Chủ Nhật, 25 tháng 9, 2016

Federal Coalition "NBN"/MTM policy - Part 81 part 4

  • 2016-May-25, 1:49 pm
    U T C

    KingForce writes...

    NBN Co have always had the flexibility to change the proportions so that satellite could be 3% and FW be on 4% and vice versa.

    Yet you don't have figures to back that up..!

  • 2016-May-25, 1:49 pm
    this post was edited

    Dazed and Confused. writes...

    that is not what Malcolm says, he has stated on numerous occassions that the end goal IS fibre

    The goal of the NBN is not to build a fibre network. The purpose of the NBN was, apparently, to allow others to compete against Telstra and to deliver better broadband to underserved areas (mainly rural and remote Australia) at a basic wholesale price equivalent to those in the capital cities.

  • Bigger Than Dave

    KingForce writes...

    The 7% of premises on FW and satellite remains the same.

    How is that mathematically possible given that areas have gone from FTTP to satellite?

  • Dazed and Confused.

    KingForce writes...

    The goal of the NBN is not to build a fibre network. The purpose of the NBN was, apparently, tallow others to compete against Telstra and to deliver better broadband to underserved areas (mainly rural and remote Australia) at a basic wholesale price equivalent to those in the capital cities.

    words fail me as to your total misunderstanding of the original project

    You even use the word "apparently" in describing its goals, so you have no flipping idea, you are just making stuff up

  • 2016-May-25, 1:53 pm
    Queeg 500

    KingForce writes...

    The goal of the NBN is not to build a fibre network.

    What is your goal in repeatedly posting this fallacy?

  • 2016-May-25, 1:53 pm
    Mr Creosote

    KingForce writes...

    At least Fixed Wireless and Sky Muster are decent services.

    Yep. Got to give Labor big credit for that right? Turnbull didn't even want the satellites. All the connections on fixed wireless and satellite are thanks to Labors policy. The Libs added nothing new. They are taking credit for riding on the coattails of Labor though.

  • 2016-May-25, 1:54 pm
    Mr Creosote

    Queeg 500 writes...

    Turnbull has said it is.

    All around the world, the same thing is being said. They are heading in that direction with their rollout because of the obvious benefits. Its sad the Libs and their supporters are making it so hard to get there, and that it seems we now have fibre deniers as well as climate change deniers amongst their ranks. Doesn't augur well for their future.

  • 2016-May-25, 1:54 pm
    Queeg 500

    Bigger Than Dave writes...

    How is that mathematically possible given that areas have gone from FTTP to satellite?

    Anywhere from 6.5% to 7.4999999999999999% is 7% as far as KingForce's simplistic claim is concerned... if we're talking about 12 million premises that means that anything less than (or "up to" for the MTM fans) 120,000 premises can be shifted without invalidating the claim.

    Of course the fact that the satellites were designed for only about double or triple that number of customers altogether is neither here nor there...

  • 2016-May-25, 1:55 pm
    Mr Creosote

    Mark Gregory writes...

    Whilst you appear to be happy to criticize and there is nothing wrong with that if it is constructive, please take the time to let me know how you would get Australia back into the top 10 in the world for average peak download speeds before the decade ends and on the podium for leadership in the digital economy.

    I am interested in this answer as well seeing as we are supposed to believe fibre is not the end game. Hard to climb up on that podium that will be filled with countries using fibre, when we aren't supposed be building a fibre network ourselves. What magic is going to see our copper compete with fibre?

  • 2016-May-25, 1:55 pm
    Shane Eliiott

    Dazed and Confused. writes...

    You even use the word "apparently" in describing its goals, so you have no flipping idea, you are just making stuff up

    Basically we are getting trollolllold. 93% Fibre and 7% wireless as the original NBN.
    It was that simple really.


  • 2016-May-25, 1:55 pm

    Today's Department of Australia article is on point...

  • 2016-May-25, 1:55 pm

    Mark Gregory writes...

    This is what I believe ->

    Which basically accuses the government of a cover up and you infer that the police didn't do their job properly.

    Of course, the leaks added nothing substantial to the NBN debate. For example, the progress of the NBN can easily be accessed through NBN Co's website. In fact, in your interview this morning, you've admitted that NBN Co are reaching targets. You say that targets were set too low but I say they were readjusted to something more realistic.

  • 2016-May-25, 1:58 pm

    KingForce writes...

    If we were to switch back to FTTP now then NBN Co says it would take until 2026 to complete the NBN.

    Even if that were the case (and it's not, because NBN are lying about it), it's a far better idea to rollout one network that will last at least 50+ years for $50-60b than rollout an incompetent network for $50-60b that needs replacing after merely 10 years because it can't cope.

  • 2016-May-25, 1:58 pm
    Mr Creosote

    KingForce writes...

    I've never supported the NBN. I'm one of the 15% that are sceptical.

    You mean you are one of the 6% who will vote Liberal and not support an NBN.

    Ideally, the Coalition/Labor should cut back the scope of the NBN and cut government services to help pay for any losses on our investment.

    Ideally, we should ditch Turnbull MTM and forge ahead with a sensible plan to get us to a future of fibre. Labors NBN was going to provide a valuable and future-proof asset from taxpayer funds. The Libs simply will not. That is what we need to address, Liberals waste of taxpayer funds. What is their MTM policy for the next election? It look like its still copper or bust. Actually the reality is its coppers doing a bust is the best they can muster! :) Secrecy must rule the day. No problem with that though right Kingforce?

  • 2016-May-25, 1:59 pm

    KingForce writes...

    Of course

    You keep using those words. I do not think they mean, what you think they mean :P

  • 2016-May-25, 1:59 pm

    Dazed and Confused. writes...

    You even use the word "apparently" in describing its goals, so you have no flipping idea, you are just making stuff up

    It's an interpretation of the 2010 NBN Co Statement of Expectations. Yes, I know the competition and cross subsidy reasons behind the NBN sounds less sexy but that is the purpose of the NBN.

    You even use the word "apparently"

    No, I use the word "apparently" because � according to Whirlpool theory � other ISPs couldn't compete against Telstra on their own, they needed massive government intervention to do the job.

  • 2016-May-25, 2:01 pm

    I note that satellite users are having problem relating to quotas and contention. Most likely caused by Malcolm's decision to reduce fixed line access to many users who were getting FTTP with Labor's plan. This overload problem will only get worse over time.

  • 2016-May-25, 2:01 pm
  • U T C

    KingForce writes...

    For example, the progress of the NBN can easily be accessed through NBN Co's website.

    OK, so then, you should be able to find the figures for fttp, fttn , hfc, fixed wireless and satellite

  • Mr Creosote

    KingForce writes...

    She hinted that you might be too political.

    Since when has being politically biased been an issue for you?

  • 2016-May-25, 3:01 pm
    Dazed and Confused.

    Javelyn writes...

    You've done well for yourself given you illiteracy and innumeracy problems then. ;)

    Keep up the good work.

    carefull Dutton will try and revoke your visa, citizenship and just be very careful how you answer this question "did you in arrive Australia by boat"

  • 2016-May-25, 3:01 pm

    KingForce writes...

    You should have been here when Labor was in charge. The public had to wait for every four months to get official figures!

    As opposed to waiting every 4 years under the LNP?

    We havn't had anything solid, no forecasts that were accurate. Everything is just a dark secret with the MTM.

    I'm not even sure we are getting anything on the 56 billion dollars spent.

    The tax payers and Australian's deserve better.

  • 2016-May-25, 3:04 pm

    Shane Eliiott writes...

    Keep digging.

    Careful...He may dig up your fibre, if he digs far enough! ;)


    What I don't understand, is why the ALP � Should they win in July, don't just stop the FTTN rollout at whatever state it's at, in July, immediately commence FTTP/H rollout again, and once everyone is on the NBN, go back and restore the FTTN connections, to FTTP/H.

    This seems like the most sensible route to go, instead of TRYING FTTdp, or combining both the rollout of FTTP/H as well as 'fixing' FTTN simultaneously, does it not?

  • 2016-May-25, 3:04 pm

    slam writes...

    As opposed to waiting every 4 years under the LNP?

    Excuse me but you obviously haven't been to the NBN web site where you can find hundreds of useless blogs that will help you in whatever you are searching for...
    /s (I'm not being sarcastic about the useless blogs though.. they truly are useless)

  • 2016-May-25, 3:08 pm

    Sigh I can see where he's coming from, but so many points that have been debunked keep get thrown around in these "opinion" pieces.
    If only people actually studied the topic before writing opinion pieces..
    Too much to ask?

  • 2016-May-25, 3:08 pm
    Shane Eliiott

    RockyMarciano writes...

    Too much to ask?

    In today's standard of course it is.


  • SheldonE

    Dozeball writes...


    Is similar to trying fttn, it's just a shorter length of copper (less than 100m). They still need power and you're only saving on running a connection direct to the house. Seems like a waste to me.

  • gavinWA

    As the taxi driver said, �Mate this election is about food on the table and a debt-free future for the kids � not this NBN rubbish that will all be sorted anyway.�

    So a person who has a great deal to lose with the inevitable deregulation and eventual robot automation of his job has a negative opinion about the nbn. Who saw that coming?

  • 2016-May-25, 3:12 pm

    Mark Gregory writes...

    NBN on ABC 702 starting at 37:40

    Thanks for posting that Mark. It's a shame that they didn't take more callers. I note that discussion goes through to 59:00.

    Wendy Harmer: "We have so many callers really I wasn't really able to put many on in the time given ..."

    Would have been interesting to hear the concerns of more callers and the chance for those that have been influenced by the LNP FUD to have heard the rational responses that Mark provides to rebut the FUD.

  • 2016-May-25, 3:12 pm

    RockyMarciano writes...

    Seen one on a node which is a worthy fizza

    Seen a few around its hilariously funny and a genius who drew it.

    Shame they have been scrapped off. Maybe MT getting his crew to do the dirty work again.

  • 2016-May-25, 3:16 pm

    I would be more concerned about the private debt your kids will be left with because of insanely high housing and education costs. After all it is the private debt that is the greatest danger. Malcolm has no intention of dealing with the issue

  • 2016-May-25, 3:16 pm
    Mark Ch

    gavinWA writes...

    As the taxi driver said, �Mate this election is about food on the table and a debt-free future for the kids � not this NBN rubbish that will all be sorted anyway.�

    Well when you know nothing about anything ..... driving a cab is one of the few careers available.

  • 2016-May-25, 3:16 pm

    quadfan writes...

    I would be more concerned about

    I think you're in the wrong place...You want this thread, instead:


    As it says at the top of every page, in this thread:

    Discussion needs to be "NBN" related, not other politics

  • 2016-May-25, 3:16 pm
    Mark Ch

    Dozeball writes...

    Not sure whether it's true or not, but....

    IN the context it was true .... about the stuff up with the FTTN rollout in the Hunter from memory.

    By way of balance does anyone know anywhere where an FTTN rollout has gone well and resulted in happy customers?

  • 2016-May-25, 3:18 pm

    RockyMarciano writes...

    Excuse me but you obviously haven't been to the NBN web site where you can find hundreds of useless blogs that will help you in whatever you are searching for...
    /s (I'm not being sarcastic about the useless blogs though.. they truly are useless)

    What that site is still up?

    Time and time I have been fed bullshit and disappointed, I stopped visiting few months after MTM took charge. Probably no coincidence there.

  • 2016-May-25, 3:18 pm

    Mark Ch writes...

    By way of balance

    I've been trawling the NBN section of WP for a while now, and while there have been 'satisfied' comments, they're incredibly scattered, and in the majority of cases, surrounded on both sides, by people with problems and complaints.

  • 2016-May-25, 3:21 pm

    I would speculate that the people with the shortest copper run from the node to the premises have some hope of being happy for a time. This of course is the crux of the issue. The dead end nature of the MTM. There is just nowhere left for it to go.

  • 2016-May-25, 3:21 pm

    RockyMarciano writes...

    NBN web site where you can find hundreds of useless blogs

    The blogs have a purpose, just not one that most of us find useful. It's a marketing tool designed to reach the "undecided" with the "gee wiz" of nbn to convince them to connect to this nbn thing they've heard about instead of staying an mobile-only or no-Internet household.

  • 2016-May-25, 3:21 pm

    Mark Gregory writes...

    Whilst you appear to be happy to criticize and there is nothing wrong with that if it is constructive, please take the time to let me know how you would get Australia back into the top 10 in the world for average peak download speeds before the decade ends and on the podium for leadership in the digital economy.

    crickets ....

    KingForce writes...

    Fair enough. But if NBN Co should do all their work in-house then why you didn't mention the contractor model during the Wendy Harmer interview?


    Mark Gregory writes...

    And I tried to get as much as possible into the interview, there were many things that did not fit in ...

    KingForce writes...

    She hinted that you might be too political.

    Actually Wendy Harmer hinted no such thing at all � there were callers that wanted to know. Mark answered this. Unfortunately people like yourself Kingee just cannot comprehend that there might be people in Australia that want the best and most cost effective telecommunications infrastructure rolled out across Australia. Unfortunately again the NBN has been politicised by both parties. All experts agree FttP is what should be being done. Turnbull and Fifield have been deaf to this advice.

    But you obviously had enough time to mention that Malcolm Turnbull was deliberately wrecking the NBN.

    To industry experts this is simply a fact.

  • 2016-May-25, 3:21 pm

    Mark Gregory writes...

    I've argued that the HFC using DOCSIS 3.0 should be upgraded and added to the NBN as a temporary measure whilst the FTTP is rolled out everywhere else and when this is done the HFC should be decommissioned and replaced with FTTP.

    I think (hope) Labor will have a look at this. Done properly it could be a quick, cost-effective, short to medium term solution to allow the NBNCo to focus on FTTP elsewhere. If it's limited to residential areas then it probably doesn't need to deliver more than (say) 50/10.

    I've never argued that the HFC should be upgraded later, and I've argued many times that the DOCSIS 3.1 upgrade could end up costing more than anyone imagines

    Yep. The Coalition's mistake is to think HFC is a long term solution.

  • 2016-May-25, 6:48 pm
    Melbourne Skywalker

    KingForce writes...

    You should have been here when Labor was in charge. The public had to wait for every four months to get official figures!

    I had to wait 3 years to find out if and when I'd be receiving anything after being mysteriously removed from the NBN Maps (with construction due to commence status) the moment this current mob was elected. That's 3 years of silence, zip, zero, nothing! 3 years after construction was suppose to commence for the real NBN in the area under Labor!

  • 2016-May-25, 6:48 pm

    Turnbull got it right for Terry McCann's Murdoch owned businesses.
    Turnbull got it right on NBN

    failed all-fibre $100 billion-plus fantasy of Kevin Rudd and Stephen Conroy.

    Licensed to lie.

    provided the current MTM � Multi-Technology Mix of fibre, HFC (hybrid fibre coaxial), and targeted and still very effective copper � build continues, almost all of Australia and just about every Australian will be connected by 2020.

    "will". Not even the Minister or NBN would dare use the word "will" in that sentence.

    McCann "will" most likely be wrong in using that word "will".

    He obviously has on concept of "risk".

  • 2016-May-25, 7:30 pm
    Jobson Innovation Growth

    KingForce writes...

    You should have been here when Labor was in charge. The public had to wait for every four months to get official figures!

    I would have had it by now...

  • 2016-May-25, 7:30 pm

    This sort of blind irrational partisanship is a disease that seems to have infected us and the USA. Blind to all facts and intelligent argument. Blind to fairness and logic. All the setup time required for any major project is just ignored. that's why I hate elections, its all about "me" not Australia.

  • 2016-May-25, 7:40 pm

    ozziemandias writes...

    I would argue it is still the most important progress indicator.

    It depends where you are in the reporting hierarchy. The joint oversight committee just wanted to know how many premises for each technology were going to be RFS at each quarter and how many would have active services, and the actuals against those targets. They didn't care about construction commenced and neither should they imo. That's for people lower down the management chain.

    I think the biggest problem with construction commenced was that it started at such an early stage, initial design iirc. That's meaningless other than at the lower levels of management.

    What I wanted to know, and what I want to know now, is when am I going to be RFS. I don't care when you put pen to paper for initial design. Just tell me when I will be able to get a service. With Labor that was all. With the Coalition I also want to know what technology I will get.

    The weekly progress reports for example tell us nothing of the February 2016 shortfall in Final Detailed Design approvals being half of the target figure expected for that date.

    I think weekly reporting is ridiculous. Monthly forecasts for the next six months, quarterly for the twelve months after that plus two and three years out should be ok for an oversight committee. For me, just show me what I'm getting and when based on those forecasts.

  • 2016-May-25, 7:40 pm

    I hope Mr McCann does not consider himself a journalist. I would get onto the ACCC about labeling laws if that was the case. Journalist report facts and understanding behind those facts- not regurgitate Tea Party propaganda,

  • 2016-May-25, 7:42 pm

    guys i was in NBN forum with Gai brodtman mp and stephen jones mp , bill shorten will announce the nbn policy very soon

  • 2016-May-25, 7:42 pm
    Melbourne Skywalker

    quadfan writes...

    I hope Mr McCann does not consider himself a journalist

    I stopped reading the Herald Scum and their conservative influenced anti-NBN reporting long ago. McCrann is just another Murdoch conservative puppet.

  • 2016-May-25, 7:54 pm

    guys how i can see the video for senator conroy ? he spoke at 7pm on sky news !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Tonight on the show, Labor's Stephen Conroy speaks out for the first time since police raided his Melbourne office. 7pm on Sky News Australia

    this is the link :

  • 2016-May-25, 7:54 pm
    this post was edited

    Phg writes...

    McCann "will" most likely be wrong in using that word "will".

    Opps Terry McCann was the Dennis Watermann's "Minder" in the UK TV show "Minder",
    a British comedy-drama about the London criminal underworld.

    Sorry Terry McCrann.

    Edit. Sorry Dennis. Your early. Not late.

  • 2016-May-25, 7:57 pm

    CMOTDibbler writes...

    The joint oversight committee just wanted to know how many premises for each technology were going to be RFS at each quarter and how many would have active services, and the actuals against those targets.

    And as was stated, such targets in the initial stages of the rollout are so low as to be virtually meaningless. I dont know about you but I consider myself to be a part of the 'extended oversight committee'. I don't really care so much about what has been done, I am more interested in what is being done.

    I think the biggest problem with construction commenced was that it started at such an early stage, initial design iirc.

    I understand the argument but think that a detailed understanding of the construction stages renders it moot. This argument has been done. nbnTM have changed the single 'construction commenced' metric into two separate metrics, 'build prep' and 'build commenced'. This was readily understood by getting to the next level of detail in what comprised the initial 'construction commenced' metric, the various stages were clearly articulated.

    The real issue is that there is no publicly available data for either of these new metrics (that I am aware of). I understand some of this information is available to RSPs to allow them to plan for new areas coming online (I think this is where jxeeno gets his data for his superior website).

    What I wanted to know, and what I want to know now, is when am I going to be RFS.

    I agree, to a point. How is the nbn website working for you in that regard? However, I am already connected. I don't know about you, but I am still very interested in how the remainder of the rollout is progressing.

    I think weekly reporting is ridiculous.

    Weekly reporting for actuals is a single database query, automatically generated. If it isn't, someone needs to be sacked. It is the easy part of progress reporting, thats why the company is doing it. The issue is that it says very little about the stuff in progress.

    Monthly forecasts for the next six months, quarterly for the twelve months after that plus two and three years out should be ok for an oversight committee.

    I would argue it should be monthly updates for the 'construction commenced' (or 'build prep' and 'build commenced' if you prefer) and quarterly updates for the 'three year forecasts'.

    For me, just show me what I'm getting and when based on those forecasts.

    I want to know the state of the overall project (and not just because I am already connected).

  • 2016-May-25, 7:57 pm

    ozziemandias writes...

    And as was stated, such targets in the initial stages of the rollout are so low as to be virtually meaningless.

    I disagree. You plan and measure from the start. The numbers might be small but they're still important. Missing early targets could be a sign of things to come. Detect it early and fix it early.

    The real issue is that there is no publicly available data for either of these new metrics ...

    Yep. Under Labor the metric was meaningless. Under the Coalition it's not reported.

    I agree, to a point. How is the nbn website working for you in that regard?

    I meant "I" in the general not in the specific. What I think people want to know is when they will be able to connect. I have never been on the visible schedule.

    Weekly reporting for actuals is a single database query, automatically generated.

    On a project of this nature, weekly reporting to the public or a steering committee is meaningless. There are way too many fluctuations at that level. It can only misinform.

    I would argue it should be monthly updates for the 'construction commenced' (or 'build prep' and 'build commenced' if you prefer) and quarterly updates for the 'three year forecasts'.

    Monthly updates are only relevant if you have monthly targets. So, set targets and then report against them. We're not far out on the timeframes.

    I want to know the state of the overall project (and not just because I am already connected).

    As I said, I meant "I" as a random member of the public. It's what I think any member of the public wants from the NBNCo. afaik we've never had it.

  • zzzyz36

    quadfan writes...

    This sort of blind irrational partisanship is a disease

    A disease called money...he is literally a paid shill.

    I was at an economic update today and an economist was talking about how Australia debt to GDP is very low when compared to the rest of the world and we should be borrowing at record low interest rates to fund infrastructure.

    I thought of the NBN...I got sad.

  • Javelyn

    ACTfireman writes...

    guys i was in NBN forum with Gai brodtman mp and stephen jones mp , bill shorten will announce the nbn policy very soon

    Sorry ACTfireman (previous handle User 565319 I believe) if I take your posts with a grain of salt based on your track record.

  • 2016-May-25, 8:09 pm
    Tandem TrainRider

    Phg writes...

    Opps Terry McCann was the late Dennis Watermann's "Minder" in the UK TV show "Minder",

    You gave me a scare there Phg. I just googled it up and it was his Minder co-star George Cole who passed last year aged 90. Dennis Waterman is still with us, thankfully, as is MTM.

  • 2016-May-25, 8:09 pm

    Tandem TrainRider writes...

    Dennis Waterman is still with us, thankfully ...

    I didn't think I heard that Dennis had kicked the bucket either. Thanks for checking and clarifying that.

    ... thankfully, as is MTM.

    Did you actually mean that part?

  • ozziemandias

    CMOTDibbler writes...

    The numbers might be small but they're still important.

    The issue is that missing the target by a few days or a week early in such a rollout is not necessarily indicative of significant problems. It is just as likely to be indicative that the selected construction areas may have deviated to the high side of the assumed norm.

    Under Labor the metric was meaningless.

    What nonsense. By assigning a start date to each FSAM it became impossible to gloss over issues as they arose in the rollout. According to management the early issues that arose were in the design and remediation phases rather than the actual construction phase. Could this have been detected under the new regime? Of course more granularity will lead to increased clarity.

    Under the Coalition it's not reported.

    But nothing can be detected if it is not reported.

    weekly reporting to the public or a steering committee is meaningless. There are way too many fluctuations at that level. It can only misinform.

    Simply applying a rolling average to weekly fluctuations gives useful information. Actuals should be reported at the smallest reasonable frequency, as they become known.

    Monthly updates are only relevant if you have monthly targets.

    I don't agree. I think quarterly targets with monthly construction updates provides a level of granularity that will allow interested observers to track the rollout progress.

    I welcome the additional granularity nbnTM have introduced into the rollout metrics. It is sad that they don't report publicly against them.

  • CMOTDibbler

    ozziemandias writes...

    What nonsense.

    We disagree. Fair enough. I fear we're off topic. Happy to continue if we're not. I suspect we'll come back to where we are though.

  • ACTfireman
    this post was edited

    the is link for the video

  • Tandem TrainRider

    Javelyn writes...

    Did you actually mean that part?

    Had to say something to keep the post on-topic :-). But yes, I meant it: MTM is still with us, as is Dennis Waterman for which I am thankful. You can figure out which one I'm thankful for.

  • 2016-May-26, 10:54 am

    Shane Eliiott writes...

    The world is being dumbed down politically and its getting worse

    How rubbish is the future becoming


  • 2016-May-26, 10:54 am
    Dazed and Confused.

    slam writes...

    The thing is, whatever they are fishing for doesn't exist.

    I think you don't understand what they are fishing for.
    I do not think they are fishing for actual answers, just which arguments that they or others can use that need very technical or datailed answers to disprove and so most people will either not understand or will switch off to especially if it is in a verbal setting like a public meeting or a kiosk.

    You currently see Government Ministers standing there telling bald face mistruths with such conviction that people seem to believe them as facts, SoMo and Mathias the other day, they couldn't even get their claimed "black hole" of Labor policies consistent, some of it even differed to what Bishop had commented on re "foreign aid" the previous day, yet people are taken in.

