Thứ Hai, 26 tháng 9, 2016

PennyTel migration to MyNetFone Discussion - Part 1 part 1

  • 2016-Apr-20, 11:29 am

    Hey Whirlpoolers, I have created this thread as a way to centralise the discussion about this topic and provide an avenue for feedback that we will be monitoring to field your questions to the fullest extent possible at this time.

    As you may be aware PennyTel was acquired by the MNF Group at the end of 2013, we have done our best to ensure a continuous and stable supply of services and features.

    Now PennyTel infrastructure is coming to end of life, no longer supported by vendors and unable to meet incoming data retention legislation.

    To continue delivering services, the current PennyTel network infrastructure will be decommissioned in June-July 2016 and services moved to the MNF Group network. Some services will continue under the PennyTel brand on new infrastructure, and others will be discontinued with the option to transfer to MyNetFone.

    What do I have to do?

    At this time you do not need to do anything. In a few weeks you will receive a further email outlining exact changes to your specific services, and an offer to opt-in to transfer your services or cancel.

    What's changing?

    Personal VoIP

    • Offer to transfer to MyNetFone and keep the standard rates and inclusions of your PennyTel plan (excludes CrazyTalk)
    • Current PennyTel VoIP services cancelled in mid-June
    • PennyTel account portal shut down by mid-June
    • MyNetFone supports most voice features provided by PennyTel � Compare here


    • Same mobile network
    • New account portal & invoice
    • Same PennySim brand


    • Services will be transferred to an equivalent service
    • May include network changes

    International rates
    International rates have not been updated since January 2011. To keep pace with current market pricing, services that are transferred to MyNetFone will use the current MyNetFone international rates.
    We are confident these rates still present great value and are very competitive

    You can continue to use your existing devices, but you will no longer be able to register multiple devices on the same SIP username and password. A unique username and password will be issued for each VoIP service transferred.

    Next steps
    At this time you do not need to do anything. You will receive a second notification in a few weeks providing more specific information & the opt-in link to transfer your services.

    We believe in transparent communication and have provided this thread to keep you informed as more information becomes available in time.


  • 2016-Apr-20, 11:29 am

    Hi Dylan,

    One question already raised is "Do we keep our DIDs?"

  • 2016-Apr-20, 11:49 am

    Zyxak writes...

    "Do we keep our DIDs?"

    Local DID's will be transferable if you elect to do so.

    Further information on the matter will be sent out to individual customers in the next e-mail communication.


  • 2016-Apr-20, 11:49 am

    Reading the above my understanding is that my voip PT Freedom Plan, including DID, can be grandfathered to MNF. Correct?

    Ditto my two PennySims Correct?

    I assume that I will have to reconfigure my voip hardware, although not the Pennysim enabled mobiles. Correct?

  • Pete eteP

    So will Freedom plan be kept exactly as is with the free sms's etc?
    If so I'm very happy..

  • Toto

    Fax reception will go from free + price of DID to $14.95/month (or $149.95/year) including DID.

  • 2016-Apr-20, 12:18 pm

    The death of Smart Dial means I'm gone, looking forward to your email so I can opt-out and get a refund of my credit

    Also... the International rates to the USA are noncompetitive on MNF vs what was provided on PT (and what is still available on a number of other providers)

  • 2016-Apr-20, 12:18 pm

    Rod178 writes...

    Reading the above my understanding is that my voip PT Freedom Plan, including DID, can be grandfathered to MNF. Correct?

    The international rates will change

    Dylan writes...

    International rates
    International rates have not been updated since January 2011. To keep pace with current market pricing, services that are transferred to MyNetFone will use the current MyNetFone international rates.
    We are confident these rates still present great value and are very competitive

    Country that I call most (Israel) will go from 8 cents per call to 8.5 cents per minute for landline and 16 cents per minute for mobile..

    I will probably just use Dialnow which is

    Israel (Landline) 0.007
    Israel (Mobile) 0.017

    Or one of the Aldi mobile plans where calls to both mobile and landline are included in some plans.


  • 2016-Apr-20, 12:18 pm

    Pete Z writes...

    So will Freedom plan be kept exactly as is with the free sms's etc?

    Rod178 writes...

    Reading the above my understanding is that my voip PT Freedom Plan, including DID, can be grandfathered to MNF. Correct?

    Those are great questions and we understand you're keen for answers.

    Plan specific information will be provided in the next email communications in a couple of weeks. We are currently finalising the details of the inclusions.


  • 2016-Apr-20, 12:18 pm

    Toto writes...

    Fax reception will go from free + price of DID to $14.95/month (or $149.95/year) including DID.

    I dare say most Pennytel fax users will be moving to Telecube where it is still free + cost of DID. Charging $14.95 a month for fax reception these days will only attract ignorant consumers that can't be bothered to search for a much better deal.
    I do have to congratulate MNF for at least actively supporting the T.38 fax protocol however which very few VSP's could be bothered with these days. But to make use of T.38 you wouldn't be using their fax reception DID service anyway.

  • 2016-Apr-20, 12:37 pm

    Rod178 writes...

    I assume that I will have to reconfigure my voip hardware, although not the Pennysim enabled mobiles. Correct?

    As far as I'm aware yes this is correct. We're not currently anticipating a change in network for PennySim so there shouldn't be any need to change mobile configs.


  • 2016-Apr-20, 12:37 pm

    It will be interesting to see how the transferred accounts will mesh with my current MNF account. I have two Pennytel 888 numbers, both Free Access. I also have two MNF numbers, one Whirlpoolsaver and one Neosaver (including a free DID).

    I am mainly interested in combining my Pennytel credit of $25 with my MNF credit. If the two PT numbers can be converted into MNF Whirlpoolsaver numbers, that would be good, too.

  • 2016-Apr-20, 1:00 pm

    Tiebird writes...

    looking forward to your email so I can opt-out and get a refund of my credit

    MNF have so far not indicated they will refund credit to those PT customers electing not to transfer to MNF. They may well be compelled by law to refund the money. I don't know.
    I presume that, for those customers choosing to take up the MNF offer, credit will be carried over to their new or existing MNF account.

