line rate:
Maximum Line rate
1.04 Mbps 7.84 Mbps
Line Rate
0.76 Mbps 7.48 Mbps
Maximum Line rate
58.01 Mbps 114.04 Mbps
Line Rate
6.4 Mbps 28 Mbps
Anyone with their finger on the NBN pulse here on the Central Coast know why a side street would have been left off when the NBN passed down the main road? I'm guessing there is a technical problem that needs a different team or something?
2TGL-05-26 and our address is showing "ready for service", however no-one on our side street can connect to NBN.
however no-one on our side street can connect to NBN.
Maybe your side cables back differently to a different node
different node
Thanks for the reply. By node, do you mean the green NBN box, or some old copper node? Sorry, I'm tech but not up on NBN lingo. There are both styles (big metal rectangular and smaller rounder plastic) of NBN box on the main road, and one of the smaller rounder plastic ones is only about 50m from the turnoff to our street. Our side street is about 1.5km long and only has about 20 houses. Would they need a NBN box in our street? A neighbour was told by a Telstra tech in the area that the delay in our street might be due to needing to run fibre down our street, however that sounds too good to be true?
Thanks for the reply. By node, do you mean the green NBN box, or some old copper node?
The nodes are the big green boxes, you might not be connecting to the one on your street or even in front of your house, if you're unlucky it could be closer to a KM away in an area that isn't RFS yet, on the other hand they may simply need to do more work in your specific area. It can be street to street from what I've read
Would they need a NBN box in our street?
They need to place them closeish to the pillars (the old cylindrical Telstra metal things), the copper runs to the pillar and then to the new node (this is assuming FTTN)
you might not be connecting to the one on your street or even in front of your house, if you're unlucky it could be closer to a KM away
There are no NBN boxes in the street, the closest NBN box is about 1.5km away from my house.
They need to place them closeish to the pillars (the old cylindrical Telstra metal things), the copper runs to the pillar and then to the new node (this is assuming FTTN)
There are no old Telstra pillars in the street, maybe this is the problem as the distance is too far?
I am on this �
25/5 plan with Exetel
Attainable Rate (Kbps): (D) 56309 (U)40166
Rate (Kbps): (D) 2800 (U) 6400
Approx 530m from Pillar (according to NBN Map)
ADSL was previously 3mbps / 0.6 on a good day
Supposed to be provisioned last week but only happened today & (at the moment at least) was worth waiting for....will keep the 50/20 plan in mind once the kids work out what's changed :(
I'll do some more speed tests over the next few days
Good luck to all in your node lotto :)
can't get the speed boost yet but I'm pretty happy based on the max line rate:
Got the speed boost put on and the max line rate actually went up when connected:
Maximum Line rate
59.22 Mbps 129.64 Mbps
Line Rate
40 Mbps 109 Mbps
my phone and internet has been disconnected and no notification of an install time or any indication of when the nbn will be connected
you'd think that they would install the box before disconnecting a person :/
just... great...
my phone and internet has been disconnected and no notification of an install time or any indication of when the nbn will be connected
you'd think that they would install the box before disconnecting a person :/
just... great..
if it is FTTN then there is no box to be installed
if it is FTTP then most RSP/ISP wait till nbn� have signed off that the fibre install and the NTD is installed
ok its FTTN so it mustn't be because of nbn connection... i hope?!
I did see someone working on the ovalish phone pillar on the way to work, perhaps they broke something...
calling up my isp now, thanks for the response :)
just got of the phone to my isp, it turns out that the guy i saw was an NBN tech working on my connection he but didn't update the system when he finished (if he finished), and there is nothing that can be done until he finishes the job.
there is nothing that can be done until he finishes the job.
Same thing happened to me (optus). Called and had to re book nbn co tech to come and check and finish the line/ contact nbn HQ to notify update to the system.
Some updates for 2Bup02 -
NBN boxes on either end of Kalani � one near the pillar for BUPT10 , and the other for the pillar on Scenic Drive
Footpath near the corner of Noela and Scenic dug up for a new box for the pillar outside Coles. There is a another pillar/NBN box on (sorry name escapes me) � a small street off Scenic between the shops and Natuna.
Also noticed a few new pits with Telstra covers (the small pill shaped ones).
Progress in 2NAA-02?
Just wondering how much progress anyone is seeing in 2NAA-02. All of my area (and anywhere I have driven around) seems to be complete. The Micronodes all look to be complete. Looks like the last steps are the padlocks and the top soil around the box.