    Labor Pollies do not seem to be able to have that "authority" even when telling the truth

    Fifield, Morrow and Turnabull tell huge porkies about MTM and are never challanged
    Clare, Shorten and others start to tell what appears to be facts and get interupted mid sentance, thus breaking up their response

    I think the Libs have all been hypnotised so that not only do they believe the "mistruths" are true but that they can now mesmerise anyone facing them directly, maybe interviewers need to keep their eyes closed

  • 2016-May-26, 11:08 am
    this post was edited

    Shane Eliiott writes...

    But it hurts their brain to have any logical thought.

    Slogans and mantra's all that matters and bugger any actual thought.

    The world is being dumbed down politically and its getting worse.

    And that's freaking scary as the trend of anti-intellectual elitism is growing.

    The NBN is being dumbed down to the MTM.

    How rubbish is the future becoming.

    There is a glimmer of hope, thanks to the internet. The current generation growing up are much more savy than the later generations. A lot of them seek truth and can google for answers.

    The articles on main stream media with comments allowed shows how much anger there is on the MTM. This extends to other political articles, even the one regarding the joke Bill shorten made about spend-o-meter.

    The public are seeing through the bullshit of the LNP. Its all talk and attack. NO SOUND Policies. The public may not like Bill Shorten, but they are the ones coming up with plans to provide something for this nation.

    LNP, just slogans and attack another party. Nothing of substance. Like seriously, please come up with a policy or something you intend to do if they get a second term. The LNP are so dangerous to this country, god help us if they win a second term.

  • 2016-May-26, 11:08 am
    U T C

    I find it funny that Karina is tweeting 5g broadband, whilst rolling out fttn..

  • slam

    Dazed and Confused. writes...

    Fifield, Morrow and Turnabull tell huge porkies about MTM and are never challanged
    Clare, Shorten and others start to tell what appears to be facts and get interupted mid sentance, thus breaking up their response

    This should warrant an ICAC / Royal Commission investigation.

    Because making public statements that are lies to deliberately deceive the public (tax payers that fund the project) is fraud.

    If I was running a publicly listed company on the ASX. I come out and make bold statements about meeting targets, the company is sound etc etc. But the books are all cooked, numbers are all fudged up. You would be charged with fraud and will be going to jail.

    It should be no different to the NBN, a proper audit is required each year. Just like when the ALP was running it.

  • U T C

    Herald Sun columnist McCrann gets key facts wrong in NBN attack
    By Renai LeMay � 26/05/2016

    news Herald Sun columnist Terry McCrann has published an article praising Malcolm Turnbull�s stewardship of the NBN project as his �greatest and unqualified achievement in Government�, but has based his argument on a number of inaccurate statements regarding the project.

    itching the NBN�s model away from Labor�s FTTP approach and to a �Multi-Technology Mix� model which re-uses the copper and HFC cable networks owned by Telstra and Optus, Turnbull has been able to successfully reform the project.

    However, the columnist appears to have made a number of basic factual errors in his article.

    The most glaring problem is that McCrann appears to attribute much of the progress which the NBN rollout has made over the past two and a half years since the Coalition has been in power to Turnbull�s NBN strategy, noting that the NBN announced this week that it has about a million customers, compared to about 100,000 when the Coalition took power.

    However, the columnist does not appear to have informed readers that the vast majority of those customers are connected to Labor�s original FTTP model. The Coalition has made little progress so far connecting customers to its MTM technologies.

    there's more.. read on..

  • 2016-May-26, 11:19 am

    People like McCrann, Bolt would never let facts get in the way of a big lie (by definition)

  • 2016-May-26, 11:19 am

    U T C writes...

    Herald Sun columnist McCrann gets key facts wrong in NBN attack
    By Renai LeMay � 26/05/2016

    The common thread here is that we see News Limited pushed article after article slamming the Labor NBN and making fake claims about how good the Liberal one is. And we are going to see more. Wait until Labor releases their policies and how it looks then.

  • 2016-May-26, 11:28 am
    U T C

    KernelPanic writes...

    The common thread here is that we see News Limited pushed article after article slamming the Labor NBN

    We really need to shake up media moguls in this country. They have far too much power and influence.

  • 2016-May-26, 11:28 am

    Hopefully only to the converted they are preaching to.

  • 2016-May-26, 11:40 am

    On ABC�s Q&A this week, Christopher Pyne said the Coalition�s multi-technology NBN was fast enough for households to watch �five movies simultaneously�. Disregarding the irony of an innovation minister apparently missing the point of the national broadband network, the position is optimistic at best. Here�s why.

    Read on

  • 2016-May-26, 11:40 am

    Why are Turnbull, Fifield and Morrow hiding NBN's problems from public scrutiny and why is the Coalition hell bent on �demolishing� this nation�s future as a leader in the digital economy?

  • 2016-May-26, 11:44 am

    In order for the coalition to be so hell-bent on this MTM nonsense, there HAS TO BE some kind of dark, shadowy presence, lurking in the deepest recesses of the LNP, who has far more than just a 'vested interest' in the inevitable failure of the NBN.

    I mean, in all seriousness: Malcolm Turnbull is not a technological idjit � He knows full well that relying on copper, is beyond pathetic, but keeps touting it, as if someone had a gun to his dog.

    There has to be someone or something, pulling his strings, and I don't think it's Chris Pyne � He IS a technological idjit!!

  • 2016-May-26, 11:44 am

    Can we please have a rethink of the NBN soon after the election?

    I will be the first to accept that with any new system there are teething problems, but, talking to the councils in the affected areas, none of them are happy. And they are all becoming increasingly confused about the NBN as a whole.

  • 2016-May-26, 11:50 am

    RockyMarciano writes...

    This is one I'd like to see talked about ...
    It is highly unlikely that the NBN company of itself will ever be able to provide the return on investment the government had hoped for, so let�s face reality, write off at least a large part of it, ...

    There is no reason, other than privatisation, the NBNCo needs to make any return on investment to government. The government can get a return many times over from using a FTTP NBN to deliver services and from the GDP growth that will inevitably occur. That should be enough. They're happy with that approach for roads, why not the NBN?

    Drop the need for the NBNCo to deliver a return directly and the NBNCo can reduce or even scrap CVC charges. That would take the artificial handbrake off FTTP and even more indirect benefits would flow.

    The problem is the Coalition. They won't entertain the idea in government and in opposition they and their MTM backers would do everything they could to make it difficult for Labor. I very, very rarely wish ill on anyone but the world will be a better place when Rupert Murdoch departs.

  • 2016-May-26, 11:50 am

    U T C writes...

    I find it funny that Karina is tweeting 5g broadband, whilst rolling out fttn..

    So who is she working for?? Can't be NBN Co as they specifically do not do mobiles.

    Is she now looking for a job back with Telstra or maybe Vodaphone...after the leaked docs raid debacle...

  • 2016-May-26, 12:03 pm

    Lol, everyone who has a node near them should redecorate them like this!!!

  • 2016-May-26, 12:03 pm

    dJOS writes...

    Lol, everyone who has a node near them should redecorate them like this!!!

    What aaaaaa fiizzzzaaaaaa

  • 2016-May-26, 12:05 pm

    It�s time for Mr Joyce to show some fibre and step up to explain to the people of the New England electorate where the rollout of the NBN is at and why it has stalled,� Mr Windsor said.

  • 2016-May-26, 12:05 pm

    We really need to shake up media moguls in this country. They have far too much power and influence.

    And yet we see Fifield and the LNP wanting to remove media ownership laws. Its utterly disgraceful. The media bias in this country is so right wing its crazy. The ABC with Leigh sales pandering like a little school girl to Turnbulls evey lie allowing him to say pretty much whatever he likes uncontested, and yet when shorten is on, when he tries to answer a question, she is straight down his throat so that he barely even gets a chance to respond, and cuts him off on every answer. Its crazy. How is Terry McCrans rubbish opinion piece even allowed in print, let alone any media? its disgraceful. We need an ICAC into the media in oz.

  • Shane Eliiott

    erfman writes...

    With NBN in particular it is not the cost to build that matters, it is the cost of not building the right network NOW!!

    +100000 precisely.
    MTM is a Monumental Terrible Mistake.

    And businesses home or not is going to suffer the fate of the reliability issues from the MTM.
    A great way to hurt profits to any kind of business who rely's on the internet.

    Who supports the MTM does not support the digital economy and local businesses who rely on fast and reliable internet.

    No wonder its heavily labeled as fraudband.

    But I am also preaching to the choir apart from the MTM shills.

  • Jobson Innovation Growth

    Shane Eliiott writes...

    MTM shills.

    Who still haven't acknowledged the cost and time blow outs.

    The LNP promised 29.5 billion for 25mbs by 2016 � it's been linked to before and I'll do it again:

    Our goal is for every household and business to have access to broadband with a download data rate of between 25 and 100 megabits per second by late 2016 and between 50 and 100 megabits per second by 2019. Downloads average less than five megabits per second at present.

    Required funding $29.5 billion

    This is the promise and they can't possibly live up to it.

    What do the LNP supporters think about this � I see them blaming the ALP and yet they haven't even acknowledge that the now pm royally screwed the country.

  • 2016-May-27, 8:23 am

    21CDUN writes...

    Our goal is for every household and business to have access to broadband with a download data rate of between 25 and 100 megabits per second by late 2016 and between 50 and 100 megabits per second by 2019. Downloads average less than five megabits per second at present.

    Required funding $29.5 billion

    Malcolm Turnbull the useless oxygen thief fizzy scumbag lowered the targets and still missed.

    Now its up-to-25mbits to all by 2016 (4 drop outs need not matter, its working fine), and 56 billion dollars in the red.

  • 2016-May-27, 8:23 am

    DangerousDanMcGrew writes...

    I too say we don't waste money on fibre that will sit in the ground for the next 60 years without needing to be touched;
    Fibre will be used extensivly in all areas. The life of fibre networks is in the range of 60 yrs, but the demand outstrips the capabilities, and the networks are abandoned in place.
    This is what should have happened with the copper network.

    rather we invest less money into FTTN and HFC which will be replaced with fibre anyway in 10-15 years?
    1. Investing money in FTTN has proven not to be an investment. It will not return a profit before it is required to be replaced. When Labour and Nats suggested a FTTN network, that was in the last years of viability of this type of network, which would have an operational life of ~10 yrs.
    2. The Govt has stated there are no upgrades planned. With FTTN, an 'upgrade' is a replacement of the entire network. With HFC, there are some (expensive) upgrades available, but an FTTP upgrade is also a complete replacement of the network. ie Rebuild the NBN.
    3. FTTP has already been shown to be profitable and improve the economy.

    4. IF there is a 'clean' network port in every home, services that do not even exist now (and those that depend on dialup) can be developed nation wide. These services do not exist now, and often cannot be envisioned.

    For a company to push them now would be like staffing a ski lift in summer. No business, and few could imagine the transformation comming.

    The question is not can we afford FTTP now, but can the economy stand not installing it.

    According to LNP, it is just an enetertainment network. This has been repeated by many ministers now, including our 'Science and Innovation' minister. This clearly demonstrates that lack of vision.

    Labour have said that NBN is a network over which improved services can be delivered.

    Clearly shows the difference in the ability to see beyond the next election.

  • 2016-May-27, 8:30 am

    21CDUN writes...

    Who still haven't acknowledged the cost and time blow outs.

    The LNP promised 29.5 billion for 25mbs by 2016 � it's been linked to before and I'll do it again:

    Fifield has stated that it is on time and under budget.

    And he said it with a straight face!. It was an Oscar winning performance.

  • 2016-May-27, 8:30 am
  • 2016-May-27, 9:31 am
    Dazed and Confused.

    Magus writes...

    Fifield has stated that it is on time and under budget.

    And he said it with a straight face!. It was an Oscar winning performance.

    the promise was actually "by the end of our first term" according to Tony's speech
    their first term is over, they are only in "caretaker mode"


  • 2016-May-27, 9:31 am

    RockyMarciano writes...

    4ever fraudband

    Thanks. Great article.

  • 2016-May-27, 9:39 am

    interesting liberal voters support it even more!! dont tell GMZ or kingy though

  • 2016-May-27, 9:39 am

    RockyMarciano writes...


    A missed opportunity for someone to publicly remind Nash of that coinage while Malcolm was on stage.

  • 2016-May-27, 9:45 am

    Magus writes...

    According to LNP, it is just an enetertainment network. This has been repeated by many ministers now, including our 'Science and Innovation' minister. This clearly demonstrates that lack of vision.

    True, but they have to push the lowest common denominator capability because that justifies their MTM build . If they fool everyone that is all that is needed then they did it right � winners!! What fools!!

  • 2016-May-27, 9:45 am

    jakeyg writes...

    interesting liberal voters support it even more!! dont tell GMZ or kingy though

    The question ...
    "Based on what you've heard, do you support or oppose the National Broadband Network (NBN), and will it influence your vote at the upcoming federal election?"
    ... allows people who support the MTM version of the NBN to answer "yes". Pretty meaningless really imo.

  • 2016-May-27, 9:48 am

    Magus writes...

    Fifield has stated that it is on time and under budget.

    And he said it with a straight face!. It was an Oscar winning performance.

    And Telstra said they are $3B short on the Turnbull's renegotiated Agreement because of the FTTN MTM delay to start and the failure to launch where they have started. So how can the MTM build possibly be on time and on budget? Fifield and Turnbull are simply telling lies.

    Not only are there major problems getting customers connected (lost revenue and unnecessary costs) the network performance is poor and unreliable with customers claiming they would have been better off staying with ADSL. Onlookers are declining to connect at all less select a higher level plan so less revenue again.

    Customers are also recognising they have to pay for 100/50 to get even half that speed and are left feeling ripped of (quite rightly) as FTTP customers who pay for 100/40 get pretty much what they pay for.

  • 2016-May-27, 9:48 am
    Swift1 Only By Fibre

    CMOTDibbler writes...

    MTM version of the NBN to answer "yes". Pretty meaningless really imo.

    The meaning of NBN has been hijacked by The Liberals Fraudband Branding There is no national left in it, there is no Broad left in it (just a dribble of bytes And it is not a network any more, it's just a collection of cobbled together bits and pieces. that maybe work some of the time every 24 hours.

  • 2016-May-27, 10:11 am
    Mark Gregory

    If you live in Melbourne you might find this interesting

  • 2016-May-27, 10:11 am

    RockyMarciano writes...,9034

    4ever fraudband

    NBN costs have blown out to $56 billion. Turnbull�s NBN has taken twice as long and double the cost to deliver half the speed promised. Yet, as the AFP raid last week makes clear, or its inspection of Peter Young's phone records, the Turnbull government is quick to invoke national security law to deal with the political embarrassment of being held accountable.

    If the neoliberal Liberal Prime Minister's visit to Corangamite will do little to assuage voters' real concerns, let alone ease their suffering, his NBN and his government's approach to whistle-blowers will do even less for their peace of mind.

    Does one deduce Mr Young is the whistleblower? Not seen that on the NBN Raid thread as yet....

    Wonder if Mr Turnbull and Mr Fifield will face similar scrutiny as to why their nbn MTM is "...taking twice as long, double the cost and delivering half the speed promised..."

  • 2016-May-27, 10:45 am

    Spot on as someone said earlier (sorry cannot find the post).
    Because private spending on Australia's telecoms is so fantastic...

    Of those 499, it added, 416 towers �are in Liberal and Nationals� electorates�.


  • 2016-May-27, 10:45 am

    jakeyg writes...

    There is no differentiation between NBN and nbn MTM in that poll as far as I can see, so before Kingy and Zealot get started with the "nbn" in the url there they should contain their mis-placed excitement and spare us all the usual carry on.

  • 2016-May-27, 11:07 am
    Tandem TrainRider

    erfman writes...

    Does one deduce Mr Young is the whistleblower?

    No, at least not with regard to NBN. Dr Young spoke publicly about another matter:

  • 2016-May-27, 11:07 am

    Mark Gregory writes...

    Thanks Mark. Looks like it will be very interesting. Will be interesting if any media outlet bothers to attend...any online access to it, live or otherwise? Should be video recorded at least for distribution somehow.

    Must say it must be absolutely painful for Quigley to watch the disaster evolving, particularly with current MTM rollout failures knowing what could have been.

  • 2016-May-27, 5:04 pm

    21CDUN writes...

    The issue is that the LNP will not own up to theirs.

    The LNP set the mistakes in concrete when they privatised Telstra.

    Howard was rolling in money but what could he do once he'd flogged off Telstra? He sure as hell wasn't going to overbuild their network or buy it back. He couldn't (and didn't) allow Telstra to roll out FTTN and raise retail prices and kill competition completely. He well and truly painted us into a corner.

    For all the things I've said about Conroy, his NBNCo and FTTP was a real game changer. The Coalition would never have had the cojones to do it. They still haven't.

  • 2016-May-27, 5:04 pm

    Election 2016: iSentia analysis shows NBN raids, asylum seekers and leadership dominated the media

    Thanks Mal/Fifield!

  • 2016-May-27, 5:10 pm

    erfman writes...

    This clearly explains why Abbott failed and now Turnbull � votes first=handouts, and real, valuable, productive infrastructure like NBN which take more than one electoral cycle are incidental...unless its roads you can pork barrel with......

    In hindsight it's so obvious now. In 1996, Howard and his Comm Minister Coonan were not the visionaries that were needed to appreciate the potential. Besides they probably had the puppet master keen on protecting the HFC being rolled out.

  • 2016-May-27, 5:10 pm

    Australia has been, and continues to be, a cash cow to be milked for all it's worth. These monied interests spend big on a certain party to ensure that Australia continues to be held in this place.

    It's appalling, but not surprising, to me that politicians [and others behind the scenes] have insufficient pride in Australia to rise above this kind of sycophancy.

    This is demonstrated in the utter determination to keep Australia locked out of a viable and modern comms system so that the legacy system can continue to be squeezed of every drop of money it can yield. What we've seen is not stumbling and bumbling around, but a vicious campaign to ensure that profits come ahead of national benefits.

  • 2016-May-27, 5:11 pm

    I've "leaked" a post far below from Delimiter that is the sort of thing that the Federal Oppositions should be hammering both the Federal Government and NBN Co on for allowing this to happen and attacking back at the crap that is being published about the speed tier take-up.

    Shorten has got some some guts and demonstrated leadership skills to call Trump "barking mad". So how come he and his team keep on wimping out on full frontal attacks on some of the "barking mad" NBN/MTM/Broadband opinions in the media?

    Likewise with Renai LeMay's
    the columnist appears to have made a number of basic factual errors in his article.
    is again a wimpish response to this fellow Journalist's particular opinion.

    It's though there is an unwritten rule to go easy on fellow/competitor so called media writers/columnists/journalists, and only Politician's are fair game. "Journalists" going too easy on each other smacks of self censorship.

    A commenter on Delimiter writes
    I have a response to Terry MCcrann, Matthew and anyone else who trots out that crap about people who choose lower speeds.

    I am in a FTTP area from leftover Labor contracts. Yesterday I went to the Telstra business centre to discuss a time for the box to be put on the inside of my house. I had already looked in the Telstra docs and NOT ONE MENTION ABOUT SPEEDS. Then the guy at the centre DID NOT WANT TO GIVE ME A SPEED EITHER. I pressed him � I said which speed am I on? He was like a fortune cookie. He said you get twice what you have now. No, I said, give me a choice of speeds. �I can�t guarantee a speed�. Blah blah.

    In other words, ISPs in Australia do everything possible, fair or foul, to leave you with the lowest speed option because they know that they are overselling. This is the real world. This is how it works. I know because I saw it happen yesterday when I spoke to a Telstra official. Matthew, McCrann et al have no bloody idea what the hell they are talking about.

  • 2016-May-27, 5:11 pm
    this post was edited

    Phg writes...

    Shorten has got some some guts and demonstrated leadership skills to call Trump "barking mad".

    On the contrary, this says to me that Shorten is a part of the system that wants to keep things as they are.

    This sort of anti-Trump rhetoric has been said by all sorts of people around the word who want to maintain an elitist oligarchy. The media runs with it too. With Shorten also saying this, it ties in very well with the Wikileak's report from Snowden some years ago about Shorten. And no, I don't support Trump, but I have been watching the FUD issued about him for many months in the US.

  • CMOTDibbler

    Phg writes...

    Shorten has got some some guts and demonstrated leadership skills to call Trump "barking mad".

    This is the bloody useless MSM again. Shorten didn't call Trump "barking mad". He said some of Trump's ideas are "barking mad". The idea Trump can get Mexico to pay for a wall along their US border is clearly "barking mad". Shorten is right.

    A commenter on Delimiter writes ... etc

    Are there any statistics from non-Telstra RSPs that show the breakdown for their customers? That would allow us to see if and by how much Telstra is skewing the numbers.

  • Queeg 500

    CMOTDibbler writes...

    Are there any statistics from non-Telstra RSPs that show the breakdown for their customers?

    Someone here has extracted them by subtracting the Telstra stats from the overall stats � it's probably posted in /forum-replies.cfm?t=2519852.

  • trial by power

    This is exactly what I tell people who think john was a good pm.

    All he did was flog off government assets and hand out cash to keep him in power instead of investing much needed money into needed upgrades.

    My uncle lives around Exeter and since about 1998 (About the time Telstra was getting flogged off to the private sector) there has been fibre optics in the ground because at the time, telstra was upgrading to fibre optics, but than John came in with a wrecking ball and that all ended than Telstra built an adsl exchange down the road a few years later.

    If John didn't flog off telstra, we could have been nearly entirely fibre optic by now,, but nope, John had other ideas and now we're all stuck in this mess.

  • Phg
  • Phg
    this post was edited

    Double trouble for the real-life experiences of the Federal Coalition's MTM policy for a new FTTN customer over in a sister NBN thread tonight. 100m from the node on the 100/40 speed tier and reporting worse than ADSL2+ download speeds during peak hour tonight.

    now that i am home again my speedtests is coming in at 11.95mb download and 33.34mb upload. really dont know how it can go from so good to so bad :/ like worse than my adsl that i had which was 15mb downloads. anyone here having some issues with iinet or any suggestions for me to sort this? i am only 100m from the node the house is only 6years old....

  • Phg

    Over in the NBN Campbelltown (NSW) thread the locals are scratching their head at the alleged fantastic design skills of NBN Co and wondering how the Federal Coalition could be spending so many $B on their nbn and still be dicking around with getting the right amount of backhaul to alive RFS areas.

    According to iinet the whole of 2CBT is congested and there is no more cvc available. They are waiting on nbn to lay more fibre backhaul to 2CBT so it may be a long wait.

  • 2016-May-27, 6:23 pm
    this post was edited

    CMOTDibbler writes...

    Are there any statistics from non-Telstra RSPs that show the breakdown for their customers? That would allow us to see if and by how much Telstra is skewing the numbers.

    The NBN Wholesale Market Indicators Report gives the AVC breakdown as of 31/03/2016, through a number of categories.

    While it is limited to the top 4 in each category with position 5 being "Other Access Seekers" it is detailed enough to highlight Telstras effect on the overall numbers.

    EDIT: + 2nd edit to correct values
    % Breakdown per download AVC for all providers, then � (All providers excluding Telstra in brackets) � Telstra Only

    • 12 = 30.8 � (36.7) � 24.8
    • 25 = 52.0 � (40.6) � 63.8
    • 50 = 4.1 � (5.5) � 2.6
    • 100 = 13.1 � (17.2) � 8.9
    • 250 = 0.0044 � (0.0076) � 0.0011
    • 500 = 0.0003 � (0.0006) � 0
    • 1000 = 0.0024 � (0.0037) � 0.0011
  • 2016-May-27, 6:23 pm

    Phg writes...

    and reporting worse than ADSL2+ download speeds

    Malcolm called... He said you need to sprinkle more magic dust on your modem. Or RTFM, or something...


    This is why we have stories about the tortoise and the hare in kindergarten, so we know to do things properly at a constant rate, and not rush out half-baked rubbish and stop to pat yourself on the back every 5 min's over how clever and fast you are.

  • 2016-May-27, 6:32 pm

    Kingforce et al take note.

    "There was criticism of the raids but it quickly just brought the issue of the NBN back up, timed with the Telstra outages that fed into it a bit," he said.
    "It was clearly a negative for the government."

    ClaudeKrowe writes...

    If it (nbn) wasn't an election issue 60 hours ago, IT SURE IS NOW!!

    The Australian Federal Police investigation of leaks on the progress of the National Broadband Network led to a surge in mentions about the NBN, making it the biggest issue of the week.

    The raids, of the Melbourne office of former communications minister Stephen Conroy and the home of a Labor staffer, were greeted with outrage by Labor.

    The publicity did greater damage to the government, according to iSentia group communications manager Patrick Baume.