  • 2016-Apr-20, 1:00 pm

    Hi Dylan,

    So simply will voip rates on Free access, only relate to both mobile and local / national voip calls but international calls will vary accordingly?

    And our PT plans will remain the same and all we need to do is change settings in our modems?

    Last with PennySim, again on Free access is everything just the same including the data rates and call rates?

    And what about billing or payment methods will that also remain the same with topping by small amounts or is there any new minimum or expiry to anything or any part of both voip/pennysim all in one accounting section of the new MNF system?

  • 2016-Apr-20, 1:00 pm

    ozimarco writes...

    MNF have so far not indicated they will refund credit to those PT customers electing not to transfer to MNF. They may well be compelled by law to refund the money. I don't know.

    So rules are that they cannot force me to accept the migration to MNF, and as the account closure is of their choice and not mine it means a refund is due
    Happy to cost them a few hundred $ in TIO costs if they want to refuse

    I have like $7 in credit at the moment so regardless of outcome its not a significant loss to me either way

  • 2016-Apr-20, 1:00 pm

    zone writes...

    And what about billing or payment methods will that also remain the same with topping by small amounts

    I for one appreciated being able to top-up my PT accounts by just a few dollars at a time. I have been with four VSPs that have gone down the gurgler (went broke or ceased trading) and I am not fond of losing my credit. I note MNF minimum payments are currently $10 for Bpay and $20 for credit card. I would encourage MNF to not apply these minima to PT account holder top-ups.

  • 2016-Apr-20, 1:00 pm

    I have had both PT and MNF accounts for years and used for home and work.

    The choice for outgoing calls was always PT and if there was a problem then we'd use MNF, incoming calls always MNF. MNF has been the superior for reliability but call charges always higher.

    When making a high volume of calls to mobiles a call that lasted only a few seconds cost less than 1c with PT. I note that MNF plans charge a minimum of 1 minute, for someone making lots of business calls that billing increment really adds up. Providing a number of free calls to landlines each month that included all the overseas destinations I use has been a real bonus with PT.

    Most of my o/s calls are personal and could be replaced with Viber now and probably FB and WhatsApp.

  • 2016-Apr-20, 1:00 pm

    ozimarco writes...

    It will be interesting to see how the transferred accounts will mesh with my current MNF account.

    I've got a Whirlpoolsaver and was wondering the same thing.

    I am mainly interested in combining my Pennytel credit of $25 with my MNF credit.

    I would be keen on that too. Something PT could never do. Separate account but sharing the same funding pool, or something like that.

  • 2016-Apr-20, 1:15 pm

    Dylan writes...

    Local DID's will be transferable if you elect to do so.

    What do you mean by "local" DIDs? Do you mean only DIDs in the city where the account is registered?

  • 2016-Apr-20, 1:15 pm

    Zyxak writes...

    Something PT could never do.

    My three PT accounts share the same credit pool. PT encouraged this at one point. I can't remember why now.

  • 2016-Apr-20, 4:25 pm

    Zyxak writes...

    What do you mean by "local" DIDs?

    I suspect it means Australian DIDs. As I recall, Pennytel also offered DIDs in Malaysia and perhaps elsewhere.

  • 2016-Apr-20, 4:25 pm

    lmn writes...

    My three PT accounts share the same credit pool. PT encouraged this at one point.

    Damn. Must have missed that, whenever it happened.

  • 2016-Apr-20, 4:31 pm

    Toto writes...

    I suspect it means Australian DIDs.

    You might be right. I have DIDs in a couple of states, hence my concern.

    As I recall, Pennytel also offered DIDs in Malaysia and perhaps elsewhere.

    Yeah. Singapore, too, I think.

  • 2016-Apr-20, 4:31 pm

    I have been with Pennytel for so many years I have lost touch with what other voip providers charge. Where can I go to get the equivalent of:

    8c flat fee to UK?
    8c flat fee to anywhere in Oz?
    Top up only when I choose (and the balance doesn't 'expire')

    I don't need a DID.

  • Dylan

    ozimarco writes...

    I presume that, for those customers choosing to take up the MNF offer, credit will be carried over to their new or existing MNF account.

    This is correct.

    Zyxak writes...

    What do you mean by "local" DIDs?

    Australian DIDs.

    lmn writes...

    I would encourage MNF to not apply these minima to PT account holder top-ups.

    This feedback has been passed on to management. Thanks for that.

    zone writes...

    And our PT plans will remain the same and all we need to do is change settings in our modems?

    We're anticipating that plan inclusions will remain the same wherever applicable/possible. Any alterations will be communicated individually in the coming weeks once they are finalised.


  • A K


    I have 2 DID's with Pennytel ($0 untimed) and 2 Pennysims (Go Global plan). I'd like to know if these services would qualify to migrate to MNF and if the price structure would remain same (DID lease, Pennysim call out and data rates)


  • 2016-Apr-20, 4:48 pm

    Pennytel has a feature where you can register an international number to a dial in number (8XXXXXXX) and when you call that number, it will route that call at the cost of a local rate. This is more convenient that MNF solution of constantly calling a number and then inputting that number in the numpad. Will that still be available?

  • 2016-Apr-20, 4:48 pm

    Would MNF then start accepting payments from abroad ? Both of my PT accounts were initially funded by my long expired Australian card. I have been unable to top-up with my foreign card from abroad & had to resort to asking someone to make a BPAY payment. I'm pleased that TC accepts foreign cards & might have to switch over to them.

    " Unfortunately, for security reason MyNetFone cannot accept any payments from credit card issued by financial institution outside of Australia for any purchase or service payment. " � Jared

  • Jetski28

    Has everyone been sent the first email yet?
    I still haven't received anything yet and concerned I am going to miss the second email.

  • lmn

    Jetski28 writes...

    Has everyone been sent the first email yet?

    I've not received an email from PT or MNF.

  • 2016-Apr-20, 5:20 pm

    Jetski28 writes...

    I still haven't received anything yet

    lmn writes...

    I've not received an email from PT or MNF.

    Have you checked your Junk folder?

    Also, login to the PT web portal and check the correct/current email address is shown.

