Chủ Nhật, 2 tháng 10, 2016

When will the NBN come to ? part 5

  • 2015-Oct-17, 9:54 am
    Zem The Mattress

    BrianR writes...

    My suburb's listed as HFC 1H-2018 � also not serviced by HFC.

    My suburb is listed with both HFC and FTTN. I can see the cable blackspots just walking around: it is mostly above ground power, phone and cable. I have even put a few of those addresses into Bigpond and sure enough where the cable stops, the cable stops! These are all stand-alone houses and I can't see any reason why the cable just stops. I mean, the vintage of the houses and poles appear to be the same.

    I wonder if they will need to keep the phone cables just for these couple of houses dotted around or will they extend the HFC to them so the copper pairs can be removed from the poles in most of the places?

    (FTR I'm in a Telstra HFC area but I don't have it connected)

  • 2015-Oct-17, 9:54 am
    ant hill

    Would anyone know what's happening in Hastings Mornington Peninsula?

  • 2015-Oct-17, 10:18 am

    How do i know when kardinya western australia will get it and does it make much difference?

  • 2015-Oct-17, 10:18 am

    NSW Dural Dural 1900 HFC H2-2016

    NSW Dural Annangrove Arcadia North Dural East Galston Galston East Glenhaven Glenorie Glenorie South Kenthust Kenthust West Middle Dural Nelson Riverstone 2490 Fixed Wireless* Q4-2016

    NSW Dural Dural Galston Middle Dural 2700 FTTN H2-2017

    Well this is confusing...

    Glad i'm getting HFC compared to FTTN. I'm about 4.5km away from the exchange.

  • 2015-Oct-17, 6:29 pm

    Amari writes...

    Glad i'm getting HFC compared to FTTN. I'm about 4.5km away from the exchange.
    Which is what the nodes are for. To bring the 'exchange' closer to everyone.

  • 2015-Oct-17, 6:29 pm

    With my area being added to the new construction plan for FTTN, what sync speeds should I expect to see? Or will it remain at the current ADSL2+ speeds i get? I would love G.Fast but without constant nodes they won't happen

  • 2015-Oct-18, 11:00 am
    Pearl Jam

    Looks like I'll be paying more attention to the NBN now since my area of Fawkner is going to get the NBN starting in H2-2016 (Q3/Q4).

    It's HFC, so, should I be bummed about this that it isn't FTTN/P? I am well out of the loop with regards to which topology is better, ideal, etc.

    My folks have FTTN and have had a few outages due to the node being vandalised.

  • 2015-Oct-18, 11:00 am
    Tech head

    Good new Tuart hill is headed for 2018 as well as yokine.

  • 2015-Oct-18, 11:26 am
    Maximus Wastus

    Hey beachbhoywa. Apologies it took me so long to update this, but I've been really busy over the past few weeks.

    I actually received 2 replies. The first was a generic cut and paste job. It was obvious that the rep didn't actually read my email:

    Thank you for your enquiry to nbn. The reference number for your enquiry is 511066-154838325.

    Our rollout maps show that your address, 3 Magnolia Drive, Breakfast Point NSW 2137, is in an area defined by nbn as being Not Currently Available.

    Not Currently Available means that building the nbn� network has not commenced in your area as yet.

    Register with us via the rollout map and we'll be in touch when you're able to connect to the nbn� network.

    If you require further information, please reply to this email directly or call us on 1800 OUR NBN (1800 687 626) and a consultant will be happy to assist you.

    I replied to the email with:

    Thank you for the response. I understand that Not Currently Available means that the nbn build has not commenced at my address. My query related to how areas are prioritised and why the rollout has been completed in areas that are not affected by degraded copper services while my neighbors and I are still unable to obtain a working ADSL service.

    To which I received the following response:

    The nbn roll out is roll out with the most time and cost effective process. The current nbn roll out area's are chosen based on where the the transit cables and existing infrastructure lay.

    If you require further information, please reply to this email or call us on 1800 OUR NBN (1800 687 626) and a consultant will be happy to assist you.

    So basically, my area is currently in the too hard basket. If Telstra cannot deliver a working ADSL service (I'll find out by Tuesday 20/10/2015) then I've got buckleys of getting anything to happen with nbn. I was told by a Telstra engineer that the only way that we may (i.e. snowball's chance in hell) get nbn to agree to a rollout is to start gather signatures on a petition explaining the issue and submit to the TIO. As almost everyone in my suburb is in the same boat (apartments, 3Km+ from the exchange, ancient copper etc.), it shouldn't be too much of a chore to get pen to paper. I'm not holding my breath though.

  • 2015-Oct-18, 11:26 am
    this post was edited

    can anybody tell me what this means


    ~ H2 2017
    ~ H1 2018

    does this mean they may finally be planning my area 2HLS (Holsworthy)

    says brownfields fixed line sites commencing

  • 2015-Oct-18, 4:42 pm
    Pearl Jam

    My understanding of that info is:

    BlueLoo writes...


    You're getting Fibre To The Node (little boxes on street corners that homes connect to to get onto the NBN)

    ~ H2 2017

    Planning to start building in the second half of 2017 (Q3/Q4)

    ~ H1 2018

    RFS = Ready For Service in the first Half of 2018 (Q1/Q2)

  • 2015-Oct-18, 4:42 pm
    Maximus Wastus

    OK, so another update. Telstra have told me that the cable to the building I am in is faulty. I'm not the only one with issues apparently. There is also no planned remediation date. So I am (at least temporarily) out of options.

    The engineer did indicate that my local Community Association was arranging a meeting in the next few weeks to facilitate an improvement to the nbn ETA.

  • Xaridah

    My area is expected to commence H1-2016 (HFC). Is this good or bad? Also how long does it usually take once construction commences?

  • The Enigma

    Got an installation notice letter in the mail! Telling me my installation will be between 11th November and......5 April 2016.....think you could narrow that down, NBN?

  • 2015-Oct-19, 3:27 pm

    With FTTN, is the node the current exchange? or will they be similar to RIMs?

  • 2015-Oct-19, 3:27 pm
    Greg Williams

    Goddo2305 writes...

    With FTTN, is the node the current exchange? or will they be similar to RIMs?

    Similar to RIMs.

  • 2015-Oct-19, 3:29 pm
    ant hill

    Goddo2305 writes...

    will they be similar to RIMs?

    It would be more like a community Router more than anything. RIM's are more for the Telephone Connections than ADSL. The same for those who are behind a PABX where the phone has a Extension Numbers as a simulation 9583XXXX Ext093. Have one of these then sorry no ADSL.

    As for Fiber, Then you have a pure Digital System!!! So FTTN woulden't be too bad.

  • 2015-Oct-19, 3:29 pm

    But what i meant to ask (i just poorly worded it), is are these nodes going to be the current exchanges, or will these nodes be new and placed around streets>

  • Greg Williams

    Goddo2305 writes...

    are these nodes going to be the current exchanges

    Most exchanges are the current POIs. Nodes "should" be <500m away (although that's in an ideal world).

  • Koothrappali
    this post was edited

    I live in Port Stephens NSW and NBN is beginning rollout here apparently in December this year.
    Now I have checked the rollout maps from NBNco and MyNBN and minimal information is available.
    The local newspaper quoted figures last week for our areas giving times of deployment (well as you know they are more ALLEGED times of deployment)and also numbers of premises both for FTTN and FW
    My hopefully simple question is how do I find out which group I will be in FW or FTTN?
    We have had a lot of issues in the past with earth leakage and inductive resonance, so anything will be an improvement tho..

  • 2015-Nov-16, 8:47 am

    Rach3 writes...

    does this mean that if an address is not on this plan at present then it will be more than 3 years before the service is delivered?
    Generally speaking, yes.

  • 2015-Nov-16, 8:47 am

    Rach3 writes...

    Given that the three-year rollout plan has been released, does this mean that if an address is not on this plan at present then it will be more than 3 years before the service is delivered?

    It will be more than three years until services are available for many on the list, let alone those not on it.

    It is a commencement date and not a completion date, so many of those with dates in the last year will not be complete at the end of the three years.

  • 2015-Nov-16, 12:16 pm


    VIC Endeavour Hills Endeavour Hills 7600 HFC H1-2016

    Since Endeavour Hills is around 25K homes, I randomly selected addresses in the site over the 'area', all appeared as;

    No rollout plan yet
    The NBN will be coming to this location. However, the rollout schedule for this area has not (yet) been announced

    Is there somewhere 'definitive' where one can actually pinpoint where these '7600' home are?

  • 2015-Nov-16, 12:16 pm

    zymurgy writes...

    Is there somewhere 'definitive' where one can actually pinpoint where these '7600' home are?

    No, because NBNco don't want to you know as you can't be trusted with that information.

    Seriously, the NBNco CEO said effectively when asked about sharing better maps and information recently.

  • 2015-Nov-16, 12:26 pm

    semicolon writes...

    Still some days away before the next bit of kit is installed

    the "next bit of kit" was installed 6 November, placed where it was most convenient for me � the installers asked where I wanted it and off they went. Done in a couple of hours. The blokes doing it wanted it to "look neat" � comforting attitude. They succeeded. Active the same afternoon. ( iiNet 50/20)

    the NBN was running into the wrong hole on the router, which took 4 phone calls and about 30 mins each before that was recognised and since then, things have been flying.
    Speed testing (from iiNet site) give consistent speed of 40+ down and 18 up, so I have no complaints � in fact it is GREAT!!

    Next bit is porting the phone and the big T is apparently not playing nice.

  • 2015-Nov-16, 12:26 pm
    ant hill

    *Sigh* FTTN in 2017 so we have to put up with the Damn Copper!!!

  • 2015-Nov-16, 3:47 pm
    The Fox Hat Four

    ant hill writes...

    *Sigh* FTTN in 2017 so we have to put up with the Damn Copper!!!

    Oh no. Not copper!

    I would give my right arm if I could get any adsl whatsoever at all. I've tried again and again. "Sorry sir, line test says no."

