Thứ Hai, 3 tháng 10, 2016

Good News Brighton Butler! part 5

  • 2015-Sep-20, 8:32 pm

    Yep mines dead also, has been for a few hours now.

  • 2015-Sep-20, 8:32 pm

    Called iinet just now. Apparently about 2000 users are affected with no estimated resolution time. A bit weird that a 2000 user outage is not listed on the issues page (I am pretty sure I heard 2000 on the phone).

    Anyway. It's hurry up and wait time.

  • 2015-Sep-20, 9:13 pm

    I've been offline since this morning as well. Sigh.

  • 2015-Sep-20, 9:13 pm
    Paul @

    My FTTH in Alkimos dropped out this morning at 11:30 and came back 5 minutes later. There was a power surge in the CBD at the same time..

  • 2015-Sep-20, 10:39 pm

    Mine is still down in butler, logged a fault with isn't yesterday, any ideas on when it might be back online?

  • 2015-Sep-20, 10:39 pm

    Mine offline still too

  • Yogsothoz

    Got thru to a very helpful chap at iinet. Apparently Opticomm were made aware of a cut cable at 6 or 7 pm last night. Expected resolution time is unknown at the moment but if it is major cable damage it could be 24 hours.

  • Toxpoint

    Thanks for the update!! As long as they know huh?
    Forget how much you use it hey?

  • 2015-Sep-21, 8:53 am
    Paul @

    Yogsothoz writes...

    Opticomm were made aware of a cut cable at 6 or 7 pm last night.

    would have expected my service further north would be out too, if this was the case..

    what time did your connection go out yesterday?

  • 2015-Sep-21, 8:53 am

    Back online at last as of a few mins ago. Happy days.

  • 2015-Sep-21, 9:07 am

    Back online here too.

  • 2015-Sep-21, 9:07 am

    Hi all � Anyone else finding the service particularly ordinary? I am getting between 10 in the evenings and 60 during times I used to get an easy 85. I have been through the fault process and been given a very substandard response from Internode.

    "due to the limitations of the HFC network and the age of said network there are no more improvements that can be made"

    I asked for a clarification on this comment but have not had a reply.

    As a result I am going to apply for a carrier licence and offer everyone in Butler a 100/40 WiFi service. I will be using my 3G wireless stick as a backhaul which should be okay. If I get complaints I can blame the design.....

  • 2015-Sep-21, 9:47 am

    If only they knew how to bond 8 channels in the downstream.

  • 2015-Sep-21, 9:47 am

    lob385 writes...

    If only they knew how to bond 8 channels in the downstream.

    They are bonded (I think there are only 4 supported on the equipment used) and on DOCSIS 3.0 this means we should achieve 300Mbps and the gear in the network can achieve pretty close to 100Mbps as I have managed 96.5Mbps in the past so for this to now be 50Mbps is not a limit of the network itself unless this is a contention issue which suggests that the provider is overloading the network.

    From what I understand NBN Co will roll out DOCSIS 3.1 on Telstra and Optus HFC networks from 2017 giving download speeds of up to 10Gbps, and upstream speeds of up to 1Gbps but I am yet to hear anything from Opticom.

    Still I would be happy for now if they just made the existing network operate as it should.

  • 2015-Sep-21, 9:55 am

    pluff writes...

    Hi all � Anyone else finding the service particularly ordinary? I am getting between 10 in the evenings and 60 during times I used to get an easy 85. I have been through the fault process and been given a very substandard response from Internode.

    Same experience, same lack of interest in providing the advertised service from iiNet.

    As a result I am going to apply for a carrier licence and offer everyone in Butler a 100/40 WiFi service. I will be using my 3G wireless stick as a backhaul which should be okay. If I get complaints I can blame the design.....

    Sounds awesome. You won't need to provide technical support on weekends, because as everyone knows, nobody uses the internet over weekends. And even our new PM who invented the internet agrees nobody needs more than 25Mbps, so you could probably get away with a lower spec than your initially ambitious design. Also, if anyone has problems with the service, make them run three or more days of intensive diagnostics to prove that they aren't the actual source of any widespread, ongoing and persistent issues with your service. Unlike internet carriers, who are very busy with important stuff like rolling out more duct tape networks, customers have plenty of time on their hands, and are best qualified for that kind of thing.