  • 2016-Apr-20, 5:20 pm

    davidw89 writes...

    Will that still be available?

    Unfortunately no. Smart Dial will not be available via MNF.

    BitCH writes...

    Would MNF then start accepting payments from abroad ?

    No. We don't have any intention of changing this policy for the sake of security.


  • 2016-Apr-20, 5:50 pm
    this post was edited

    Zyxak writes...

    Have you checked your Junk folder?

    Indeed I have!

    Addendum. And my email address is correct in the portal. Did the emails go out today?

  • 2016-Apr-20, 5:50 pm

    lmn writes...

    Did the emails go out today?

    Yup. I got 2 � one for each account � both timestamped 10:40.

    PennyTel Customer Notification <>

  • 2016-Apr-20, 5:51 pm

    Zyxak writes...

    both timestamped 10:40

    Thanks for that. I expect I'll get the email in due course. It's no big deal for me. I have multiple alternatives to PT, albeit not as cheap. I hadn't used PT for years until just recently when I thought I'd try them again for timed calls when SipTalk became problematic.

  • 2016-Apr-20, 5:51 pm

    engaged writes...

    I have been with Pennytel for so many years

    Me too :-(
    But I've stopped pointing friends at PT since MNF took over. Since I've now got a Clayton's NBN connection, TeleCube have been my preferred VoIP provider.

  • 2016-Apr-20, 5:55 pm

    Hi Dylan, Just wondering if I will receive my $20 SIM deposit back when I close my PennySIM account?

  • 2016-Apr-20, 5:55 pm
    this post was edited

    BJMonty writes...

    Just wondering if I will receive my $20 SIM deposit back when I close my PennySIM account?

    And what about the $10 deposit some of us paid for DIDs when they were the account number for the original PT free access untimed accounts? The account numbers were in international format, e.g. 617xxxxxxxx.

    PS. Gmail search is remarkable. It took just a few seconds to find the invoice dated 16/07/2007 complete with transaction ID.

    PPS. It took a little longer to find the announcement about the Free Access Untimed Plan and the refundable $10 deposit:

  • 2016-Apr-20, 6:08 pm
    waiting for nbn

    Glen20 writes...

    But I've stopped pointing friends at PT since MNF took over

    It would have been a pointless exercise had you sent them to PT. Since it's been run by MNF they haven't been taking on new customers.

  • 2016-Apr-20, 6:08 pm

    lmn writes...

    Addendum. And my email address is correct in the portal. Did the emails go out today?

    I also did not get any emails. My account is circa 2007 if that makes a difference and is identified by its DID as I don't have an 88X account number.

    My father also got an account around the same time and he hasn't got the email either.

    Have done searches and checked the SPAM folders � nothing.

  • 2016-Apr-20, 9:25 pm

    Dylan I'm on the PennyTel Freedom plan, I assume everything will stay the same if I elect to transfer the service to MNF apart from the higher international call charges?

    So I would still get 150 FREE CALLS to over 80 destinations and 7.8c per min to Australian Mobiles, correct?

  • 2016-Apr-20, 9:25 pm

    Zyxak writes...

    Have you checked your Junk folder?

    Also, login to the PT web portal and check the correct/current email address is shown.

    Yes I've checked my Junk Folder and also my Spam Filters log, I have also gone to the PT portal and my email address is current & correct. Still nothing.

  • 2016-Apr-20, 9:59 pm
    Radio Barrie

    Per Minute IDD billing � dramatic change � biggest turn off.

  • 2016-Apr-20, 9:59 pm

    Dylan writes...

    Unfortunately no. Smart Dial will not be available via MNF.

    No Smartdial

    No international untimed calls to 80 countries.

    Not going to be much left of all those innovative Pennytel functions.

    A sad day. :(


  • 2016-Apr-20, 10:01 pm

    Dylan writes...

    Offer to transfer to MyNetFone and keep the standard rates and inclusions of your PennyTel plan (excludes CrazyTalk)

    So this means that all the rates I currently get from on my Freedom plan stay the same � that's fantastic.


    MyNetFone will use the current MyNetFone international rates

    So that's not fantastic and somewhat contradictory to "keep the standard rates and inclusions of your PennyTel plan"

    Anyway if the international rates will change then the call costs for my regular calls to Eastern Europe appear they'll rise from 0.11 to 0.17c/m, still not too expensive but I can get cheaper elsewhere through another local VSP. I've really enjoyed my years with PennyTel along with the wonderful features and rates offered in the Freedom plan. PennyTel sure were innovative. Such a shame but I guess the day had to come.

    At least MNF did keep things up and running for us when PT management went pear shaped, thanks for that, appreciated I'm sure by those of us who stayed with PT.

  • 2016-Apr-20, 10:01 pm

    Any advice on whether the SMS facility will survive? I hope it can. Useful from the portal and from my droid, especially when travelling overseas.

  • 2016-Apr-20, 10:44 pm

    My 'major' desire is that the PT Freedom Plan is Grandfathered (ditto PennySim)

    ie Freedom Plan: $5/month, no additional charge for DID and 80 free calls per months (probably use about 50) to specific locations eg Thailand mobiles.

    as for incoming fax, smartdial etc , I never use those features.

    PS I currently use Click N Call as my backup outgoing voip, for international calls. 20cents untimed and no monthly charge.
    For local call I use iinet. 'Free' with my Internet, includes DID, which is rarely used.

    Question. If I find the MNF offer unacceptable, could I port my PT DID to iinetPhone? ie to replace the rarely used DID.

  • 2016-Apr-20, 10:44 pm

    Rod178 writes...

    80 free calls per month

    Freedom plan is actually 280 free calls per month to 80 destinations, 50 included SMS, DID included.

  • 2016-Apr-20, 10:57 pm

    Toto writes...

    As I recall, Pennytel also offered DIDs in Malaysia and perhaps elsewhere.

    The Malaysian DIDs were withdrawn almost as soon as MNF took over. I had grown quite attached to our KL DID and was sorry to lose it.

    lmn writes...

    My three PT accounts share the same credit pool

    So did both my accounts. There used to be a 'merge account' option at the top of the portal page.