    "There was criticism of the raids but it quickly just brought the issue of the NBN back up, timed with the Telstra outages that fed into it a bit," he said.
    "It was clearly a negative for the government."

  • 2016-May-27, 6:32 pm

    Phg writes...

    If it (nbn) wasn't an election issue 60 hours ago, IT SURE IS NOW!!

    I note the Treasurer's debate at Press Club today Bowen in his opening speech section mentioned NBN first in a list of key issues.... He did an excellent job I might add.

    Had to laugh heaps when Morrison after continually interjecting Bowen answers etc copped some back and said "... I wouldn't interrupt you..." or words to that effect. 'Mr Bullyman' can't help himself..... he continued to do it...

  • 2016-May-27, 6:39 pm

    ozziemandias writes...

    While it is limited to the top 4 in each category with position 5 being "Other Access Seekers" it is detailed enough to highlight Telstras effect on the overall numbers.

    Thanks. Not overly distorting imo.

  • 2016-May-27, 6:39 pm

    CMOTDibbler writes...

    Not overly distorting imo.

    Had some incorrect percentages � now fixed.

    Not sure I agree with your conclusion.

  • 2016-May-27, 9:56 pm

    ozziemandias writes...

    Not sure I agree with your conclusion

    I'm not that fussed whether the 50+Mbps is 17% or 22.5%. It's all much of a muchness, possibly cancelled out by the 12% boost to 25Mbps.

  • 2016-May-27, 9:56 pm

    ozziemandias writes...

    Had some incorrect percentages � now fixed.

    Telstra at their last report said that 20% of their FTTP subscribers were on phone-only (I assume that means 12/1)

  • 2016-May-27, 9:58 pm

    erfman writes...

    1st is he got us out of debt + sold Telstra usual LNP way out of trouble....
    Selling Telstra is why they got out debt, that's still only 1. I've had some guy say "some guy on TV told me his he was good" LOL

  • 2016-May-27, 9:58 pm

    Viditor writes...

    Telstra at their last report said that 20% of their FTTP subscribers were on phone-only (I assume that means 12/1)

    I am not sure if the Telstra numbers include 'Belong' (a subsidiary as I understand it who offer 12/1).

    The numbers I have stated are my calculations from the linked data (as of 31/03/2016). I think they are correct now (I could be wrong and have been before)

    The situation is still pretty fluid although as the rollout progresses the variation in the numbers should diminish.

  • Zerophitus

    Viditor writes...

    Telstra at their last report said that 20% of their FTTP subscribers were on phone-only (I assume that means 12/1)

    They're probably older folk who don't use the internet and have, like it or not, been forced to upgrade to the NBN infrastructure. Meanwhile it's pretty clear that both the LNP and ALP parties are now obviously set on the continuation of the now inferior MTM roll out.

  • delphi19

    Zerophitus writes...

    Meanwhile it's pretty clear that both the LNP and ALP parties are now obviously set on the continuation of the now inferior MTM roll out.


    NBN: Stop the nodes, Clare says
    FTTN rollout should be stopped in favour of FTTdp or FTTP, Labor�s broadband spokesperson says

  • 2016-May-27, 10:19 pm
    little steve

    CMOTDibbler writes...

    Not overly distorting imo

    My analysis does indicate that they are, at least to some extent distorting the distribution. When comparing the groupings of 12/1+25/5 to 50/20+100/40 Telstra have 52% of the market for the first group, but only 32.5% of the second group with Optus and TPG taking up most of the proportional difference. When comparing within each of the respective companies own groups, with the exception of M2, the others are around the 20-25% mark. Telstra and M2 are in the same range as each other in this one, with M2 having the least amount of its subscribers on the highest plans, at just 9.5% of their subscribers, while Telstra isn't doing much better at 11.4%.
    M2 doesn't surprise me as their main target is the cheap market of people who don't actually want to pay for internet. The big surprise in this specific comparison is that 25% of Optus customers are on 50/20 or 100/40. I didn't bother running the analysis on plans above 100/40 because 65 subscribers in 941,235 subscribers is statistically insignificant, working at 2 decimal places they are literally rounding error.

  • 2016-May-27, 10:19 pm
    little steve

    ozziemandias writes...

    I am not sure if the Telstra numbers include 'Belong' (a subsidiary as I understand it who offer 12/1).

    On the first part that is a good question. While they are a subsidiary they have done a great deal to keep them separate, to the point that with ADSL they don't buy direct from Telstra Wholesale but rather Telco-in-a-box. Not quite sure what their arrangement is for the NBN, and where they get counted. As for the second part yep, they do offer 12/1 as a base.

    On the note of subsidiaries being included in the title group, are the wholesalers grouped in. The top 3 all have wholesale divisions which on-sell NBN services. This is going to have an effect on their own numbers when a given group doesn't necessarily sell a plan level directly through their retail arms. I know its a long shot to even bother asking for, but I do wonder if it would be possible to get disaggregated figures between retail and wholesale arms

  • 2016-May-27, 10:19 pm

    CMOTDibbler writes...

    It's all much of a muchness, possibly cancelled out by the 12% boost to 25Mbps

    I understand the position in terms of ARPU but it does show there is a counter factual to be presented to the 83% are choosing speeds of 25 or less claim.

    There are other aspects to consider on the figures that report presents.

    The overall FttN percentages on (up to) 100 speeds are less than half those on FttP (7.4% to 15.1%). While the total numbers are relatively small, and there has not been any compulsory cutovers, the trend is in direct contrast to that of early FttP areas, where there were high early adoption rates for 100 services.

    These high numbers have since declined as late adopters and phone only services have been added at cutover.

    It would be reasonable to assume similar trends will materialise in the FttN footprint, but will be skewed lower due to some users being unable to access the speeds they are willing to pay for due to distance/copper condition.

    Telstras share of the (albeit small) FttN footprint is also significantly higher than the FttP market (58.4% to 47.4%)

    The elephant is still in the room, and its not going anywhere.

  • 2016-May-27, 10:19 pm
  • 2016-May-27, 10:25 pm

    ozziemandias writes...

    Telstras share of the (albeit small) FttN footprint is also significantly higher than the FttP market (58.4% to 47.4%)

    That may well be what Telstra was aiming for...lots of existing phone/internet customers just translating across out of sheer ignorance of opportunities for change to something better.

  • 2016-May-27, 10:25 pm

    Whether its crappy steel from China or crappy Executives from the US � why oh why are we so against our own people. Why are so in love with junk from overseas. Reflects very poorly our character. You would think Telstra would have learnt from Sol

  • 2016-May-27, 10:30 pm

    delphi19 writes...

    NBN: Stop the nodes, Clare says...

    Great if it came to fruition, but unfortunately Clare is a voice in the political wilderness. Now if it was Shorten who said this, and kept to his word, we might have a chance of a modern comms roll out.

  • 2016-May-27, 10:30 pm
    Queeg 500
  • 2016-May-27, 10:40 pm
    U T C

    Queeg 500 writes...

    You were saying?

    Lol. Touch�

  • 2016-May-27, 10:40 pm

    Queeg 500 writes...

    You were saying?

    Cough, the article does say "Fighting words from Shorten, but I wouldn�t read too much into them. I�ll be waiting to see the fine print on Labor�s NBN policy before counting this as a victory."

    A lot of conjecture, but certainly no guarantee or promise of a return to be it LNP or ALP, it's odds on that we remain firmly positioned behind the proverbial 8-ball.

  • 2016-May-27, 10:43 pm

    Zerophitus writes...

    A lot of conjecture, but certainly no guarantee or promise of a return to be it LNP or ALP, it's odds on that we remain firmly positioned behind the proverbial 8-ball.

    The problem here is, Renais right, we can't exactly go straight to a full on fibre rollout. The next best thing is FttDP which the Liberal party is already trying to make it seem like a bad thing claiming crap on it, all because they didnt want to give up the FTTN ideology last year when they knew it was the better technology

  • 2016-May-27, 10:43 pm

    erfman writes...

    That may well be what Telstra was aiming for...lots of existing phone/internet customers just translating across out of sheer ignorance of opportunities for change to something better.

    I would say that is exactly what Telstra is aiming for.

    My understanding of the challenges posed by the CVC charges is that high speed, high bandwidth customers cost more to service.

    It is in Telstras interest to sign up as many users as possible on lower speed, lower bandwidth plans. It is precisely this factor, combined with their market presence that gives them such an advantage in the market.

    The transition from a supply constrained market to one that is demand driven is more likely than not to favour the dominant incumbent.

  • 2016-May-27, 10:54 pm

    Majorfoley writes...

    The problem here is, Renais right, we can't exactly go straight to a full on fibre rollout. The next best thing is FttDP which the Liberal party is already trying to make it seem like a bad thing claiming crap on it, all because they didnt want to give up the FTTN ideology last year when they knew it was the better technology

    Why not? There's no reason that we can't transition back to FTTP. Obviously some FTTN areas would have to be completed in the transition time and then replaced with proper fibre once the rest of the rollout is completed.

    FTTdp is nice in that it has an actual upgrade path to proper fibre and that it's a bit better speed-wise than FTTN, but I still can't work out why so many people support it. Over the medium to long term (factoring upgrades) it will cost more and be money wasted over just going back to FTTP... The only conclusion I can think of is that people think it's more politically correct to use the old degrading copper in some way, but that's a bad reason to make that kind of decision.

    With FTTdp you're always going to have reliability problems here and there because of the weakest link (the copper), which means higher operational expenditure due to remediation. Your LN is the same as the GPON network, but then you have active electronics in the pit, which is much more difficult to access for maintenance (more opex again). Further, I'm not convinced that there are currently micro-nodes on the market that you could share between a couple of houses that would be cheaper than just running the fibre tails...

    But the main problem to remember is that rolling out FTTdp would first require just as many trials, etc. as FTTN needed. We can't spend another two years faffing about before we start rolling out a better technology than FTTN! Whereas we know that a cheaper solution to rolling out FTTP has already been trialled and we could start rolling that out in all new areas pretty much immediately (adding in some design time).

  • 2016-May-27, 10:54 pm
    Queeg 500

    Zerophitus writes...

    Cough, the article does say

    You're not confusing Renai's opinion for fact are you?

    no guarantee or promise of a return to fibre.

    You must be reading a different article, or just filtering it through your conservative spectacles.

  • 2016-May-28, 11:53 am

    kitykatz writes...

    When I read this bit: "They cannot give voice to their preferred ideology by passing on stolen documents.", I thought, "And you can't give voice to your preferred ideology by bad-mouthing whistleblowers.

    And I thought about the 'Yes Minister' sketch on information leaks.

    That's one of those irregular verbs, isn't it? I give confidential project progress briefings. You whistleblow. He has been charged under section 2a of the Official Secrets Act.

  • 2016-May-28, 11:53 am

    I've heard that NBN are going to be using the Telstra cable network where available. My homes only option for high speed internet is Telstra cable, is there an ETA on NBN roll out on the Telstra cable network?

  • 2016-May-28, 12:04 pm

    Petronas writes...

    is there an ETA on NBN roll out on the Telstra cable network?

    Unless you are on the rollout plan. No.

  • 2016-May-28, 12:04 pm

    Psydonk writes...

    - Contrarian for the sake of being contrarian.

    Is it? Or is it at the bequest of News Limited? Murdoch and his media is a powerful ally � and he stands to lose the most from a properly functional nbn. The MTM policy was even launched at Fox Studios.

  • 2016-May-28, 12:18 pm

    Petronas writes...

    is there an ETA on NBN roll out on the Telstra cable network?

    There are zero premises connected to NBN on Telstra cable today, the product launch is due in a couple of weeks.

    They have been very quiet on any trials, the only one that I'm aware they publicised was an Optus area back in Feb.

  • 2016-May-28, 12:18 pm

    The data shows, its a lie that FTTN is faster to roll out than FTTP.

  • 2016-May-28, 12:21 pm

    Dazed and Confused. writes...

    And surely Sen Conroy would have copies of Docs from when he was Minister in Charge showing the costing of a single and multiport NTD.

    We can pretty much calculate that now, essentially it is the difference in priced of a four way RJ45 socket with integrated magnetics vs a 1 way RJ45 socket with integrated magnetics. I say this after eyeballing the PCB and the nature of the modular design.

    The great thing about the multi port NTD is that the additional ports are available to everyone, including those that think they don't need them when first installing.Even for a dedicated medical monitorng service,

    That makes them available to employers that want to put in a secure service for an employee, for new "cable company" that wants to use a dedicated port for their STB.

    Even for a dedicated medical monitoring service after someone's health take a turn after they got their NBN installed.

    The four port NTD provides "Ubiquity x4".

    It is similar to the higher speed AVCs, you only need a small proportion of take up to lift ARPU above the incremental costs. And that is before the unexpected applications we couldn't have anticipated.

  • 2016-May-28, 12:21 pm

    Xenocaust writes...

    There are zero premises connected to NBN on Telstra cable today, the product launch is due in a couple of weeks.

    I would love to know how the NBNCo has managed to achieve so little with HFC.

    KernelPanic writes...

    The data shows, its a lie that FTTN is faster to roll out than FTTP.

    But common sense says it should be. There's much less labour involved. How has the NBNCo managed to make FTTN take so long?

    What are all those people doing?

  • 2016-May-28, 12:21 pm

    Xenocaust writes...

    There are zero premises connected to NBN on Telstra cable today, the product launch is due in a couple of weeks.

    So they are launching some sort of media release on the plans for NBN on Telstra cable in a few weeks?

    Fingers crossed I can get NBN in less than a year.

  • 2016-May-28, 12:21 pm
    Swift1 Only By Fibre

    Petronas writes...

    I can get NBN in less than a year.

    The hijacked copper fraudband nbn snail-speed non-broadband or the original NBN fibre high-speed broadband ?

  • 2016-May-28, 12:28 pm

    CMOTDibbler writes...

    The question that should be asked is "why is Telstra not pushing 100Mbps?".

    The sooner NBN Co fails to achieve ROI of 2.5% the sooner the probability for Telstra to be handed over the entrails of NBN/nbn, like so many other matters NBN and now eHealth it seems. Part of the original failure/destruction plan and the ideological myth that only private enterprise can do this sort of thing....

  • 2016-May-28, 12:28 pm
    Austen Tayshus

    erfman writes...

    The sooner NBN Co fails to achieve ROI of 2.5%

    How much does the nbn have to blow out by for the ROI to hit 0%?

  • 2016-May-28, 12:58 pm

    Dazed and Confused. writes...

    whilst it may be politically smart, adding all the options to it makes it a complex thing to manage, it removes the KISS principle

    Quigley and Co designed the original NBN to service now and well into the future.

    Anything else is servicing the now and next week

    Totally agree...the focus should be on what is best value for money for generations not just this one. It is that sense of immediate 'greed' (no offence to posters) that Turnbull and Co have pitched their ideological farce....

    Simply seems it is futile to build something you know you have to fix up a little further down the line, and you know how to do that now. Cost is not an issue while funds can be accessed so cheaply and the business model is so sound (and proving itself so with the FTTP portion built to date). The real cost consideration is the cost of not doing full FTTP NOW !!

  • 2016-May-28, 12:58 pm
    Mr Creosote

    kitykatz writes...

    When I read this bit: "They cannot give voice to their preferred ideology by passing on stolen documents.", I thought, "And you can't give voice to your preferred ideology by bad-mouthing whistleblowers.

    The right that sprung to my mind is that he seems to continuing the misrepresentation that the "fibre zealots" are trying to take them down. It also seems to confirm NBN Cos unwillingness to change the rollouts, even in the face of evidence they have internally.

    It's also concerning that whenever NBN Co say they are being transparent, the only example they cite is a weekly rollout report. That report doesnt actually tell you much to start with. The fact that things like the 3 year rollout plan are months overdue are never mentioned. We got far more info under Labors NBN reporting.
    Ziggy also claims in the interview that they provide transparency by attending the Senate hearings. The reality though is that simply attending doesn't provide transparency. You have to actually answer questions and provide information to provide transparency, and Morrow and Co always hides behind CiC or taking a question on notice (which never actually gets answered)

  • 2016-May-28, 1:04 pm
    this post was edited

    Imho Fizzbull will definitely try and sell the NBN to telstra if he's re-elected (not that I think he stands a hope in hell of being re-elected) . The money already wasted on fraudband will of course be swept under the carpet as they brag of a $20-$30b windfall. The most pathetic part is that he'll probably get away with it.

  • 2016-May-28, 1:04 pm

    Austen Tayshus writes...

    How much does the nbn have to blow out by for the ROI to hit 0%?

    Not sure what you mean by blow out. Cost increase is a factor but it is the revenue, or more correctly the failure to generate revenue and be able to service the loan that is the key. The 2 � yr delay to get started with FTTN, slowing FTTP to 40% of original rollout rate and now consumer selection of slowest FTTN Plans and poor functionality ie. data transfer discouraging higher level data packages etc etc that diminishes revenue.

    If they can't service the existing borrowings (govt only to 2017) and can't demonstrate to the open commercial market they have the capacity to service their loans to complete the build two things happen � because of higher risk loan rates from banks will be higher or they just won't be interested. Both options point to total failure of NBN Co.

  • 2016-May-28, 1:05 pm

    Petronas writes...

    Fingers crossed I can get NBN in less than a year.

    If you are already on cable don't expect nbn HfC to be much different

  • 2016-May-28, 1:05 pm
    Austen Tayshus

    erfman writes...

    Not sure what you mean by blow out.

    I think it was the last Senate Estimates or the second last one where it was mentioned it would be an ROI of around 3.3-3.5% with 46 billion dollars and 2.5% if it hit 56 billion. So it must keep going down as funding costs rise.

  • Manatoba

    Ziggy used the phrase "ideologically-motivated".


    Shot the LNP in the foot with that one.

    That's the whole reason we have MTM in the first place not FTTP to ~93%.


  • 2016-May-28, 9:26 pm

    WhatThe writes...


    The CEO of Internet Australia, Laurie Patton, also took aim at Dr Switkowski's article, saying he was making serious accusations against two unnamed NBN officers despite no charges having been laid.

    "The issue is not about NBN's performance to date, on which there is real and genuine concern in
    technical circles and in the public arena, it's about the fundamental fact that they are building an inferior network at a time when Australia has well justified ambitions to become a leading innovation nation," he said.

    Mr Patton says whoever wins the election should hold an independent review into the NBN.

    Strong words.

  • 2016-May-28, 9:26 pm

    it be 2 inquiries i 1 and the bigger of the 2 is going to see everyone riding on te backwash of turnbull sunk with turnbull facing a jail cell or firing squad for treason against the australian public..

  • 2016-May-28, 10:48 pm

    Blackpaw writes...

    Strong words.

    Very accurate ones, powerfully put by the CE of Internet Australia, the representative organisation for all Net matters in Australia.

    The only thing we might add would say an 'independent review' will need to be a full Royal Commission to flush out any of the political or other boondoggles that may have occurred.

  • 2016-May-28, 10:48 pm

    i doubt the wiring in my place would rate to 2008 telstra mandate there tex, at this stage i wouldn't be surprised if we see treason charges laid.. on this mess we call mtm ala tophat install

  • 2016-May-29, 12:38 pm

    does anyone know what the cost per premises for skymuster is? vs fixed line and fixed wireless

  • 2016-May-29, 12:38 pm

    rosendalek writes...

    does anyone know what the cost per premises for skymuster is? vs fixed line and fixed wireless

    Who knows for sat?

    Launch cost vs shoving people on by the truckloads keeps dropping the average cost per user.

  • ozziemandias

    rosendalek writes...

    does anyone know what the cost per premises for skymuster is? vs fixed line and fixed wireless

    2016 Corporate Plan says (fully loaded costs including Telstra infrastructure payments)
    FttP Brownfields = 4400
    FttP Greenfields = 2100
    FttN = 2300
    HFC = 1800
    Fixed Wireless = 4900
    Satellite = 7900

  • redlineghost

    the stats on satellite service is bogus it was a interim service some 23+ years ago was 100,000 users with an average growth rate of 25% across the last 23 years somewhere north of 575,000+ users today if not more..

    4g/lte waste of time over priced for a basic paging service given the piss poor quota system in place...

  • 2016-May-29, 11:30 pm

    ozziemandias writes...

    FttP Brownfields = 4400
    FttP Greenfields = 2100
    FttN = 2300
    HFC = 1800
    Fixed Wireless = 4900
    Satellite = 7900

    based on that , how can they justify putting select people on satellite (Such as the adelaide guy) when it would make more sense financially to put those people on FTTN/HFC or FW

  • 2016-May-29, 11:30 pm

    rosendalek writes...

    based on that , how can they justify putting select people on satellite (Such as the adelaide guy) when it would make more sense financially to put those people on FTTN/HFC or FW

    Only count user equipment costs � opex/revenue will be someone else's problem.

  • U T C

    rosendalek writes...

    how can they justify putting select people on satellite (Such as the adelaide guy) when it would make more sense financially to put those people on FTTN/HFC or FW

    To speed up their rollout target figures ..

  • RockyMarciano

    We all know it doesn't matter what Ziggy says

    2003 = coppers rooted
    2013 = coppers in brand new condition and well maintained


  • 2016-May-30, 1:48 am
    Shane Eliiott

    RockyMarciano writes...

    2003 = coppers rooted
    2013 = coppers in brand new condition and well maintained

    Yup that well maintained that I was spending money on ADSL2+ service that was offline most of the time.
    Saying the condition of the copper is new and well maintained is like saying the Titanic is still afloat.

    But then again give enough money to people they will spin anything.

    Give Ziggy's his marching orders.

  • 2016-May-30, 1:48 am
    U T C

    The ALP's Tony Burke has now written to the secretary of the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, Dr Martin Parkinson, stating the article breached the caretaker conventions and the Commonwealth Government Business Enterprise Governance and Oversight Guidelines.

    Burke requests Parkinson �immediately undertake inquiries� into the matter.
    Switkowski wades into NBN leak debate, ALP is furious..

    Do you think anything will be done about this?

  • 2016-May-30, 3:06 am

    RockyMarciano writes...

    2003 = coppers rooted
    2013 = coppers in brand new condition and well maintained

    Maybe he installed self healing copper in 2003...

    Say that enough times and he will believe it himself.

    Ziggy added the list with Morrows, FiField, Turnbull, Abbott. Lying scumbags.

  • 2016-May-30, 3:06 am
    little steve

    U T C writes...

    Do you think anything will be done about this?

    In a word? no

  • 2016-May-30, 4:01 am

    little steve writes...

    In a word? no

    Yeah...not a hope in hell, unless there's enough of a sustained outroar about it that the libs can't ignore it anymore. We can hope for that, but I wouldn't hold my breath.

  • 2016-May-30, 4:01 am
    U T C

    slam writes...

    Maybe he installed self healing copper in 2003.

    Nano technology ..

  • 2016-May-30, 8:50 am

    U T C writes...

    Switkowski wades into NBN leak debate, ALP is furious..

    Do you think anything will be done about this?

    Parkinson was sacked by Abbott from Treasury.

    Turnbull, Palmer and Parkinson were at that well publicised dinner together in Canberra a couple of years ago.

    Parkinson was hand picked to head Prime Minister's Office.

    Once upon a time frank and fearless advice was the hallmark of top public servants, for Minister's to act on.

    Can't see any action on any matters to do with this NBN raid issue whatsoever prior to election as in 'Yes Minister' mode there is no 'Minister' so to speak... and no doubt Parkinson wants to continue in his contracted role...

    In politics timing is everything...

  • 2016-May-30, 8:50 am

    U T C writes...

    Switkowski wades into NBN leak debate, ALP is furious..

    and calls the whistle-blowers thieves, clearly he fails to understand IP � copying IP is not stealing, simply because the person copying the IP hasn't deprived the originator of the IP, it still exists and can still be used in anyway the originator sees fit.

  • 2016-May-30, 10:33 am

    dJOS writes...

    and calls the whistle-blowers thieves, clearly he fails to understand IP � copying IP is not stealing, simply because the person copying the IP hasn't deprived the originator of the IP, it still exists and can still be used in anyway the originator sees fit.

    Its questionable if it even is IP. Its financials and numbers, progress reports and updates. Its not even anything innovative or a design of any sort that warrant full copyright.

    Maybe it is IP for MTMCo, because its the only company in this world to deliberately aim for zero return on investment and to have the company run into the ground. I guess no sane company would copy this model. Only the MTM and world first would attempt and achieve such a goal.

  • 2016-May-30, 10:33 am

    I'm no law egg-head but the two ex-NBN employers lawyer should be scaring Ziggy off right about now with defamation case to remind Ziggy that the trial hasn't gone through yet and calling his clients "thieves" when the case hasn't even been heard yet...