With 2NAA-03 going live 2+ months early, I am hoping those crews got straight to work in 2NAA-01 and 2NAA-02 and we may go early as well. Was hoping I don't have to wait until late September (current date on Finder).
Hopefully it happens earlier, 3 was a nice surprise but the dates still seem solid on the latest Telstra rollout document
latest Telstra rollout document
Is that document online? If not, would you mind checking if there is anything on 2TGL-05-26 in the document?
Is that document online?
Yep can check it out here: https://www.telstrawholesale.
It only has general rollouts, 2TGL-05 seems to be connected? Or are some of the sub-regions not still?
2TGL-05 seems to be connected? Or are some of the sub-regions not still?
Correct, the main road at the end of our side-street is connected, however it seems our street is a bit long (approx 1.5km) to run from the closest node (we don't have a pillar in our street). So it seems again we've been put in the "too hard" basket as they pick the low lying fruit, leaving us without even ADSL.
Hopefully it happens earlier, 3 was a nice surprise but the dates still seem solid on the latest Telstra rollout document
I am clinging to hope as i understand that the date for 2NAA-03 went from Aug straight to RFS. Unless I got that wrong? I am hoping for the same pleasant surprise.
I am clinging to hope as i understand that the date for 2NAA-03 went from Aug straight to RFS. Unless I got that wrong? I am hoping for the same pleasant surprise.
You're not wrong, I'm on 03 and connected, was supposed to be mid August. Best bet is to be checking here and refreshing ISP websites since they update before the NBN one, and then it's onto the installation gauntlet
2NAA-03 went from Aug straight to RFS
Early in June it changed from Aug to 24th June on Finder
Progress in 2NAA-02?
Getting there. Still a few nodes to go. One will be going in front of Ourimbah station soon. I doubt the date will change. I think the August date was always a rough guide. 2NAA-02 started well after 03 and 01.
Getting there. Still a few nodes to go. One will be going in front of Ourimbah station soon. I doubt the date will change. I think the August date was always a rough guide. 2NAA-02 started well after 03 and 01.
I think my hopes have just been destroyed by someone that seems to know what they are talking about :-(
No worries, let's just hope we don't get any unexpected delays and September rolls around quickly. Sorry Netflix, you will have to wait .......
I think my hopes have just been destroyed by someone that seems to know what they are talking about :-(
Not destroyed maybe slightly battered It was about 2 months after our nodes were installed in 2NAA-03 and when it became RFS.
Considering 2 years ago we weren't even on the 3 year rollout map we are a lot luckier than some in the CBN roulette.
Can somebody repost the link to the 2BUP map with the pillars / nodes � I can't find it (silly old timers disease).
Is it this one?
I got my distance / estimated speeds etc from it. Not all areas are represented fully though despite there being lots of physical infrastructure in place.
Anyone with their finger on the NBN pulse here on the Central Coast know why a side street would have been left off when the NBN passed down the main road? I'm guessing there is a technical problem that needs a different team or something?
2TGL-05-26 and our address is showing "ready for service", however no-one on our side street can connect to NBN.
No finger on the pulse but my brother in Warnervale has exactly the same issue (with FTTN). One side street not available while surrounded by all others RFS. After many emails / calls / local member (Local Member swapped by Election) apparently the new Node in his street is "Waiting for a Part" [crap answer]. Has been that way for months. He cannot get ADSL either. Our build in Lisarow started 8 months after his and we have been RFS for about a month. We also had ADSL prior. Just another dimension to the lottery.
No, it was google "my maps" similar to the one for Woy Woy which I found. I had updated it with a few missing pillars a few weeks ago, and now want to update it with the new nodes � as I clear my history when I close my browser I cannot find the link.
Edit the woy woy map is this one
No finger on the pulse but my brother in Warnervale has exactly the same issue (with FTTN). One side street not available while surrounded by all others RFS. After many emails / calls / local member (Local Member swapped by Election) apparently the new Node in his street is "Waiting for a Part" [crap answer]. Has been that way for months.
Thanks. "Nice" to know we're not alone while the NBN pick the low fruit. You'd think non-ADSL premises would be a priority if it was actually a business responding to customer needs?
Over 9 weeks & still waiting for the NBN. Contacted NBN co they say contact your ISP for updates. So I contact my ISP for the millionth time for waiting on the phone. For them to tell me were still waiting for updates from NBN co.