    So, give me copper. Give me tin. Give me a piece of string and a couple of baked bean cans. Anything at all, as long as it's not so-called "mobile" wireless with a 10gb cap. For that stellar amount of data, I pay $50 a month while most people in Australia get from 250gb up to unlimited for that amount and less. Could I get more? Sure. 50gb for $140 a month.

    Since 10gb is all I can afford, I have to squeeze every mb out to run 4 pc's for my business (i.e. payroll, purchasing, banking etc), and any or all home use. Where do I live and work? Half an hour from the Newcastle CBD.

    Is my internet slow? You bet. 1 mpbs � I wish. Try this...

    Test Results from Oz Broadband Speed Test
    Test run on 18/11/2015 @ 04:42 PM

    Mirror: Optus
    Data: 322 KB
    Test Time: 10.11 secs

    Your line speed is 261 kbps (0.26 Mbps).
    Your download speed is 33 KB/s (0.03 MB/s).

    That's right. 0.26 mbps down and 0.03 up.

    Forget Netflix. Hell, forget Youtube. I'm lucky if I can download Windows updates for all my terminals in any given month without going over the data limit. I can't even update my Navman.

    Meanwhile, fibre (TTN, whatevs) is being installed all over Australia *as I type*, in order to provide better adsl to people who already get unlimited data for $30 a month. And the NBN website says <My Town> isn't even on the plan.

    And so, to echo the title of this thread � "When will the NBN come to <My Town>?

    Who knows? Who cares? In my case, nobody.

    Suck it up, people.

  • 2015-Nov-16, 3:47 pm

    Im with you Fox Hat, no fixed line....nothing. Im forced to use Telstra mobile broadband 25GB @$150 per month.......and Im supposed to be running a business on this.
    NBN started work in our area just before the Liberal Gov got in.........and stopped abruptly before it got anywhere near my residence. I complained to my local member and she blamed the Labor Gov.......
    Anyway NBN co have laid cables in my street but im not sure what else is being done, they turn a days work and dissapear again.
    What I would like to know, if anyone can answer the how long does it take from when the build commences to when we can actually access the network

  • 2015-Nov-16, 5:11 pm
    The Fox Hat Four

    mickorf writes...

    Im forced to use Telstra mobile broadband 25GB @$150 per month

    The Government sings a big song about the need for equal access broadband and therefore the NBN, but apparently that need isn't so dire as to warrant any interim measures at all while people are disadvantaged in the meantime, especially business owners. The fact that some businesses pay *at least* 5 times more than others is perfectly acceptable.

    The Government must therefore think the number of people in our situation is very small. That being the case, they shouldn't be at all worried about the idea of subsidising internet costs for everyone who has an ABN and no adsl access.

    Yeah right. No ROI obviously.

    Right now though, I can't justify the inflated monthly charge. I max out the 10gb, and get very little usage for anything that's not business related. I guess that's more of a loss for service and content providers than it is for me.

    how long does it take from when the build commences to when we can actually access the network

    I haven't read any of this thread so far, so I'm not sure how many people might have already said this. However here goes � I advocate hassling NBNco.

    Call them on their 1800 number. It's there to provide information (or obfuscation) when there's diddly squat on NBNco's "check your address" link.

    On that note, I can say that today I had something of a breakthrough. It took me three or four email queries and two or three phone calls, but finally today I was told that my area is on the list for Satellite service. Yep. 30 minutes out of Newcastle.

    Up until now, all I was told was that "The rollout of the nbn� network has not started yet in (your) location," and I could "Register with (NBNco) and we'll be in touch when you're able to connect to the nbn� network."

    Previously, when I called to ask why cable was being installed before the Fixed Wireless network was completed (because I thought I'd be on FW of course), I was fobbed off with the standard buzzwords "strategic", and "consultation", and "existing infrastructure." (Translation.... "marginal seats first, safe seats last, dufus").

  • 2015-Nov-16, 5:11 pm
    The Fox Hat Four

    Rach3 writes...

    Given that the three-year rollout plan has been released, does this mean that if an address is not on this plan at present then it will be more than 3 years before the service is delivered?

    That might depend on where you live. (See above). My "suburb" isn't on the 3YP.

    In my case, apparently, that means I'm in a satellite service zone, and satellite NBN is supposed to go live in mid 2016.

  • 2015-Nov-16, 10:41 pm

    Hooray when I asked NBN what one of two areas are getting they said fixed wireless for Werribee south at 2017 and HFC for altona mid 2016. I really really hate wireless internet services for homes. Just because they will save a little money we are going suffer the most disconnections, just great. 2 Suburbs right next to us getting fibre and we get the crappiest alternative to it. It's almost tempting to just stay on the outdated copper

  • 2015-Nov-16, 10:41 pm

    How are they deciding which blocks get the NBN and which don't?

    I'm moving into an apartment that just finished construction a few weeks ago. No signs of NBN in the works at all. Another apartment less than 100m away started construction at the same time and the NBN rollout is completed. What gives?

  • 2015-Nov-18, 5:30 pm
    Maximus Wastus
    this post was edited

    Maximus Wastus writes...

    So basically, my area is currently in the too hard basket. If Telstra cannot deliver a working ADSL service (I'll find out by Tuesday 20/10/2015) then I've got buckleys of getting anything to happen with nbn. I was told by a Telstra engineer that the only way that we may (i.e. snowball's chance in hell) get nbn to agree to a rollout is to start gather signatures on a petition explaining the issue and submit to the TIO. As almost everyone in my suburb is in the same boat (apartments, 3Km+ from the exchange, ancient copper etc.), it shouldn't be too much of a chore to get pen to paper. I'm not holding my breath though.

    OK, so an update with a happy ending. While I didn't get anywhere with nbn, my wife saw an ad in the window of our estate manager's office a week or so ago advising that Telstra cable was available in our area. They'd even setup a temporary Telstra shop (open on Saturdays) to deal with inquiries. I went in on Saturday and was told the building I live in had been provisioned (via HFC) so I signed up straight away. It might be overkill but I went for the 100/40 800gb connection. The rep told me that they had a Tuesday morning appointment available (today). I was skeptical, as I'm used to disappointment, but I now have working high-speed connection. My wife just did the speed test (as I'm at work) and we were getting 96Mbps dl. I can swap out to nbn now when it arrives in 2017 without worrying about my current connection.

  • 2015-Nov-18, 5:30 pm
    The Fox Hat Four

    Majorfoley writes...

    ...we are going suffer the most disconnections, just great

    Why do you say that?

    Just curious. ATM I can only get so-called "mobile" wireless for my home and business, and as you can see by my earlier post the service I get is terrible. But (with my present modem) it literally never drops out.

    Is there some information about routine connection problems with FW? Why will you get disconnections?

    Satellite on the other hand... I hear there are problems if it gets too cloudy. Apparently that's what I can look forward to.

  • 2015-Nov-19, 10:28 am
    The Fox Hat Four

    Hariberu writes...

    How are they deciding which blocks get the NBN and which don't?

    I'm moving into an apartment that just finished construction a few weeks ago. No signs of NBN in the works at all. Another apartment less than 100m away started construction at the same time and the NBN rollout is completed. What gives?

    IME � hassle NBNco. They have a commitment to answering queries within a set time frame if you email them via .

    NBNco's actual email replies are (IME) cut-and-paste responses with vague language and no real answers, in order to keep themselves off any hooks.

    You'll get an enquiry number by email before you get an actual email reply. Call 1800 OUR NBN (1800 687 626) and quote the enquiry number, and speak to a human being. You never know, you might just catch them in a moment of weakness. ;-)

  • 2015-Nov-19, 10:28 am

    The Fox Hat Four writes...

    Just curious. ATM I can only get so-called "mobile" wireless for my home and business, and as you can see by my earlier post the service I get is terrible. But (with my present modem) it literally never drops out.

    Ours is wired and already has issues and any devices connected wirelessly to our own modem router doesn't exactly have a great connection either even with a full Wi-Fi signal. Considering our area is quite big I understand why they want wireless over the area instead of installing fibre but I really don't like using wireless for internet. We already have disconnections where we are forced to reset our router several times a fornight or so

  • 2015-Nov-19, 3:51 pm
    The Fox Hat Four

    Majorfoley writes...

    We already have disconnections where we are forced to reset our router several times a fornight or so

    I used to get drop-outs like that, on an almost daily basis. Then I got a better modem with a much better antenna, and I've had absolutely no disconnections at all since the day I plugged it in .

    I don't want to sound like an ad for the NBN � (god knows they're not doing me any favours) � but from what I've seen the FW system will be much more reliable than much of the old cable network.

    I get no drop-outs at all with a 3g service from a tower almost 4km away, so FWIW I think your problems with wi-fi aren't a real indication of the inherent reliability (or lack thereof) of wireless internet transmission technology in general. I have to admit though, I prefer a good ethernet connection around my home office and over to my main building. But I think wi-fi and wireless internet are two different beasts.

    But then again, as they also say on the internets � YMMV. I hope I don't come off as argumentative � my aim is to reassure you a bit, based on my own experience.

  • 2015-Nov-19, 3:51 pm

    At least now after all this time we got a rough commencement date for Casino NSW (H2, 2017), bad news is that a lot of people in this town are still stuck with nothing, or in my case choppy adsl1 because the line is that damn bad and telstra wont do anything.

  • 2015-Nov-19, 3:58 pm
    The Fox Hat Four

    Trent083 writes...

    a lot of people in this town are still stuck with nothing

    Au contraire Trent, says the Government.

    How can you say people are stuck with no internet**, when there's a plethora of mobile dongle peddlers who charge such reasonable** and affordable** rates as $140 per month, for 50gb of lightning fast** 3G "mobile" broadband?


  • 2015-Nov-19, 3:58 pm

    Haha very true....they also think the median wage is above $60000 per person...

  • Majorfoley

    The Fox Hat Four writes...

    I get no drop-outs at all with a 3g service from a tower almost 4km away, so FWIW I think your problems with wi-fi aren't a real indication of the inherent reliability (or lack thereof) of wireless internet transmission technology in general. I have to admit though, I prefer a good ethernet connection around my home office and over to my main building. But I think wi-fi and wireless internet are two different beasts.