  • 2015-Sep-21, 9:55 am

    Hey all, just got disconnected, anyone else in butler with the same issue?

  • 2015-Sep-21, 9:58 am
    Paul @

    Toxpoint writes...

    Hey all, just got disconnected, anyone else in butler with the same issue?


  • 2015-Sep-21, 9:58 am

    Can anyone spot the problem? fkn opticomm....

  • 2015-Sep-21, 10:01 am

    9am next morning. wondering if the congestion is with iinet or opticomm. im thinking the latter.

  • 2015-Sep-21, 10:01 am
    Paul @

    Something is borked. Having issues on FTTH too.

  • 2015-Oct-9, 10:03 pm

    Wow Tension a 98 � haven't seen one of those in ages (actually my best is a 96) but at the moment I would be happy to get half that I am running at 1 -2 on a 100 service. I know speeds are not guaranteed but regularly getting less than 5% of what I am paying for.

  • 2015-Oct-9, 10:03 pm

    Same here, barely getting ADSL speeds on my 100/40 plan: (4/6)

  • 2015-Oct-9, 11:28 pm

    problem with iinet?

  • 2015-Oct-9, 11:28 pm
    Paul @

    looking better now..

  • 2015-Oct-10, 3:07 pm

    Bloody useless.. can't watch rugby or nothing..

  • 2015-Oct-10, 3:07 pm

    Well this is weird.. Sunday night and all of a sudden 100M? WTF?

  • 2015-Oct-10, 8:18 pm

    Tension writes...

    Well this is weird.. Sunday night and all of a sudden 100M? WTF?

    No such luck on HFC: (8/4)

  • 2015-Oct-10, 8:18 pm

    pluff writes...

    As a result I am going to apply for a carrier licence and offer everyone in Butler a 100/40 WiFi service. I will be using my 3G wireless stick as a backhaul which should be okay. If I get complaints I can blame the design.....

    You could name your provider E-wire :~}

  • 2015-Oct-11, 12:17 am

    Why is this not a surprise.. weekend.. and performance is up the creek again ( 4 / 15 )

  • 2015-Oct-11, 12:17 am

    scubadude writes...

    Why is this not a surprise.. weekend.. and performance is up the creek again ( 4 / 15 )

    Same here, Netflix has been buffering the whole weekend, and that's on the jaggy picture setting.

    The iiNet fibre team don't work weekends, and the general weekend support people can't / don't do anything that can actually make a difference. Plus, we all only generally report these problems when we each individually reach the end of our tether, resulting in the appearance that the problems are isolated, because let's face it, most of us just grit our teeth and bear it these days.

    I think we should ALL make a point to phone iiNet / Internet / other provider EVERY Monday morning and log a ticket about the horrendous weekend performance. At least that way they can see that:

    a) it's like this EVERY FREAKING WEEKEND, and
    b) there a lot of people affected by it, not just whoever was most pee'd off this particular week, enough to call it in on Monday.

  • 2015-Oct-11, 10:41 pm

    I've also noticed the slower speeds, but more than that, I've also been experiencing a crapload of dropouts every day over the last few months.

  • 2015-Oct-11, 10:41 pm

    I was getting decent speeds after opticom fixed the congestion issue but now it seems we are slipping back to less than 6mbp. Tonight I cannot even get online stupid light on hfc modem flashing. Any one else having issues in Butler?

  • 2015-Oct-12, 12:04 am

    Got a complete disconnection at the moment. Noticed the low speeds over the weekend but not enough to shit me. Now this is a joke.

  • 2015-Oct-12, 12:04 am

    Once again, Down and out this morning.

  • 2015-Oct-14, 12:10 am

    Same here Matt. Power in the area mustve tripped overnight � some of my devices where off when they should be on and vice versa.

  • 2015-Oct-14, 12:10 am

    I've been offline since ~1am this morning as well.

  • 2015-Oct-18, 12:11 am

    Looks like they just reset something, I just came back online.

  • 2015-Oct-18, 12:11 am

    Matt Watson writes...

    Looks like they just reset something, I just came back online.

    Hey Matt, Just a quick question.
    Are you getting the congestion at night pretty bad?

  • 2015-Oct-18, 12:32 am

    I only really Netflix a bit at night, haven't had an issue with that, so hard to say.