Seriously work out a bloody proper system.
Many thanks that's the one.
Details for the pillars & nodes I know about in 2Bup-02 added.
Mrs Budgie said there was a huge cluster of trucks around the Hali Oval (Scenic Drv, Kalani & Noela) yesterday (3 pillars & nodes) , pits opened, and lots of "wires" on the ground (I came home around 3. and there was no sight of any activity).
I am now hopeful maybe we will be RFS by Nov.
in budgewoi, the corner of Walu and Lukela has one of the green boxes. Also on Woolana opposite the school they are doing work and further up near the corner of Ulana.
Anyone from here in Kincumber made the migration to NBN yet? Curious about how it all went?
So according to the NBNco my current plan making out at under 30MBPS is an acceptable speed.
So according to the NBNco my current plan making out at under 30MBPS is an acceptable speed.
Yep. They only guarantee up to 25/5. Above that is 'best efforts".
once in every 24 hour period
Isnt that part related to throughput rather than Sync speed?
Isnt that part related to throughput rather than Sync speed?
no, because the only part nbn� can control is sync, throughput can be restricted by ISP or NBN issues
Anyone having delays in Narara getting connected to the NBN?
Picked up the phone today and noticed an awful buzzing sound that wasn't there before. Interference from pairs now connected to the NBN? Our ADSL speeds remain the same at 11Mb/s. I sure hope our line hasn't gone to crap just days before we sign up for the NBN. This kind of rubbish is exactly why copper sucks. 2NAA-03-12 btw.
Anyone having delays .... getting connected to the NBN?
I think this is universal, they said Macs was ready to connect yet everyone I talk to in Macs is not able to connect (3 completely different parts of the suburb). Yesterday at a local node I found out why � 3 vehicles and about 5 men turn up only to find that the lift truck supplied won't reach the powerpole height without being on the road. They don't have traffic control men to do that (and of course the 5 guys standing around drinking coffee can't operate a stop go sign), so off to another job.
Does anyone know how to find out about a node in Warnervale (2GRK-06-13) which has gone off the finder map. Overall area shows RFS but provider check says no. Now none of the houses in the one street show the node info when they did previously. All surrounding streets are OK (to different nodes). My Relo thought is was a blessing with the node in his street & 50m away but it's obviously a curse. No joy from any 'official' channels
2NAA-03-12 btw.
I definitely think they have Coexistence enabled on this Node, so I'm surprised there are issues with POTS services
We recently connected in 2NAA-03-15 on Telstra's 50/20 plan.
About 400m from the node, we are getting anywhere from ~44/29 down to ~9/9 � Is this normal?
We have also virtually lost our landline connection. We can ring in but not out, and any voice heard over the line is partially cut off, with no voice being able to be sent out.
Could this be our phone (5 year old Panasonic set), or a different issue altogether?
About 400m from the node, we are getting anywhere from ~44/29 down to ~9/9 � Is this normal?
Is this the sync speed on the modem fluctuating?
Or is it the throughput/speedtest result?
We have also virtually lost our landline connection. We can ring in but not out, and any voice heard over the line is partially cut off, with no voice being able to be sent out.
That landline is now connected to the modem, yes? It is a VoIP service?
Is this the sync speed on the modem fluctuating?
Or is it the throughput/speedtest result?
It's the results from
The modem is showing this status currently.
DSL Type
DSL Mode
Maximum Line rate
31.74 Mbps 81.8 Mbps
Line Rate
22.59 Mbps 54.99 Mbps
Data Transferred
1168.93 MBytes 364.9 MBytes
Output Power
14.4 dBm 7.5 dBm
Line Attenuation
5.9, 29.0, 42.8,N/A,N/A dB 15.3, 36.1, 54.3 dB
Noise Margin
12.8 dB 15.5 dB
That landline is now connected to the modem, yes? It is a VoIP service?
Yes, the landline is now connected to the modem. Unsure if its a VoIP service, but it's the standard service that comes with Telstra's NBN bundles.
It's the results from
Monitor it for a few days. If it remains, lodge the fault with Telstra (they need to purchase more capacity for the area � it may already be planned).
Yes, the landline is now connected to the modem. Unsure if its a VoIP service, but it's the standard service that comes with Telstra's NBN bundles.
Essentially it is a VoIP service. Try it with the phone plugged directly into the modem with minimal wiring between them (if it is not already). Again, if the issue remains, lodge a fault.