  • 2016-Apr-20, 10:57 pm

    They did increase it from 80 a few years ago, which only provided minimal benefit to myself as I rarely even hit 80.
    Unless they recently increased it again I believe it is now 150 free calls

    AUD$5 Monthly subscription
    Free PennyTel to PennyTel calls
    7.8c per min to Australian Mobiles
    150 FREE CALLS to over 80 destinations^
    $0.08 PER CALL to over 80 destinations^
    50 Free SMS
    One free Traditional Phone Number (DID)
    5c Web SMS
    No commitment, contracts or minimum terms
    Per second billing � pay only for the time you use
    No flagfall or connection fees

  • 2016-Apr-20, 11:12 pm

    Dylan writes...

    Hey Whirlpoolers, I have created this thread as a way to centralise the discussion about this topic and provide an avenue for feedback that we will be monitoring to field your questions to the fullest extent possible at this time.

    You're falling behind on responding to questions Dylan

  • 2016-Apr-20, 11:12 pm

    sweetpea writes...

    Not going to be much left of all those innovative Pennytel functions.

    Yes, it amazes me that the "superior" Mynetfone can't do so many of the things that were available on the "end-of-life" Pennytel platform.

  • 2016-Apr-20, 11:15 pm

    Dylan writes...

    Next steps
    At this time you do not need to do anything. You will receive a second notification in a few weeks providing more specific information & the opt-in link to transfer your services.

    Like other people I have not received the first email, so probably won't get the second notification either. I can't imagine PT want to spend effort maintaining a mailing list, so is there some other place I can monitor to pick up the notice?

  • 2016-Apr-20, 11:15 pm

    I'm in the same boat. Checked everything but no 1st email.
    We do I contact to make sure I get the 2nd email?

  • 2016-Apr-20, 11:54 pm

    I have 3 PT accounts, each with different email addresses.
    Only one of the 3 received the MNF notification.

  • 2016-Apr-20, 11:54 pm

    I never received the email either.

  • 2016-Apr-21, 1:04 am

    Yep � they not talking to me either.

  • 2016-Apr-21, 1:04 am

    I receive it 7 hours ago.

  • 2016-Apr-21, 2:07 am

    Mine came yesterday � probably just migrate to mnf as its only used to backup my primary vsp, WDP, anyway

  • 2016-Apr-21, 2:07 am

    Hi All,

    To those of you who have not received your notification e-mail do not be alarmed. There has been a minor hiccup in completing the full e-mail distribution as a result of bouncebacks due to invalid/no longer active e-mail addresses attached to accounts. Your information e-mails will be with you in due course, I will update further when possible. Rest assured you will receive the required information though.

    Rod178 writes...

    My 'major' desire is that the PT Freedom Plan is Grandfathered

    Question. If I find the MNF offer unacceptable, could I port my PT DID to iinetPhone? ie to replace the rarely used DID.

    Yes. Numbers are being made portable.

    The inclusions for the plans will be retained. This includes the international inclusions. Only the standard international rates are changing. i.e. if you use up all your included international calls, the cost of making an international call will now be as per the MNF international rate.


  • 2016-Apr-21, 2:07 pm

    Dylan writes...

    .....inclusions for the plans will be retained. This includes the international inclusions. Only the standard international rates are changing. i.e. if you use up all your included international calls, the cost of making an international call will now be as per the MNF international rate

    Is the free DID included

  • 2016-Apr-21, 2:07 pm

    So, how about the PennyADSL broadband service? Is it going to be continued? If no, then I have to manage to transfer it to other ISPs.

  • 2016-Apr-21, 2:42 pm

    Rod178 writes...

    Is the free DID included

    As long as a free DID was part of your plan inclusions, then yes.

    DawsonL writes...

    So, how about the PennyADSL broadband service? Is it going to be continued? If no, then I have to manage to transfer it to other ISPs.

    These services will continue. As for whether they operate under the PennyTel brand or see a trasnsfer to MNF is to be finalised and will be communicated at the first available opportunity.


  • 2016-Apr-21, 2:42 pm
    this post was edited

    Rod178 writes...

    Unless they recently increased it again I believe it is now 150 free calls

    It has been 280 for as long as I can remember. If you login to the portal, under My Services > Personal VoIP > My Plan you'll be able to see how many free included calls you got left in the current month. Mine's sitting at 279/280 and SMS is 44/50.

    Anyway 150 or 280, doesn't matter I guess unless you've got perhaps teenagers making heaps of calls etc.

  • 2016-Apr-21, 3:32 pm

    One feature of the Pennytel service I like is the fact that I could register from the one account on two devices simultaneously. I have a Siemens VOIP phone at home permanently connected and registered and when I go away I use 3CX softphone on my Android tablet and it registers using the same account. All incoming calls go to the last active device to register i.e. calls go to my tablet when it is on and my home phone when the tablet is not on.
    MNF support tell me you can't do that with their service.
    Does anyone know if there is another VSP that has this option?

  • 2016-Apr-21, 3:32 pm

    plb writes...

    Does anyone know if there is another VSP that has this option?

    Can with Telecube. 1 extension for each handset.

  • ozimarco

    nooby writes...

    It has been 280 for as long as I can remember.

    Correct. Freedom was upgraded from 150 to 280 included calls but the plan page was never updated to reflect the upgrade. I remember pointing this out to Pennytel well before MNF took over but they either ignored that or never got around to it. Anyway, 280 calls it is.

    plb writes...

    Does anyone know if there is another VSP that has this option?

    You can achieve the same with Telecube in a slightly roundabout way. Unlike with MNF who charge for every extra endpoint, Telecube give you as many extensions ( SIP endpoints, lines, or whatever you want to call them) as you want. Each of your devices registers to a separate extension. You can then group extensions and get several or all of them to ring simultaneously on an incoming call.

    You will see Telecube recommended here time and time again because of their rates, their features (that leave MNF in the dust), their call quality and their excellent customer service. If you do sign up, make sure you are on one of the Whirlpool plans (choice between timed and untimed for Oz landlines).