  • 2015-Oct-18, 12:32 am

    Anyone else completely buggered? Can't even get Free to Air television. Not like I wanted to watch rugby or anything.. screw you Opticomm. Never thought I'd say it.. but can't wait to move somewhere with real NBN. Not this pathetic excuse.

  • 2015-Dec-4, 6:35 pm

    Anyone else on Butler HFC having major issues the last 3 � 4 days? Getting constant disconnections, anywhere from 10 � 80% packetloss etc.

    There was planned maintenance by Opticomm this morning which I was hoping might be related, but since 3:30pm again this afternoon everything has gone to hell once more.

    Logging a fault with iiNet at the moment, just wondering if its isolated or a widespread issue.

    What I'm dealing with...

    Reply from bytes=32 time=12ms TTL=250
    Request timed out.
    Reply from bytes=32 time=12ms TTL=250
    Reply from bytes=32 time=12ms TTL=250
    Request timed out.
    Reply from bytes=32 time=15ms TTL=250
    Request timed out.
    Request timed out.
    Request timed out.
    Reply from bytes=32 time=30ms TTL=250
    Request timed out.
    Request timed out.
    Reply from bytes=32 time=34ms TTL=250
    Request timed out.

    Ping statistics for
    Packets: Sent = 86, Received = 49, Lost = 37 (43% loss),
    Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
    Minimum = 11ms, Maximum = 215ms, Average = 31ms

  • 2015-Dec-4, 6:35 pm
  • 2015-Dec-5, 8:27 am

    4 days later and nothing has changed. Connection is fine one minute, and then get huge packetloss out of nowhere for x amount of time (sometimes 5 minutes, sometimes hours).

    Doesn't seem to be related to peak times either considering it has just happened now.

    Ping statistics for
    Packets: Sent = 137, Received = 64, Lost = 73 (53% loss),
    Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
    Minimum = 11ms, Maximum = 55ms, Average = 25ms

    PPPoE connection does exactly the same thing as well so its not my router. Maybe its the MNG5100 cable modem on the way out?

    Have a fault lodged with iiNet so will see what happens.

  • 2015-Dec-5, 8:27 am

    So get this. My speed is absolutely shit in peak times right but will give me 100Mbit every time. Must be an issue with ii-net rather than Opticomm given I can fill the pipe via speed test but everything else is slow.. Weird huh?

    Example below showing max from vs ozspeedtest.

    Dodgy iinet.

    Test Results from Oz Broadband Speed Test
    Test run on 07/12/2015 @ 11:50 PM

    Mirror: iiNet
    Data: 15 MB
    Test Time: 10.01 secs

    Your line speed is 12.33 Mbps (12330 kbps).
    Your download speed is 1.54 MB/s (1541 KB/s).

  • 2015-Dec-7, 11:32 am

    Tension writes...

    Example below showing max from vs ozspeedtest.

    Dodgy iinet.

    Test Results from Oz Broadband Speed Test
    Test run on 07/12/2015 @ 11:50 PM

    Mirror: iiNet
    Data: 15 MB
    Test Time: 10.01 secs

    Your line speed is 12.33 Mbps (12330 kbps).
    Your download speed is 1.54 MB/s (1541 KB/s).

    I would love to hear iiNet's explanation for this if you get one.

  • 2015-Dec-7, 11:32 am

    Does anyone have the direct call centre number for the Perth Fibre team?

    The dropouts Ive been having are getting to the point where its almost every couple of minutes :/

  • 2015-Dec-7, 10:50 pm

    Cloudzz writes...

    Does anyone have the direct call centre number for the Perth Fibre team?

    1300 455 806

  • 2015-Dec-7, 10:50 pm

    realmsurfer writes...

    1300 455 806

    Thanks Realmsurfer

  • 2015-Dec-8, 6:43 am

    Called iiNet and now I have to do the 'connect directly to NTD and monitor' for 24hrs thing...

    Seriously, this HFC network is in dire need of makeover....and has needed one since day 1. I have never once been able to pull the 100/40 plan speed I'm paying for. Add to that all these continuous drop outs....Well what more can I say that hasn't been said over the last 4ys.