  • 2016-May-30, 10:34 am
    Swift1 Only By Fibre

    RockyMarciano writes...

    should be scaring Ziggy off right about now with defamation case to remind Ziggy that the trial hasn't gone

    Not just threatening him but instigating proceedings with malic, I would be sure there are a number of entities that would like to see him knocked down hard.

  • 2016-May-30, 10:34 am

    Not to mention both Ziggy and co have been stating openly the the copper network was stuffed since the early 1990's, I suspect this is the secondary reason that Ziggy and co got the shafted by Telstra and fired..

  • 2016-May-30, 11:13 am
    U T C

    RockyMarciano writes...

    I'm no law egg-head but the two ex-NBN employers lawyer should be scaring Ziggy off right about now with defamation case to remind Ziggy that the trial hasn't gone through yet
    NBN chair's accusations of theft 'unfair'
    "Laurie Patton, CEO of peak body, Internet Australia called the column �unhelpful and unfair� since the two unnamed NBN officers stood down following AFP raids had been given �no opportunity � to put forward their side of the story�.
    "In a statement from Internet Australia, a not-for-profit peak body for internet user, Laurie Patton said: �The alleged actions of these NBN employees and questions as to their motives should be left to be dealt with according to the appropriate legal and parliamentary processes. It is unhelpful and unfair to be publicly disparaging people who, for the moment, are unable to respond.�

  • 2016-May-30, 11:13 am

    Back onto the Current Coalition NBN policy.. Oh yes, its going swimmingly...

    Note, the chart doesnt include any of the areas like St Mary's in adelaide which is full of shortfalls and unable to connect.

    Techs are being booked, rebooked and rebooked by ISPs. The flow on costs for just this (born by the techs, ISP's and end users) wont show on NBN reports, but would be massive!

  • 2016-May-30, 11:21 am
    U T C

    KernelPanic writes...

    the chart doesnt include

    Can't read it.. poor resolution..

  • 2016-May-30, 11:21 am

    Shane Eliiott writes...

    Give Ziggy's his marching orders.

    As long he does not leave the country as he may be called on if a royal commission into Turnbulls MTM fiasco ever eventuates .

  • 2016-May-30, 11:25 am
  • 2016-May-30, 11:25 am
    this post was edited

    I know what you men utc I spent more than 3-4 months with piss poor land line and no internet service.

    1st tech noted the fault beyond the D/A in the leg back to the exchange..

    2nd tech did a run and bunk didn't even come up the my unit left a nice little letter and didn't walk past the boundary line of the property.

    3rd techs noted and passed and concurred the prognosis of the 1st tech

    4th tech actually repaired the issue..

    Here's the irony when I left this suburb they were laying conduit for fibre option some 3-4 years ago with the d/a being over populated prior to me leaving I notices when I returned to the suburb 3-4 years later they haven't gone past the inital planning stages.
    And they keep sending out people to take geo plots wasting more money before deployment, with the state of new buildings being built within the area I can say this a statement of fact that who ever installs the fibre optic will need to cater to 600 or more services and I doubt keeping up with deployment of copper past the D/A will help matter..

    I'm in an area destined for fttn and I already know the infrastructure will require a major over haul if you want to support LAN or vdsl connection.. Personally I believe it will likely be cheaper to convert to fibre optics in my case... Rather than deal with the mess that uses fttn as the footprint with the given the copper requires an upgrade to support it..

    Rocky, Quigly can join the debate all he likes though I doubt he can openly comment to about his former position at NBNco given I suspect he be under some form of clause that forbids him from commenting ..

  • 2016-May-30, 11:29 am

    slam writes...

    Its not even anything innovative or a design of any sort that warrant full copyright.

    "Innovation" is a test that patents must meet. Pretty much anything written that's original (and with a pretty broad definition of "original") is copyright, copyright mark or no.

  • 2016-May-30, 11:29 am
    U T C
  • 2016-May-30, 11:35 am
  • 2016-May-30, 11:35 am
    Dazed and Confused.

    RockyMarciano writes...

    More info on Quigley speech

    and they are using an Image of the underground walkway between United Terminals in Chicago's O'Hare Airport, guess someone thinks it look all techy :) All those neon tubes

  • redlineghost

    Given delimiters track record I would say this is going to be hidden by every major and minor media outlet..

    I don't read delimiter much anymore because it had become a satire based drama rather than a credible source of information..

  • RockyMarciano

    Dazed and Confused. writes...

    All those neon tubes

    The internet is a series of tubes!

  • 2016-May-30, 12:10 pm

    -prl- writes...

    Pretty much anything written that's original (and with a pretty broad definition of "original") is copyright, copyright mark or no.

    True, but normally a purely civil matter and thus outside the remit of the AFP, unless it leads to other crimes.

  • 2016-May-30, 12:10 pm

    This link is so sad but funny. They really expect that amount of money and industry to set up in Australia. The most unaffordable country in the region in terms of internet speed and reliability.

    You can find better internet capabilities, service and reliability in other countries right next door. Sorry Australia and the LNP but MTM is the network of missed opportunities and this is just another opportunity that you will miss.

  • erfman

    Biocatalyst writes...

    Anyone got the league ladder of Asian broadband access ...if Indonesia isn't on it then recognise they have committed to FTTP and will surpass Australia's capability � the rest of Asia won't bother going past there. Australia will be the dirty backwater of internet in Asia...if its not already.

    Unless of course the govt changes and Labor builds the FTTP network � the only way forward for this article to have any credibility

  • Cloister

    Biocatalyst writes...

    he most unaffordable country in the region in terms of internet speed and reliability.

    That's right. We are something like 67th in the rankings.

  • 2016-May-30, 7:11 pm
    Austen Tayshus

    21CDUN writes...

    Add the increased maintenance $2 billion a year

    Maintenance is an unknown factor. Since at least 2007 Telstra were only giving workers an hour to try and fix problems or putting a plastic bag over pits making the current costs completely up in the air. Whether nbn will continue ignoring the copper breakdown is also unknown.

  • 2016-May-30, 7:11 pm

    Austen Tayshus writes...

    Whether nbn will continue ignoring the copper breakdown is also unknown.

    Almost certainly while they're still in the transition phase and only have to guarantee 12/1 for the periods we're all now familiar with.

    Still can't find an authoritative answer � does nbn FTTN provide wetting voltage?

  • 2016-May-30, 7:13 pm

    gavinWA writes...

    Still can't find an authoritative answer � does nbn FTTN provide wetting voltage?

    The line cards they use are capable of providing it, I am not sure that it does though. Although I don't know why they wouldn't if the capability was there.

  • 2016-May-30, 7:13 pm

    Ziggy makes no apologies for reporting document theft to the AFP

    Here are some things he should apologise for.

    A year ago, the board of NBN set the commercial objectives for which the CEO and his executive team would be held accountable in the 2015-16 operating year.
    Ziggy may well claim that one year ago the board set targets for the next financial year. The only publicly available document I am aware of detailing targets for this period is the 2016 Corporate Plan.

    The published date for the 2016 Corporate Plan was some time in August 2015. A ~10 month initial forecast, after almost 2 years in control of the company.

    The published date for the previous Corporate Plan was 11/11/14. This one only managed to forecast ~7 months out and declined to make any projections further than that claiming it was too hard..

    The board is responsible for setting the targets for the company. I wonder if the performance bonuses paid to the management team (if any) will be publicly available information. I also wonder if the board are beneficiaries of any performance incentives.

    The company will meet its targets for the ninth quarter in a row.
    I would definitely like to see more detail about these quarterly targets. I am not saying they don't exist but I am not aware of what they comprise, or where I can find them. It is definitely not something that is accessible from a link on the home page of the website (as the weekly progress report is).

    Contrary to media commentary, the documents did nothing to highlight poor management of the business. There are no "cost blowouts" or "rollout delays" to the publicly released plans
    As far as I am aware the only publicly released plan is the 2016 Corporate Plan. Its forecasts are 12 monthly (not quarterly). I would be very happy to be pointed to the area of the nbn website that deals with quarterly targets.

    � all one has to do is compare the data that is readily available.
    Once again, somebody please point me to the readily (publicly) available data that sets out the quarterly construction targets with 'Build Prep' and 'Build Commenced' numbers along with 'Ready for Service' projected dates. It is this data that determines the progress of the rollout. 'Premises Passed', while important, simply tells us what has already happened, not what is happening.

    Apparently � Contrary to media commentary, the 'leaked' documents show progress updates, options to ensure targets are met and ways to solve problems which are all normal parts of doing good business. It's simply wrong to diminish NBN's performance, because such accusations are not supported in fact.

    If this is all the documents show, why is the public disclosure of the documents considered theft?

  • 2016-May-30, 7:36 pm
    Queeg 500

    ozziemandias writes...

    If this is all the documents show, why is the public disclosure of the documents considered theft?

    [Channelling John Howard]
    Ziggy: "We will decide what information is released to this country and the circumstances in which it is released."

  • 2016-May-30, 7:36 pm

    gavinWA writes...

    Still can't find an authoritative answer � does nbn FTTN provide wetting voltage?

    There's some Cisco gear that provides for whetting current, but I can't easily find the answer for the A-L 7330.

  • 2016-May-30, 7:39 pm

    Garry's Brain writes...

    It is absolutely depressing looking at those figures.
    The LNP are just beyond words!

    Yep jobs and growth supposedly by public paying unnecessarily for rubbish....waste...

  • 2016-May-30, 7:39 pm

    It isn't the chassis but the LT cards that provide the wetting/whetting current.

    It is the MELT (MEtallic Line Testing) capability that provides the wetting/whetting current from what I can tell.

    NBN Co are using NDLT-F LTs which support MELT.

    Some further info here

  • cw

    Manatoba writes...

    There's some Cisco gear that provides for whetting current, but I can't easily find the answer for the A-L 7330.

    Huh? Shouldn't it be generated from the CO?

  • zzzyz36

    21CDUN writes...

    Christopher Pyne�s assertion that there have been �no delays� in the implementation of the NBN is inaccurate.

    Turnbull promised 25Mbit min by 2016...they are millions or people behind schedule to achieve this so how can there not be delays?

  • 2016-May-30, 7:55 pm

    A classic non tech business illustrating the importance of connectivity.

    Adore Beauty founder Kate Morris on the importance of high-speed internet

    �What�s the biggest issue for me? Right now, to be honest, it�s the NBN [National Broadband Network]. It has really only come to my attention since we moved premises and moved away from NBN infrastructure.

    We now remember how bad it is to try to run a business on copper. It�s just impossible.

    For me, it�s not just a problem for our business � it�s any business. It�s brought it home to me how much a waste of time it is throwing money on innovation in any way unless you have the right infrastructure in place for tech-enabled businesses to grow.

  • 2016-May-30, 7:55 pm

    21CDUN writes...

    Christopher Pyne�s assertion that there have been �no delays� in the implementation of the NBN is inaccurate.

    You're too kind. I'd call it a lie :)

    Some delays occurred under the Labor government ...

    Yep. I think Labor need to tread warily if they go after the LNP on roll out delays as the LNP have the comeback of delays under Labour. That's not to say Labor shouldn't do it, just they need to be careful.

    ... hardly cheaper!

    This is the one Labor should be able to kill them on. Under Labor the cost rose from $43bn to $45.6bn. But all that increase was in total funding due to roll out delays. The capex estimate was remarkable steady. Costs under the LNP have blown out everywhere, with the possible exception of FTTP. Better economic managers my arse!

  • 2016-May-30, 8:42 pm
    little steve

    CMOTDibbler writes...

    But all that increase was in total funding due to roll out delays

    And to top it off, the main rollout delay wasn't even NBN Co's fault but rather Telstra dragging their feet on asbestos remediation.

  • 2016-May-30, 8:42 pm

    ozziemandias writes...

    Ziggy makes no apologies for reporting document theft to the AFP

    I will not make apology when he gets fired after ALP takes over.

  • 2016-May-30, 8:44 pm
    Dazed and Confused.

    Full-Metal-Alchemist writes...

    I will not make apology when he gets fired after ALP takes over.

    if Labor win, they should "performance manage" him out.
    Knowing how he and most of the Senior Managers will have put "golden parachutes" in their contracts if sacked, they need to make him resign so as not to trigger the 'chute.
    I mean, all they need to do is pull out the draft 2013 Corporate Plan and use that as his KPI benchmark and say, "why haven't you met these targets?
    And then I guess any performance bonus would go west

  • 2016-May-30, 8:44 pm

    ozziemandias writes...

    The published date for the 2016 Corporate Plan was some time in August 2015. A ~10 month initial forecast, after almost 2 years in control of the company.

    The published date for the previous Corporate Plan was 11/11/14. This one only managed to forecast ~7 months out and declined to make any projections further than that claiming it was too hard..

    Have you actually read those corporate plans? They show clear forecasts for Premises Activated out to FY18. The recent (May) third quarter financials also show useful achievement data. I am sure they have better things to do than provide specifics just to your liking. The figures show a rapid expansion of capability and connections year on year. the media statement on May 20 regarding the theft of documents also states that they expect to meet or exceed all the targets for the year. As end of year is only one month away I would be surprised if they got that wrong.

  • 2016-May-30, 8:45 pm
    Queeg 500

    Turkshead writes...

    the media statement on May 20 regarding the theft of documents also states that they expect to meet or exceed all the targets for the year.

    Given that they lied about there being one or more instance of theft, why would you believe their other claims?

  • 2016-May-30, 8:45 pm

    Turkshead writes...

    e media statement on May 20 regarding the theft of documents also states that they expect to meet or exceed all the targets for the year. As end of year is only one month away I would be surprised if they got that wrong.

    It is one thing to meet targets so you can claim glory and pay bonuses and another to meet targets that don't achieve the financial requirements of the company which is the case with NBN Co apparently as Telstra is claiming they are $3B down on forecast payments from NBN Co. That can only be because NBN Co are not building and cutting over enough services � that's the real deal....

  • 2016-May-30, 9:32 pm

    Queeg 500 writes...

    Given that they lied about there being one or more instance of theft, why would you believe their other claims?

    Oh come on. That is the kind of ill considered (I could say stupid) comment that is all too prevalent in this forum and which lowers its credibility. About on the same level as the other nong going on about treason etc. Keep it real please.

  • 2016-May-30, 9:32 pm
    Queeg 500

    Turkshead writes...

    Keep it real please.

    It is completely real � it is the Coalition and Ziggy et al who are deliberately lying by claiming that there was theft, yet the search warrant makes no mention of theft or stolen property.

  • 2016-May-31, 8:01 am
    U T C

    Fast broadband start-up growth puts Openreach under pressure

    Hyperoptic, an ultra-fast broadband network builder, plans to roll out �gigabit� services across seven towns and cities, piling pressure on existing infrastructure owner BT Openreach.

    The �15m network will deliver speeds of 1,000Mbps, around 10 times faster than those available today, with the aim of reaching 500,000 homes in Edinburgh, Portsmouth, Leicester, Southampton, Slough, Watford d Woking by 2018.

    Hyperoptic, backed by hedge fund veteran George Soros, claims that residents have to endure �crippling broadband speeds� and that its new network will be 10 times faster. �Nobody does it faster than a gigabit service,� said Steve Holford, Hyperoptic�s customer boss.

    �Enough people are now raising a flag to say they want us to build a network, and the difference for residents is huge.� Hyperoptic hopes that adding seven new areas to its network of 13 towns and cities will pile further pressure on BT Openreach, which is Britain�s dominant internet provider but has been criticised for failing to invest in fibre-optic cables.

    the demand is there for GB services and seems the business case is also there, because they are overbuilding BT

  • 2016-May-31, 8:01 am
    Genetic Modified Zealot

    Dazed and Confused. writes...

    if Labor win, they should "performance manage" him out.
    Knowing how he and most of the Senior Managers will have put "golden parachutes" in their contracts if sacked, they need to make him resign so as not to trigger the 'chute.

    Please take at look at the annual report, no bonus deferral.

    Hmm. If you take a close look at the remuneration section Ziggy is on a base salary of $209K with no bonus deferral.

    Chairmen of boards are not at the office all day and they would very likely sit on quite a few other company boards.

    The directors fees are around $100K each.

  • SheldonE

    U T C writes...

    the demand is there for GB services

    But, but, but, they don't NEED 1Gbps...

    Despite the huge efficiencies to be gained from 1Gbps services, according to the LNP, we don't need such a service.

  • Dazed and Confused.
    this post was edited

    Genetic Modified Zealot writes...

    Hmm. If you take a close look at the remuneration section Ziggy is on a base salary of $209K with no bonus deferral.

    but what are his benchmarks for his bonus?
    or does he get his bonus no matter what?
    if so that means his "bonus" is really salary and should be included in the base figure.

    More "fudging" of the figures by declaring Board and execs only get paid bonuses on meeting targets, trying to show a reduced "wages" figure when they are paying those bonuses anyway?

    Chairman get "sacked" all the time, it never seems to hold them back from moving on to other Chairmanships, they just seem to put it down to differences with other board members or shareholder"

    Chairmanships and board membership in Australia is such a small clique that most seem to protect their own and round and round they go, collecting ever increasing fees everytime they pass go

    seems the Board are paid NO Bonuses

  • 2016-May-31, 8:58 am
    Tandem TrainRider

    Dazed and Confused. writes...

    if Labor win, they should "performance manage" him out.

    Personally, I'd transfer him to the new Fukushima branch office.

  • 2016-May-31, 8:58 am

    Tandem TrainRider writes...

    Fukushima branch office.

    *claps* very nice, I did like that :)

  • Blackpaw

    Tandem TrainRider writes...

    Personally, I'd transfer him to the new Fukushima branch office.

    Fresh opportunities in Fallujah to I believe.

  • Genetic Modified Zealot
    this post was edited

    Dazed and Confused. writes...

    but what are his benchmarks for his bonus?
    or does he get his bonus no matter what?
    if so that means his "bonus" is really salary and should be included in the base figure.

    Please please read my original post or look up the annual report. there are no bonuses in his pay and this is shown in the remuneration report. There is a separate column there to show bonuses and Ziggy has no bonus or deferred bonus.

    You need to spend more time reading the annual report rather than make up conspiracy theories on bonuses

    Dazed and Confused. writes...

    More "fudging" of the figures by declaring Board and execs only get paid bonuses on meeting targets, trying to show a reduced "wages" figure when they are paying those bonuses anyway?

    Fudging on the bonus. The annual report is signed off by auditors.

    In the Rem report there are no deferred bonuses for the directors.

    Dazed and Confused. writes...

    Chairmanships and board membership in Australia is such a small clique that most seem to protect their own and round and round they go, collecting ever increasing fees everytime they pass go

    Please no need to get into envy. Many of these directors have worked hard to get where they are via university and long hours.

  • 2016-May-31, 10:00 am
    Shane Eliiott

    Tandem TrainRider writes...

    Personally, I'd transfer him to the new Fukushima branch office.

    We could of had glow in the dark copper lines. :0>

  • 2016-May-31, 10:00 am

    Genetic Modified Zealot writes...

    Please please read my original post or look up the annual report. there are no bonuses in his pay and this is shown in the remuneration report. There is a separate column there to show bonuses and Ziggy has no bonus or deferred bonus.

    On this point Raoul is correct going by the annual reports. The non executive directors do not get bonuses.

  • 2016-May-31, 10:00 am

    actually we need the capacity of 10 gb in the home, when looking at a streaming tv medium we would require 1gb or more as a basic service requirement..

    anything that is requiring a copper as a external requirement from the premises will not have the required service speed needed today or into the future..

    And trying to keep copper monopoly in charge where it has been proven they can't even keep..

  • 2016-May-31, 10:00 am
    Queeg 500
    this post was edited

    Genetic Modified Zealot writes...

    The annual report is signed off by auditors.

    That certainly makes it beyond reproach, doesn't it...

  • 2016-May-31, 10:23 am

    I see Formula 1 is working on VR broadcasts now. Again we dont have the speeds to even consume it let alone develop our own apps for it. Because our network cant provide the speeds.

    Tata comms who handle all of FOMS data says we'll need atleast 480mbps. The MTM is'nt even close to reaching those speeds. Oh and we'll need those speeds by 2018 =D Just more evidence against the FTTN and HFC.
    "needs four times the normal bandwidth of full HD, in other words 480mbps, for the technically minded. Broadcasters want to keep compression to a minimum, so fibre is clearly the answer
    And we have a minister for innovation claiming no one makes money from movies, video games and highspeed broadband. It's why the most countries are now looking at gigabyte speeds.

  • 2016-May-31, 10:23 am
    Austen Tayshus

    redlineghost writes...

    actually we need the capacity of 10 gb in the home, when looking at a streaming tv medium we would require 1gb or more as a basic service requirement..

    At 10gbps you could probably do away with streaming services and go back to downloading whole shows again. That would make it a utility like water. You switch it on for a download for 30 seconds or so, then off again.

  • RockyMarciano

    Morrow preaching his BS at Comms Summit

  • U T C

    RockyMarciano writes...

    Morrow preaching his BS at Comms Summit

    Can he do that during caretaker period?

  • 2016-May-31, 11:07 am

    Genetic Modified Zealot writes...

    There is a separate column there to show bonuses and Ziggy has no bonus or deferred bonus.

    For Ziggy the bonus is anyone would pay him at all, I'd suggest. I'd certainly like to see some value for money rather than lies and political favour.

  • 2016-May-31, 11:07 am

    U T C writes...

    the demand is there for GB services and seems the business case is also there, because they are overbuilding BT

    Doesn't this look familar? BT and Telstra, refusing to build 1gbps+ networks.

    15mbps is all we need under the CON-alition by 2020. They need to get a grip.

  • trial by power

    Forget 1gbps service. I was listening to a story on ABC radio on sunday arvo about a city in the us, I think it was kansas or something, I don't recall, but anyway, one of the ISP companies there were installing wait for it,,,,,, 10gbps services.

    Yep... That's right, 10...

  • ozziemandias

    Turkshead writes...

    Have you actually read those corporate plans? They show clear forecasts for Premises Activated out to FY18.

    Yes I have, and no they dont. The 2016 Corporate Plan does. The amusingly named 2014-2017 Corporate Plan makes no forecasts of any kind beyond FY2015, with two exceptions. On Page 49 there is a reference to Financial Assumptions from the Strategic Review, and on Page 51 there are some funding assumptions from the same Strategic Review. How relevant could these be in the absence of any assumptions on building the network?

    I am sure they have better things to do than provide specifics just to your liking.

    I take issue with the constant references about meeting all their targets for the past x quarters, when those targets are not publicly known/disclosed. As far as I am aware they are not.

    they expect to meet or exceed all the targets for the year. As end of year is only one month away I would be surprised if they got that wrong.

    Well this is the first time there have been publicly stated premises passed targets for FttN (500k). There is no way to tell from the weekly progress report what the actual FttP / FttN/B mix is. Given there were ~220k premises in the 'node construction trials' which began in July 2014, that leaves another ~280 FttN premises to be passed in FY16.

    Morrow had this to say to the senate committee on 09/02/16 regarding targets.
    Every one of those targets has been met on the aggregate basis of the rollout which we are measured by and continue to accelerate. If I choose, which is my prerogative, to say I am going to push one more other technology type within rather than another, I use that as discretion to make sure I optimise the rollout. Although it may be the intent that we start with 250,000 of FTTN at this point in time, as we work within the year, if we deem and I approve that it is more optimal to replace that technology with something else, we shall do so.
    Basically he is saying forget about individual technology targets. He is only prepared to be judged on the aggregate figure.

    The leaked documents point to potential issues with the FttN rollout. If there are issues with the FttN rollout it makes the targets for the following year (1.535 million FttN as well as 875k HFC) questionable.

  • 2016-May-31, 12:31 pm
    U T C

    karina keisler � ?@karinakeisler

    Bill Morrow calls out former CTO in the room. Hello @gmclwill #CommunicAsia2016
    6:38 PM � 30 May 2016

    Don't know what that was about?

  • 2016-May-31, 12:31 pm

    Gary McLaren

  • 2016-May-31, 12:36 pm
    U T C

    RockyMarciano writes...

    Gary McLaren

    So what was the beef?

  • 2016-May-31, 12:36 pm

    Oh I see.. not sure *shrugs*
    Bill begging for a new job soon to Gary?

  • 2016-May-31, 12:39 pm
    Dazed and Confused.

    Xenocaust writes...

    On this point Raoul is correct going by the annual reports. The non executive directors do not get bonuses.

    I will edit my posts then.
    it was the use of "deferred bonuses" that threw me.

    A "Deferred Bonus" is a bonus that is "earned" this year but not paid till a year or more in the future, it was a way of trying to ensure that people didn't fluff up profits but leave the company a smouldering shell with the mamagement and board all making heaps and shareholders left with nothing

  • 2016-May-31, 12:39 pm

    ChiaCharat writes...

    Formula 1 is working on VR broadcasts now.

    Formula 1 VR is not an essential service.