  • Rod178

    yes, ur correct., mine states 261/280. Seems that the website link I posted (150 free calls) is out of date.

    I've been using the Freedom Plans for many years. My invoices go back to 2007. When I signed up it was definately 80 free included calls. However, as u previously stated, not an issue.

  • 2016-Apr-21, 4:19 pm

    ozimarco writes...

    Telecube recommended here time and time again because of their rates

    Depends, MNF and Telecube rates for me to Eastern Europe are almost the same, both are more expensive than PennyTel, but with Telecube the rates are USD which puts the cost up significantly because of the exchange rates.

    ClicknCall rates are slightly less than PennyTel but DIDs aren't available from them.

    So far it's only PennyTel that ticks all the boxes. And like another poster here I like being able to register the same account on multiple devices.

  • 2016-Apr-21, 4:19 pm

    nooby writes...

    ClicknCall rates are slightly less than PennyTel but DIDs aren't available from them.

    So far it's only PennyTel that ticks all the boxes. And like another poster here I like being able to register the same account on multiple devices.

    I use CnC as a backup for os calls. at 20cents per untimed it is quite economical for lite users. The prepaid credit does not expire provided u use the service at least once per year. They used to offer DIDs for a monthly charge, uncertain whether or not this is still the case

    I never got around to multi registering my PT account ie both is Australia and OS. Seems that option will not be available in the future.

  • 2016-Apr-21, 4:24 pm

    nooby writes...

    And like another poster here I like being able to register the same account on multiple devices.

    So do I. Pennytel is unique in offering this feature. In the good old days, I did the same with the now long defunct Voxalot. Currently, I am still doing the same with Sipsorcery, a service I really like but cannot recommend to the residential user due to its high yearly fee.

  • 2016-Apr-21, 4:24 pm

    nooby writes...

    And like another poster here I like being able to register the same account on multiple devices.

    ozimarco writes...

    So do I.

    You probably have no need but you can always fork an incoming call 4 ways with an obi with either simultaneous ringing or delayed ringing of registered devices (ip phones , ata, or mobiles) and first to answer will take the call. This effectively achieves what you could do with PT.

  • cadbloke

    plb writes...

    One feature of the Pennytel service I like is the fact that I could register from the one account on two devices simultaneously.~ All incoming calls go to the last active device to register i.e. calls go to my tablet when it is on and my home phone when the tablet is not on.
    Not with mine. I have a Fritzbox, laptop (x-lite) and android (CSIPSimple) that are/maybe registered on the same account.
    They all ring together on an incoming call (regardless of which country any of them happen to be located).


  • ozimarco

    Robnll writes...

    This effectively achieves what you could do with PT.

    Thanks, Rob, the last time I played with an obi, it just about did my head in. I know they are very capable devices but I am not enough of a geek to make much sense out of them.

    cadbloke writes...

    They all ring together on an incoming call

    They do with me as well. Isn't that the idea of multiple simultaneous registration?

  • 2016-Apr-21, 5:06 pm

    Zyxak writes...

    Yup. I got 2 � one for each account � both timestamped 10:40.

    I have two accounts, and as yet have only received one email from PT about this at 10am Friday.

    I've been with PT so long, I'm used to the relative reliability, great pricing, and great features.

    I guess I'll be checking out TC and seeing if they compare to MNF.

  • 2016-Apr-21, 5:06 pm
    this post was edited

    I havent received a reply to my question asking how I will be able to get my $20 deposit back that I paid for my PennySIM.
    I dont want to have to go to the TIO for a lousy $20 but if thats the only option I guess I will have to.

    Edited to add: Just rang PT and asked for my remaining balance and deposit to be refunded.
    Was informed that the remaining balance was not able to be refunded, which is understandable.
    Was also informed that the $20 SIM deposit was not able to be refunded because its meant to be used as a cancellation fee.
    I explained that I am not choosing to cancel my service but am forced to cancel. Also went on to explain that I dont want to have to bother the TIO with such a small amount.
    Customer service agent said they will close my account for me and organise the sim deposit to be refunded.
    Account is closed (and remaining balance zeroed out).
    Just waiting for email with information on refund of deposit.

  • 2016-Apr-21, 5:25 pm

    cadbloke writes...

    I could register from the one account on two devices simultaneously

    I would also like to analyse what will this change mean to me.

    Right now I have a PAP2 at home registered with a PT account and mainly for outgoing calls. Like others the account has the advantage of allowing 150+ free outgoing calls to over 80 destinations, for just $5 per month.

    At the same time I can pick up my smart phone and make calls from wherever I am, whether it is overseas or on the road.

    Discussion A)
    Assume the MNF has a similar plan allowing many free calls for a similar monthly rate and if this multiple registration is no longer allowed I assume my resolution needs to be the following:
    1) I should ask my family members to turn the PAP2 off and turn it back on only when they need to make call
    2) when I finish with a voip on the smart phone I have to ensure either the software is shutdown or the connection is removed.

    Is my understanding correct?

    Discussion B)
    Someone mentions about Fritz!Box
    Does it mean it is a device or an application that can work around the problem with multiple registration?

    Discussion C)
    If I have about few PT accounts (for many reasons, one or two were setup for friends who no longer require it and each having a few dollars left) that means in future I will be given the same number of accounts with MNF. If there a way MNF may allow merging the accounts (though not a big deal to lose them)?

    Thanks in advance for sharing your insight.

  • 2016-Apr-21, 5:25 pm

    ykfc writes...

    the account has the advantage of allowing 150+ free outgoing calls to over 80 destinations, for just $5 per month.

    As discussed previously, Freedom includes 280 free calls.

    Assume the MNF has a similar plan

    You will keep your plan and its inclusions but you will lose the ability to register the account simultaneously in multiple devices.

    The plan in your Discussion A would work but don't you find it a little tedious having to switch off devices after every call and then having to switch them back on and reregister when you want to make a call? I certainly couldn't live with so much bother. Why don't you leave Freedom registered on the phone that makes the most international calls and use one of your spare accounts on the other phone?

    If there a way MNF may allow merging the accounts (though not a big deal to lose them)?