  • 2015-Dec-8, 6:43 am

    Speeds are not so good right, although at least I'm connected right now. Latency is between 20-40ms 5/6 9/6 19/6

  • 2015-Dec-23, 2:38 pm

    Cloudzz writes...

    Speeds are not so good right, although at least I'm connected right now. Latency is between 20-40ms

    Mine are just as pathetic: 4/2 6/3 5/4

    We would be getting better speeds on ADSL ffs.

  • 2015-Dec-23, 2:38 pm

    realmsurfer writes...

    We would be getting better speeds on ADSL ffs.

    I'm actually thinking of connecting a landline and going for ADSL myself....sad that it's even a consideration!

    Its just after 11am and here's a few more speed tests: 59/13 63/15 64/13

    A lot better than last night. I find the speed tends to be a lot slower in the evening, as I assume more people get online. I recall Stephen Davies mentioned something about 'contention' during busy periods. With all the new households that have come online in the area over the last few years, I'm not surprised its the case, and made worse if they aren't upgrading the equipment to cope with higher demand

  • 2015-Dec-23, 2:45 pm

    Cloudzz writes...

    something about 'contention' during busy periods

    That's definitely a huge part of the problem now. When the question was raised originally we were told that there was plenty of bandwidth provision and that the technology allowed for everyone to have their own 100Mb/s, but all that turned out to be untrue almost right from the start, long before streaming video started sucking up all the bandwidth.

  • 2015-Dec-23, 2:45 pm

    realmsurfer writes...

    That's definitely a huge part of the problem now.

    Yeah slow speeds are bad enough, but to add salt to the wounds and have to contend with the amount off drop outs I've been having is just ridiculous. I've taken the BoB2 router out of the equation and it is still happening so its something from the NTD back (it cut out again while I was typing this but it reconnected after a power cycle)

  • 2015-Dec-23, 3:16 pm

    Has anyone else been offline for a couple of hours? My router shows upstream packets sent but none received.

  • 2015-Dec-23, 3:16 pm
    Paul @
  • 2015-Dec-23, 4:02 pm
  • 2015-Dec-23, 4:02 pm

    Finally back online after almost 3 days of debacle....

    Now I can look forward to slow speeds and constant intermittent dropouts instead

  • 2015-Dec-23, 11:05 pm

    Hey Cloudz what type of HFC modem do you have?

  • 2015-Dec-23, 11:05 pm

    lob385 writes...

    Hey Cloudz what type of HFC modem do you have?

    Hi lob385,
    I believe its the MNG-5100... Initially though, when my connection was first set up, it was done with the ORT-3100. Out of interest I recall that previous modem seemed to achieve a much flatter, more consistent curve when performing speed tests. This current MNG has a much more erratic curve and takes longer during the speed test sync.

  • 2015-Dec-30, 11:58 am

    Are you able to check the signal levels by going to ? Those modems tend to drop the DSNR over time...

  • 2015-Dec-30, 11:58 am

    lob385 writes...

    Are you able to check the signal levels by going to ?

    Yeah sure. I'm working a couple of long days at the moment, but I'll try when I get home later tonight.

  • 2015-Dec-30, 1:43 pm
    this post was edited

    lob385 writes...

    check the signal levels by going to ?

    I can't seem to connect to that IP, keeps timing out....any ideas?

  • 2015-Dec-30, 1:43 pm

    Try direct connection to modem and changing your IP to I'm not to sure of the username and password, it should be something generic though.

  • Cloudzz

    Hi lob385,

    You might have to guide through me how to change the IP as IT is not my field I'm afraid, but last night I think I found the Opticomm modem IP address through the BoB2 system tools.

    It wasn't listed under 'Gateway', but when I copy/pasted it into the address bar it asked for a user/password... I tried a few generic things and couldn't get in though. I tried googling but couldn't find much info on this Netwave MNG-5100 modem

  • Cloudzz
    this post was edited

    Is anyone else suffering bulk dropouts today??

    My connection was actually a lot more stable following the iiNet meltdown a week or two ago...Until seems to have gone back to dropouts every couple of minutes. Couldnt even post this without a 5-10min dropout in between. Powercycling is not having any effect :/

    edit: looks like there was an issue with the ISP after checking the iiNet group thread. Connection is back (mostly)

  • 2015-Dec-31, 8:10 am

    Still suffering these recurring dropouts here and if no one else is, I suspect it could be the Opticomm modem. Does anyone know how I can log onto to the MNG -5100 and check the SNR as suggested?