Hi All,
Is 2NAA-01-14 still ready for service on the 5/8/2016? Have there been any delays.? Can i call up Telstra on the 5th or do we have to wait for an email or confirmation before we can order?
Is 2NAA-01-14 still ready for service on the 5/8/2016? Have there been any delays.? Can i call up Telstra on the 5th or do we have to wait for an email or confirmation before we can order?
Date was current as of last month so presumably it should go smoothly, all you can really do is spam their website checker and call them on the day
Correct, the main road at the end of our side-street is connected, however it seems our street is a bit long (approx 1.5km) to run from the closest node (we don't have a pillar in our street). So it seems again we've been put in the "too hard" basket as they pick the low lying fruit, leaving us without even ADSL.
Is there a micronode in your street? Smaller than a typical node cabinet, doesn't need a pillar nearby.
Is there a micronode in your street? Smaller than a typical node cabinet, doesn't need a pillar nearby.
Certainly in our street nothing has been added recently for the NBN. The closest node on the main road is about 1.5km away (2TGL-05-26 , which finder says is our node) must be a micronode as it looks exactly like this �
The closest node on the main road is about 1.5km away (2TGL-05-26 , which finder says is our node) must be a micronode as it looks exactly like this �
those can only supply a maximum of 48 connections and that is listed for 34 connections.
welcome to cheapa and fasta :(
maximum of 48 connections and that is listed for 34 connections.
Isn't my problem that the micronode is 1.5km away, isn't that too far?
welcome to cheapa and fasta :(
We don't even get ADSL here, so any NBN will be better price than 4G mobile data @$5/gb.
Isn't my problem that the micronode is 1.5km away, isn't that too far?
well I guess you will be finding out soon :(
The copper diagrams I have list me over 1000 metres from my "full size node" and there are premises over 450 metres ground measurment further from it than me :(
So 1.5km seems to be their limit, not the magic 800 metres that Mal inferred
problem is they all seem to talk averages which are a load of bull,
for instance have a 384 connection node and a 48 connection node, both full, that averages out at 216 connections per node, which seems to be close to their claimed "about 200" connections per node
My premises that were classed as serviceable in Feb have now just returned a service class 0 response when I just tried to transfer my connection over to FTTN, in Umina
My next door neighbours, who have FTTN with Telstra are listed as being on the interim satellite service in the nbn service portal........
gee this mob sure are good
those can only supply a maximum of 48 connections and that is listed for 34 connections.
How do you find out how many connections a node has joined to it?
when you put your address into finderit gives a popup, if it says you can connect click on the "more information" text
that will take you to a page that has 3 tabs on it
Details. Available Plans, ADA Information.
if you click on ADA information it list the nodes in your Service Area Module and the number of connections that should be on each one.
Tomorrow for 2NAA-01, hopefully it happens for you guys on there
2GOS-04-15 updates
This morning, I was about to get out my driveway and driving to work, had seen two NBNco trucks parking at Kirkness Ave North Gosford, they are pulling out some green yellow cables out from the exchange box.
Half hours later, a TPG guys called me while I was driving, said my address is now available for nbn service, so I told him to hook me up. So now I have a NBN connection appointment in 11 days. I have checked NBNCO website, its still saying my address needs additional works, but when I check TPG and telstra site, they are saying my address is NBN serviceable. Its weird man.
So did 2NAA-01 go live?
Was due today, just wondering if anyone has been notified of a go live?
So did 2NAA-01 go live?
Looks like it, it's showing as available on the Telstra website now on an address I checked
I am currently on 2NAA-01as well. The nbnco website is still indicates that service is not available. However i just called Telstra and moved my ADSL plan to an NBN plan. The Telstra Website also indicates NBN is also ready at my address.
Out of curiosity, when did everyone get their NBN appointment? Mine has been booked for 11/8. Ordered at approx 11am. Currently with Telstra, went for the 100/40 speedpack for $15. Funny enough I only signed with them approx 3 months ago and they sent me a new VDSL capable modem free of charge. Was told today that they will be sending another modem free of charge. Always worth having a spare ;)
Out of curiosity, when did everyone get their NBN appointment?
If it's like the others there's a 4 business dayish minimum for the first appointment when it goes RFS
Hope all your installs go well and on time, I've been seeing techs at various pillars in the area almost every day when I drive past so at least they're very active
I had 2NAAA-01 confirmed active 4 days ago when speaking directly with Service Provider, despite NBNCo website still showing works underway.