    PT allowed merging of accounts and so does MNF. In practice, all your accounts should have access to the same credit pool.

  • 2016-Apr-21, 6:39 pm

    Humm. Sadly this looks to be the end of a once great service to me for many many years. :(

    *. Firstly let me say I did not receive any notification of closure email. :(
    I happened across the message by chance when accessing the Pennytel site yesterday.

    I date back so far with pennytel that my login was my DID number.
    In fact it was my first and only ever VoIP provider and I stayed faithful to them all these years. (Until now) :(

    I have 2x accounts currently with them. (Freedom + Free Access). Both with individual unique DID's.

    I currently have 4x Fritzbox 7390 ATA's registered with both accounts. (2x at each house, one at each end of the houses to increase WiFi / DECT reception reach, & reduse FXS extensions lengths).
    I also register my Mobile with the accounts so as to receive PT DID incoming calls when out.

    The two house's are linked via a Ubiquiti Powerbeam 5.8Ghz half kilometer LOS WiFi link.

    Q. So I take it that this is now useless with the new MNP one registered device per account policy?

    My reason for trying to contact Pennytel yesterday was to ask if I can port my dad's current Optus Land Line DID to my existing "Freedom" plan account? (Thus adding a second DID to it).
    We need to do this due to all the silly NBN happenings in our area. Optus want to charge him $70 a month for a phone + internet (That he has no use for). We already have Optus Cable at the same address under my name. He doesn't want to loose the phone number for incoming calls that he has had his whole life. (He's 81).

    Q. So is this possible. Port a LL DID in a different name (with permission) to a VOIP account?

    My main interest in retaining Pennytel was because of the 280 free calls a month. Mainly to international destinations. (Mainly USA for me).

    Q. Am I correct in understanding that after the transfer to MNP International Free Calls under the FREEDOM Plan will no longer be honored?

    My current Optus Mobile plan has unlimited National call's to LL's and Mobiles. So my main VoIP concerns are keeping incoming DID's active on multiple devices + International outbound calls.

    Q. It's starting to look like my best option is to ditch PT / MNP and move my $57 120GB Optus Cable plan to a $70-$95 Unlimited internet & Phone Optus Fusion plan? ($70 national LL only, $95 LL+Mobile+International). ? Plus some other VOiP provider for the extra DID's to retain incoming + multiple devices per account ability?

    Q. If so who would you recommend for my need's? If going for the $70 plan I would still need cheap international rates. And multiple devices a big must have!

    There are also other issues confusing matters.

    Our area is part of a NBN Hybrid HFC / Fibre roll out trial. Received the letter mid last year, was to be completed February 2016 at the latest. We have no further information as to if the switch over has happened or not and Optus insist that they know nothing about it and that their system shows we are never getting NBN. :(

    So they don't know what to do for us plans wise etc. They also insist on a 24 month contract for anything they do and we want to stay month to month.

    What a mess! Thanks for the Fraudband MR Turncoat! :(

    Any comments, help, appreciated.
    As specially from actual providers. We need this sorted soon before Dad starts getting $70 a month bills for a service they can't even install! :(


  • 2016-Apr-21, 6:39 pm
    this post was edited

    vk4akp writes...

    Plus some other VOiP provider for the extra DID's to retain incoming + multiple devices per account ability?

    I recommend Telecube.

    vk4akp writes...

    Q. Am I correct in understanding that after the transfer to MNP International Free Calls under the FREEDOM Plan will no longer be honored?

    As I understand it, you will keep your plan and its inclusions after the shift to MNF.

  • 2016-Apr-22, 3:21 pm

    vk4akp writes...

    Q. So is this possible. Port a LL DID in a different name (with permission) to a VOIP account?

    Yes, I've done that before on MNF (and it was a second DID on the account like you want). They just wanted the port form to be signed by the owner of the number. But of course, ask them as requirements may have changed.

    if I can port my dad's current Optus Land Line DID to my existing "Freedom" plan account?

    If you need to do it before MNF sort out the PT transfer to MNF, then you might need to get a new MNF account on Whirlpool Saver, which will cost $5 a year for the DID and an up front cost of $19.95 (incl $10 credit) for a BYODevice start-up fee, which you might be able to negotiate down, given the circumstances.

  • 2016-Apr-22, 3:21 pm
    ces pool

    I am on the Pennytel free access untimed plan.
    Just wondering if I will still have a no monthly fee plan under MNF ?

    Is that what the following OP quote means for me ?

    Offer to transfer to MyNetFone and keep the standard rates and inclusions of your PennyTel plan

    Sorry if this has already been asked, I did scan the thread.

  • George P
    this post was edited

    Like quite a few I have not received an email as yet outlining the changes and what is included/excluded with the move to MFN. Are they still being sent out?

  • ozimarco

    ces pool writes...

    I am on the Pennytel free access untimed plan.
    Just wondering if I will still have a no monthly fee plan under MNF ?


    Is that what the following OP quote means for me ?


  • ozimarco

    George P writes...

    Are they still being sent out?

    According to MNF, there was a problem with the email address database. MNF assured us every account holder will be getting the next email outlining the steps we'll need to take prior to PT closing down.

  • ianm

    One suggestion to MNF when emailing changes to PT users. Only give the changes applicable to the particular plan the recipient is on instead of including changes for EVERY plan. Just too confusing with all the plans. Shouldn't be difficult to do.

  • 2016-Apr-22, 3:57 pm

    Please ignore above post since Dylan mentioned "..plan-specific email...". Apologize for my oversight.

  • 2016-Apr-22, 3:57 pm
    ces pool

    ozimarco writes...



    Excellent thanks.
    MNF here I come.

  • 2016-Apr-22, 4:01 pm

    ces pool writes...

    I am on the Pennytel free access untimed plan.
    Just wondering if I will still have a no monthly fee plan under MNF ?

    I too like to know the answer for this free access untimed plan which includes a FREE DID number. What will happen to this very beginning plan which was offered to Pennytel's loyal customers?

  • 2016-Apr-22, 4:01 pm

    DawsonL writes...

    free access untimed plan which includes a FREE DID number

    This statement is doubtful to me. I have an PT account with free access untimed too. I don't think there is any regular payment. How come it includes a FREE DID number?