    If you say so, if we do ever move to it and give it a shot I hope it'll be on a non-contract. At least to test the waters first before moving to a contract. I wouldn't mind paying a little extra for a couple of months. I have no doubt the speed would probably be greater, I'm more worried about disconnections. I really like TP-link routers, even though Telstra recommend their max gateways I noticed no speed improvement over them and prefer to use other modem/routers

  • miloguy

    nbn crew rolling out the pipes out the front of my place today !!
    Bomaderry (nowra) NSW still says june 16 for connection though

  • 2015-Dec-1, 6:40 pm

    Looks like flagstaff hill SA will be going into pre preparation soon their were 2 telstra vans spotted on blacks road and a ditch with truck doing work their and new conduit lots of new pits going in what exactly is involved with pre preparation work

  • 2015-Dec-1, 6:40 pm

    cw writes...

    It will be more than three years until services are available for many on the list, let alone those not on it.

    It is a commencement date and not a completion date, so many of those with dates in the last year will not be complete at the end of the three years.

    Yes my address in Sydney's Inner West keeps getting the null results. However I did find the list of the three year plan just the other day. Depending on how my suburb is read. People mistake my address for neighbouring suburbs. For starting installation. Earliest in late 2017, which if the areas go by exchanges that is for the homes on the northern side of my suburb. Going by my exchange I won't see any start until the later part of 2018.

    It will be HFC which although it seems a bugger to wait so long. Hopefully all the NBN installation and operation issues will be resolved by then. Considering there is Telstra HFC connection equipment at my place that the roll-out won't take a long time. Don't know what extra equipment has to be placed inside my place. Mind you I would probably be living somewhere else by that stage and possibly not in Sydney.

  • 2015-Dec-2, 3:01 pm
    this post was edited

    zymurgy writes...


    VIC Endeavour Hills Endeavour Hills 7600 HFC H1-2016

    Since Endeavour Hills is around 25K homes, I randomly selected addresses in the site over the 'area', all appeared as;

    No rollout plan yet
    The NBN will be coming to this location. However, the rollout schedule for this area has not (yet) been announced

    Is there somewhere 'definitive' where one can actually pinpoint where these '7600' home are?

    I asked NBN about this and they said;

    Thank you for your enquiry to nbn.

    Unfortunately we do not have this information, as the roll-out date gets closer we will have more information available regarding what properties will be connected during what time frame.

  • 2015-Dec-2, 3:01 pm
    Ryan GH

    When will Craigie 6025 in WA be getting the nbn?

  • 2015-Dec-2, 5:57 pm

    Ryan Ryan Ryan writes...

    When will Craigie 6025 in WA be getting the nbn?

    Mullaloo, including Craigie, islisted as getting HFC(cable) in second half of 2017, according to the three year plan on NBNCo web site. I don't know if this includes all parts of Craigie.

  • 2015-Dec-2, 5:57 pm
    Ryan GH

    Dirichlet writes...

    Mullaloo, including Craigie, islisted as getting HFC(cable) in second half of 2017, according to the three year plan on NBNCo web site. I don't know if this includes all parts of Craigie.

    What if i already have cable and very happy with it?
    I get speeds up to 12 megabytes a second as it is.....

  • Dirichlet

    Ryan Ryan Ryan writes...

    What if i already have cable and very happy with it?

    Then probably nothing much will change for you unless you want it to. The NBN version will use the same cable and leadins where possible but will upgrade the electronics in parts of the network. Upload speed will likely increase substantially but download speeds might be a touch slower on some plans. The main advantage is that there will be competition between many retail service providers for your business. But, for example if Telstra is your current ISP and you are happy with them, then you could continue with them on a new plan.

    The advantage for the district is that houses and sometimes whole streets which might have missed out on cable during the initial rollout (very common in some areas) will now be connected as well.

  • miloguy

    so how long from the time the cable fibre is put down to the time you can
    get connected ? I know it says on the my nbn site that its due for june 2016
    but any chance it might be sooner ??

  • 2015-Dec-13, 1:54 am
    Ryan GH

    Thankyou Dirichlet for the info!

  • 2015-Dec-13, 1:54 am
    The Fox Hat Four

    Ryan Ryan Ryan writes...

    What if i already have cable and very happy with it?

    As far as I can tell, the old cable network is being switched off and you'll have no choice.

    Check out FAQ's on

    Question 3 is "Do I need to switch to the nbn� network?",

    "...existing phone lines, ADSL internet, Telstra/Optus cable internet, and some Telstra Velocity fibre services will be disconnected and replaced by the nbn�*"

    There's a link to "find out what services will be switched off."

  • 2015-Dec-14, 12:53 pm

    One of my friends houses is quite close to the fixed wireless connection limits. From (anyones) experience, do nbn co allow a pole to be erected to facilitate a connection? Or, failing that, the antenna to be mounted away from the house (large property)?

  • 2015-Dec-14, 12:53 pm

    The Fox Hat Four writes...

    As far as I can tell, the old cable network is being switched off and you'll have no choice.

    That's no longer the case.

    You will have no choice as the old cable network will be used for the NBN.

  • 2015-Dec-14, 7:06 pm
    Ryan GH

    Xenocaust writes...

    That's no longer the case.

    You will have no choice as the old cable network will be used for the NBN.

    So basically my cable internet with telstra already will have no interruptions???

  • 2015-Dec-14, 7:06 pm
    ant hill

    Xenocaust writes...

    You will have no choice as the old cable network will be used for the NBN.

    Also the same for Copper Twisted Pair as it's deemed "Workable"

    So we can say that the NBN is not just about Fiber.

  • 2015-Dec-15, 1:07 am

    Ryan Ryan Ryan writes...

    So basically my cable internet with telstra already will have no interruptions???

    When your contract runs out you will have a choice of changing providers and still keep using the cable. That was one of the pros of the NBN. Seems at the moment if you live in a cable area it's either Optus or Telstra. I could get Telstra cable now but for the price I pay with a optus for unlimited ADSL Internet, entertainment package and line rental. The other company offers about 200 GBs cap.

    The same would apply to those staying on bits of copper. If they live on areas pretty much ruled my one telecommunications company than they should have a choice of changing with NBN.

    That's not to say that some providers may not do certain areas and may bring up the crowding argument. I looked the other day and my provider is very short on space at my exchange for ADSL services. Interesting to see what happens when the area goes NBN in a few years time.

  • 2015-Dec-15, 1:07 am

    just got a letter saying that my nbn box will be connected between 15th january and 8th june
    I'm in bomaderry

  • 2015-Dec-15, 10:48 am

    A few months back Adelaide Now had an article saying what was coming in Q1 2016.

    I still can't find any official notification of this article:

    My area is scheduled for Q1 2016 � so hoping it is actually coming.

    Any pointers anyone?


  • 2015-Dec-15, 10:48 am
    this post was edited

    At the rate they are rolling things out we'll all be in the ground before they finish (Those of us in the inner suburbs anyway). Our kids and grandkids might be lucky though assuming we outlast climate change.

  • Rotten Ronnie
    this post was edited

    Torrensville SA 1st quarter 2017 as i have cable 30mbps i am guessing i may end up with similar to my old Adsl 2 speeds of 13mbps which had deteriorated from 18mbps over time

    Maybe that time frame from Advertiser is wrong
    No service information

    Ready for Service
    Build Commenced
    3 Year Plan**
    Wireless Tower

  • Mesmus

    I saw some telstra cars lined up on the road off my street and I thought for sure it's people working on nbn installation but the website saying it's not started yet in my area...

    Bummer :/

  • 2016-Jan-7, 4:15 pm
    Rotten Ronnie

    Mesmus writes...

    I saw some telstra cars lined up on the road off my street and I thought for sure it's people working on nbn installation

    I am guessing it isn't Telstra workers installing NBN but i could be wrong

  • 2016-Jan-7, 4:15 pm

    Rotten Ronnie writes...

    I am guessing it isn't Telstra workers installing NBN but i could be wrong

    Well, don't know why there would be more than one van if they weren't doing something big like working for the immediate area.

  • 2016-Jan-7, 10:15 pm

    Mesmus writes...

    Well, don't know why there would be more than one van if they weren't doing something big like working for the immediate area.

    There's many reasons Telstra may have multiple vans rock up to do work. Could be a major fault, could be remediation work, upgrades, NBN or they finished their jobs for the day and want to catch up with their mates.

    I've seen three Telstra vans parked in a cul-de-sac once and they were all sitting around one van in the shade playing cards. So while I wish for your sake they are there doing NBN-related work, but it could also be nothing special.

  • 2016-Jan-7, 10:15 pm

    Also, there's a summary of WA suburbs and dates from the detailed 3-year plan here

    You can search for your Suburb name and get a rough idea of when your suburb may be starting work. I'd add 6 months on to be safe as it's unlikely to run to schedule or be available immediately after the work is done.

  • 2016-Jan-7, 10:18 pm

    just wondering, how long does it take to go on the nbn from the time they put fttp in the street to the time they put the box on your house to the time you can connect?

  • 2016-Jan-7, 10:18 pm

    I live in a town of about 17000 or so called Horsham and the NBN seems to have come straight to us and then taken a whiff and dispersed to every town, village, house, shack and bird nest in its surrounding area and left us with adsl 2 (which performs very poorly � an example.. a windows 10 update, not the install took over 2 days to download and this is within 3km from the post office exchange via Optus.)

    Does anyone have any idea why the NBN went to all the surrounding rural areas and not to what I would consider the central hub to the Wimmera? Ballarat got it, Arrarat got it, the homeless man wheeling his trolley on the road even got it, It just doesn't make any sense to me what so ever.

    If someone has any information or insight I would be very interested to find out.

    Much Appreciated.


  • 2016-Jan-8, 1:17 pm

    Fixed wireless is deployed to service the surrounding areas of a town itself. The actual town itself will be serviced with a fixed line technology, at the present time this technology would most likely be FTTN. This happens all around the country, not just specific areas. So, you're not getting "ditched" or any other term you'd like to use.

    Horsham is set to start construction on the FIXED LINE build in the Q1 of 2017.