Apparently they have better records than NBNCo make available to us.
Apparently they have better records than NBNCo make available to us
The NBN website takes around a week to update over other RSP ones
Wish I would have realised it was RFS! I have been waiting for today to arrive
Wondering if anyone can tell me how to find the 2NAA-01-13 node, 2NAA-01 seems to be confirmed but im looking for the actual node to see how far it is from here.
Wondering if anyone can tell me how to find the 2NAA-01-13 node, 2NAA-01 seems to be confirmed but im looking for the actual node to see how far it is from here.
Wondering if anyone can tell me how to find the 2NAA-01-13 node, 2NAA-01 seems to be confirmed but im looking for the actual node to see how far it is from here.
go to and enter you address.
in the map on the left side of the page it will display the boundaries of the Telstra copper DA and the DA number is in a text field.
The pillar will usually be located just inside the green boundary usually in a "corner" closest to the Telstra exchange.
The number of your DA will usually be on your pillar Telstra numberring was in the form of WOYY:69 nbn� have often renumbered the pillars to the form of "P 69"
once you have located your DA and pillar, you can then start looking for your node, it should be withing 200 metres of your pillar.
good luck
Wondering if anyone can tell me how to find the 2NAA-01-13 node, 2NAA-01 seems to be confirmed but im looking for the actual node to see how far it is from here.
Have a look at this map:
Have a look at this map:
Thanks! It was where I thought it was but still saved me a walk. Still around 715m from it though :(.
go to and enter you address.
in the map on the left side of the page it will display the boundaries of the Telstra copper DA and the DA number is in a text field.
The pillar will usually be located just inside the green boundary usually in a "corner" closest to the Telstra exchange.
The number of your DA will usually be on your pillar Telstra numberring was in the form of WOYY:69 nbn� have often renumbered the pillars to the form of "P 69"
once you have located your DA and pillar, you can then start looking for your node, it should be withing 200 metres of your pillar.
good luck
When I use the link, I get data ID no. OBAH:18 but I am in a semi rural area of 2NAA-02, we don't have above ground pillars (I am told they are small ones in pits).
There is a Micronode about 200 metres from me on the only road that leads into the estate (I am upstream from that node). Is it fair to say I will be attached to that one or is there any way to work out where my pillar would be and from that, which micronode is mine?
When I use the link, I get data ID no. OBAH:18 but I am in a semi rural area of 2NAA-02, we don't have above ground pillars (I am told they are small ones in pits).
so you are off the Orimbah exchange
they number the micronodes exactly the same as the full size nodes. Might pay to have a look at the numbering on the micronodes
Might pay to have a look at the numbering on the micronodes
Sorry to be vague but you mean the numbering will be marked somewhere on the physical micronode itself?
Sorry to be vague but you mean the numbering will be marked somewhere on the physical micronode itself?
yes, have a look at this pic, this is a micronode in the 2Woy roll out area
When I use the link, I get data ID no. OBAH:18 but I am in a semi rural area of 2NAA-02, we don't have above ground pillars
I think that the OBAH:18 pillar is in that dusty area where turpentine road goes under the train line. Pillar doesn't matter though since it's mostly all micronodes up there I think. Your closest micronode is likely what you are attached too. Unfortunately the finder site doesn't have the ADA info for the 2NAA-02 area so can't be 100% sure. I wouldn't worry. It will be much better than your ADSL currently is. The median ADSL speed for OBAH:18 is 2.55 Mbps.
yes, have a look at this pic, this is a micronode in the 2Woy roll out area
Had a look last night and the close ones to me are labelled. They are 2NAA-02-19-FNO-001 and 2NAA-02-20-FNO-001
Pillar doesn't matter though since it's mostly all Micronodes up there I think. Your closest micronode is likely what you are attached too.
Yes, they are all Micronodes. I guess I was just confused by everyone talking about Pillars and the distance between pillars nodes and the house. I was just trying to guess what sort of connection I should expect. Hopefully I am just a month or so away from RFS, I guess I will just have to wait and see how the Node Lotto balls fall .....
Hope all your 2NAA01 installs go well today :)
My NBN connections has been terrible! Was scheduled to be converted yesterday between 7am-2pm. Checked my home server, internet went offline at approx 1245, never came back up.