  • 2015-Dec-31, 8:10 am

    Cloudzz writes...

    Does anyone know how I can log onto to the MNG -5100 and check the SNR as suggested?

    I remember trying to find some documentation online a while back and not being able to find anything at all � it seems to be a particularly poorly supported device documentation-wise. Perhaps it would be worth logging a support request with iiNet to assist you with sourcing the documentation and troubleshooting the issue to rule out the modem as a potential problem? If you do have any luck in that regard, I would also be interested in how to do it for future reference.

  • 2015-Dec-31, 11:20 am

    realmsurfer writes...

    it seems to be a particularly poorly supported

    Hi Realmsurfer,
    Yeah, I could only dig up some very limited info. I know its Korean made and that's about it...

    I logged an incident with iiNet a week or two ago and did an isolation test, but after not hearing back I checked my Toolbox and the the task was closed? I've also dealt with a rep through this forum who's looking into it.

    Anyhow Ill give them a buzz tomorrow and do as you suggest. Will let you know how it goes.

  • 2015-Dec-31, 11:20 am

    anybody's connection crap tonight in Butler?

  • Cloudzz

    Hydrology writes...

    anybody's connection crap tonight in Butler?

    You mean besides me? I guess I shouldn't complain... I've only had 6 dropouts today. Speeds of course are well below, as usual.

  • Hydrology

    Connection hasn't dropped, but its been crap all week. Struggling to get to 20Mb/s but it feels more like ADSL1.
    Any ideas why so @@@t recently?

  • 2016-Jan-11, 6:43 pm

    Anyone else on HFC offline as of around 1pm this afternoon?

    Nothing reported on either network status page, but mine is well and truly dead in the water.

    EDIT: Typical, as soon as I post its back online. Hurrah :)

  • 2016-Jan-11, 6:43 pm

    Is anyone else having issues tonight? I'm getting massive packet loss:

  • 2016-Jan-11, 8:40 pm

    AussieGav writes...

    Is anyone else having issues tonight?

    Yep, its at a standstill tonight, can't even stream facebook vids

  • 2016-Jan-11, 8:40 pm

    My speed slows down a ridiculous amount around 7 PM, and I can tell because of buffering videos and slow to load pages, but speedtest NEVER drops below 100 Megabits. Why?

  • 2016-Jan-11, 9:56 pm

    It's probably packet loss. Try typing this into the command prompt:

    ping -t

    Timeout results indicate possible packet loss. Close the command prompt window when you're done.

  • 2016-Jan-11, 9:56 pm

    Canksilio writes...

    My speed slows down a ridiculous amount around 7 PM, and I can tell because of buffering videos and slow to load pages, but speedtest NEVER drops below 100 Megabits. Why?

    My connection was also virtually at a standstill yesterday evening around that time.

  • 2016-Jan-11, 11:39 pm

    Is anyone else getting slow speeds again lately?

    No packet loss (unlike the last time it was congested) but terrible upload speeds + high pings.

  • 2016-Jan-11, 11:39 pm

    Pretty much permanently: (5/8)

  • 2016-Mar-7, 2:12 pm
    ofork , 4 down/10 up at the moment, on a 100mb/s connection.. pretty lame.

  • 2016-Mar-7, 2:12 pm

    @Canksilio: Speedtest actually opens many simultaneous connections at once to get a total aggregate bandwidth value. It is quite misleading.

  • 2016-Mar-8, 8:29 am
    Paul @

    Anyone with FTTH lost TV over the fibre?

  • 2016-Mar-8, 8:29 am

    Yep. Same here, right in the middle of F1.

  • 2016-Mar-20, 4:03 pm
    Paul @

    Apparently exchange has been broken into and equipment damaged.

  • 2016-Mar-20, 4:03 pm
  • 2016-Mar-20, 4:18 pm

    Internet is terrible tonight. Not even ADSL quality.

  • 2016-Mar-20, 4:18 pm

    Internet's been shithouse this week. Averaging about 2-3 MbBps each night, anyone else got issues?