    Hope it helps and clears things up.

  • 2016-Jan-8, 1:17 pm

    mine says Brownfields FTTP

  • 2016-Jan-8, 1:20 pm

    Hi all,
    On the NBN co map for my address it says build started 11 Jan 2016. I've gone for a ride on the pushie but can't find any work at all.
    I'm n Wangaratta, does anyone have any info for Wang? I have been on NBN co, my NBN and life hacker site but can't seem to find any "concrete" info on when we will have then NBN .


  • 2016-Jan-8, 1:20 pm

    Ous nbn should be going into Pre Preparation Mode soon we are due for Construction in Q4 this year

    SA Flagstaff Hill 9000 FTTN Q4-2016

  • 2016-Jan-8, 9:14 pm

    NBN Co workers were installing green fiber in Deer Park Monday 18/1/2016 & Tuesday. On Monday morning they were installing at the cnr of Ballarat Road and Station road, on Tuesday the NBN Co truck was installing fiber near Robinson road Burnside. It was good to see some NBN rollout activity near my suburb.

  • 2016-Jan-8, 9:14 pm

    That's good news i hope they do the same here in St.Albans, been living here for a few years now and im still using mobile broadband. I have tried a lot of ADSL providers and all of them can't provide me a connection as they are all saying im too far from the exchange. And cable is also not an option in my street so im stuck with a pocket wifi and its costing a lot of $$$ and not enough data :(

  • 2016-Jan-12, 10:57 am
    Ryan GH

    I feel sorry for you mate. I was on 15 gig 4G for 99 bucks a month and recently switched to Telstra Cable, 200 gigs for 90 bucks a month and much faster than 4G.

  • 2016-Jan-12, 10:57 am

    NBN Co trucks currently installing green fiber on the cnr of Ballarat road and Caroline Springs Blvd Caroline Springs, in front on Western Honda. Hope they turn right and continue rolling out green fiber to Caroline Springs!

  • Euro73
  • NoFixedAddress
    this post was edited

    Why has the Adelaide CBD WAYMOUTH (WAYM) exchange been forgotten?!

    Would love to know when the NBN is coming to the Waymouth (WAYM) Adelaide CBD exchange... according to, for some reason, Flinders (FLNF) Adelaide CBD exchange is set to commence Q1 2017, yet Waymouth has no timeframe. Seems odd that out of the two Adelaide CBD exchanges, Flinders has a timeframe while Waymouth, SA's most important exchange, doesn't... and what about all the businesses in the Waymouth side of the Adelaide CBD, who in addition are more likely to take up higher-speed, higher-quota, and therefore costlier plans? Wouldn't NBN at the two Adelaide CBD exchanges represent the highest SA profit return? I fail to see the logic here. When the NBN does eventually get a timeframe here and comes online, i'll be very eager to be one of the first in my area to get the NBN � definitely going to go for the top-speed 100/40 connection.

  • 2016-Jan-13, 1:48 pm

    blinxnot writes...

    NBN Co workers

    Is there a way to identify NBN workers that are working in your area?

  • 2016-Feb-8, 6:17 pm

    Some trucks had NBN Co signage on them as well as other companies on the other trucks.

  • 2016-Feb-8, 6:17 pm

    Whats the difference between Build commenced and Ready for service?

  • 2016-Feb-9, 3:12 pm

    Xaridah writes...

    Whats the difference between Build commenced and Ready for service?
    One means they have started building, the other means it's ready for customers to actually start using it.

    Until RFS you can't sign up.

  • 2016-Feb-9, 3:12 pm

    Kalak writes...

    One means they have started building, the other means it's ready for customers to actually start using it.

    Until RFS you can't sign up.

    I've seen some dates in my area where RFS is 2016 but Build is 2018. How can something be ready for service before it's even started building?

  • 2016-Feb-9, 3:24 pm

    Xaridah writes...

    I've seen some dates in my area where RFS is 2016 but Build is 2018. How can something be ready for service before it's even started building?
    I'm wondering if perhaps it's different access technologies. So for example if it's in an area on HFC that is being transferred over to NBN, then those houses might be RFS while those around them, including possible multi-dwelling units, might have to wait for a build out of FTTN or something.

  • 2016-Feb-9, 3:24 pm

    If anyone here is interested, 2COR-08 is now RFS.

  • 2016-Feb-9, 11:04 pm

    Would anyone be willing to explain this to me

    My suburb (Yangebup) is listed as part of the rollout in Jandakot with construction in this region slated to begin the first half of this year. There a whole bunch of suburbs listed as Indicatve Localities (Fixed Line FTTX Footprint) and the other as Indicative Localities (Fixed Line HFC Footprint)

    Could someone explain why the majority of suburbs are listed in the FTTX listing and why only a few in the HFC grouping. Does this mean I wont be getting either FTTP or FTTN in my suburb. If I am not getting either of these then what is HFC and how good is it compared to FTTP or FTTN.

    Thanks for any help.

  • 2016-Feb-9, 11:04 pm

    This is also a nice tool, especially the Map aspect. Click on a tower or a site etc:

  • 2016-Feb-10, 12:04 am

    So from I see that a tower is meant to come close to where I live (Tantanoola). Does anyone know where I can get build status for it ?

    NBN Co Site Lot 95 Tantanoola Road TANTANOOLA

    This NBN Fixed Wireless tower is located on ACMA Site 9019183

  • 2016-Feb-10, 12:04 am

    Saw that my area in the 3 year list and saw that it had it is getting HFC.
    Below that is the same area and it has FTTN, it has a one year difference of H1-2017 and H1-2018.

    Service area 3FTO

    Any ideas?

  • 2016-Feb-10, 2:35 am

    melbournefan writes...

    Any ideas?

    Parts will be getting HFC and parts will get FTTN?

  • 2016-Feb-10, 2:35 am

    NetskyAU writes...

    Parts will be getting HFC and parts will get FTTN?

    Well i already get cable (HFC) so i don't think that i will get the NBN????

  • 2016-Feb-18, 10:00 am

    You will get upgraded HFC as part of the rollout.

  • 2016-Feb-18, 10:00 am

    melbournefan writes...

    Well i already get cable (HFC) so i don't think that i will get the NBN????

    I'm in a different area, but have had HFC (Optus and telstra) for along time and have just had NBN activated FTTP, so you never know with these knucklehead politicians.

  • 2016-Feb-18, 2:12 pm

    im still waiting for the guys to come fit the box thing
    they said in a letter any time between 22nd januarry to the 1st june
    but on the mynbn map thing it still says 29th june?

    so have no idea when this will happen

  • 2016-Feb-18, 2:12 pm

    Adelaide CBD has two exchanges. Flinders has a rollout schedule, Waymouth has nothing. When will this change! So over waiting.

  • 2016-Feb-18, 2:14 pm
    ant hill

    Hastings Victoria might get something in 2017? Wait 2018!!! Then again maybe not. :( *Sigh*

  • 2016-Feb-18, 2:14 pm

    anyone know when NBN will roll out in Greenvale VIC ?

  • 2016-Apr-8, 11:21 pm

    Hi Team, Have just purchased an undeveloped land lot (1 of 30) in an established suburb that is within the HFC footprint of Eastern Brisbane for a June 2017 completion. The land, currently a patch of scrub & tress, will be developed and is likely to settle in Aug 2016 (if that matters at all).

    Just wondering whether this land pocket will auto-magically get any FTTx as a result of its newness (and those dates)? The streets surrounding this new development only seem to return a "Congrats you can get ADSL services" when I checked on Telstra/Internode so I'm wondering if those timelines add any constraints or remove some limitations to the planned HFC "upgrades" for the Suburb.

    The selling agent has provided an unhelpful, "it'll be NBN-Ready" response to a simpler version of that question above. Not an issue for the completion of the transaction. Just curious, and hopeful.

  • 2016-Apr-8, 11:21 pm
    Queeg 500

    SystemTester writes...

    Just wondering whether this land pocket will auto-magically get any FTTx as a result of its newness (and those dates)?

    No � unless the developer makes a deal with a company to roll out FTTP, you may end up with copper and ADSL.

  • 2016-Apr-8, 11:26 pm

    Interesting. I wonder then if my reading of the Telstra-New-Developments Policy (PDF), specifically the following from Chapter 3:

    Telstra will generally decline to provide a quote on an application when the development
    characteristics indicate NBN Co has the IPOLR obligation. However, in some situations,
    Telstra will be open to discussing arrangements for the installation of infrastructure if the
    developer has entered into an agreement with NBN Co but the delivery timing is delayed.

    This may be our position. Presuming the NBN Co declaration of construction timelines (commencing H1 2017) for the suburb means it is the IPOLR, I think we'll fall into an unfortunate circumstance of timing. At least the copper will be new. :) Worst case � Temporary Wireless. :<

  • 2016-Apr-8, 11:26 pm
    Queeg 500

    SystemTester writes...

    Presuming the NBN Co declaration of construction timelines (commencing H1 2017) for the suburb means it is the IPOLR

    I could be wrong, but I don't think it does � AFAIK the IPOLR demarcation is whether there the development has 100 lots available within a certain time, irrespective of any brownfields rollout plans for the area.

  • 2016-Apr-9, 12:09 am

    My read of the paras in Section 3 of that PDF might be off. Worthwhile just checking though.

    The policy sets out rules to delineate IPOLR responsibility between Telstra and NBN Co.

    Telstra will be IPOLR supporting voice services:

    • within the long term NBN Co fixed line footprint for new developments of less than 100 lots/premises where NBN Co has not established its network (i.e. declared its network �ready for service�) nor publicly identified the area as a rollout region.

    In my case NBN Co has made that declaration (4TGP HFC deployment � PDF)

  • 2016-Apr-9, 12:09 am
    Queeg 500

    SystemTester writes...

    My read of the paras in Section 3 of that PDF might be off.

    Looks like you're right and I'm wrong :-)

    It'll certainly be interesting to see what will happen... given that they are talking themselves back from the idea of HFC in-fill, I think it's safe to say that nobody knows what they'll do (probably including nbn� themselves).