Arrive home from work, check connection. Modem has a WAN connection and has detected a VDSL connection but internet light is red with an alert unable to negotiate IP from DHCP. Cycle modem, try different VDSL modem, same thing. Call Telstra, they try to tell me that connection can take up to 24hrs and chances are it will come online at midnight. I agree as it was 630pm thinking that not much more can be done. Get up this morning, same thing (no surprise). Call telstra they say its an NBN problem. Advise I call NBN. Call NBN they say its a Telstra problem. Call Telstra again and they now decide that NBN has not finished the install. Apparently the jumpering was done but NBN need to 'Activate' the service. Telstra state that the technician was only qualified in jumpering and not activating. Normal they can activate remotely but in my case someone needs to go to the node, no time frame was given.
So I have no internet or phone. I am thinking that the node has not been properly configured and hence the delay. That's what I get for being proactive and ironing out the creases
Ouch, I've heard of that along with jumpering the wrong port. If this happens on the day you need to escalate it with your RSP ASAP since they need to book another appointment to fix it
Great! It sucks being stuck between 2 vendors. You know roughly what the issue is, but neither want to come to the party. On the plus side my modem was syncing at 103 down and 50 up. Hopefully that speed doesn't change when I get activated, whatever that means.
So I have no internet or phone. I am thinking that the node has not been properly configured and hence the delay. That's what I get for being proactive and ironing out the creases
The same thing happened to me back in May. My line was jumpered onto the node on the Thursday but it wasn't until the following Monday that my connection was activated, with my RSP having to escalate the problem with NBN before anything happened.
Great! It sucks being stuck between 2 vendors.
It goes RSP -> NBN, NBN generally don't deal with customers directly. It can be a pain in the butt but you need to ride your RSP to get it escalated and sorted
Thanks, I'm not sure why Telstra even advised me to contact NBN but I thought it wouldn't hurt. Ideally it would be great to have it sorted today but realistically I can see nothing will happen until next week.
Apparently the jumpering was done but NBN need to 'Activate' the service. Telstra state that the technician was only qualified in jumpering and not activating. Normal they can activate remotely but in my case someone needs to go to the node, no time frame was given.
what you have been told is bull.
the technician only does the jumperring then reports the job as complete.
nbn� then activate the port allocating it to an RSP and the RSP them activates the service.
At no stage does a technician do any "activation"
Hi All,
As per usual Telstra or NBN has stuffed up the transition from ADSL to the NBN. My appointment was today from 7am-2:30pm. My internet has stopped since around 2:30pm. The modem they sent out was incorrect and not VDSL compatible. My current modem is an ASUS DSL-AC68U is no longer syncing to VDSL. It was syncing from 3:30pm on wards for an hour or so. I still have a land line however. I have no internet for the next 4-5 days.
Reading a bit more about this. I think my FTTN port maybe blocked by plugging in the incorrect Telstra modem. Anyone know what the process is to unlock the port and how long it will take?
Reading a bit more about this. I think my FTTN port maybe blocked by plugging in the incorrect Telstra modem. Anyone know what the process is to unlock the port and how long it will take?
ring your ISP, some can do it from their computer, others have to ring nbn� and ask for it to be unlocked.
but, unless you requested voice continuity, and you still have voice on your landline, then I doubt it has actually been cutover.
It could be that nbn� tech said it was all done so Telstra disabled your ADSL port by transferring the connection over to the nbn plan, it seems that telstra may only disable the voice after successful login from their voip connection on the gateway max
then I doubt it has actually been cutover.
The ASUS Modem was syncing at around 21Mbps to the VDSL connection around 3:30pm. However the internet was not connected. Then Telstra would only help me troubleshoot if i had their modem plugged in. When i pluggedin the modem the supplied the Technicolour tg797nv3. I only realised that it was not VDSL compliant after talking to them on the phone. Since plugging in this modem, my ASUS can no longer sync.
The ASUS Modem was syncing at around 21Mbps to the VDSL connection around 3:30pm. However the internet was not connected. Then Telstra would only help me troubleshoot if i had their modem plugged in
funny that you still had conventional voice though.
what settings did you have on the ASUS?
But Telstra should be able to get the port reset whilst you are on the phone, you can then check if the ASUS resyncs
what settings did you have on the ASUS?
I had PPoE, it should have been IPoE i believe. It was my mistake.
But Telstra should be able to get the port reset whilst you are on the phone, you can then check if the ASUS resyncs
The "NBN Connection team" doesn't work on the weekend. So i have to wait till monday to do anything.
Continues here: /forum-replies.cfm?t=2557178
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