    If you really want a higher quality formula 1 experience you have a number of choices
    1. Move to a country where formula 1 VR is offered
    2. Get your driving license
    3. Go watch a formula 1 race
    4. Try and get a job on the F1 circuit
    5. Try and get to know an F1 driver

    However, Formula 1 and other VR services will assist provide revenue and profits from which to make FTTP services more viable to rollout further, broader and deeper.

    They will also fast-track the adoption of new technology services and the upgrade of WAN/LAN/home network infrastructure and equipment, to make the whole end to end network more economically viable for FTTP and services that rely on the upload/download speed, reliability, low latency and upgradeability, that FTTP provides.

  • 2016-May-31, 12:49 pm

    Genetic Modified Zealot writes...

    Please take at look at the annual report, no bonus deferral.

    Hmm. If you take a close look at the remuneration section Ziggy is on a base salary of $209K with no bonus deferral.

    That isn't the whole story though, is it?

    Remember that period where Ziggy was being paid to be the Chairman of the Board as well as the CEO, at the same time?

    Maybe you don't, when Ziggy was acting CEO was during the time that the Strategic Review was commissioned. That has proven to be a work of art rather than a serious business document.

    I'd sack Ziggy for that reason alone.

  • 2016-May-31, 12:49 pm
    Dazed and Confused.

    Phg writes...

    Formula 1 VR is not an essential service.

    don't try and tell Bernie that :)

  • 2016-May-31, 12:53 pm

    Don't know what is going to happen

  • 2016-May-31, 12:53 pm

    Phg writes...

    However, Formula 1 and other VR services will assist provide revenue and profits from which to make FTTP services more viable to rollout further, broader and deeper.

    What if I want to build a VR shopping center? Where users can put in a pair of VR goggles walk around the complex and actually buy items in Australia? Even looking at ultra high resolution 3d models of the products they wish to buy. I guess they can't cause they don't have the bandwidth to support this.

    Meanwhile the world moves onto that model and its the norm in those respective countries with gigabit to home services.

    How about if we want to produce 3d VR scenes of tourist destinations within Australia and upload them so they can be paid per viewed by overseas consumers. Nope can't do that.

    I guess Australia just doesn't want to be part of the global digital economy. Not a problem, guess its Monday to Friday 9-5pm, put in bugger all effort and don't care attitude.

    Tell me how productive this nation will be just flipping papers around and digging up rocks, all while consuming endless finite resources funded by debt. We won't ever get back into surplus without inventing new industries or innovating properly. The NBN provides infrastructure to support innvation. The MTM handicaps the whole economy and nation.

  • 2016-May-31, 1:10 pm

    slam writes...

    Meanwhile the world moves onto that model and its the norm in those respective countries with gigabit to home services.

    I'm currently testing the VR world with our industry at the moment.. Exciting times.
    Using the Unreal Engine along with Tekla & Revit models, still many teething problems but the possibilities for the client are endless.
    and yes I have direct fibre (not nbn)

  • 2016-May-31, 1:10 pm

    ChiaCharat writes...

    I see Formula 1 is working on VR broadcasts now.

    Maybe Daniel Riccardo can use it for training sessions for his engineers and pit crew ...... just not for when he and his team are in Melbourne on FttN though!

  • 2016-May-31, 1:19 pm

    slam writes...

    We won't ever get back into surplus without inventing new industries or innovating properly. The NBN provides infrastructure to support innvation.

    Spot nbn amongst the Liberal Parties election plans and policies

    nbn= an election policy/plan target so small, that they should just get of the "n" and "b" in the nbn and call it "n"(nothing or no ). Or at a stretch leave it as the "No Broadband Network" we want talked about or discussed much in the lead up to the Federal Election.

  • 2016-May-31, 1:19 pm

    slam writes...

    Tell me how productive this nation will be just flipping papers around and digging up rocks, all while consuming endless finite resources funded by debt. We won't ever get back into surplus without inventing new industries or innovating properly. The NBN provides infrastructure to support innvation. The MTM handicaps the whole economy and nation.

    Excellent comment slam.

    When it comes to productivity and that flowing down to communities and the benefits the resources industries in WA at least raised some interesting issues.

    Local communities did not really benefit because fly in fly out and self contained accommodation etc at sites meant not much money flowing into the communities. The resources work force made up maybe 1-2% of workers in WA yet the cost of living topped Sydney and Melbourne � high property prices, high rents even coffee 25+% more than eastern seaboard. Lots of other examples. Only the few benefit and everyone else pays...

    The FTTP NBN does quite the opposite distributing opportunity and capability across the population and the whole spectrum. You are quite correct MTM handicaps the whole economy and nation domestically and internationally. It would be terrific for this country to have Aussie based companies drawing international dollars back here rather than selling our assets eg. properties, farms, businesses...) or having the top brains move overseas because they can't function here or can't get remunerated to do the same thing.

  • 2016-May-31, 1:24 pm

    A good read about why some people can and cannot get FTTN problems they have been having in the UK.

  • 2016-May-31, 1:24 pm
    Shane Eliiott

    slam writes...

    Tell me how productive this nation will be just flipping papers around and digging up rocks, all while consuming endless finite resources funded by debt. We won't ever get back into surplus without inventing new industries or innovating properly. The NBN provides infrastructure to support innvation. The MTM handicaps the whole economy and nation.

    You hit the nail on the head.

  • 2016-May-31, 1:25 pm

    "Hey NBN, where's my 8 month out of date roll-out plan?"
    *nbn rubs chin thinking how it can get out of this*

    Ken Tsang ?@jxeeno 2m2 minutes ago
    Under revised SAU, #NBN will no longer publish a quarterly update and will only publish 3 year plan once a year.

    Transparent as a brick wall

  • 2016-May-31, 1:25 pm
    Queeg 500
    this post was edited

    RockyMarciano writes...

    Transparent as a brick wall

    As a reply noted, they aren't even going to publish the 3 year plan � they will only make it available to RSPs who agree to their gag orders.

    Of course, based on past performance, they will give updated information to Coalition MPs on request...

  • 2016-May-31, 4:34 pm
    Dazed and Confused.

    RockyMarciano writes...

    so, they want the amended SAU to actually mention FTTB, FTTN, HFC and maybe FTTdp, at a later date, whereas the previous one did not mention any technologies at all

    One has to wonder why.
    The original one seems to have covered NBN Co on anything they run out, the new one would seem to lock them into specific technologies

    Oh I see, it is every form of fixed line EXCEPT FTTP

    One would wonder if a "revised" NBN was to run FTTP later would it be now excluded from the revised SAU?

    more rotting fish I fear

  • 2016-May-31, 4:34 pm

    "Strategic" as in the S in SAU is already a dirty word to me, meaning covering the behinds of those who profit by it.

  • 2016-May-31, 4:39 pm

    exinterlinkuser writes...

    Strategic" as in the S in SAU

    It's actually "Special Access Undertaking"

  • 2016-May-31, 4:39 pm

    From Rockys link above

    NBN Co argued the one-year construction plan updates had become "redundant" given its monthly ready for service releases and its three-year construction plan.

    Are the RFS monthly releases publicly available, or are they only available to access seekers?

    These were publicly available and published on the NBN website until August 2013.

  • 2016-May-31, 4:41 pm

    ozziemandias writes...

    Are the RFS monthly releases publicly available, or are they only available to access seekers?

    In the submission to the ACCC they are looking to restrict them to access seekers only.

  • 2016-May-31, 4:41 pm

    Xenocaust writes...

    It's actually "Special Access Undertaking"

    ok, "Special" as in allowances need to be made for them?

  • 2016-May-31, 4:43 pm

    Xenocaust writes...

    In the submission to the ACCC they are looking to restrict them to access seekers only.

    Is there any progress info left for the public?

  • 2016-May-31, 4:43 pm
    Dazed and Confused.

    Blackpaw writes...

    Is there any progress info left for the public?

    only via the Telstra wholesale pdfs and spreadsheets for expected RFS and Cease Sale

    Guess Telstra will get raided soon for leaking nbn� CiC data

  • RockyMarciano

    Dazed and Confused. writes...

    Guess Telstra will get raided soon for leaking nbn� CiC data

    Don't need to raid that joint, just walk in there with a fake CV and you get top job :)

  • LotsaCircleWork

    Dazed and Confused. writes...

    uess Telstra will get raided soon for leaking nbn� CiC data

    I doubt that will happen. They still leak more of their own CIC info, that and they are the biggest law firm in the country.

  • 2016-May-31, 4:47 pm

    He he he
    I once paid an analysis company to tell me how good I am.. damn I'm good

  • 2016-May-31, 4:47 pm
    U T C

    Dazed and Confused. writes...

    I see, it is every form of fixed line EXCEPT FTTP

    Yep, can't have that nasty stuff..

  • 2016-May-31, 4:49 pm

    Dazed and Confused. writes...

    Oh I see, it is every form of fixed line EXCEPT FTTP

    Yep ... how to slam a door and dangle a carrot in one SAU.

    Sorry Coalition, I still don't buy your whole "technology agnostic" BS.

  • 2016-May-31, 4:49 pm

    Dazed and Confused. writes...

    Oh I see, it is every form of fixed line EXCEPT FTTP

    What is it with their insane obsession with ruling out FTTP?

  • 2016-May-31, 4:57 pm

    karina keisler
    With FULL rollout soon in view & annual updates provided, the fanbois are calling for quarterly updates. Hell, why not weekly?! Daily? #nbn


  • 2016-May-31, 4:57 pm

    RockyMarciano writes...


    Has anyone told her that her company are trying to do away with the annual updates, and keep the three year plans secret?

  • 2016-May-31, 4:59 pm

    Dazed and Confused. writes...

    more like using smoke signals and heliographs in keeping with the Liberal's smoke and mirrors policy re MTM

    Good point!

    Anyone who can do a shot straight to camera while intoning Faster! Cheaper! Sooner! about the obsolete MTM is someone who doesn't know what they are talking about.

    Or perhaps knows very well, and so appears to be lying their head off.

  • 2016-May-31, 4:59 pm

    Quarterly updates are not unreasonable yet she goes off the deep end and reacts as if we are asking for the crown jewels.

    NBNCo used to be able to do it, yet now she calls us a bigoted name because she can't handle the pressure.

    One wonders why NBNCo persist employing someone who keeps making the management look bad.

  • 2016-May-31, 5:01 pm

    RockyMarciano writes...


    Well if their IT systems were up to scratch, they could provide an almost "live" system, but that'd no doubt breach CiC, can't have people actually aware of the NBN's progress can we? They might actually question the "big" pre-election "apolitical" announcements...

  • 2016-May-31, 5:46 pm

    Xenocaust writes...

    In the submission to the ACCC they are looking to restrict them to access seekers only.

    My point is that these seem to have been restricted to RSPs already. I am pretty sure it was the data from these reports that was the information feeding jxeenos mynbn site initially. After the election the format of the data was changed, or access was restricted, or both, which broke the scripts he was using to automate the import of this data.

  • 2016-May-31, 5:46 pm

    Xenocaust writes...

    Has anyone told her that her company are trying to do away with the annual updates, and keep the three year plans secret?

    Have now:

    @karinakeisler did you think we didn't notice #nbn are trying to do away with the annual updates, and keep the three year plans secret?

    Cheers :)

  • texmex

    LotsaCircleWork writes...

    I doubt that will happen. They still leak more of their own CIC info, that and they are the biggest law firm in the country.

    Interesting suggestion.

    If they are anywhere near as customer-focussed and social-issue-friendly as they often like to trumpet, why would they need over 200 lawyers in the legal dept? When support staff are added, they must have more than 300 people there.

    Since the coalition still appear to be hell-bent on handing the MTM over to them, such a grotesquely overweight legal presence suggests that the future for end-users is likely to be a very unhappy one.

  • Javelyn

    RockyMarciano writes...

    karina keisler
    With FULL rollout soon in view & annual updates provided, the fanbois are calling for quarterly updates. Hell, why not weekly?! Daily? #nbn


    I can't believe that she uses the term 'fanbois'. (Well maybe I can given her poor track record.) Karina Keisler totally lacks any class or professionalism.

  • 2016-May-31, 5:50 pm

    Blackpaw writes...

    What is it with their insane obsession with ruling out FTTP?

    Can't have anything to do with technical selection, or with future short- and long-term national interest.

    Dang, perhaps it's just venal political bastardry still 'informing' all those recently appointed minions . . .

  • 2016-May-31, 5:50 pm

    Javelyn writes...

    Karina Keisler

    Don't knock it � she's apparently a good and faithful servant.

  • 2016-May-31, 5:51 pm

    texmex writes...

    she's apparently a good and faithful servant.

    On hansard no less iirc...

  • 2016-May-31, 5:51 pm

    Javelyn writes...

    I can't believe that she uses the term 'fanbois'.

    I suspect what we are seeing is the long term effects of living inside a echo chamber. Mgmt and LNP drop-ins at NBN have surrounded themselves with a coterie of yes people and are quite isolated from real world feedback on their decisions. They seriously think all dissenting criticisms are from deluded "fanbois", not from professionals with decades of experience in the field.

  • 2016-May-31, 5:55 pm

    texmex writes...

    Can't have anything to do with technical selection, or with future short- and long-term national interest.

    Dang, perhaps it's just venal political bastardry still 'informing' all those recently app

    But, but, didn't they say they are technologically agnostic?

  • 2016-May-31, 5:55 pm

    LoosestPing writes...

    Well if their IT systems were up to scratch, they could provide an almost "live" system

    Don't get me started on the lack of real-time or near real-time public rollout and migration, activation status info within NBNCo.

    It's been a few years since I whirlpool "lectured" on that issue under both NBN 1.0 and 2.0 management.

    Ok let's look in the Apple Store to see if there are any Apps in the NBN Store for you and me to get info from? Oh dear. Zip. Nothing. ZZZZZZZEEEEEEERRRRRROOOOO*0 =0

    Why the bloody hell not?
    Who made that decision?
    Are there any planned for anytime in the next 4 years?
    If not why not?
    Won't the minister direct NBNCo to come up with some useful Apps into Build, Rollout, RFS etc or at least make the info available to third parties?
    Will Labor at least election promise to do better on this front and direct NBNCo via the SOE in general terms to lift their game in this area? If not why not?

  • 2016-May-31, 5:57 pm

    With FULL rollout soon in view & annual updates provided, the fanbois are calling for quarterly updates. Hell, why not weekly?! Daily? #nbn

    Javelyn writes...

    I can't believe that she uses the term 'fanbois'.

    Using derogatory term's to describe groups of people or individuals via Twitter.
    Surely she has breached NBN code of conduct here.
    Can't believe she has not been sacked yet.
    Tells you something about the culture of Senior Management within NBN, or is she just getting away with it for some other reason I leave other's to speculate over? What power does she hold that let's her get away with such totally unacceptable public behaviour repeatedly for a Government GBE or any organisation for that matter.

    Does she have a specific brief to abuse people via twitter to act as a deterrent for public critisism of things NBN Co related. Who signed off on that? Why is the taxpayer indirectly funding that sort of behavior? More like a Fascist State than democracy when that sort of thing is allowed to happen.

    Can't understand why Labor or Greens or Xenophon does not go for the jugular on this issue. What are they so scared of?
    fanboi or fanbois

    1. Derogatory. A person with an irrational attachment to a particular item or brand name, and an equally irrational dislike for competing brands or items. This behaviour is often seen during discussion threads pertaining to ISPs, computer hardware or motor vehicles.

    2. A person who has a strong dislike of a paticular item or brand name may incorrectly refer to another who uses that product as a fanboi.

  • 2016-May-31, 5:57 pm

    ct4spinner writes...

    But, but, didn't they say they are technologically agnostic?

    As with all those coalition (previous) election promises, it seems we just didn't understand the meaning.

    Apparently what they were actually conveying was: 'We will be technologically ignorant!'

  • 2016-May-31, 6:00 pm

    Dazed and Confused. writes...

    Here's the links to the all the related Docs for mining of any more interesting things about the MTM rollout we did not already know. Reading for a rainy night/day (lucky thee's lots of rain in Sydney this week:)
    On 27 May 2016, NBN Co lodged a variation to its SAU with the ACCC.
    6 docs from NBN direct links below
    Covering letter
    SAU variation
    NBN Co supporting submission
    Expert report � Ordover and Shampine
    Expert report � Bishop and Officer
    Expert report � Analysys Mason (public version)

  • 2016-May-31, 6:00 pm

    Analyst firm Analysys Mason has found in a detailed report commissioned by the NBN company that the NBN company�s initial design for its Fibre to the Node, Basement and HFC cable networks is �prudent and efficient�.

    Nice timing to release this in the middle of the Federal election campaign

    Now how about getting some independent experts to analyse and publicly report on the public and private content of the twitter posts of all NBN Communications Staff as to whether they are acceptable.

  • 2016-May-31, 6:03 pm

    Phg writes...

    the NBN company�s initial design for its Fibre to the Node, Basement and HFC cable networks is �prudent and efficient�.

    Does nothing to address whether the strategic deployment plan FTTN/B and HFC is the best strategic choice for Australia.

    Whether it is consigning Australia to be a Broadband backwater and third world digital nation.

    Whether it is a wasted investment compared to other strategic choices and will result in NBNCo running out of funds before it is finished.

  • 2016-May-31, 6:03 pm

    Phg writes...

    prudent and efficient�.

    I acknowledge you are just quoting this.

    Terms like this need to be quantified when talking about expenditure. If they are not, they are throwaway terms � not worth the paper they are written on.

  • 2016-May-31, 6:05 pm

    LoosestPing writes...

    Well if their IT systems were up to scratch, they could provide an almost "live" system ...

    They have all the numbers, targets and actuals, by technology, and they can produce them as and when required. It is inconceivable that they don't. Let's get the blame where it belongs. The government requires them not to produce the numbers.

    They might actually question the "big" pre-election "apolitical" announcements...

    Turnbull is all the LNP has got. They have to protect his ego reputation public standing brand whatever is left.

  • 2016-May-31, 6:05 pm
    Dazed and Confused.

    Cloister writes...

    Terms like this need to be quantified when talking about expenditure. If they are not, they are throwaway terms � not worth the paper they are written on.

    but excellent terms to use to ensure you get more consulting work from an organisation.

    I haven't yet read the reports,
    was the nbn� brief to the consulting firms published or just their reports?

  • 2016-May-31, 6:19 pm

    Phg writes...

    Using derogatory term's to describe groups of people or individuals via Twitter.
    Surely she has breached NBN code of conduct here.

    Twitter users who are offended should go to the NBNCo web site and register a formal complaint. Seriously. It will be a laugh if nothing else :)

  • 2016-May-31, 6:19 pm
    NBN Co supporting submission

    3.4 Changes to incorporate products and services for FTTB, FTTN and

    Expansion of service description

    67. The variation also includes an approach to facilitate incorporation of future network variants. For example, should nbn decide in future that it is in a position to develop and supply services over an FTTdp network, then it could bring such services within the scope of the NBN Co Network by introducing new Products and/or varying existing Products in accordance with the product development provisions of Schedule 1I (in respect of the Initial Regulatory Period) or Schedule 2D (in respect of the Subsequent Regulatory Period). At this stage, however, it would be premature to specifically include FTTdp-based Products (or Products based on any other potential technology variants) into the SAU.

    Interesting references to FTTdp

    Expanded definition of Premises
    71. The variation also includes amendments to the �Premises� definition in Attachment C (Dictionary) to facilitate incorporation of MDU common areas and potentially a range of other locations within the scope of the NBN Access Service (noting that the variation makes Premises part of the description of the NBN Access Service). At this stage, nbn considers that it would be premature to specifically describe these other locations, but should nbn decide in future that it is in a position to develop and supply a Product to a broader range of locations then it could bring such locations within the scope of Premises by introducing the relevant Product in accordance with the product development provisions of Schedule 1I (in respect of the Initial Regulatory Period) or Schedule 2D (in respect of the Subsequent Regulatory Period).

    What other locations might they be referring to?
    Lamp posts, bus stops, street signs, footbridges, electricity poles, roof tops, mobile base station poles?

  • Phg

    CMOTDibbler writes...

    Turnbull is all the LNP has got.

    That and an Australia flag or too.
    God save the nbn..

  • Genetic Modified Zealot

    Phg writes...

    Can't understand why Labor or Greens or Xenophon does not go for the jugular on this issue. What are they so scared of?

    Give it a rest. There are better things to do rather than get worked up over a personal Twitter account

    Nothing to see here, it's a personal Twitter account and they can do whatever pleases.

    A former ABC journo was bias on their personal Twitter account on the nbn, nothing wrong with that if it's a personal account

  • CMOTDibbler

    Genetic Modified Zealot writes...

    Nothing to see here, it's a personal Twitter account and they can do whatever pleases.

    I think you know that's not true.

  • U T C

    Genetic Modified Zealot writes...

    it's a personal Twitter account and they can do whatever pleases.

    karina keisler �
    Corp Affairs @ nbn .

    It's not just a personal account. She uses it to represent nbnco officially . She consistently posts nbn material..

  • 2016-May-31, 7:16 pm

    Genetic Modified Zealot writes...

    ... it's a personal Twitter account and they can do whatever pleases ...

    A person employed by a Government department, agency or GBE is held responsible for inappropriately commenting directly on their organisation or it's practices on a personal social media account inside or outside of work time. That her derogatory remarks and behaviours go unchecked by nbn� management, the NBN Board and the Government speaks volumes on the lack of professionalism, morals and ethics of the nbn� management, the NBN Board and the Government.

    That you support (or at the least do not criticise) Karina Keisler's behaviour, and the tacit support of the nbn� management, the NBN Board and the Government through their inaction to curb her behaviour, tars you GMZT with the same brush.

  • 2016-May-31, 7:16 pm
    Shane Eliiott

    U T C writes...

    It's not just a personal account. She uses it to represent nbnco officially . She consistently posts nbn material..

    Indeed, and even if its was a personal account with her putting her job description in she is still representing the company she works for.

  • 2016-May-31, 7:26 pm

    Some co-existence period stuff in the NBN Co SAU Variation docs.

    Are RSP's clearly upfront warning and informing retail customers that VDSL2 line speeds cannot be optimised during the Coexistence Period?

    Co-existence Period
    ['75. nbn has included a new clause 1A.4.4 (and a corresponding new clause 2A.4 in Module 2) setting out a Co-existence Period provision, consistent with the relevant supply terms agreed with access seekers under the WBA, that is relevant to the NBN Co FTTB Network and the NBN Co FTTN Network. The Co-existence Period will typically last for a period of 18 months after the Ready for Service date for each FTTB and FTTN area, but will be extended in some cases until all special services are migrated to the nbnTM network.

    During the Co-existence Period for a given area, there will be simultaneous supply of the NBN AccessService by means of the NBN Co FTTB Network or NBN Co FTTN Network and exchange-fed services,special services or other services to Premises using the public switched telecommunications network. To accommodate this, nbn will be required to adjust the operation of its networks by way of a downstream power back-off, which is a technique used to reduce signal strength from the nbn VDSL2 node to the UNI. This means that VDSL2 line speeds cannot be optimised during the Coexistence Period and the new clause 1A.4.4 reflects the effect of this on AVC TC-4 bandwidth profiles in respect of the NBN Co FTTB Network and the NBN Co FTTN Network

    1A.4.4 Co-existence Period
    During the Co-existence Period, the PIR (and the lower end of any PIR range) at
    the UNI for each AVC TC-4 bandwidth profile will be: in respect of the NBN Co FTTB Network (except the 12 Mbps PIR (TC-4) downlink and 1 Mbps PIR (TC-4) uplink bandwidth profile), a minimum of 25 Mbps PIR (TC-4) downlink and 5 Mbps PIR (TC-4) uplink; and
    in respect of the NBN Co FTTN Network, a minimum of 12 Mbps PIR (TC-4) downlink and 1 Mbps PIR (TC-4) uplink.

  • 2016-May-31, 7:26 pm

    Shane Eliiott writes...

    Indeed, and even if its was a personal account with her putting her job description in she is still representing the company she works for.

    If I was to post tweets about my employer on my personal account without approval I would be up for disciplinary action.

  • 2016-May-31, 7:27 pm
    U T C
  • 2016-May-31, 7:27 pm
    Shane Eliiott
    this post was edited

    Xenocaust writes...

    If I was to post tweets about my employer on my personal account without approval I would be up for disciplinary action.

    Yup, why people need to be very careful what they say on social media.
    People have been fired from facebook posts.

    But seems like Karina can get away what she says.

    One day it will bite her in the bum.

    maybe someone needs to tweet the link to her.

  • 2016-May-31, 7:35 pm

    Genetic Modified Zealot writes...

    Give it a rest. There are better things to do rather than get worked up over a personal Twitter account

    Nothing to see here, it's a personal Twitter account and they can do whatever pleases.