  • 2016-Apr-9, 12:20 am
    this post was edited

    Happy now. They finally updated the NBN rollout map. NBN finally coming to my street and area. AVALON BEACH (2AVA) exchange.

    Contractors have been given the go ahead to commence constriction of a FTN NBN rollout.

  • 2016-Apr-9, 12:20 am
    ant hill

    Yes I bet you are not happy!!! Just remember what NBN stands for National Broadband Network as there's no mention about Fiber that we all want!!!
    So I would like to rename this National Fiber Network NFN but it's not to be. ;(

  • NoFixedAddress

    So with the NBN still having no construction date for the Adelaide CBD's Waymouth exchange...

    10 gigabit a second optical fibre!!!

    If this goes ahead, i'm going to vote in council for elections for the first time and Haese will get my vote!

    Such excitement!

  • tiagozt
    this post was edited

    Just speculation but the CIty of Melbourne is destroying (renewing?) the pathway on Stanley Street (block after Spencer St, West Melbourne) and yesterday Linktech was there with a van and passing some cables. Hopefully, fibre will be available soon.

  • 2016-Apr-9, 12:46 am

    I can't find my suburb on the 3 year construction plan? I see all the suburbs close by however.

  • 2016-Apr-9, 12:46 am

    Is this blue cable NBN?

    Sorry about the link to a tweet � could t post a pic on my phone.

  • Boston1092

    Any news on New Lambton, NSW 2305? Construction slated to start Q2 � 2016 according to 3 Year Rollout Plan, and according to My NBN Finder has been under "Preparation" since December 2015.

    Have seen plenty of Telstra techs working on pits and replacing some lids over the last few months around where I live in New Lambton but nothing from NBN Co thus far.

  • Blaid

    Any news on 3156?? I did read on another website they say H2-2016 but when I search my address it says Not currently available is there any details on how long it takes once it changes into build preparation to it goes live?

    I'm trying to find out as much info as possible as I'm looking at re contracting a cable connection but don't really want to until I can find out some solid info of when the NBN is hitting my area.

  • 2016-Apr-10, 8:55 pm

    Hi guys,

    a heap of work being done outside my house in the last week. Today i noticed there's a box in the ground that says 'nbn' out the front, however it doesn't say on the nbnco website that my address is in the build stage. Does this mean it is in the build stage for my area or?

  • 2016-Apr-10, 8:55 pm

    Guys, what is the time-line once an area is listed as "build commenced" to when actual work on the ground starts? I live in a town of 33,000 with "build commenced" started on 8-March-2016 but so far there has been no works at all, apart for 1 or 2 sightings of guys doing measurements and ground markings (over 8 weeks a go). Over 2 months now and nothing, is this normal?

  • 2016-May-3, 10:50 pm
    Ryan GH

    It takes about 12 to 18 months.

  • 2016-May-3, 10:50 pm

    Hi all, long time reader, first time poster :)

    Can anyone tell me when I might get nbn in Shenton Park, WA? According to the roll-out map there's nothing planned in the next 3 years, but then the 3-year construction plan from last September (i.e. 9 months ago) says HFC rollout starting in 2H2016... which should I believe?


  • AirJordanFan93

    Vintage1974 writes...

    Can anyone tell me when I might get nbn in Shenton Park, WA? According to the roll-out map there's nothing planned in the next 3 years, but then the 3-year construction plan from last September (i.e. 9 months ago) says HFC rollout starting in 2H2016... which should I believe?

    Im in a similar situation as you. I am also in WA with HFC currently being rolled out. There appears to be zero HFC information on the rollout maps thus why there is so little information regarding more concrete dates for the services to be offered and such. Im sure someone can correct me and give you a much more detailed answer though.

  • ant hill

    Well all I can do is Dream in Hastings VIctoria Mornington Peninsula.

  • 2016-May-16, 12:00 am
    Ryan GH

    No nbn coming soon to my area which is only a very good thing as I already get 100 mbits a second speeds on average in my area on cable, even during peak hours.
    There is no way in hell I want to degrade my service thanks to the dodgy liberals NBN.

  • 2016-May-16, 12:00 am

    My suburb Beverly Hills NSW is "not started" on the NBN according to the nbnco website. I looked a few weeks ago on a list of future rollouts (within 3 years?) and was not on that either. However the neighbouring suburb has NBN � even if the map says no! (inlaws had theirs installed a few weeks ago).

    What is the system for the order of suburbs on the rollout list?

  • 2016-May-17, 2:40 pm
    Pig galaxy
    this post was edited

    any HFC rollouts atm?

    according to nbn website build commences at my place first half 2016.... however nothing is showing on the rollout map... ccan anyone tell me whats going on as it is nearly end of the first half of 2016...

    i am actually so pissed off at this nbn bullcrap because before libs were sworn in i could of gotten nbn at 2014. Liberals better lose the election this year

  • 2016-May-17, 2:40 pm

    qak writes...

    However the neighbouring suburb has NBN � even if the map says no!
    What is the system for the order of suburbs on the rollout list?

    It's more or less exchange area, with priority given to areas where new estates are getting fibre (or already have).
    Plus there is a list of other requirements, like access to 3rd party fibre if needed. The FTTN and HFC additions have made a mess of things, so areas on the 3 year plan 3 years ago, are only just under construction.

    It's just impossible to build the entire network in just a few years, yet people expect THEIR suburb to be done at the expense of someone else.

  • qak

    fabricator writes...

    people expect THEIR suburb to be done at the expense of someone else.

    I am happy to wait my turn, but it would be good to see just how long the queue in front of me is!

  • Finite State Machine

    Ryan GH writes...

    I already get 100 mbits a second speeds on average in my area on cable, even during peak hours.
    There is no way in hell I want to degrade my service thanks to the dodgy liberals NBN.

    Guess what, you are already on the NBN! It's just that nbn hasn't hasn't taken taken over that asset yet. Having a choice of ISP on cable will be an improvement.

  • 2016-May-20, 4:29 pm

    nbn coming in Q4 this year for me ya ho finally it is coming to Flagstaff Hill SA.

    Build~ Q4 2016
    RFS~ H2 2017

    Should see something happening soon even just remediation work

  • 2016-May-20, 4:29 pm

    I've been watching this thread with interest but haven't posted yet.

    I'm in Vic (Castlemaine) and the 3 year roll out says "Expected time of first site to commence construction Q2-2016" (FTTN)

    However there don't appear to be anything happening (NBN site reports 'No Rollout Plan Yet').

    Does anyone know if the 3 year roll out timetable has fallen behind schedule?

    Or is it normal that nothing visible happens in the early stages of an FTTN rollout?

  • 2016-May-20, 7:43 pm

    I hope I get it in diamond creek as I'm on 3mbps adsl

  • 2016-May-20, 7:43 pm

    I realise this question's almost certainly been asked either in this thread or one of the other threads, or anywhere on the internet but for some reason I can't find it in search so:

    How long after nodes have finished being installed on a street will premises on the street be ready for service? Do they wait for the whole area to have their nodes constructed or do they connect premises as they're ready?

    My street has nodes which haven't had anything done to them for a couple of weeks now, I'm assuming they're "ready" but I might be wrong. Will I be waiting the "up to 12 months" that the NBNco website is saying?

  • 2016-May-22, 10:06 pm
    User 593611

    I understand the current roll-out plan has more 'What-ifs' than actual answers, but to add to this does anybody have an idea what may happen in the following situation:

    My area is listed as;
    VIC 3FTO � (Flemington) Ascot Vale, Flemington, Kensington, Moonee Ponds, Travancore 24100 HFC H1-2017

    However I live in a small pocket of redevelopment in Ascot Vale (300+ residences) which does not have any HFC rolled out, and unlike the remainder of the suburb we have all underground services. The development was built in two halves (Change of developer halfway through) and the second half seems to have NBN FTTP, however the first half only had standard ADSL lines installed. Ascot Vale is not listed anywhere else in the document.

    It seems our area has kind of fallen through the (fairly large) cracks of the current NBN, no HFC installed and with undergrounds services not likely to be, but not listed as FTTN in the roll-out plan.

    Any ideas?

  • 2016-May-22, 10:06 pm

    3WHL-62 is commencing HFC installation next Tuesday thru to November, although I would much prefer FTTP connection :(

  • veerpartap

    How long after nodes have finished being installed on a street will premises on the street be ready for service?

    I would like to know this too please anybody???

  • NetskyAU

    When the whole area is Ready for Service. The nodes aren't turned on one by one. The whole area is switched on at once, then you can sign up.

  • Crispy81

    There is major night road works happening at Strathpine, QLD at the moment. Digging trenches across Gympie road and surrounding area's. Hard to sleep with all the night works going on. I'm assuming it's prep work for laying fibre.

  • veerpartap

    When the whole area is Ready for Service

    Thanks NetskyAU

  • 2016-May-31, 10:28 am

    I am in pooraka SA, GPC-05. Getting FttN in late September. Via a mate who works at NBN, have been advised I am approx 300m from the node. What speed can I roughly expect?

  • 2016-May-31, 10:28 am

    FrankieFlash writes...

    What speed can I roughly expect?

    Generally full speeds 100Mbps

    But it all comes down to your line and copper quality.

  • 2016-Jun-2, 8:02 pm

    When this mixed mode of internet was announced it made me wonder...... people getting FTTN built will this ever be upgraded over time to something faster?

  • 2016-Jun-2, 8:02 pm

    my place is supposed to be fiber to the premise, they put the cable in just before and after christmas..

    Rollout type
    Brownfields FTTP
    Build started
    May 2015
    Ready for Service*
    22 Jun 2016
    Apr 2015
    Not available
    Service Area
    Point of In'ct

  • 2016-Jun-24, 6:59 am

    TechnoLoGy writes...

    When this mixed mode of internet was announced it made me wonder...... people getting FTTN built will this ever be upgraded over time to something faster?

    Probably not for a looooong time. Unless a miracle happens.

  • 2016-Jun-24, 6:59 am

    Mesmus writes...

    Probably not for a looooong time. Unless a miracle happens.