  • 2016-Mar-20, 7:02 pm

    Yes, same here. Mine was okay this morning, but right now I'm getting a 536ms ping and 2/1 Mbps speeds. (2/1)

  • 2016-Mar-20, 7:02 pm

    I wonder if any of this is a drop in performance now that iinet are owned by TPG?
    What other N B N options are available to those of us with a copper connection in Butler ?

  • 2016-Mar-20, 7:11 pm

    Hydrology writes...

    What other N B N options are available to those of us with a copper connection in Butler ?

    The only options I'm aware of are Opticomm HFC, ADSL, or wireless through a provider like Vivid (

  • 2016-Mar-20, 7:11 pm
    Paul @

    I'm not having any problems with iiNet further north in Alkimos.

  • 2016-May-6, 10:59 pm

    Paul @ writes...

    I'm not having any problems with iiNet further north in Alkimos.

    The beauty of fibre. Must be Opticomm then. Shed a tear for us HFC folks grinding to a halt in Netflix peak hell ;)

  • 2016-May-6, 10:59 pm

    @Paul What other suburbs in and around Alkimos are FTTH? We are thinking of building anew and I dont really want to go backwards for my internet!

  • 2016-May-26, 10:36 pm
    Paul @

    Hydrology writes...

    @Paul What other suburbs in and around Alkimos are FTTH? We are thinking of building anew and I dont really want to go backwards for my internet!

    Most of them have either OptiComm or Telstra Velocity as far as I know. Not sure about NBN.

    Had an outage in Alkimos on Friday morning at 10am...... for scheduled maintenance if you'd believe (!?!@!)

  • 2016-May-26, 10:36 pm

    NBN is up in Eglington but not here in Alkimos beach ( Opticomm) , be careful as All of Shorehaven is Telstra Velocity fibre. You have to get pay line rental and pay for the velocity reach plans. When i was in Shorehaven i had issues with speed. I was on the 100mbps plan and often my speeds would drop to 10mbps and high pings of 100ms. Ended up moving to Alkimos beach and opticomm. better plans and the 100mbps never seems to slow down in the year i have been there.

  • 2016-May-26, 10:47 pm

    What a joke � on this so-called NBN and yet tonight I cant even stream Netflix. Paying $99 a month for a plan and cant even get my $15.99/month worth of Netflix because of this shit.

  • 2016-May-26, 10:47 pm

    Last night was atrocious.. gave iiNet a good piece of my mind this morning..

  • 2016-May-26, 11:12 pm
    this post was edited

    Customary.. is it just me post...

    PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=7 ttl=254 time=9.98 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=10 ttl=254 time=11.3 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=11 ttl=254 time=9.31 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=27 ttl=254 time=10.9 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=30 ttl=254 time=13.3 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=35 ttl=254 time=13.8 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=36 ttl=254 time=16.7 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=40 ttl=254 time=11.2 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=55 ttl=254 time=9.59 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=57 ttl=254 time=10.2 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=60 ttl=254 time=9.48 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=65 ttl=254 time=16.8 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=72 ttl=254 time=9.11 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=83 ttl=254 time=11.0 ms
    --- ping statistics ---
    83 packets transmitted, 14 received, 83% packet loss, time 82014ms
    rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 9.115/11.651/16.848/2.505 ms

    Butler HFC.

    Edit: Seems to have come good again.

  • 2016-May-26, 11:12 pm

    Quick Question for anyone on opticomm HFC in Butler, Which Cable modem do you all have? I've had the same shitty "orient ORT-3100" thing for 6 years now. I think it's getting on its last legs, and would like to know if any of you have received newer ones?

  • 2016-Aug-28, 11:15 am

    I've had the Netwave MNG-5100 for a few years now.

  • 2016-Aug-28, 11:15 am

    I have this one

    Branded Mplus

    Had severe connection problems a good while back and Internode/Opticomm got a tech to come round and test my line.
    I had the old motorola surfboard modem from E-wire days.
    The line tested fine on the motorola but he used the mplus to test as well as this is capable of higher speeds.
    Opticomm/Internode told the tech to leave me with the mplus modem.

  • 2016-Aug-28, 4:45 pm

    Toxpoint writes...

    Quick Question for anyone on opticomm HFC in Butler, Which Cable modem do you all have? I've had the same shitty "orient ORT-3100" thing for 6 years now. I think it's getting on its last legs, and would like to know if any of you have received newer ones?