    From memory it costs $15 every 3 years, which is un-believable cheap but not free as quoted.

    After the switch over and if for $10 a year it allows maintaining my DID the cost is still acceptable.

  • 2016-Apr-22, 4:44 pm

    vk4akp writes...

    and move my $57 120GB Optus Cable plan to a $70-$95 Unlimited internet & Phone Optus Fusion plan?

    I know this is outside topics. Can you whim me to confirm you are only paying $57 on a 120 GB Optus Cable plan? I pay much more. Is your 120 GB 24/7 or sort of peak/off-peak combined?

  • 2016-Apr-22, 4:44 pm
    this post was edited

    lolo writes...

    After the switch over and if for $10 a year it allows maintaining my DID the cost is still acceptable.

    MNF only charge $5 a year rental for a DID on their $0/mth WP plans. Their paid plans, such as Neosaver, include a free DID. MNF have stated that they will maintain plan inclusions for PT customers. This means that someone who has a free DID under Freedom, for example, will retain that after the switch to MNF.

    lolo writes...

    This statement is doubtful to me.

    Some of the early $0/mth plans included a free DID. I can't remember whether this remained free for existing customers after PT decided to start charging for DIDs. PT often grandfathered conditions for existing customers. They did the same when they introduced the credit card fee. I never had to pay it because I was already a customer when the fee was introduced.

  • lmn

    lolo writes...

    I have an PT account with free access untimed too. I don't think there is any regular payment. How come it includes a FREE DID number?

    The original Free Access Untimed accounts came with a free DID as the account number. See my post /forum-replies.cfm?t=2522665&p=2#r38.

    What you have is the second version of the plan which did not include a free DID. My recollection is that DIDs then cost as you stated. In the original plan, a $10 refundable deposit was required for the DID to ensure responsible acquisition of DIDs.

    If I choose to not accept MNF's upcoming changes and close my account, then I will be seeking a refund of my $10 refundable deposit and of my remaining credit.

  • lmn

    ozimarco writes...

    I can't remember whether this remained free for existing customers after PT decided to start charging for DIDs

    It remained free. I've never paid anything for my DID other than the refundable deposit.

    I never had to pay it because I was already a customer when the fee was introduced.

    This is my situation too, although I generally chose to use Bpay instead of credit card payment.

  • 2016-Apr-22, 4:48 pm

    lmn writes...

    It remained free. I've never paid anything for my DID other than the refundable deposit.

    OK, thanks for clarifying.

    lmn writes...

    I will be seeking a refund of my $10 refundable deposit and of my remaining credit.

    Fair enough. Even though PT had a 'no refund' policy, in this case I believe you are entitled to a refund because MNF is closing your account, not you.

  • 2016-Apr-22, 4:48 pm

    lmn writes...

    The original Free Access Untimed accounts

    Before PT introduced the Free Access Untimed plan in 2007, they used only have a Free Access Timed plan (or at least that is my recollection). I have one of those accounts too. National calls are 1.6c/minute with per second billing and no flagfall. With the untimed plan, national calls are 8c. These are pretty good prices, IMHO. I am actually hopeful the change to MNF infrastructure might be good for me and I might start using PT more than I do now. I stopped using PT some years ago because of problems with the service and too many disputes. I preferred to pay a little more and not have issues.

    Edit. one word correction

  • 2016-Apr-22, 5:46 pm

    ozimarco writes...

    Some of the early [PT] $0/mth plans included a free DID.

    There used to be a free DID on MNF Whirlpool Saver too. Now $5 a year.

  • 2016-Apr-22, 5:46 pm
    Phil T

    Well it'll be interesting to see what comes of the migrated plans.
    I have a single account with 2 logins � one using Free Access Untimed, the other on Free Access � but the Untimed one has 2 devices logging into it (primarily because I knew no better about VoIP when setting it up initially, and those 2 devices are used by family members who use the untimed overseas call rate that it has for some countries.

    That I can handle (it doesn't get much use now) but one feature I do miss pre MNF takeover was the ability for the PT account to accept a SIP call from an external DID setup (I have a US based DID which used to send its calls to the SIP address <PTnumber> and my local VoIP device which is registered to that PT account would just ring).

    Short of setting up a VoIP PBX setup for myself (I've not the resources, time or Internet connection to do so right now), are there any providers out there that allow such a setup?

  • 2016-Apr-23, 11:48 am
    this post was edited

    Very old plan.

    Originally 12gig. Optus did an auto upgrade to 120gig many years ago when they retired the old plan.

    50gig peak, 70gig off-peak.

    You cannot get the plan any more.

    Due to nbn hybrid fibre cable trial in my area I will be forced to change again soon.

    Probably to a $70 fusion plan if still offered. ,(plans change in a week's time) :(
    Unlimited data & ll calls.

    This is what I run my pennyel through ;)


  • 2016-Apr-23, 11:48 am

    Quick Q and wondered if anyone can answer it.

    I'm on a PT $5/mth Freedom plan and presently has two VoIP boxes logged into the same account for our outgoing calls. Will this setup still be possible going forward with MNF? I also have a VoIP app on my iPhone also access the same for calls when I am away from home. Great setup. I'd love to be able to keep the same arrangement going but as a minimum, preserving access through the two home VoIP boxes would keep me as a customer.

  • 2016-Apr-26, 2:55 pm

    Ciprol writes...

    preserving access through the two home VoIP boxes would keep me as a customer.

    Looks like there are a few PT users who use multiple devices on the one account simultaneously. I hope MNF come up with a solution before the change over.

  • 2016-Apr-26, 2:55 pm

    plb writes...

    there are a few PT users who use multiple devices

    Count me in as well � have a Linsky 3102 and Siemens gigaset both registered to Pennytel.
    I don't want to have to change my house wiring if I can help it.

  • 2016-Apr-26, 3:02 pm

    plb writes...

    Looks like there are a few PT users who use multiple devices on the one account simultaneously. I hope MNF come up with a solution before the change over.

    So are you saying that MNF presently does not support this arrangement?