    Labor winning this election should be this miracle and they rip out all the FTTN cabinets and take them to the local tip or launch them, via catapult, through Telstra's (The Devil) front doors.

  • 2016-Jun-24, 11:02 am

    Does the government make less money off this mixed mode rollout than if it had been the original rollout ?

    Costs of power to nodes etc?

    Shortly after the last election I think, I remember reading in a paper here saying that my area was no longer on the areas to even receive the NBN !

  • 2016-Jun-24, 11:02 am

    I arent convinced by anything I read. Our idiot local member for Forde QLD Bert Van Manen made a claim on his website recently that Upper Coomera QLD would have NBN started in 2016. It doesnt mention for established or new homes. 10 Houses down the road in a new type estate has NBN. One would wonder why they just didnt continue it 10 houses on. So I don't believe it when the idiot says "In 2016" Perhaps for new homes in new estates, yes.

  • miloguy

    Ready for Service is showing up on my rollout map, just waiting for the box thing out side the house.
    Thinking about sticking with TPG, been happy with them most of the time on adsl ..
    could go to internode, but not sure, wanting a good plan, for streaming to twitch tv and youtube, maybe some netflix,
    so thinking 100/40 or something..

    oh forgot to ask, most seem to have bundles, ie phone and nbn ,but im hoping just to use my mobile,..

  • Ibslice

    Nbn just left my premises and said they will be back tomorrow to run the cable. I also recieved a letter last month informing me of the box installation. Although there is nothing at all for the whole suburb in the rollout map.

    Notting Hill, Melbourne

    Just an FYI.

  • 2016-Jun-24, 10:27 pm
    this post was edited

    thats whats happening here in Bomaderry NSW..

    had the cable run thru my street, and also now waiting on the box,
    but I did hear that there had been some delays due to the recent bad
    weather , so its just a waiting game..

    should I ring up my isp (tpg) now or just wait till the box arrives?

  • 2016-Jun-24, 10:27 pm

    Whats the latest status for Tuggerah, anyone know.

  • VictorRV

    It seems like NBN is coming soon to The Chase Estate, I just saw a couple of trucks (one from Telstra) working on pipe digging on the corner of Oshea Rd and Kimbarra Dr.

    Also, another Telstra van near to the pit on the corner of Bridgewater Blvd and Kerferd St which is the one that I am connected to.

  • Rauland

    Can anybody figure out where these premises would be located under the following roll out plans?

    Lovely Banks: Approx. # Premises 220

    Lara: Approx. # Premises 700

    Avalon: Approx. # Premises 600

    Why so few premises? Where are they? I can't imagine they're for rural properties as the distances are too vast for copper.

  • 2016-Jun-28, 11:40 am

    Utility box was installed yesterday,
    the guy said the next nbn crew will be out to do the inside modem?
    wonder how long that will be now??

  • 2016-Jun-28, 11:40 am

    NBN Warrnambool.

    Any residents on here, we have a thread started, ill link below, with all the information we need including dates and maps.

    >> /forum-replies.cfm?t=2512210 <<

  • ChiaCharat

    So what does the start of a NBN build look like if an area is getting HFC or FTTN or FTTP?

    Lately around suburbs of Parafield Gardens and some streets in Salisbury(Adelaide) I've been seeing a few streets that have had some strange patterns of road works. They've been chomping up about 3-6 metre long segments of the gutters infront of every house in the street. Leaving other gutters untouched.

    I've driven past a few utes working on these gutters but did'nt see any logo's on the side.

    Past 2 weeks allot of activity along Casuarina Drive by Parafield gardens Junior primary school. Theres even a 2 metre long hole in the gutter infront of that side of the school aswell. Also seen activity on other backstreets up as far as Salisbury downs.

  • rosendalek is down

  • 2016-Jun-29, 10:28 pm

    When will the NBN come to my town (area)??

    It went from fiber to the house
    Wireless (Tower was actually to be build on our property)
    Not yet determined
    "Great news....Satellite is now available"....LOL

    We are in a small town that is 15 minutes from a Mid North Coast City
    Half the area has wireless while the other half is in the Shadow of a mountain
    1/2 a kilometer of the Pacific HWY and I can throw a stone onto the Mobile phone tower

    And we will be offered Satellite
    The NBN is truly dead now

  • 2016-Jun-29, 10:28 pm

    Moving into this place on the 5th of August and I currently have cable. How realistic is this date?,%20Hallett%20Cove,%20South%20Australia,%20Australia

    Do I wait and see and order NBN or should I settle for an order for ADSL?

  • 2016-Jul-4, 8:49 am

    How long does it take to go from NBN Co 'service available' to your ISP actually providing it ?

    Telstra says no NBN in my area, tpg just gives me an error and iinet also unavailable.

  • 2016-Jul-4, 8:49 am

    Is there anyway to find out when approximately nbn is starting in your area? Website is pretty useless..

    I'm in Balaclava, Vic 3183.

  • 2016-Jul-5, 3:15 pm
    Acer Bic for my town says:

    nbnTM is expected to commence construction in some parts of this suburb within 3 years.
    and then continues with
    First build expected Q2 2016
    Last build expected Q2 2016

    I'm confused. What does First and Last build mean?

  • 2016-Jul-5, 3:15 pm

    rdh1983 writes...

    Is there anyway to find out when approximately nbn is starting in your area? Website is pretty useless..

    I'm in Balaclava, Vic 3183.

    Me too � does anyone have a decent link to find this info.

    Ps I'm in North Wahroonga, 2076

  • 2016-Jul-14, 3:14 pm

    Well build did commence 2nd QTR 2016 in our area as originally stated but the website has only just been updated to reflect that (the 6 months info thing perhaps).

    Rollout Region ID 3CAS-21
    Status Build Commenced
    Expected Ready For Service Dec 2016
    (accurate as at 31 May 2016)
    Build Commenced 12 May 2016
    Preparation Commenced Dec 2015
    Technology Type Fibre to the Node
    Approx. # Premises 2800
    Premises by technology Data available 6mths before RFS
    Premises by service class Data available 6mths before RFS
    Service Area Module 3CAS-21 (Castlemaine 21)

    Service Area 3CAS (Castlemaine )

    Connectivity Service Area CSA300000010073
    (Bendigo 2 CSA)

    Point of Interconnect 3BEN (Bendigo)

  • 2016-Jul-14, 3:14 pm
    Tech head

    Crispy81 writes...

    Labor winning this election should be this miracle and they rip out all the FTTN cabinets and take them to the local tip or launch them, via catapult, through Telstra's (The Devil) front doors.

    That should be fun .... I vote all catalult's staying by. *puts on cool shades*

  • Dave Lister

    Any clue if Windsor 4030 is on the rollout ?

    The copper is clagged unfortunately .. ..

    DSL works

    Landline is dodgy

    Bigpond Cable is on outside wall unused

  • Cy Kosis

    Dave Lister writes...

    Any clue if Windsor 4030 is on the rollout ?

    Pretty sure they'll be using the cable (HFC) in your area Dave, & probably late 2016 early 2017

  • 2016-Jul-15, 4:07 pm

    Has the 3 year rollout plan changed / slowed down heaps?

    I haven't really been following it much but I know Noosa, Tewantin etc construction was meant to start Q1 next year was hoping that was still on schedule.

  • 2016-Jul-15, 4:07 pm

    Aussiejuggalo writes...

    Has the 3 year rollout plan changed / slowed down heaps?

    Some areas are from a month to several months behind schedule, I don't know if that's general across the rollout or not.

    My area is running about 1 month behind what the 3 year rollout plan said (at this point) but that doesn't mean it won't slip further.

  • 2016-Jul-19, 7:51 pm

    Oh well that's fun.

    I checked the NBN tracker on and it just says "planned" for every location under the 4NOO service area, most look like they wont be ready until 2018 sometime anyway. Bet Noosa will be first and the rest of us will be left holding our d!@#s as usual.

  • 2016-Jul-19, 7:51 pm
    ant hill

    Whell now that the Election is over, we go back to waiting again for our Fiber to the Home. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.............

  • 2016-Jul-20, 1:48 pm
    Dave Lister

    It appears that the people connecting wires and all that good stuff for DSL have tossed in the towel.

  • 2016-Jul-20, 1:48 pm
    ant hill

    OK , Supposedly I am connect to a said Fast service DSL wise. would this be Fast?
    Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
    Copyright � 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.



    Tracing route to []
    over a maximum of 30 hops:

    1 1 ms 1 ms 1 ms
    2 12 ms 12 ms 10 ms []
    3 * * * Request timed out.
    4 * * * Request timed out.
    5 20 ms 21 ms 20 ms []
    6 19 ms * 20 ms []
    7 20 ms 20 ms 20 ms []

    Trace complete.


    Pinging [] with 32 bytes of data:
    Reply from bytes=32 time=25ms TTL=58
    Reply from bytes=32 time=19ms TTL=58
    Reply from bytes=32 time=19ms TTL=58
    Reply from bytes=32 time=21ms TTL=58

    Ping statistics for
    Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
    Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
    Minimum = 19ms, Maximum = 25ms, Average = 21ms


  • 2016-Jul-20, 3:27 pm

    Whoot! NBN ordered from Telstra (Locked in to a contract) on exactly the date the said the build would be completed.

    Will wait to see what happens from here.

  • 2016-Jul-20, 3:27 pm

    anyone have an idea when deception bay 4508 will be getting nbn probably never like everyone else i suspect ,anything politicians {i could call them something else like parasites) have there hands on always goes to crap, they take shortcuts like fibre to the node to save money without taking into account the corroded copper network from the node to the homes,and then down the track have to replace the copper anyway costing more money in the end, real smart :-(

  • 2016-Jul-20, 5:04 pm

    steve59 writes...

    deception bay 4508

    Construction SHOULD start in the 2H of 2017.

  • 2016-Jul-20, 5:04 pm

    Warrnambool residents are facing upto a 4 month delay in some areas, check out the thread for the latest updates and an interactive map.

    Thread: /forum-replies.cfm?t=2512210

  • 2016-Jul-21, 8:37 pm

    Is this the place to ask where to find out more information about status of an install?