    I thought about giving it a rest, but decided to defy your wishes and instead go and take a look into the NBNCo code of conduct.

    The standards of behaviour set out in the Code of Conduct are expected of employees and contractors both during work hours and whenever your behaviour impacts nbn or your relationship with other employees, contractors or consultants of nbn. This may include, and is not limited to:
    Activities on social media.

    nbn will not tolerate behaviour or activities that impact on nbn and its reputation.
    These behaviours and activities may include but are not limited to:

    using image-recording devices (such as photocopiers, scanners and cameras) to capture and/or distribute
    images of:
    ? private, classified or copyrighted documents or other material

    AFP raid implications
    accessing, storing, processing or transmitting any information of a threatening, obscene, pornographic, discriminatory or harassing nature
    that would include harassing tweets

    activities adversely affecting nbn or its reputation (e.g. making unauthorised public statements about nbn or their position in respect of any matter)
    ? directly or indirectly engaging in any activity which could by association cause nbn public embarrassment or bring nbn into disrepute (including any activities on social media)

    Beep Beep.

    failing to comply with the nbn values

    The Code of Conduct is based on our nbn values and the principle of respect.
    ? Respect for each other
    ? Respect for nbn
    ? Respect for the broader nbn reputation and environment


    Related policies
    Social Media Policy

    When participating in social media other than on behalf of NBN Co, your legal obligations as an employee, consultant or contractor with NBN Co remain the same as they would be in other contexts of your life, even if you believe you are participating anonymously.
    GMZ Knockout!

    Should an employee, consultant or contractor choose to participate as a private citizen in
    social media, they should do so without damaging the reputation of or infringing the
    intellectual property rights of NBN Co, its employees, contractors, consultants, customers or suppliers. NBN Co may take reasonable and lawful steps in relation to any use of social
    media that is not authorised or in breach of this policy.

    And he's down for the count again.

    Employees, contractors or consultants can participate in social media that is unrelated to
    NBN Co or the NBN as any private citizen would without needing to reference their role at
    NBN Co. As with any publicly visible activity, employees of NBN Co should endeavour to
    conduct themselves in accordance with NBN Co�s values and in a manner that will not bring
    NBN Co into disrepute.

    This is getting embarrassing.

    be polite to all people they interact with
    Ouch. Tha hurts.

    If you are unclear about the terms of this policy or whether your actions would breach your obligations do not publish the content and seek advice from your manager or speak to one of the Digital Communication Managers at NBN Co. It is safer for you to exercise caution as you have sole responsibility for what you post and publish online to the global community.

    not disparaging NBN Co or any of its employees, clients, business partners,
    suppliers or other associates, or make any statement which does, or is likely to,
    bring NBN Co or any of these parties into disrepute or ridicule or otherwise affect
    their reputations
    ? being mindful that any published content will probably remain in the public domain
    for many years
    ? being respectful to their audience

    Nearly finished.

    Breach of this Policy
    Failure to comply with this policy may result in NBN Co exercising its rights under a
    contractor/consultancy agreement or taking disciplinary action against an employee under
    the Managing Performance and Behaviour Policy. This action may include limitation of
    access to computer, email and/or the internet, and in serious cases, may result in
    termination of employment or your engagement with NBN Co.

    Enough said

  • 2016-May-31, 7:35 pm

    Phg writes...

    Enough said

    Great post politically incorrect.

  • 2016-May-31, 7:36 pm
    Garry's Brain

    Was listening to Eddie McGuire's show, The hot breakfast on Triple M this morning.
    They had a segment on why your internet speed is slow at certain times of the day.
    The tech guy blamed the fttn change and said that Labor had it right with ftth.
    Have a listen.
    Apparently Telstra are coming on tomorrow to put their 2 cents in.

  • 2016-May-31, 7:36 pm

    dJOS writes...

    Have now:

    Perhaps you could also ask for the location of the 'quarterly targets' for the next financial year.

    I have not been able to find them on the nbnTM website.

    Ziggy claims The company will meet its targets for the ninth quarter in a row.

    What were those targets?

    How challenging were they? Given the ease with which the annual targets have been met or exceeded this is a valid question.

    I have serious concerns that the difficult targets have been pushed into the next election cycle. That represents a waste of at least 2 years, on top of the increased construction and revenue risks associated with the MTM rollout.

  • 2016-May-31, 7:43 pm

    Phg writes...

    Does nothing to address whether the strategic deployment plan FTTN/B and HFC is the best strategic choice for Australia.

    The date it was signed of on is significant! ;)

  • 2016-May-31, 7:43 pm

    Genetic Modified Zealot writes...

    Nothing to see here, it's a personal Twitter account and they can do whatever pleases.

    Yeah, you are full of it. I know for a fact that NBN Co have sacked employees for what they posted on their personal Twitter account.

    NBN Co have a glass jaw and can't take a joke.

  • Phg

    ozziemandias writes...

    The date it was signed of on is significant! ;)

    I can just see the headlines in the Tele tomorrow.

    "Stop fooling around with Australia's future"

  • U T C

    Phg writes...

    Does nothing to address whether the strategic deployment plan FTTN/B and HFC is the best strategic choice for Australia.

    Why is ftth not mentioned?

  • dJOS

    ozziemandias writes...

    Perhaps you could also ask for the location of the 'quarterly targets' for the next financial year.

    Not much point, she's blocked me :-D

  • dJOS

    U T C writes...

    Why is ftth not mentioned

    Too inconvenient, would have shown MtM to be the poor value for money we know it is.

  • Phg

    1A.4.5 Remediation
    If the Line rate at the UNI used to serve a Premises located in the footprint of the NBN Co FTTB Network or NBN Co FTTN Network is not capable of achieving the PIR Objective then:
    NBN Co may conduct Remediation in respect of the Premises; and until Remediation for the Premises is completed, the downlink Line rate and uplink Line rate at the UNI used to serve the Premises may be significantly less than the downlink PIR and uplink PIR of the bandwidth profile ordered by the Access Seeker in respect of the Premises.

    So if you order up to 25/5 FTTN and your line only sync's at 3/1, you might have to wait on your 3/1 and pay full price at 12/1 rates until nbn gets around to maybe successfully remediating your line.

  • erfman

    RockyMarciano writes...

    Strikes me that may be to create the perception that there is an enhancement to MTM that increases the value of nbn and maybe some fool financier will lend them money...snake oil stuff....

  • 2016-May-31, 8:53 pm

    Xenocaust writes...

    In the submission to the ACCC they are looking to restrict them to access seekers only.

    So NBN Co are saying to taxpayers thanks for your money now 'faff' off....

  • 2016-May-31, 8:53 pm

    marty17 writes...

    Great post politically incorrect

    I like those ones when they're used against people who deserve a serve.

  • erfman

    Ambitious But Rubbish writes...

    One wonders why NBNCo persist employing someone who keeps making the management look bad.

    lucky she doesn't work in a bank rather than NBN Co...gone in a flash....

  • erfman

    Javelyn writes...

    Keisler totally lacks any class or professionalism.

    Could be her last professional role.... who would employ someone with such poor people skills....

  • 2016-May-31, 8:54 pm
  • 2016-May-31, 8:54 pm

    Is there anything suspect about the timing of this request to vary the SAU?

    Wait for the election to minimise scrutiny?

  • 2016-May-31, 8:58 pm

    Phg writes...

    With FULL rollout soon in view

    No need for a full view....what has been seen to date is total failure in process, product and delivery.

    Any diversion might be useful, eh? AFP raid , public abuse ....anything but scrutiny of performance

  • 2016-May-31, 8:58 pm

    Phg writes...

    Whether it is consigning Australia to be a Broadband backwater and third world digital nation.

    Anyone else getting a sense of sabotage here.... at least when Sol and his crew got out of order they was sent on their way...

  • 2016-May-31, 9:00 pm

    CMOTDibbler writes...

    Turnbull is all the LNP has got. They have to protect his ego reputation public standing brand whatever is left.

    Diminishing daily not only with the Bishop backing today after crucifying Feeney for identical faux pas � double standards but the FTTN MTM is a disaster evident in threads where FTTN is being rolled out

  • 2016-May-31, 9:00 pm
    this post was edited

    (Fibre to the distribution point � FTTdp � will also potentially be used, NBN has said.)

    Uh... If they didn't accept it last year what makes people think they'll accept it now? Its their "silver parachute" (i refuse to use golden because golden is FTTP only and they'll never do that) to try and steal steam some peoples vote who demand proper NBN and not his MTM crap. And even if they did use it, I actually wonder how many people would be put on it... Just another broken promise if it ever does get put in this document

    Slightly off topic (paywalled can't read)
    We should fear the god damn future and if this is the crap they keep sprouting. A smart man would learn from the past and predict whats needed for the future, and we need proper NBN. How is he still Malcolms right hand man
    Arthur Sinodinos to seek political donation reform if Coalition re-elected

    Why am i not surprised? I think this just validates what his been sprouting has been crap. Bowen put it nicely.

    "Good luck getting that through your party room, Arthur," he said.
    Mr Bowen said Labor would continue to push for a more transparent donations system.
    "The threshold should be $1,000," he said. "We have consistently moved that in Parliament and been blocked at every turn.
    "I would hope that Arthur would vote for it next time, given he's just expressed a personal view."

    No surprises if Sinodinos wanted the exact opposite

  • 2016-May-31, 9:00 pm

    Another analysis was prepared by Analysys Mason, which was engaged by Webb Henderson on NBN�s behalf.

    No surprise that it says � The analysis also says that the copper network should based on data provided by Telstra and NBN modelling, be capable of meeting the government�s download speed targets (25 megabits per second to 100 per cent of premises, and, further down the track, 50Mbps to 90 per cent of premises).

    Should � really !!! You have to laugh (or cry) to that statement !!

  • 2016-May-31, 9:00 pm

    dJOS writes...

    Not much point, she's blocked me :-D

    Did she block you after you replied to her on Twitter?

    @karinakeisler did you think we didn't notice #nbn are trying to do away with the annual updates, and keep the three year plans secret?

  • 2016-May-31, 9:02 pm

    This is getting ridiculous.

    The new format nbn rollout mapping looks like it has been designed to ensure that it is even harder than before to try and determine the geographic extent of the mix of MTM technology rollouts from

    1. Having a Show service type button default to Off.

    2. When you turn the Show service type button to On, the Fixed Line v Fixed Wireless are both exactly the same color. With only a "pattern" as a differentiator
    (a) Fixed line = very thin diagonal lines in a light shade of color with the original darker color as fill
    (b) Fixed wireless = circle and cross pattern in a light color with the original darker color as a fill

    Because of the use of exactly the same color for Fixed line and Fixed wireless, when you pan out over an area, the difference between the Fixed line and fixed wireless is impossible to detect on even a top of the range iMac 27 retina screen.

  • 2016-May-31, 9:02 pm

    Majorfoley writes...

    No surprises if Sinodinos wanted the exact opposite

    Parallels to Turnbull and his agility and innovation push, in contrast to the legacy he will leave behind with his preferred strategic choice for his Government's NBN/MTM model.

  • 2016-May-31, 9:06 pm

    there may be constraints in the manner in which nbn may utilise the MTM network in the future (e.g. nbn will need to continue to support the provision of Foxtel�s pay-TV services over the Telstra HFC network).

    Nice for Telstra and News Corp.

  • 2016-May-31, 9:06 pm

    U T C writes...

    Why is ftth not mentioned?

    It probably was but because there are no issues with it there was nothing to report. The number of pages attributed to FTTN and HFC is a clear testament to the many risks that need to be considered and addressed in the report.

  • 2016-May-31, 9:11 pm

    This report does not examine the merits of the specifications given by the Australian Government to nbn at a policy level that have an impact on the design of the network. Rather, this report examines the key choices or decisions that have been made by nbn in the design of its network within the overall parameters that have been established by the Australian Government at a policy level through its SoE.

    Stop right there.
    Scope alert.

  • 2016-May-31, 9:11 pm

    Options for future capacity upgrades
    ? Although nbn does not currently have a detailed roadmap for upgrading the FTTN/FTTB network,
    the options it is considering appear to be prudent, being in line with other operators internationally.

    The use of the word "appear", materially waters down the degree of prudency.

    The following options for upgrading its network would be available to nbn in the future:
    � exploiting the evolving xDSL standards, and potentially using technology
    � using the 30a frequency profile for VDSL2, which extends the spectrum available from
    17MHz to 30MHz
    � extending the distribution fibre network to reduce the copper loop length (e.g. by
    deploying FTTdp architecture)
    � using other technologies coexisting and overlapping in the MTM network
    � upgrading to FTTP.

    The options available to nbn are also likely to achieve efficient outcomes as it is based on an incremental upgrade of the existing network rather than deploying new infrastructure, thereby maximising the use of, and the investment return on, existing assets.
    ? We have not identified any concerns regarding the way that the FTTN/FTTB network is
    designed which would prevent efficient and prudent upgrades being made to increase network capacity to address future demand.

    Too important to leave to one consulting firm to provide an opinion. 2nd and 3rd opinions required.

    ? nbn�s ability to undertake upgrades will be dependent to some extent on the outcome of the current Communications Alliance process that seeks to deal with interference issues caused by the co-existence of different xDSL systems. Resolving these issues at the industry level will be important as interference may become a greater issue when FTTN/FTTB networks are upgraded to new xDSL technologies (e.g. provided over FTTdp) that will increasingly rely on vectoring to deliver their full potential in terms of bandwidth and return on investment.']
    So in other words, an upgradeable network might be incongruent with wholesale competition. Leaving the network in the hands of only one wholesaler (i.e nbn or Telstra) as the only way to upgrade the network?

    Or leaving those MDU's where NBNCo has allowed competing wholesale fixed line infrastructure or deliberately installed it's equipment in competition with the likes of TPG FTTB, in a position where they can't upgrade unless the Body Corporate agrees to somehow decommission all residents from one of the competing wholesale providers over time.

  • 2016-May-31, 10:21 pm

    nbn�s decision to terminate the wholesale service at the wall plate is prudent, and in line with other operators internationally

    Why prudent to do this for FTTN/B but not for HFC. Please explain.

  • 2016-May-31, 10:21 pm

    Phg writes...

    If you are unclear about the terms of this policy or whether your actions would breach your obligations do not publish the content and seek advice from your manager or speak to one of the Digital Communication Managers at NBN Co.

    The irony is that I would assume that Karina as the ?Executive General Manager Corporate Affairs at nbn Australia probably holds that position or equivalent level.

    Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? Who watches the watchers?

  • 2016-May-31, 10:22 pm

    erfman writes...

    Could be her last professional role.... who would employ someone with such poor people skills....

    Ummm ....... the LNP.

  • 2016-May-31, 10:22 pm

    there is currently insufficient data available on the condition of the CAN to be able
    to evaluate how much remedial and augmentation work will be required. Depending on the local condition of the CAN, if the extent of remedial and augmentation work is significantly different from what has been allowed for, then this may potentially raise cost issues from both a capex and opex perspective. However, as the network roll-out proceeds, further real data regarding the condition of the CAN will become available which may enable nbn to change its strategy to reduce its costs.

    Like changing it's strategy to offer Satellite or Mobile Broadband as a fixed line substitute if the condition of the CAN and the required remedial and augmentation work required becomes an issue?

    Hang on a minute. Back in March, Morrow was saying the copper was in better condition than expected. Now we have a handpicked by nbn consultant saying there is insufficient data available on the condition of the CAN ...... WTF

    nbn, the organisation building Australia's National Broadband Network, says the copper network it acquired from Telstra requires less remediation than it budgeted for.

    At a press briefing today the nbn CEO Bill Morrow said he ordered a review of the state of the copper network.

    �I had a team do a survey of pits out there,� he said. �They said on a per cent basis that the per cent [of copper requiring remediation] is almost half what we estimated.�

    nbn has set aside funds for copper remediation, he added, and is currently �so far under budget on remediation compared to what the strategic review called for.�

    And even if nbn's copper survey picked a poor sample of the network and remediation costs rise, Morrow said �there is a lot of buffer even if we are wrong in our estimates of the copper remediation.�

  • 2016-May-31, 10:24 pm
    Queeg 500
    this post was edited

    Blackpaw writes...

    They seriously think all dissenting criticisms are from deluded "fanbois", not from professionals with decades of experience in the field.

    Interestingly (or perhaps ironically � I'm never sure if I'm using that word correctly) former board member Simon Hackett ended a slide deck back in early 2013 (from memory) with a mocked up newspaper article showing Prime Minister Turnbull announcing FTTP as the Liberal party's policy for the 2016 election...

    Edit: found it � � and I see that Simon was overly trusting of the idea that the Coalition would actually conduct realistic impartial investigations, and wouldn't push for a Telstra deal at all cost.

    Phg writes...

    Ok let's look in the Apple Store to see if there are any Apps in the NBN Store for you and me to get info from?

    They made an app, they just limited it to nbn� employees looking up information for friends and family.

  • 2016-May-31, 10:24 pm

    Ultimately, the extension of the fibre access network will result in an FTTP network, where fibre is deployed all the way to the customer premises.

    That won't please those wireless fanbois that think that fixed line networks will go the way of the dodo soon.

    The upgrade path chosen by a particular operator will depend on a combination of:
    ? current passive and active network characteristics, in particular, the length and condition of
    existing copper loops
    ? requirements by governments/national regulatory authorities to support infrastructure sharing
    ? end-user demand for increased peak and sustained bandwidth
    ? retailers� response to market competitive pressures
    ? availability of funds and appetite for long-term capital investment.

    Upgrades are not likely to be uniformly applied across networks as the operators will have to consider the distribution of copper loops in their network to formulate the optimum technoeconomic upgrade strategy (i.e. balancing performance and cost).

    Overall, we believe that FTTN/FTTB networks have a technically feasible, incremental upgrade path to keep up with market demand for bandwidth, but maximum performance may be compromised by infrastructure-sharing requirements, unless a technology (e.g. advanced vectoring system) aimed at mitigating interference between different systems is developed in the near future.

    Technically feasible, but possibly financial unfeasible?

    This calls for costing of upgrades of FTTN/B to FTTP as part of the nbn MTM costings.

  • 2016-May-31, 10:27 pm

    Genetic Modified Zealot writes...

    Give it a rest.

    You should follow your own advice Zealot...nothing to see here ....hahahahahahahaha!! Give it a rest....

    Making your post relevant to NBN and on topic...there is so much policy failure to see with FTTN MTM...twitter or no twitter...

  • 2016-May-31, 10:27 pm

    CiC Redactions on p112 in the section titled
    Assessment of nbn�s decisions
    Analysys Mason�s assessment of nbn�s network selection methodology

    Maybe related to the FTTN v FTTB issue, where nbn has put itself in competition with the likes of TPG? And does not to reveal to either the public, the opposition, or TPG and other potential wholesale competitors, just how little FTTB and how much FTTN it is actually planning to role out under it's MTM model (in my uninformed join the dots (as opposed to receiving leaks) opinion)

  • erfman

    Xenocaust writes...

    If I was to post tweets about my employer on my personal account without approval I would be up for disciplinary action.

    Wasn't there a couple of public servants (?) hammered for that just recently? rules for some...not others....

  • erfman

    U T C writes...

    karina keisler Retweeted
    Gary McLaren ?@gmclwill 12h12 hours ago
    No argument with this slide from Bill Morrow � Aus #NBN is very unique. #CommunicAsia2016

    The image with this tweet is enormously embarrassing. Surely NBN Co is not trying to focus on the asian market for funding ...hilariously 'funny' (strange?) but so embarrassing....

  • 2016-May-31, 11:03 pm
    this post was edited

    Phg writes...

    using the 30a frequency profile for VDSL2, which extends the spectrum available from
    17MHz to 30MHz

    This shits me the most.

    Upgrade to 30a when the newest profile is 35b.

    With Alcatel-Lucent�s Vplus products, service providers can deliver enhanced ultra-broadband speeds over their existing copper infrastructure. The portfolio includes:

    Line cards (NDLT-J/K) for the widely deployed 7302 ISAM FD-16 and 7330 ISAM FD-8 shelves with Vplus (35b) and VDSL2 (17a) support.
    Existing System Level Vectoring processor cards (NDPS-B) can be reused for Vplus 7302 ISAM FD-16 and 7330 ISAM FD-8 shelves.

    - See more at:

    FFS they have no planning for the future or current tech at all. Just pulling stuff from articles and putting it in their documents to look good.

    MT � Hitler
    NBN � German Generals � "Following orders"

    Don't know who I dislike the most.

  • 2016-May-31, 11:03 pm

    Phg writes...

    I thought about giving it a rest, but decided to defy your wishes and instead go and take a look into the NBNCo code of conduct.

    The simple question is anyone 'running' NBN Co?

    This NBN Co code of conduct has been breached by KK on many instances over a long period of time. Perhaps Morrow is 'beholden' to KK if he upsets her....Abbott and Credlin parallel?

    The same fate can't come soon enough....

    The culture within NBN Co must be so strained and at breaking point for leaks and failure of fundamental process to be so prevalent.... not to mention the total failure to deliver a National Broadband Network.

    Is it just coincidence that since Turnbull has moved to PM role things are running totally amock... how much hands on did Turnbull actually have seems a fair question....

  • 2016-May-31, 11:10 pm

    ozziemandias writes...

    Ziggy claims The company will meet its targets for the ninth quarter in a row.

    What were those targets?

    How challenging were they? Given the ease with which the annual targets have been met or exceeded this is a valid question.

    Telstra have raised the issue by claiming to be $3B short on payments from NBN Co...only one reason for that....poor performance due to lack of build

  • 2016-May-31, 11:10 pm

    Can someone on twitter ask Karina why they are thinking of upgrading to 30a or when vplus is the better, newer standard. ?

    Lovely infograph on that page comparing 17a, and vplus.

  • Phg

    ozziemandias writes...

    Ziggy claims The company will meet its targets for the ninth quarter in a row.

    What were those targets?

    Clare, Conroy, a key Clare staffer, Labor, fanbois, Fibre Zealots, at least 1 AFP raid to try and find the leak that killed Nemo, reality, and an increasing use of CiC as an excuse to decrease transparency.

  • Phg

    dardz writes...

    Can someone on twitter ask Karina why they are thinking of upgrading to 30a or when vplus is the better, newer standard. ?

    Another reason why the investment in FTTN under the current design plan is a waste and likely worth a fraction of the cost invested in it by the time it is completed. Worse still, it is leaving itself exposed to being made even more worthless by it's inferiority compared to other technologies that can overbuild it, rendering it more a liability than an asset, and a complete and utter waste of AUS$B that will destroy the professional reputations of many of those that openly supported it or blindly accepted it as the best solution, when reality was not only staring them in the face, but being discussed and dismissed day in day out for years around the world by 1000's of technical experts.

  • 2016-May-31, 11:15 pm

    erfman writes...

    Telstra have raised the issue by claiming to be $3B short on payments from NBN Co...only one reason for that....poor performance due to lack of build

    In support of my statement ...from NBN Cannington thread

    I have tried to quote a portion of this however apparently I am quoting too much...for whatever reason no attempt to lessen it works

  • 2016-May-31, 11:15 pm

    Whose gift?

    Obviously timed to election cycle perfection.

    Communications Minister Mitch Fifield had reason to celebrate on Tuesday when a relatively low-key release from the competition regulator included positive independent endorsement of the government's NBN strategy.

    This was a political gift that is likely to overshadow the imminent release of Labor's broadband policy which many believe will involve a return to the party's gold-plated "all fibre network".

  • 2016-May-31, 11:23 pm

    Phg writes...

    This was a political gift that is likely to overshadow the imminent release of Labor's broadband policy which many believe will involve a return to the party's gold-plated "all fibre network".

    On the attack before the policy even comes out....what do they know?

  • 2016-May-31, 11:23 pm

    Bring it on. The more consultants reports released the more focus on the NBN/MTM.

  • Xenocaust

    Phg writes...

    positive independent endorsement of the government's NBN strategy.

    Piss weak endorsement from a consultancy hired to provide a specific conclusion.

    Hardly independent, especially given the constraints upon the study.

    Also not commissioned by the ACCC as I understand it, despite the AFRs implication, it formed part of NBNCo's request for variation.

    Good to see quality journalism in action, shame it's so rare at the moment as this certainly isn't.

  • Phg

    Xenocaust writes...

    Piss weak endorsement from a consultancy hired to provide a specific conclusion.

    The fact that they could hardly find anything not to endorse is a giveaway.

  • 2016-Jun-1, 12:10 am

    last vestiges of copper is a scary thought..

    my question is how many pairs and what is the speed rated distance past 100 meters,,

  • 2016-Jun-1, 12:10 am

    Xenocaust writes...