    Given it's VoIP, like Skype and FaceTime, we obviously like to access the same service through various devices, just as if we have multiple phone extensions at home. Changing my wiring would be a pain.

  • 2016-Apr-26, 3:02 pm

    wildbill writes...

    I don't want to have to change my house wiring if I can help it.

    Ciprol writes...

    Changing my wiring would be a pain

    May be add a small PBX between you and MNF.

  • 2016-Apr-26, 3:06 pm

    plb writes...

    Looks like there are a few PT users who use multiple devices on the one account simultaneously. I hope MNF come up with a solution before the change over.

    Dylan writes...

    You can continue to use your existing devices, but you will no longer be able to register multiple devices on the same SIP username and password. A unique username and password will be issued for each VoIP service transferred.

    Standard MNF offerings allows you to have multiple lines (each with own SIP login) on the one account and then control which ones ring for which DIDs, simultaneously or on no answer, sequentially etc.

    Currently MNF charge a one-off fee for extra lines if you are not on a $/month plan and not buying VoIP hardware
    $19.95 (including $10 call credit) for 1 line, $39.95 (including $30 credit) for 2 lines.

    They might offer something else for PT transferees.

    Note that you only need one line for multiple concurrent calls from one device that supports it (e.g. Gigaset). A line is a registered SIP device/software.

  • 2016-Apr-26, 3:06 pm

    I don't understand if MFN bought Pennytel, why they can't keep Pennytel portal running . It is established business and brand, simply by keeping it as Internet business they could earn money? even if they have to change content Pennytel still know and established brand, and what is so wrong with multiple devices, they still make money out of those

  • 2016-Apr-26, 3:12 pm

    Dylan � What does MNF propose for Pennytel customers currently using the Free Access Untimed plan ? Will this plan fall into the same basket as the current Crazy Plan ? I could not find any mention of the FAU plan on earlier questions/answers ? Thanks

  • 2016-Apr-26, 3:12 pm

    I am currently on the PT Freedom VOIP plan.

    If I opt in for the transfer will I have access to MNF sms API to use my included 50 sms/month?

    Also the closest plan with MNF is the NeoGlobal, will the Neoglobal rates and inclusions apply for non-included calls and local mobile rates (12c/min), sms (10c) for PT Freedom customers?

    I ask because the standard rates for local mobile (15c/min), sms (15c) are not very competitive for a monthly plan.

  • Beerandlambchops

    ervich writes...

    It is established business and brand, simply by keeping it as Internet business they could earn money?

    Didn't the original owner run off to America with a heap of debts and $5 000 000.00 in a large suitcase?

  • ervich

    I do not know, I've been with PT from the beginning, and love it, feel sorry that I'll have to lose it. MNF no were near to what we have had with PT, I only think how to keep my DID'sx2 and will be going else were if my Freedom Plan is not mirrored by MNF

  • Alfiee

    I use Smart Dial a lot. As MNF will not provide the same simple feature does anyone know who does provide this feature also?

  • ozimarco
    this post was edited

    Ciprol writes...

    Will this setup still be possible going forward with MNF?

    No, MNF does not support multiple simultaneous registration. You can achieve the same outcome by adding additional lines (endpoints, extensions) and then grouping them in the Follow Me section so they will all ring at once (or sequentially, if you prefer). The catch with MNF is that they charge for each additional line. Compare this with Telecube, who give you additional extensions free of charge. Unfortunately, Telecube does not have a plan that compares with Pennytel's Freedom or MNF's Neosaver.

    It would be a nice gesture on MNF's part if they offered PT customers, who were using the multiple registration feature, a limited number (say up to 10) of extra lines free of charge. This would probably stop a number of them migrating to Telecube as well.

  • 2016-Apr-26, 4:58 pm
    Jerry T

    nooby writes...

    Eastern Europe

    We use for calls to and from the Czech Republic. Their rates to other countries in Central / Eastern Europe might be worth a look. Works well and friendly support.

  • 2016-Apr-26, 4:58 pm

    ozimarco writes...

    ..It would be a nice gesture on MNF's part if they offered PT customers, who were using the multiple registration feature, a limited number (say up to 10) of extra lines free of charge. This would probably stop a number of them migrating to Telecube as well...

    I'd be happy with three to four concurrent registrations and somewhat satisfied with only two.

    I'd like to register my PT account at home and also in Asia,as well as on WiFi when travelling

    Dylan � 'Pretty Please'

  • 2016-Apr-26, 6:09 pm

    Dylan writes...

    To those of you who have not received your notification e-mail do not be alarmed.

    I am feeling like that kid who was always the last one to be picked as the captains chose the teams.....

    Maybe they are working out how to keep multiple registrations just for me.....

    Hmmm I think not, sitting and waiting for my email

  • 2016-Apr-26, 6:09 pm
    daylight saver

    So will the new plan to replace the $5 freedom plan still include ?

    280 free calls to over 80 destinations
    One free DID
    50 free SMS

  • 2016-Apr-26, 6:14 pm

    I call UK a lot � can anyone suggest which voip service provider has the best untimed call charges to O/S locations.

  • 2016-Apr-26, 6:14 pm

    daylight saver writes...

    So will the new plan to replace the $5 freedom plan still include ?

    280 free calls to over 80 destinations
    One free DID
    50 free SMS

    One would think so, going by Mynetfone's OP:

    Offer to transfer to MyNetFone and keep the standard rates and inclusions of your PennyTel plan (excludes CrazyTalk).

    Freedom is not Crazytalk so that plan should survive in its present form, i.e. same rates and inclusions.

  • 2016-Apr-26, 7:44 pm

    Just got my email advising I don't need to do anything and will receive a second notification in a few weeks.

  • 2016-Apr-26, 7:44 pm

    moye writes...

    I call UK a lot � can anyone suggest which voip service provider has the best untimed call charges to O/S locations.

    If you're already on the Freedom plan, I would stay on that. Otherwise, consider MNF's Neosaver, but only if you make a lot of calls, as you say you do. For someone who would like untimed to UK but does not call very often, Clicncallnow would be more suited (20c per call to landlines).

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