    My suburb got split into 2 sections, they were only doing up until the railway line and leaving the second half untouched. And it sat there with no plans.

    Recently I jumped in to see what was happening and it's jumped from nothing to construction commenced.

    Does Construction Commenced mean they're doing groundwork or could it simply mean they're updating exchanges in preparation for actual groundwork? Because as far as I'm seeing there's been 0 cabling/node construction etc in the suburb since it was announced maybe a month ago.

    Telstra said 5-8 weeks from Construction Commenced until installed but I don't think the rep knew what they were talking about. As the other half of the suburb has been constructed for a couple of months now and still no planned connection until September.

    Park Avenue, QLD, 4701 is the suburb in question.


  • 2016-Jul-21, 8:37 pm

    Chris, I believe you're part of the Rockhampton Service Area, which encompasses Park Avenue..though there's 2 Park Avenues, you'll have to clarify which one you belong too.

    Rock thread: /forum-replies.cfm?t=2026927
    Finder: ???
    Finder: ????

    Regarding actually work on the ground. My area in Vic was listed a "build commenced" in March but work only started in July, but in between that time generally they're surveying the sites, updating locations, roping pits and pipes.

    Seeing as you are in 4ROT-02 with an RFS of Aug 2016...I'm surprised there's been no work that you've seen. Unless of course there's another Park Avenue in QLD then the error is all mine.

  • 2016-Jul-22, 8:33 am

    Thanks GEPLAYER, I hadn't seen that website before, just been using NBNco maps and Telstra maps which I believe is the same details.

    My actual rollout region is 4FRV-05 after looking at that. My mate that's also in Park Avenue but on the other side of the railway line is 4ROT-02, that's where I've seen the majority of construction.

    My patience is getting thin with my current provider so I thought I'd step up my research for NBN.

  • 2016-Jul-22, 8:33 am

    chris.. writes...

    Telstra said 5-8 weeks from Construction Commenced until installed but I don't think the rep knew what they were talking about

    I believe for FTTN it's probably more like 5 � 8 months?


    Not a problem at all. That actually maintained by a fellow person on his name. Okay so seeing you're in 4FRV-05 I think according Telstra Cease Sale, which occurs 2-3weeks after an area goes RFS, your area should be RFS by late Feb-2017 early March-2017. That's a bit of a wait but things can change, hopefully not later.

    That site also has a map and you can register for updates etc. Also, once an area is RFS your individual home is assigned a node which has a physical number on 4FRV-05-12-FNO-001...this website will have details and if you're lucky they'll be a node near you with a number that the website says you're connected too. Simply helps people understand what speeds they can expect etc.

    Good luck.

  • Yurk Yurk

    Can anyone comment on when Upper Kedron in Brisbane (4055) will see some nbn action?

  • 2016-Aug-8, 6:47 pm

    The last 3-year plan (about a year ago) said:

    Ferny Hills
    Arana Hills Enoggera Everton Hills Everton Park Ferny Grove Ferny Hills Gaythorne Keperra Mitchelton Upper Kedron 21800 premises

    Ferny Hills
    Bunya Everton Hills Upper Kedron
    2200 premises

    I'm at Ferny Hills and haven't heard anything from NBN. Some activity at the exchange lately but no idea if it's NBN related.

  • 2016-Aug-8, 6:47 pm

    General question guys Flagstaff Hill 5CMD-20 is expected RFS on 22 July 2017 how many moths does fttn usually take for construction. We should be seeing work soon we are on the Rollout Schedule & Disconnection Dates � Excel version. And Cease sale report in 4 August 2017

  • 2016-Aug-9, 7:50 pm

    Is there a "Will NBN ever come to my town?" thread? Still no plans for at least 3 more years for Bangor NSW.

  • 2016-Aug-9, 7:50 pm

    Has the NBN rollout screeched to a halt?

    Two years ago the NBN rollout map showed my area set with a future proposal date, then 6 months later it became "last rollout Dec 2018" and I just checked it today and now it just says "Not currently available"...

    What the flap is going on? It's been 5 years now.

    I am beyond mad about this now. I'm disparate; void of what is required to provoke response... This government and the NBN has spiralled me into a depression from which my choppy 3.8MBps maintains this steady sea of woe.

  • 2016-Aug-11, 10:24 am

    Yeah you cant afford to let Oz slip behind the rest of the world with its lockouts, shitty internet uploads and barely functional downloads, high ping and the business sector feeling fed up and resorting to print as it's faster than uploading to a backup server.

    Oh and Romania is better than Oz in every way.

    What a jokewater Oz is becoming

  • 2016-Aug-11, 10:24 am

    Construction was planned for Q3 2016 in my area � 4NRB-03 for FTTN. Over the last week there have been a couple of Ericsson vehicles parked next to the narangba water tower, with everything roped off.

    Apparently Ericsson are one of the contractors providing fixed wireless and satellite. So this may sound like a silly question, but could the Ericsson people be doing anything in regards to the FTTN rollout in our area?

  • 2016-Aug-12, 10:30 am

    How can I tell where the nearest Node is in my area? I'm scheduled to get FTTN but i lnow that if you're closer to the node you can get faster speeds

  • 2016-Aug-12, 10:30 am

    Was going through my junk mail and found a flyer from nbnco. Apparently "work is expected to commence shortly".

    Anyone else received these? Any ideas on how long "shortly" is?

    I thought most of the construction has been phased back due to the MTM stuff. The flyer doesn't really explain much apart from what they might be doing in the near future and what to expect.

    I know there's been a few displays around recently with some nbnco guys trying to spruik the wireless options which i know are available, but nothing about FTTN/P which this flyer seems to be detailing.

    The nbnco website on the other hand says "The rollout of the nbn� network has not started in this area"

  • Rhubarb1

    NBN's 3 year Construction plan: NSW
    Sydney Springwood
    Emu Heights, Emu Plains, Leonay
    Does anyoneknow what is holding this up. I'm already on Optus cable service with speed pack getting 90~100 MBps during off-peak. But i'm really sweating on getting 100/40 plan through HFC (I guess that's better than FttN).
    A search on NBN just says "The rollout of the nbn� network has not started in this area"

  • h0mbre

    Rhubarb1 writes...

    Does anyoneknow what is holding this up. I'm already on Optus cable service with speed pack getting 90~100 MBps during off-peak. But i'm really sweating on getting 100/40 plan through HFC (I guess that's better than FttN).
    A search on NBN just says "The rollout of the nbn� network has not started in this area"

    As per
    I don't think they're showing HFC on the rollout map.
    I have always been checking it but the other day when an Optus tech was over, he assured me they have started working on it in my area (2HUH) and that I'll be getting it soon.

    So basically, I think HFC customers are in the dark somewhat and just have to go off the 3 year roll out plan dates and patiently wait.

  • 2016-Aug-15, 4:22 pm

    I don't think Gin Gin's tower is going to make the RFS date shown in Finder. 4BBE-51-15-GING still only has the bottom half of the tower up, and with a week to go there is no sign of the top half. I wonder where it is?

  • 2016-Aug-15, 4:22 pm

    I feel like this will never come to Balwyn, VIC.

    I hate being connected to this f*cking Box Hill exchange 3.5-4km away.

  • 2016-Aug-17, 6:25 pm

    Just noticed there's guys doing some work a few streets away. Looks like they're putting some pipes in.

    Wondering if that has anything to do with the flyer sent out the other week?

  • 2016-Aug-17, 6:25 pm

    They've announced work has started in my area but its only listed as "Fixed line"

    Safe to assume this is just FttN right?

  • 7twenty

    7twenty writes...

    Wondering if that has anything to do with the flyer sent out the other week?

    Seems like it is!! Drove past again today and saw an NBNCo sign on one of the fences.

    How exciting! I wonder how long till they get to my street?

  • jabiru658

    leostano writes...

    How can I tell where the nearest Node is in my area?

    There isn't really any way for us plebs to tell until after your area is 'Ready For Service' and they've placed the nodes.

    Even at the 'In Build' status with nodes already placed (like my area) there is no way to tell which pillar one's house will be hooked up to (it may not be the closest one).

    Going for a walk around your area and looking for Telstra pillars and pits isn't very accurate as many (in some areas most) pits are covered by soil and grass (I reckon about � of the pits in my area had to be dug down to) so the ones you find may not be the one you are eventually connected to.

    To make things more annoying they're not even announcing status until 6 months before estimated ready for service which may be well past the point where things start moving *sigh*.

    We've got a lot of nodes popping up around here but there's still no information being given out so yeah.... that's pretty poor.

    Did I mention FTTN and NBN are not my favorite people at the moment ;-)

  • 2016-Aug-20, 7:53 am

    Rookie question, What do pillars and nodes actually do?

  • 2016-Aug-20, 7:53 am
    this post was edited

    This explains what pillars are for better than I could but basically they're a tube were the lines from the exchange for an area are put into before heading out to individual properties. They allow for a particular exchange line to be linked to a particular property. A tech can link line A to house Y easily and close to the house which is cheaper and easier to do.

    FTTN uses 'nodes' which have optical fibre to a shared �cabinet�, which in turn provides internet access to customers within an area (of variable size and shape).

    It's got power to it and provides internet services over copper between the node and the user. Sort of like a mini exchange but without telephones and using a later and faster version of ADSL called VDSL.

    There are also mini nodes which are the same sort of thing but they service less properties.

  • 2016-Aug-24, 12:01 pm

    jabiru658 writes...

    This explains what pillars are for better than I could but basically they're a tube were the lines from the exchange for an area are put into before heading out to individual properties. They allow for a particular exchange line to be linked to a particular property. A tech can link line A to house Y easily and close to the house which is cheaper and easier to do.

    So i've figured out that I'm about 800 metres from the node and pillar (through roads) is there a way of predicting the max speed I will receive when FTTN comes in January?

  • 2016-Aug-24, 12:01 pm

    leostano writes...

    So i've figured out that I'm about 800 metres from the node and pillar (through roads)

    Unless you're right on the edge of town (at the edge of the service area as well) there's no reliable way (for the general public) to tell if the node and pillar you've found are the one you're going to be connected to.