    Good to see quality journalism in action, shame it's so rare at the moment as this certainly isn't.

    For a Business oriented publication, that article has a distinct lack of Business Analysis content. It's highly political. Even Delimiter commenters can come up with more worthwhile comments in a sentence that the AFR headline clearly designed to magnify the likely intent of the whole article in appearing to endorse the nbn strategy. When the report is clearly limited in scope to the design and assumes that states the strategy that is projected in the SOE is set in concrete and is not something that the report is reviewing for it being a prudent and efficient strategy.

    The headline is so misleading as to appear to endorse the nbn strategy. Shame Fairfax shame.

    �prudent and efficient�
    When looking at the next four or five years and no further.
    Add another 4 years and it looks very different. Add 10 years and MTMco should be put down.

  • 2016-Jun-1, 12:11 am

    erfman writes...

    I have tried to quote a portion of this however apparently I am quoting too much...for whatever reason no attempt to lessen it works

    "After a few calls trying to get a clear answer I was advised there is a short fault within the copper preventing me from getting sync and the job is now being assigned to the copper workflow team for assessment before it gets escalated to the copper repair team."

    A bloody nbn� copper workflow team and a nbn� copper repair team. The MTM is so flapping sad it's not funny.

  • 2016-Jun-1, 12:11 am

    Javelyn writes...

    A bloody nbn� copper workflow team and a nbn� copper repair team. The MTM is so flapping sad it's not funny.

    Talking about funny,

    Q: How many teams does it take to fix some faulty copper?

    A: None if you just get offered or left with no choice but to use Satellite Broadband +/or mobile voice/data instead.

  • 2016-Jun-1, 12:43 am

    erfman writes...

    In support of my statement ...from NBN Cannington thread

    I have tried to quote a portion of this however apparently I am quoting too much...for whatever reason no attempt to lessen it works

    This is appearing to be common around the country. There are significant parts of the St Mary's build in South Australia having the same issue. Its RFS. RSP's are assigning install dates, the dates come and go and are rebooked based on the shortfall.

    The RFS numbers are seriously cooked.

  • 2016-Jun-1, 12:43 am

    KernelPanic writes...

    The RFS numbers are seriously cooked.

    Ready for SFA

  • 2016-Jun-1, 12:45 am

    Phg writes...

    the NBNCo code of conduct.

    I am pretty sure Karina was away that day.

  • 2016-Jun-1, 12:45 am

    KernelPanic writes...

    The RFS numbers are seriously cooked.

    And as we saw today, there is a concerted effort to conceal them from the public underway.

  • 2016-Jun-1, 12:50 am

    Phg writes...

    Bring it on. The more consultants reports released the more focus on the NBN/MTM.

    From your link
    When preparing the analysis, the terms of reference given to Analysys Mason meant that it didn�t assess whether the switch from an FTTP-only model to the MTM model was a wise decision.

  • 2016-Jun-1, 12:50 am

    If NBN really wants to recoup its costs, why not simply add say a $10 per month infrastructure charge to everyones plans.

    900,000 current users x $10 per month = $9 million dollars recovered in just 1 month

  • 2016-Jun-1, 12:52 am
    this post was edited

    rosendalek writes...

    If NBN really wants to recoup its costs, why not simply add say a $10 per month infrastructure charge to everyones plans.

    900,000 current users x $10 per month = $9 million dollars recovered in just 1 month

    With the substandard service they are providing i really doubt it. People would be extremely pissed and they would try to go to lower tier plans hence the money growth would not really get any better, infact could even get worse. Except for the fact they wanted this to happen to please their bosses probably means they win either way.

    God damn politicial ideologies.

    EDIT: Completely forgot that they also aren't responsible for pricing like xoxide0 said.

  • 2016-Jun-1, 12:52 am

    rosendalek writes...

    If NBN really wants to recoup its costs, why not simply add say a $10 per month infrastructure charge to everyones plans.

    NBN is the wholesaler who owns the network. They don't sell plans.
    They make their money by selling access/bandwidth to retail service providers.

  • 2016-Jun-1, 1:15 am

    xoxide0 writes...

    They don't sell plans.

    no but they could charge line rental like telstra wholesale

  • 2016-Jun-1, 1:15 am

    rosendalek writes...

    no but they could charge line rental like telstra wholesale

    How can they charge line rental when they don't sell lines.

  • 2016-Jun-1, 1:32 am

    xoxide0 writes...

    How can they charge line rental when they don't sell lines.


  • 2016-Jun-1, 1:32 am

    rosendalek writes...


    Why hasn't anybody thought of that. You should definitely write to your local MP and tell them your idea for saving the NBN.

  • 2016-Jun-1, 1:45 am

    poor attempt at sarcasm

  • 2016-Jun-1, 1:45 am

    dardz writes...

    MT � Hitler
    NBN � German Generals � "Following orders"

    Don't know who I dislike the most.

    MT � Mr Broadband, Mr Copper, Mr Harbourside Mansion, Mr Virtually Invented the Internet.
    Better known as FIZZA
    That's who you should dislike the most.

  • 2016-Jun-1, 7:07 am

    rosendalek writes...

    no but they could charge line rental like telstra wholesale

    Bundling data and voice has the same effect.

  • 2016-Jun-1, 7:07 am
    Shane Eliiott

    erfman writes...

    Making your post relevant to NBN and on topic...there is so much policy failure to see with FTTN MTM...twitter or no twitter...

    Zealot is worried very very worried by the looks of it.

  • 2016-Jun-1, 8:04 am

    With the refusal of NBN Co or it's board or Shareholders to demand the removal of it's Executive General Manager Corporate Affairs for what appears to be clear and repeated breaches of the NBN Co Code of Conduct and Social Media Policy in her twitter posts, when discussing the Federal Coalition NBN/MTM policy and plans, are we seeing something bigger at play here when it comes to the IPA and their repeated calls for Free Speech and the below calls by the IPA's Executive Director John Roskam for public opinion and not the law courts to decide the rights of free speech (and the right to be a bigot)?

    Is it possible that Karina is being used as a Proxy in the section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act "wars"?

    He has run for Liberal Party preselection � and missed out � "several times".
    He has also held positions as Chief of Staff to Dr David Kemp, the Federal Minister for Employment, Education, Training and Youth Affairs, as Senior Advisor to Don Hayward, Victorian Minister for Education in the first Kennett Government

    11. What steps would your government take to improve racial hatred laws and improve legal protections against racial hatred? In your view does section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act merit amendment or improvement?


    The Coalition Government will not be supporting any changes to section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act at this time.
    The Coalition recognises the diverse range of community views on section 18C. We are committed to act in a manner which promotes social cohesion, not disunity.
    The Coalition believes in an Australia where everyone is free to speak their mind, in which rights are accompanied by responsibilities, in which there is absolutely no place for racism.
    The Coalition strongly condemns those who attempt to diminish our freedoms in Australia and incite violence and hatred within our community.

    Only At this time. Inferring they will likely have another go at changing 18C in the future

    Javelyn writes...

    The irony is that I would assume that Karina as the ?Executive General Manager Corporate Affairs at nbn Australia probably holds that position or equivalent level.

    defamation lawyer Justin Quill, who has acted for News Corp columnist Andrew Bolt among others.

    Institute of Public Affairs executive director John Roskam said the increasing offence taken by people on social media and the rise of defamation cases threatened the free speech of independent brokers, the media and even business.

    "Is every broker assessment, Facebook comment, and social media post to be subject to what the lawyers think. It would be sad if the faux outrage that dominates the political landscape is now to become de rigueur in commercial relationships. Public opinion should decide these controversies � not the law courts," he said.

    Mr Quill said simply adding the caveat "these views are my own" to your Twitter account � which Mr Edward's does not have � is not a shield because the court would look to a range of factors, such as the fact Mr Edwards is head of corporate communications, tweeting about the ANZ's views and the CEO Shayne Elliott has "liked" the tweet.

  • 2016-Jun-1, 8:04 am
    Shane Eliiott

    Phg writes...

    Is it possible that Karina is being used as a Proxy in the section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act "wars"?

    Anything is possible with this lot really.

  • 2016-Jun-1, 8:18 am

    NerdyNigel writes...

    Did she block you after you replied to her on Twitter

    I'm not sure, I only noticed it after the tweet.

  • 2016-Jun-1, 8:18 am

    So our friendly neighbours over in New Zealand have signed up with Nokia to start adding GPON to their FTTH rollout.
    'Stralia 25mbps by 20something

  • 2016-Jun-1, 8:31 am

    Phg writes...

    Q: How many teams does it take to fix some faulty copper?

    My mum has been without phone and internet at home for ~10 months now. She got her 7th Telstra tech out last Saturday. This guy, whilst not able to fix anything, was able to shed some light on the real issue.

    He was on site for ~3hrs. 45min was checking the house wiring (which is fine as I personally ran Cat 6a throughout the house just over a year ago, from the freshly installed central splitter). As he was about to leave mum suggested he check the lines up the street as some neighbours have been having troubles as well.

    2hrs 15min later he came back and had this to say:
    "Sorry but there's nothing I can do about it. I can see where the copper has been spliced and re-spliced, to try and fix the problems. But the copper lines have completely degraded, the only way to fix it is run fresh lines. Don't expect Telstra to do that."

    Her house is finally back on the NBN map, and an RSP she rang said according to their data that street is slated for FTTN (even though they are literally 500m from 2 greenfield estates with FTTP). Good luck to NBN trying to get FTTN working there.

  • 2016-Jun-1, 8:31 am

    RockyMarciano writes...

    'Stralia 25mbps by 20something

    But as our Dear Leader has said � " We are flinging wide the doors of opportunity ".

  • 2016-Jun-1, 8:43 am

    Malpractis writes...

    "Sorry but there's nothing I can do about it. I can see where the copper has been spliced and re-spliced, to try and fix the problems. But the copper lines have completely degraded, the only way to fix it is run fresh lines. Don't expect Telstra to do that."

    Her house is finally back on the NBN map, and an RSP she rang said according to their data that street is slated for FTTN (even though they are literally 500m from 2 greenfield estates with FTTP). Good luck to NBN trying to get FTTN working there.

    See far below for what the NBNCo revised SAU proposal has in store for lines requiring remediation. Which for Malpractis's Mum's street situation, put's NBN Co in the position of having to explain whether, when, and how long it is going to take to replace the copper.

    copper was not being used to replace degraded Telstra copper, rather was being used to connect Telstra�s distribution pillars to NBN nodes.

    So unless Telstra is going to be replacing the degraded Telstra copper (as opposed to the spare copper NBNCo purchased), so that NBNCo can claim that NBNCo is not replacing the degraded copper, is NBN Co going to just give up on the Copper in the street's like those of Malpractis mother?

    Or is NBN Co going to replace the copper with Fibre, HFC, or not replace the degraded copper at all, and have the street go onto Fixed Wireless, Satellite, or just leave them with Non NBN Co Mobile Broadband, or possibly a Commercial point to point wireless solution?

    1A.4.5 Remediation
    If the Line rate at the UNI used to serve a Premises located in the footprint of the NBN Co FTTB Network or NBN Co FTTN Network is not capable of achieving the PIR Objective then:
    NBN Co may conduct Remediation in respect of the Premises; and until Remediation for the Premises is completed, the downlink Line rate and uplink Line rate at the UNI used to serve the Premises may be significantly less than the downlink PIR and uplink PIR of the bandwidth profile ordered by the Access Seeker in respect of the Premises.

  • 2016-Jun-1, 8:43 am
    this post was edited

    "We consider the rollout plans to be commercially sensitive, we don't want to have to publish them any more" � nbn

  • 2016-Jun-1, 9:19 am
    Melbourne Skywalker

    Malpractis writes...

    2hrs 15min later he came back and had this to say:
    "Sorry but there's nothing I can do about it. I can see where the copper has been spliced and re-spliced, to try and fix the problems. But the copper lines have completely degraded, the only way to fix it is run fresh lines. Don't expect Telstra to do that."

    Her house is finally back on the NBN map, and an RSP she rang said according to their data that street is slated for FTTN (even though they are literally 500m from 2 greenfield estates with FTTP). Good luck to NBN trying to get FTTN working there.

    Sounds like a similar situation to my brother's area. He has had nothing but trouble with his phone & ADSL due to the poor condition of the copper. According to the NBN maps his area (slated for FTTN) went into build preparation status towards the end of last year, and according to the Telstra Wholesale sheet it won't be ready for service until September 2017! That doesn't make any sense to me at all unless they are planning to either completely replace the copper, or switch to FTTP.

    Regardless, in both of these situations both areas should be switched to a full FTTP rollout. It makes no sense at all to replace the copper, but I wouldn't be surprised if they did with Mr copper still running things.

  • 2016-Jun-1, 9:19 am

    Malpractis writes...

    My mum has been without phone and internet at home for ~10 months now. She got her 7th Telstra tech out last Saturday

    Unfortunately, as things stand, Telstra are reluctant to do anything to rectify copper as they will have to pay for it. Much better to wait until FTTN is deployed because they they will be paid to fix it!

  • 2016-Jun-1, 9:20 am
    Dazed and Confused.

    Phg writes...

    1A.4.5 Remediation
    If the Line rate at the UNI used to serve a Premises located in the footprint of the NBN Co FTTB Network or NBN Co FTTN Network is not capable of achieving the PIR Objective then:
    NBN Co may conduct Remediation in respect of the Premises; and until Remediation for the Premises is completed, the downlink Line rate and uplink Line rate at the UNI used to serve the Premises may be significantly less than the downlink PIR and uplink PIR of the bandwidth profile ordered by the Access Seeker in respect of the Premises.

    shakes head.

    Access Seeker = the RSP? If so they RSP is bring charged full cvc and avc rates even if it cannot be delivered. There is no incentive to fix teh lines by nbn� as they are still getting paid full rate

    Can you imagine the uproar if Colesworthdi put a sign on their milk fridge saying

    "we are sorry, but our milk suppliers equipment is faulty and not delivering the required amount of milk into the containers, and until it is fixed which should be in a month we have had to instigate an emergency plan.
    As we are being charged for "full measure" on every container we have no option but to charge you full price even if your 1 litre container only has 25 ml of milk in it. To avoid fights, a staff member will pick the container for you and you must pay for it before it is handed to you"

    That in effect is exactly what nbn� are proposing, in some regards it is worse as they are giving no assurance that the low CIR will actually be fixed

  • 2016-Jun-1, 9:20 am
    Dazed and Confused.

    Cloister writes...

    Unfortunately, as things stand, Telstra are reluctant to do anything to rectify copper as they will have to pay for it. Much better to wait until FTTN is deployed because they they will be paid to fix it!

    more like "they MAY be paid to fix it" there is no incentive for nbn� to fix a line if it can sync even it 1/0.0001 Mbps as they still get paid full avc and cvc for that connection at the purchased rate

  • 2016-Jun-1, 9:39 am

    gavinWA writes...

    "We consider the rollout plans are commercially sensitive, we don't want to have to publish them any more" � nbn

    Personally politically embarrassing for the prime minister is not the same as being commercially sensitive.

  • 2016-Jun-1, 9:39 am

    Dazed and Confused. writes...

    more like "they MAY be paid to fix it" there is no incentive for nbn� to fix a line if it can sync even it 1/0.0001 Mbps

    And as far as I am aware there is no mechanism to force nbnco to fix a line if they decide not to do so.

    (Happy to be corrected on that, but I'd like linked evidence)

  • 2016-Jun-1, 9:39 am

    Dazed and Confused. writes...

    That in effect is exactly what nbn� are proposing, in some regards it is worse as they are giving no assurance that the low CIR will actually be fixed

    Note the assurances that NBN Co provides in it's Supporting Submission to the ACCC � Variation to the NBN Co Special Access Undertaking 27 May 2016. Assurances that raises the possibility that to minimise the number of premise subject to remediation, NBNCo's will risk manage this by taking the easy option for themselves and not even attempt to remediate.

    80. In this context, nbn notes that it has aligned interests with access seekers in minimising the number of Premises subject to Remediation and the amount of time taken to complete the necessary actions.

  • 2016-Jun-1, 9:39 am

    Dazed and Confused. writes...

    That in effect is exactly what nbn� are proposing, in some regards it is worse as they are giving no assurance that the low CIR will actually be fixed

    Sorry to pick this bit out but ... what CIR? All I've seen are PIRs for AVCs. Has the NBNCo specified CIRs as well and if so what are they? I'm just interested to know.

  • RockyMarciano
  • Phg

    CMOTDibbler writes...

    Sorry to pick this bit out but ... what CIR? All I've seen are PIRs for AVCs. Has the NBNCo specified CIRs as well and if so what are they? I'm just interested to know

    I think D&C made a typo and got his CIR mixed up with his PIR.

  • dave1901

    Malpractis writes...

    My mum has been without phone and internet at home for ~10 months now.

    Why is it that electricity can be restored within a few hours of an outage, but Telstra can get away with not fixing phone lines for months ? Is the nbn/mtm going to have stricter requirements ?

  • Murdoch

    dave1901 writes...

    Why is it that electricity can be restored within a few hours of an outage, but Telstra can get away with not fixing phone lines for months ?

    Legally they can. The Universal Service Obligation agreement really has quite a few loopholes that do allow Telstra to get away with this.

  • 2016-Jun-1, 10:25 am

    . beaten by Rocky :)

  • 2016-Jun-1, 10:25 am

    Phg writes...

    I think D&C made a typo and got his CIR mixed up with his PIR.

    That's a shame. There must be a CIR below which the NBNCo is forced to acknowledge a fault and fix it. I've been looking for it for years. I hoped D&C had found it.

  • Phg

    This is going to be a fun read from Mark Gregory today.

    RockyMarciano writes...

    To replace FTTN with FTTdp, a high density implementation of FTTdp, there would be a need to remove the FTTN systems completely and to rollout fibre from the nodes to within no more than 80 metres from premises, which for most premises means to the telephone pits found in the street.

    The big question is whether Labor is confident enough to convince the public that spending a little bit extra in the short-term is well worth the effort.

    To replace the Federal Coalition with the current Federal Oppositions, and a less duncety implementation of FTTX, there would be a need to remove the FTTX dunces completely from further damaging the nation, or causing such mistrust in the political system. Best to roll the dunces and the nodes away, to no less than 1000km from all Australian premises (e.g Nauru), which for most premises and the majority of Australians, means to the offshore rubbish tip for recycling, and as a deterrent to anyone thinking of trying anything like this ever again, in using Australia's digital and economic future as a plaything to get what they selfishly want.

  • Dazed and Confused.

    Phg writes...

    I think D&C made a typo and got his CIR mixed up with his PIR.

    yeah, I guess the brain started typing CIC, it has become so ingrained in anything MTM/nbn�

  • 2016-Jun-1, 10:31 am
    Melbourne Skywalker

    Phg writes...

    To replace FTTN with FTTdp, a high density implementation of FTTdp, there would be a need to remove the FTTN systems completely

    Well we pretty much already knew there was no chance of upgrading FTTN to FTTP without ripping it all out.
    Basically any of us in FTTN areas that are either completed or nearing completion are left with two options. Fork out thousands of dollars for our own FTTP connection or sell up and move. :(

  • 2016-Jun-1, 10:31 am
    Jobson Innovation Growth

    Phg writes...

    To replace FTTN with FTTdp, a high density implementation of FTTdp, there would be a need to remove the FTTN systems completely

    Finally we have proof that the "fttn can be easily upgraded" is a lie!

  • 2016-Jun-1, 10:33 am

    Phg writes...

    The headline is so misleading as to appear to endorse the nbn strategy. Shame Fairfax shame.

    Is it any wonder that Fairfax newspapers are in such financial strife...who'd buy such rubbish to read partisan articles such as this. Rather than sack a multitude of journos to 'fix' the bottom line a well publicised and targetted weeding out of pathetic journalism and editorial ineptitude would bring readers..paying customers ....back.

    Anyone else noticed a shift in Fairfax editorial discretion to the right since the NBN Raid...? Might be a reason they didn't get raided as well after printing more balanced articles....

  • 2016-Jun-1, 10:33 am

    Could have been an NBN discussion on-topic (maybe still one day for those lucky FTTH)

    Long story short, new PON equipment �th the size of the original equipment (fits in 1RU standard chassis).

  • 2016-Jun-1, 10:40 am

    dJOS writes...

    I'm not sure, I only noticed it after the tweet.

    Probably why Twitter is going arses make wild tweets and, exerting their power, block those that are of contrary view to make it look like only favorable response come through. ...fairly meaningless ultimately..

  • 2016-Jun-1, 10:40 am
    Better Presented

    Phg writes...

    What an embarrassing article. The analysis was only to determine whether the MTM is fit for implementing the government's constrained SoE. Indeed, the analysis is almost at pains NOT make a comparison with a FTTP network.

  • 2016-Jun-1, 10:54 am

    Love the link "independent" when it was commissioned by NBN

    But that attack does not sit well with the views of the independent experts, the same independent experts relied upon by the NBN when the strategy was FTTP.

    As once was the FTTP a thumbs up by the "independent" analysis

  • 2016-Jun-1, 10:54 am

    Trouble over in in the Campbelltown NSW NBN thread with 2 posters in the last few hours reporting loss of their copper phone and ADSL based internet services during the process of ordering and getting an NBN FTTN service.
    now in the second month of Telstra pointing at NBN pointing at Telstra. Bottom line, the switch to NBN left them with no DSL connection at all and so far there is no light at the end of the tunnel.
    Up until last night, they still had a phone and ADSL connection, but around 8PM they lost both phone and internet � called Telstra today only to be told that the connection was active on the 17th and they have no record of any issues (despite a case manager being assigned previously), so they have disconnected the phone line.

  • 2016-Jun-1, 10:58 am

    One of the defences NBN has used in arguing why leaked documents from the company are bad and the AFP should be allowed to raid Labor HQ is that the company is very transparent and publishes so much information on the state of the rollout. Not for much longer. The ACCC has released a change in NBN�s special access undertaking � the rules that govern the NBN rollout � that is supposed to allow it to roll out Turnbull�s �multi-technology mix� version, but also reduces the number of times the company will be required to report to the public.

    NBN has justified this by using its long-running excuse for hiding information that is deemed �commercial-in-confidence�. Perhaps the plans will be the next ones to be leaked?

    With nbn rollout plans now deemed to be CiC, how the flap is anyone looking to buy property meant to make informed decisions about the broadband infrastructure until the real NBN has been mostly rolled out in areas they are needing to buy in?

  • 2016-Jun-1, 10:58 am

    RockyMarciano writes...

    What odds on LNP making an announcement in response to Labor NBN Policy based on FTTdp and supported by yesterday's ACCC NBN SAU article � we are being primed IMO. Interesting Mark Gregory is probably being used as a wedge here as well.

  • 2016-Jun-1, 11:55 am

    NBN Co�s adoption of a centralised GPON architecture is both efficient and prudent, as it
    represents the best choice of architecture from a long-term cost-management perspective and
    from a network scalability and flexibility perspective.

    They are both, therefore, considered to be future-proof technologies. In terms of
    deployment, GPON is currently the FTTP technology of choice for large operators in a number of
    countries for offering ultra-fast broadband services to the residential segment

    2012 FTTP report by the same company

  • 2016-Jun-1, 11:55 am

    RockyMarciano writes...

    2012 FTTP report by the same company

    At least that 2012 report was not signed off on April 1.

  • 2016-Jun-1, 11:56 am
    U T C

    RockyMarciano writes...

    2012 FTTP report by the same company

    We say anything for money..

  • 2016-Jun-1, 11:56 am
    this post was edited

    sadly $10 + $30-35 in admin fees = $36,000,000 � 40,500,000. this would be barely a � of the country let alone 1/3 of 1 states or territories population, overlay sat maps for current sat tv based service with current service maps with he sat internet maps and you will see the true impliance of implication of a sat based internet service and it will more the 100,000 user prognosis back in the 1993/4 report later refuted by 2003/4 report into short term internet and long term internet solutions for people in the country and some parts of suburbia where the copper line length is to great to supply an adsl service..

    and looking at the top hat deployment of the last 15-20 years this is nothing but the stop gap of extending the copper footprint, where fttp has been a base requirement install for the last 10 or so years, and the longer it is left the more it will cost in install, as the cost of copper replacement with more copper every 18-30 month's doesn't bode well for anyone..

    install costs tabled in a report to parliament on install vs on the ground costs of install is always 2 different figures..

    as for political games we are now in protection mode for min of 6 months since the election has been called..

  • 2016-Jun-1, 1:38 pm
    Mark Gregory

    Hi erfman, The reason I wrote this article was because Morrow told the Senate that no other company / country was doing FTTdp and NBN Co was leading the world in looking to rollout FTTdp. In fact, NBN Co is not leading the world and is trialling several different stand alone systems suitable for low density FTTdp. So in effect the FTTdp is of little or no consequence to the NBN debate as it is not scalable and the only benefit is the fibre running to the 300,000 premises identified to be in the low density rollout. The timing of the article with the SAU and Labor's possible options is coincidental.