    From the Whirlpool Knowledge base I quote -:

    It is IMPOSSIBLE to determine DSL sync speeds based on line of sight distance or street distance to your Node. A large part of what matters is the cable length, which your VDSL provider may or may not be able to provide. In addition to length, the thickness of the cable as well as the number and quality of joins will contribute to the attenuation, and thus sync rate.

    But never the less... people want graphs... so here is a graph (which you shouldn't rely on) :)

  • 2016-Aug-31, 10:08 pm

    7twenty writes...

    How exciting! I wonder how long till they get to my street?

    Getting closer. Just saw them working at (what I believe is) the nearest pillar to my house.

  • 2016-Aug-31, 10:08 pm

    leostano writes...

    So i've figured out that I'm about 800 metres from the node and pillar (through roads) is there a way of predicting the max speed I will receive when FTTN comes in January?

    Try the link below, zoom in to your area and click on your property.

    Not all areas done, but you may be one of the one listed.

    Obviously this doesn't account for how good your actual copper is, but still very interesting.

  • 2016-Sep-1, 12:15 pm
    Tech head

    Man... that map is wired.... I wish they did the same to "predict" dsl speed before signing up...

  • 2016-Sep-1, 12:15 pm

    Tech head writes...

    I wish they did the same to "predict" dsl speed before signing up

    What like this?

    Either enter your phone number, or your address and let it do the rest.

    It's fairly accurate.

  • 2016-Sep-1, 10:34 pm

    So I gather that (newer is useless now?

  • 2016-Sep-1, 10:34 pm

    Hi everyone.

    Just wondering if anyone knows the sorts of things that might be happening (or not happening) if I get this message when I query my address.
    'Additional work is still required in order to make your address ready to connect to the nbn� network.'

    The area is Beaconsfield 3BWK-08-17. The whole area has apparently been ready for about 2months, and I know the people across the street have had NBN for a few weeks.
    But our side of the road and a few streets behind us, are all get the above message.

    I assume we are on a different node/pillar to the houses on the other side of the street.

    Managed to get a message from a guy at Telstra.. something to the affect of.. it usually takes a month or 2 to get houses available to connect on the NBN. A couple of other ISP's I tried had no idea.. Just basically said to wait and we will contact you.

    But no idea of what or how long it will be.

    Anyone else in this area.?

  • 2016-Sep-2, 12:08 pm

    So I got something in the mail about construction starting but still nothing online about my area.

  • 2016-Sep-2, 12:08 pm

    decromin writes:
    "Looks like we are starting to get a bunch of "When will the NBN come here" threads, so perhaps it would be good to consolidate all those into one place with the latest info we have.

    NBN Co releases interactive Google map of current and upcoming locations! This means that this list was getting to be a little out of date and unwieldy, so here is the pretty and very useful tool:

    and the news of the release, and some more info on how to use it.

    Thanks NBN Co for this!"

    Thanks for nothin' Turnsh#t!
    All we're getting is bullsh#t fluff and outright lies from Morrow and the current government. Rollouts maps are useless and while my address is supposedly to be provisioned with HFC (H2, 2016) � a check on the links above still tells me nothing has started yet.

    Morrow is talking big � I think that NBNCo is in a financial hole. Why else are they and the government putting the squeeze on leaks and reducing the real information on NBNCo activity? All the froth & bubbles is to try and hide the financial hole they're in and lack of any real progress.
    As said earlier � all I want is a reliable 100/40 connection, and I'd be happy with the earmarked HFC providing it's properly provisioned.

    We're reading that Turnbull is woeful as Lib leader � how long until the disillusioned Abbott brigade decide that they can now cut him loose and wreak further havoc on our NBN? The whole LP party machine is morally and financially corrupt � and they're the ones targeting union corruption. Isn't Australia lucky it didn't give them 'carte blanche' � at least the 'hung parliament' goes some way to prevent them 'punching us in the head' any more than they have already.
    Just get on with the NBN. Stop telling us how well your doing the job, and just get it done.

  • ant hill

    Rhubarb1 writes...

    We're reading that Turnbull is woeful as Lib leader � how long until the disillusioned Abbott brigade decide that they can now cut him loose and wreak further havoc on our NBN?

    LOL While this government is in power they moan We Don't have the Funds for NBN Libs are always feathering their nests!!

  • Roqua

    Warrnambool VIC 3280.

    Building commenced, but no estimated end date? Anyone have any clues as to when this is going to be done?

  • 2016-Sep-7, 11:00 am

    Roqua writes...

    Anyone have any clues as to when this is going to be done?

    Which area you in? Anywhere between Mid-Dec and Mid-March.

    3WBO-01 Warrnambool, VIC, Horsham CSA, 10-Mar-2017
    3WBO-02 Warrnambool, VIC, Horsham CSA, 09-Dec-2016
    3WBO-03 Dennington, Warrnambool, VIC, Horsham CSA, 10-Mar-2017
    3WBO-04 Warrnambool, VIC, Horsham CSA, 24-Mar-2017
    3WBO-05 Allansford, Warrnambool, VIC Horsham CSA, 17-Mar-2017
    3WBO-06 Warrnambool, VIC, Horsham CSA, 17-Mar-2017

  • 2016-Sep-7, 11:00 am

    @Roqua theres a thread I've started. Feel free to have a look round and share what you know. I've also made a map, not 100% upto date with new build sites though (my pc is down)


  • 2016-Sep-8, 4:23 pm

    I just today got a letter that my complex on St Kevins Avenue, Benowa, QLD 4217 is having the Installation of the HFC into our complex between 23/09/2016 and 17/02/2017.
    Was a bit of a surprise, as all other information and roll out maps I have been regularly checking had no mention of our area in any time frame, but got the details of the company doing the work and their diagrams for our complex with the NBN letter saying installation is about to start.

  • 2016-Sep-8, 4:23 pm

    Rhubarb1 writes...

    Rollouts maps are useless and while my address is supposedly to be provisioned with HFC (H2, 2016) � a check on the links above still tells me nothing has started yet.

    Pretty much the same for Altona Meadows, they say H2-2016 but nothing on the address

  • bazza65

    Majorfoley writes...

    Pretty much the same for Altona Meadows, they say H2-2016 but nothing on the address

    You are far better off using this;

    Click on the rollout schedule in excel, then go to the 2nd tab across the bottom, expected RFS

    3LTV-63 Altona Meadows VIC Werribee 2 CSA 13-Jul-2017

  • Pitsy

    Sorry, I have no idea where else to look.

    If I've checked the rollout map and there's no info there and I've just checked the above spreadsheet mention and my suburb is nowhere to be seen, is it safe to say that I won't be getting NBN any time soon?

  • 2016-Sep-11, 3:54 pm

    bazza65 writes...

    3LTV-63 Altona Meadows VIC Werribee 2 CSA 13-Jul-2017

    Hmm i see, also looking at the PDF version seems they have a typo FFTP instead of FTTP lol.
    What about Fixed Wireless areas like Werribee South? Doesn't seem listed

  • 2016-Sep-11, 3:54 pm
    Dr Fish

    When I checked the Tel$tra rollout map earlier in the year we were due to be connected in September. Even today I'm getting letters in the mail from ISPs saying "Congratulations, the 'nbn' is expected to be active 9 September 2016. Sign with us".
    Now the Tel$tra rollout has an end of the year date on it. 'nbn'co paid contractors to work through easter where I am which would have cost a $__tload. Then they fail their own launch date. What a joke. Thanks Rudd, Gillard, Abbott & Turnbull.

  • Tuesday at 12:28 pm

    Pitsy writes...

    is it safe to say that I won't be getting NBN any time soon?

    Have you checked the 3 year roll out plan?

    You need to find it by looking for your exchange first, then your suburb will be listed beside it.

  • Tuesday at 12:28 pm

    Thanks, mate. Found it on there and I'm scheduled for H2-2017 (which is sooner than I though it would be). Appreciate the help.

  • Tuesday at 6:13 pm

    Pitsy writes...

    scheduled for H2-2017

    That's the start date, so realistically you can add about 6 � 9 months to that. So probably early 2018 for you.

  • Tuesday at 6:13 pm

    bazza65 writes...

    Which area you in? Anywhere between Mid-Dec and Mid-March.


    How fun.

  • Tuesday at 7:14 pm

    Node cabinet was just installed today.

    Now if only they'd connect everything and flip the switch.

    Quite annoying seeing everything get built everyday as i drive past, but still have no clear indication of when they're expecting to finish and switch it on.

  • Tuesday at 7:14 pm

    7twenty writes...

    still have no clear indication of when they're expecting to finish and switch it on.

    Have you tried looking on here?

    Click on the rollout schedule in excel, then go to the 2nd tab across the bottom, expected RFS

  • Wednesday at 7:18 am

    bazza65 writes...

    Have you tried looking on here?

    Thanks for that.

    Dec 16 / Feb 17 / May 17 according to that. Not sure which of those i'd fall under. But either way it seems there's still a lot more to go even though nodes are popping up all over the place.

  • Wednesday at 7:18 am

    The old man just spotted ABERGELDIE trucks in his street, after a quick Google Search, they are a infrastructure company... Does anyone know if they are contracted by NBNco?
    Suburb: Mermaid Waters, Queensland, 4218

  • Wednesday at 11:05 am

    Has anyone heard any news on the Carrum Downs area? we are looking at buying in the area between Carrum Downs and Skye areas. Looking at ADSL in the area and it's on the Seaford Exchange which means *shudder* something like 3MBit/s. I just don't know if i can bring myself to deal with this until the NBN eventually comes around.

  • Wednesday at 11:05 am
    Ice Colddddd

    So the rollout map says my area eventually will be rolled out with hfc

    Right now I believe I can already get cable internet if it's with Telstra or Optus Does that mean no change is really happening or does it mean other ISPs will have access to the cable in my area and I'll get a way bigger choice?

  • Thursday at 7:39 am

    Ice Colddddd writes...

    does it mean other ISPs will have access to the cable in my area and I'll get a way bigger choice?


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