  • 2016-Jun-1, 1:38 pm

    U T C writes...

    We say anything for money..

    It's like they did a CTRL+F = FTTP
    Replace with = FTTN

    Charge NBN $3m

  • 2016-Jun-1, 1:38 pm

    U T C writes...

    We say anything for money..

    Almost the same wording isn't it? Consultants creaming again...just change a word or two....

  • 2016-Jun-1, 1:38 pm

    Mark Gregory writes...

    The timing of the article with the SAU and Labor's possible options is coincidental

    Noted. However, I still expect your (good) article will be utilised (parts thereof) to support discussion anti FTTP when Labor announces its policy, which may well reference utilisation of FTTdp in particular circumstances....nothing new in that, though.

    The facts don't seem to play an important part anymore....

  • 2016-Jun-1, 1:39 pm

    erfman writes...

    Almost the same wording isn't it?

    If both Rudd/Controy/Australia's and Turnbull/Abbott/Foxtel's NBN strategies got the prudent and efficient thumbs up from the exact same "independent experts", remind me again why team Abbott/Turnbull changed the NBN into the MTM and pretty much dumped the FTTP rollout?

  • 2016-Jun-1, 1:39 pm

    RockyMarciano writes...

    2012 FTTP report by the same company

    If you want a efficient and prudent document that will tell you what you want to see. Give Analysys Mason a call. We never fail to please. Especially if you splash a little extra cash. Don't wait. You know it makes sense.
    Three word slogan � Efficient and Prudent.
    Analysis Paralysis.

  • U T C

    ct4spinner writes...

    If you want a efficient and prudent document that will tell you what you want to see.

    They have prefilled docs ready to go..

  • Phg

    U T C writes...

    They have prefilled docs ready to go..

    I hope NBN Co got a hefty discount from Analysys Mason for the 2016 report.

  • 2016-Jun-1, 1:50 pm

    To anyone getting despondent that the Federal Coalition is most likely going to hold on at the 2 July Federal Election to continue with their current NBN/MTM policy for a while longer, this post might cheer you up a bit.

    Particularly when drawing parallels with the NBN Co revised SAU "independent" consultants reports efficient and prudent endorsements for NBN Co. With talk of a backlash against the whole Liberal Party. It's a matter of trust. 4 and a half weeks to go.

    In a potentially explosive development for the Baird Government, the Land and Environment Court has ordered it to provide documents about the role KPMG played in implementing the council amalgamation agenda.

    Counsel for Strathfield Tim Robertson SC said documents delivered on Sunday revealed KPMG had been "intimately involved in the formulation of proposals and the report had been done in order to do the government's bidding."
    "The lack of independence of KPMG has always been a central part of our case,"

    The latest developments are politically damaging

    evidence that it had acted to achieve a foregone conclusion and misled communities

    There will be a backlash against the whole LIberal Party, not just the Baird government because this is a breach of trust. I come from a conservative place � Hunters Hill. I have never seen anger like this in conservative places."

  • 2016-Jun-1, 1:50 pm

    It is sad that a cost benefit analysis over 10 years or so has not been produced ahead of the election comparing cost of maintaining copper in FTTN vs FTTdP vs FTTP. I know you might be able to find it if you dig deep but it should be out there. Shame Mark Gregory did not go down this path in his article.

  • 2016-Jun-1, 1:54 pm

    Phg writes...

    There will be a backlash against the whole LIberal Party, not just the Baird government because this is a breach of trust. I come from a conservative place � Hunters Hill. I have never seen anger like this in conservative places."

    Phg, it pales into insignificance when compared to Labor politicians stealing tens of millions off the public. There will be no backlash at all. Everyone wants to see Mehager and the like go down. i don't see the relevance to this thread

  • 2016-Jun-1, 1:54 pm
    Dazed and Confused.

    smallfish writes...

    Phg, it pales into insignificance when compared to Labor politicians stealing tens of millions off the public. There will be no backlash at all.

    pardon, where is your evidence to support your claim.
    First I have heard of it

  • 2016-Jun-1, 1:56 pm
    Tandem TrainRider

    Mark Gregory writes...

    So in effect the FTTdp is of little or no consequence to the NBN debate as it is not scalable and the only benefit is the fibre running to the 300,000 premises identified to be in the low density rollout. The timing of the article with the SAU and Labor's possible options is coincidental.

    Firstly, a fantastic layman's explanation of FTTdp. So good I'll repeat it
    FTTdp falls between the two approaches by getting the fibre to within no more than 80 metres from premises and the final connection into premises uses the existing copper telephone wires. Switch the copper with fibre and you effectively turn the FTTdp into FTTP. FTTdp that uses GPON (Gigabit Passive Optical Network) as the technology on the fibre can operate over distances of up to 20 kilometres making it similar to FTTP.

    But ....
    Are we sure the 300,000 is for the "low density" rollout?

    The NBN consists of three zones � high, medium and low density. Currently premises in the high density areas will be connected to the NBN using either FTTP, FTTN or HFC. In the medium density areas NBN Co is using fixed wireless to connect premises to the NBN. In low density areas satellite

    I was under the impression the 300,000 premises came from the Strategic Review (p18): FTTdp to complement the FTTN rollout in long-loop areas towards the end of the build and was an estimate of the number of premises in the FTTN footprint not going to get 25mbps. (I can't find the 300k premises reference in there now, bugger, but I recall it's in there somewhere). Or is it assumed those 300k properties are like DrD and have fallen out of the fixed line (and fixed wireless) footprint and onto Sat? Perhaps correctly, perhaps not, the impression I had is the SR assumed standard VDSL2, but those 300k were going to be dealt with by the magic of vectoring.

    and have commenced a trial using FTTdp and DPUs with one to four ports
    Is this true? Is the one test user trialing a 4 port ONT?

  • 2016-Jun-1, 1:56 pm
    U T C

    smallfish writes...

    comparing cost of maintaining copper in FTTN vs FTTdP vs FTTP.

    There is no CBA , that's why..

  • 2016-Jun-1, 1:59 pm
    U T C

    Tandem TrainRider writes...

    Is this true? Is the one test user trialing a 4 port ONT?


  • 2016-Jun-1, 1:59 pm

    and Telstra has never released a good figure on how much they spent on maintaining the copper network.. If they even know

  • 2016-Jun-1, 2:10 pm
    Tandem TrainRider

    RockyMarciano writes...

    It's like they did a CTRL+F = FTTP
    Replace with = FTTN

    Charge NBN $3m

    Another of the cost savings of FTTN. You don't just reuse the copper, you reuse the reports justifying it as well. /s

  • 2016-Jun-1, 2:10 pm
  • 2016-Jun-1, 2:20 pm
    U T C

    �Fanbois�: NBN Co mocks critics after cancelling quarterly update

    �With changes to the 3-year construction plan and the monthly RFS rollout plan, the information in the 1-year construction plan has become redundant,� the NBN company noted, adding that some of the information contained in its plans were also commercially sensitive.

    A number of commentators noted the changes yesterday as the new SAU was published.

    In response, the NBN company�s executive general manager of corporate affairs, Karina Keisler, mocked critics of the company.

    �With FULL rollout soon in view & annual updates provided, the fanbois are calling for quarterly updates. Hell, why not weekly?! Daily?� the executive posted on Twitter.

    It�s quite hard to believe that the management of the NBN company continues to allow Keisler to make these kind of vitriolic comments in public.

    That should be a serious enough matter to give Keisler and her colleagues pause. It�s time for them to re-evaluate their communications strategy. Because the current approach is alienating journalists, the Opposition, and NBN customers alike. That�s precisely the opposite of what a corporate affairs function is supposed to achieve.

  • 2016-Jun-1, 2:20 pm
  • 2016-Jun-1, 4:04 pm
    Mark Gregory

    Hi Tandem, NBN Co have indicated they will use FTTdp for areas that are not going to get fixed wireless (not enough premises in the area to justify a tower) and are relatively close to nodes (say 1-2 km). Possibly there are other scenarios but I'm not aware of them. Remember that the premises can be up to 20 km from nodes where there will be a termination for the FTTdp fibre but the cost of rolling fibre out to anywhere near 20km would be too high for FTTdp to be an option given NBN Co's requirement to use the cheapest technology.

  • 2016-Jun-1, 4:04 pm

    Mark Gregory writes...

    NBN Co have indicated they will use FTTdp for areas that are not going to get fixed wireless

    Where? They have discussed it, but nowhere is there policy to use it. And as far as we know, its only been trialled with 1 user.

  • 2016-Jun-1, 4:05 pm

    it is my understanding that a functional FTTdp is currently just a concept � unlike FTTP technology it is not something "ready to roll". I would think that NBN plans to use it are very presumptive and more "pie in the sky".

  • 2016-Jun-1, 4:05 pm
  • 2016-Jun-1, 4:19 pm

    I recall reading somewhere that:
    1) nbnco was asked if they would deploy HFC prior to 30th June and they answered 'no'.
    2) there are 'get out of HFC' clauses if nbnco have not deployed the technolgy
    3) the election is on the 2nd July
    That leaves 1st July as the only date when nbnco can release HFC, and force Labor into using HFC in their plan.

    Anyone recall anything like this or am I pulling out of the proverbial?

  • 2016-Jun-1, 4:19 pm
    Queeg 500

    Leopard writes...

    That leaves 1st July as the only date when nbnco can release HFC, and force Labor into using HFC in their plan.

    The HFC product launch is scheduled for 30th June � the question was raised whether that product launch would trigger the Telstra "It's your problem now, sucker!" clause which nbn� claimed it wouldn't. Whether that's because no customers would actually be connected on that date or whether only Optus areas will accept orders from that date or soon after I don't know.

  • 2016-Jun-1, 4:30 pm

    RockyMarciano writes...
    that picture

    Very disappointed with Renai's comment ...

    "I personally like Keisler. I�ve known her for a long time � dating back to her days at Vodafone � and I believe she is a consummate public affairs professional."

    .... but not surprised that Renai has said this. His track record demonstrates that he seems to value staying in the good books of his network more than calling a spade a spade for his readers.

  • 2016-Jun-1, 4:30 pm

    I notice that when posters talk about Labor's NBN policy (I'm looking at you Kingee and GMZT) that the usual response is along the lines of "Labor has not released their NBN policy."

    But Renai says that "I think it�s pretty clear at this point what Labor are going to announce as their NBN policy for the election."

    Oh well if that's what Renai thinks as our expert NBN/MTM blogger journalist (sorry I was channelling Karina for a moment there) then I suppose Kingee and GMZT) and the rest of us can take it as gospel that this is Labor's NBN policy.

  • 2016-Jun-1, 4:39 pm

    Tandem TrainRider writes...

    and have commenced a trial using FTTdp and DPUs with one to four ports
    Is this true? Is the one test user trialing a 4 port ONT?

    Do you mean NTD? I think you will find the DPUs with one to four ports are the hardware mounted in the pits.

  • 2016-Jun-1, 4:39 pm

    ct4spinner writes...

    I bet she says " No Fibre Hangers EVER !!! ".

    The only fibre you get is the stuff coming out of her backside. Oh wait, we are already getting that. Its called the FTTN.

  • 2016-Jun-1, 4:45 pm

    where is the video for the announcement ?

  • 2016-Jun-1, 4:45 pm

    quadfan writes...

    unlike FTTP technology it is not something "ready to roll". I would think that NBN plans to use it are very presumptive and more "pie in the sky".

    You mean like D3.1 the saviour of HFC?

  • PeteP

    Queeg 500 writes...

    The HFC product launch is scheduled for 30th June � the question was raised whether that product launch would trigger the Telstra

    Only areas I am aware which will NBN HFC RFS end of June are Optus HFC areas? If so this would not yet trigger the Telstra HFC takeover until the first Telstra NBN HFC area goes live (as early as July/August somewhere in SA or WA).

  • Terror_Blade

    RockyMarciano writes...

    It's like they did a CTRL+F = FTTP
    Replace with = FTTN

    Don't forget also

    CTRL+F = efficient and prudent
    Replace with = prudent and efficient

    Now it sounds like a completely different report!

  • 2016-Jun-1, 5:02 pm
    this post was edited

    gavinWA writes...

    "We consider the rollout plans to be commercially sensitive, we don't want to have to publish them any more" � nbn

    That is pathetic. If this is gonna be more of their excuses in the future i will NEVER even think about voting a conservative party in my future thats for bloody sure. Corrupt idiots the lot of them. If its publicly funded there should be no god damn shadows covering the information. How did these idiots even get in? The moeny managers excuse? Goes to check national debt and see its higher by 20billion. Well so much for that excuse.

    Karina Keisler should be fired. No ifs no buts she should be outright sacked. Any other workplace this would be an immediate sacking but not the NBN co. The failure of Australia. We are going to be mocked for generations to come and we will all suffer for it while 100 people laugh their way to retirement not caring about the responsiblity they should have had.

  • 2016-Jun-1, 5:02 pm

    oh the contradiction...

    even with fttdp installed in the cabinet.. they still need UPGRADE the cable to the premises though it doesn't guarantee a lifespan of 5 years in copper servicing the premises with th amount of buildings being built within my suburb, the plan of deploying fttn is plain idiotic given the d/a's didn't have the capacity to support basic residential telephone service nevermind adsl..

    which could not support vdsl 4-5 years ago and still couldn't today..

    i see fttn as a political stunt of ignorance rather planning for foreword thinking..

  • 2016-Jun-1, 5:11 pm

    Genetic Modified Zealot writes...

    Give it a rest. There are better things to do rather than get worked up over a personal Twitter account

    Good to see GMZ is walking the talk today (only 4 hours to go).

  • 2016-Jun-1, 5:11 pm
  • 2016-Jun-1, 5:15 pm
  • 2016-Jun-1, 5:15 pm
    Mark Gregory

    Hi quadfan, it is important to dispel this myth. FTTdp is being rolled out today and it is available for high, medium and low density rollouts. The key here is that NBN Co's supplier does not appear to provide, Huawei does but is banned, so NBN Co is seeking alternatives from tiny companies in the USA.

  • 2016-Jun-1, 9:22 pm

    Mark Gregory writes...

    ... so NBN Co is seeking alternatives from tiny companies in the USA.

    That sounds like it has risks.

  • 2016-Jun-1, 9:22 pm

    Mark Gregory writes...

    FTTdp is being rolled out today and it is available for high, medium and low density rollouts. The key here is that NBN Co's supplier does not appear to provide, Huawei does but is banned, so NBN Co is seeking alternatives from tiny companies in the USA

    Why are NBN Co locked to one supplier?

  • 2016-Jun-1, 9:32 pm
    this post was edited

    10 years from now some of the low lying fruit will be brought before a judge to answer questions about the debacle, but sadly Mr Fizza and Zigfreid will be retired somewhere in the good ol US of A living off tax-free Cayman dollars. There is no justice in this world: In a westernized modern economy, if you're rich you get to live a happy, carefree life. If you're poor you get to suffer depression and poison your body trying to achieve a less miserable state of mind. Anyway, enough of the rant.
    Fauxband was supposed to be available in my area (Stirling WA) but it's June and still no indication of when the switch will be flicked. I've seen a lot of Telstra workers in the Karrinyup area, obviously preparing the network so they can cherry-puck the most profitable streets/zones. Like i've said previously, I don't expect anything until late in the year.

  • 2016-Jun-1, 9:32 pm
    Tandem TrainRider

    quadfan writes...

    it is my understanding that a functional FTTdp is currently just a concept � unlike FTTP technology it is not something "ready to roll".

    MG is right, there are FTTTdp products that are more than Vapourware. Even Alcatel Lucent have one:, but the form factor is clearly too big to fit two in a typical Telstra suburban pit (and the cost of replacing the pit exceeds the cost of installing the NTD in the premises).

    I'm not aware of any 4 port ONT/NTD/DPU/Micronodes in commercial production (please feel free to correct me if/where I'm wrong here). IIRC there was a briefing given to the Senate of the products nbn� were trialing, and that included a slide of some small form factor reverse powered ONTs , but AFAIK they were all single port.

    Mark Gregory writes...

    NBN Co have indicated they will use FTTdp for areas that are not going to get fixed wireless (not enough premises in the area to justify a tower) and are relatively close to nodes (say 1-2 km)

    I would also like to know when and where this indication was given: Senate Estimates? I don't know for sure, but I think nbn� have been describing their 48port micronode deployments as FTTdp, when they are really FTTN for areas of sufficiently low density that they have less than 50 users within 1.2km of the node site, and who would otherwise be outside the FTTN footprint. If this is the case then it's a touch disingenuous to describe it as FTTdp.

  • Mark Gregory

    Hi Tandem, you've identified how FTTdp can mean many things and generally NBN Co are not rolling out FTTdp variants that most would anticipate. Calling FTTN micronodes FTTdp is ridiculous � it is FTTN. FTTdp is generally associated with DPU in pits or on polls outside homes and G.Fast or some other technology into the home � e.g. FTTP. If VDSL2/vectoring is to be used then there is no reasonable requirement to get the fibre to the pit (or poll) and this is not what NBN Co is doing. I've complained about the creative use of the term by NBN Co but they've insisted that they can call what they're doing FTTdp. And there is a reference somewhere to the 1-2km using FTTdp in an article or possibly one of the leaked documents about the 1-4 port DPUs under investigation.

  • WhatThe

    Genetic Modified Zealot writes...

    Give it a rest. There are better things to do rather than get worked up over a personal Twitter account

    Be interesting to know the professional conduct requirements for the person of such stature in NBN? Perhaps she is precluded from having personal tweets or perhaps the policy states that she must clearly state that such tweets are not the view of NBN? Either way, there are many who would agree that her conduct is unbecoming of the office which she holds.

  • 2016-Jun-1, 11:29 pm
    this post was edited

    WhatThe writes...

    Be interesting to know the professional conduct requirements for the person of such stature in NBN?

    See my extensive post linking into and analysing the Official NBN Code of Conduct and Social Media Policy the other morning.

    That I appear to be the only human in the whole world who appears to have bothered linking these 2 public documents to this issue is rather bemusing

    Even Journalists like the one that wrote the below did not bother to go looking for them or omitted to write about them for some reason.

  • 2016-Jun-1, 11:29 pm

    Genetic Modified Zealot writes...

    it's a personal Twitter account and they can do whatever pleases

    I agree, but commenting on work matters does confuse the issue. She should have been more professional and not commented at all.

  • 2016-Jun-2, 11:56 am

    Phg writes...

    See my extensive post linking into and analysing the Official NBN Code of Conduct and Social Media Policy the other morning.

    Well as the old saying goes " Rules are there to be broken ". It looks like Karina and the other staff at NBN treat it like sorbent at Glastonbury.

  • 2016-Jun-2, 11:56 am

    karina keisler
    Ok folks I hear you. Importantly, the SAU relates to what we share with RSPs, not public reporting. That's different #nbn

  • 2016-Jun-2, 12:30 pm

    SheldonE writes...

    I agree, but commenting on work matters does confuse the issue. She should have been more professional and not commented at all.

    If an organisation has a Social Media Policy, then it doesn't matter if it's a personal social media account. They are still accountable for their actions. Lo and behold:

    Ultimately, it's likely up to the employer whether their employee's conduct online fits their policies. Let's face it, KK is Morrow's golden child.

    There are many case studies that discuss the consequences of an employee's behaviour on social media.

    EDIT: Oops, just saw the linkages above.

  • 2016-Jun-2, 12:30 pm

    Whether it's a personal Twitter account or not is irrelevant.

    Do you have any idea the number of court cases, law suits and arrests over material appearing on personal social media accounts ?

    Perhaps you'd like to sit down with the ABC and SBS for a minute, for starters, as well as with corporations in the US and Europe...

    P.S. Does this mean the "leaker" at NBN Co could and should have just posted the leaks on their personal social media accounts, and then they'd have totally avoided being sacked/arrested/avoid ramifications of any Official Secrets Act ?

    You can't have it both ways.

  • jakeyg

    Genetic Modified Zealot writes...
    it's a personal Twitter account and they can do whatever pleases

    whats good for the goose, appears not to be good for the gander. MT stepping in again and upholding the rights of free speach for those under his employ, as long as its in agreement with him

  • Phg

    SheldonE writes...

    I agree, but commenting on work matters does confuse the issue. She should have been more professional and not commented at all.

    What makes you think it is just her personal Twitter account?

    It clearly appears to be a work related twitter account from the wording she has put in the intro to her twitter name Corp Affairs @ nbn. It appears to be a BYOSMA (Bring your own Social Media Account).
    Corp Affairs @ nbn

    Even if it is considered partly her personal Twitter account. Akin to a BYOD (phone/tablet/laptop) that is used both for both work and private purposes, the NBN Co Code of Conduct and the NBN Social Media Policy, both clearly cover how you act in a private capacity in relation to your commenting on your job, upholding the company values.
    see for my earlier thread on this
    (selected excerpts below)
    When participating in social media other than on behalf of NBN Co, your legal obligations as an employee, consultant or contractor with NBN Co remain the same as they would be in other contexts of your life, even if you believe you are participating anonymously.

    Should an employee, consultant or contractor choose to participate as a private citizen in social media, they should do so without damaging the reputation of or infringing the intellectual property rights of NBN Co, its employees, contractors, consultants, customers or suppliers. NBN Co may take reasonable and lawful steps in relation to any use of social media that is not authorised or in breach of this policy.

    Employees, contractors or consultants can participate in social media that is unrelated to NBN Co or the NBN as any private citizen would without needing to reference their role at NBN Co. As with any publicly visible activity, employees of NBN Co should endeavour to conduct themselves in accordance with NBN Co�s values and in a manner that will not bring NBN Co into disrepute.

    be polite to all people they interact with

    If you are unclear about the terms of this policy or whether your actions would breach your obligations do not publish the content and seek advice from your manager or speak to one of the Digital Communication Managers at NBN Co. It is safer for you to exercise caution as you have sole responsibility for what you post and publish online to the global community.

    not disparaging NBN Co or any of its employees, clients, business partners, suppliers or other associates, or make any statement which does, or is likely to, bring NBN Co or any of these parties into disrepute or ridicule or otherwise affect their reputations
    ? being mindful that any published content will probably remain in the public domain for many years
    ? being respectful to their audience

    Breach of this Policy
    Failure to comply with this policy may result in NBN Co exercising its rights under a contractor/consultancy agreement or taking disciplinary action against an employee under the Managing Performance and Behaviour Policy. This action may include limitation of access to computer, email and/or the internet, and in serious cases, may result in termination of employment or your engagement with NBN Co.

  • 2016-Jun-2, 1:06 pm

    ct4spinner writes...

    Well as the old saying goes " Rules are there to be broken ". It looks like Karina and the other staff at NBN treat it like sorbent at Glastonbury.

    There is a big difference between 'rules are there to be broken' and 'challenging the norm'.

    Have to say that since Abbott and his 'anything goes if it means power' approach, community standards have dropped significantly with integrity, honesty and professionalism becoming dirty words almost to the point of anarchy. Trump is perfecting it.

    Turnbull has clearly demonstrated that with NBN � lies, deception and extreme lengths to ensure public get no or distorted information ie. no accountability possible. That has permeated to NBN Co clearly with Morrow and KK.

    Often we hear from the Turnbull's and Abbott's that indigenous communities need to get their elders to show the way to rectify the disaster happening to younger generations. Shame they don't put that to work in Australian society. The farce we have seen with NBN would simply not occur.

  • 2016-Jun-2, 1:06 pm

    jakeyg writes...

    In a statement on Sunday, SBS managing director Michael Ebeid and director of sport Ken Shipp said the "inappropriate and disrespectful" comments had caused Mr McIntyre's "on-air position at SBS to become untenable".

    "Mr McIntyre's actions have breached the SBS Code of Conduct and social media policy and as a result, SBS has taken decisive action to terminate Mr McIntyre's position at SBS, with immediate effect," the statement said.

    What's makes Karina Keisler's continuing tenure at NBNCo so tenable?

  • 2016-Jun-2, 1:07 pm

    RockyMarciano writes...

    Ok folks I hear you. Importantly, the SAU relates to what we share with RSPs, not public reporting. That's different #nbn

    Wow!! took how long to work out an escape route...??? That should have been an immediate response.

    Wonder who kicked her butt....

  • 2016-Jun-2, 1:07 pm

    Phg writes...

    Failure to comply with this policy may result in NBN Co exercising its rights under a contractor/consultancy agreement or taking disciplinary action against an employee under the Managing Performance and Behaviour Policy.

    It's on Hansard that Morrow has had discussions with her about her tweeting...

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