    I've had the Netwave MNG-5100 since Opticomm started offering HFC in the area.

  • 2016-Aug-28, 4:45 pm

    I've got the ORT-3100 as well. Generally I don't think its been the problem. I do tend to suffer some droppouts, but I think those are just as likely to be coming from the budii modem I've got.

  • 2016-Aug-29, 10:37 am

    I live in Butler WA in the area that has an NBN cable which was previously E-wire but now Opticomm.
    Our TV, Foxtel, Internet all comes via the Cable. A couple of months ago, we started getting severe outages, mostly during the night after 12am, but recently during the day.

    Yesterday and last night it kept dropping out ever 20 mins or so. Pretty horrible stuff when the kids are trying to play games and while I was trying to watch a movie. Of a night time it is like clock work the way it goes off at about 12am, and pretty much doesn't come on again until the morning.

    I initially contacted Iinet over 2 weeks ago, and went through all checks on the phone, as I have done over the past couple of years. Yes the same problems seem to happen all often for periods of time, over the last couple of years.

    Anyway I asked for:
    - Someone to contact Opticomm and to get back to me as to why we keep having outages.
    - A print out of my usage drop-outs as they could see issues showing on the screen.
    - A new power adaptor for the Opticomm MNG-5100 cable modem (as the old one had died and I was having to use old Motorola surfboard adaptor.
    - A backup system of either copper or mobile as I wasn't not getting what we are paying for.

    The call centre person in South Africa promised the world and said she will talk to people and get back to me, as she did not want me to be continually frustrated with the lack of internet access.

    Nearly a week later with issues still happening, I made another phone call to the call centre, and this time added that I want someone from the Perth office to give me a call as I was getting no where via the call centre. The new person said they would get someone to call, etc etc etc.

    And now nearly another week later, ^^^ up there is still happening and still nothing from the Call Centre, from Perth, from Opticomm etc.

    I wish I knew if it was an Opticomm issue or an Iinet issue, at least that way I could work out a strategy like going back to copper or choosing another ISP. It has to be the worst NBN cable provider coupled with the worst Internet Service provider I have ever experienced.

    Is anyone else on a 100/40 Iinet NBN plan having issues in Butler WA or in another Opticomm cable area or with Iinet NBN.

  • 2016-Aug-29, 10:37 am

    Have you been speaking to the iiNet fibre team directly on 1300 455 806? Regular iiNet CSRs aren't trained in Opticomm HFC so you'll get the run around from them.

  • 2016-Aug-29, 1:20 pm

    Opticomm is not NBN please dont confuse the two.

  • 2016-Aug-29, 1:20 pm

    Thanks I will give them a try too.

  • 2016-Sep-6, 1:55 am

    I'm sorry I thought Opticomm was a FTTP service provider which connects with other service providers to provide a NBN. But maybe i'm wrong?

  • 2016-Sep-6, 1:55 am
    Quentin Rittman

    opticomm do provide FTTP (amongst other services including HFC/cable) wholesale to providers.
    not nbn, but a small private alternative.

  • 2016-Sep-6, 8:43 am

    Outage in butler hfc?

  • 2016-Sep-6, 8:43 am

    I've been offline too for the last half hour... HFC Butler. Tried powercycling, no good. Pain in the A$?s!!

  • 2016-Sep-6, 8:54 am

    Well, glad it's not just me. Makes it hard to work though

  • 2016-Sep-6, 8:54 am

    I'm also down at the moment on HFC.

  • 2016-Sep-6, 12:55 pm

    Just got off the line to iiNet, they've confirmed it's a widespread Opticomm network outage, no ETA at the moment.

  • 2016-Sep-6, 12:55 pm

    Thanks for the info realmsurfer. Definitely a nuisance when you're trying to get work done :/

  • 2016-Sep-6, 12:58 pm

    Still down... Terrible

  • 2016-Sep-6, 12:58 pm

    According to Opticomm it is a fibre break. ETR is 10pm tonight but never hold your breath.

  • ofork


  • Cloudzz

    exceptionaldes writes...

    Is anyone else on a 100/40 Iinet NBN plan having issues

    Unfortunately there have been issues since day one. I'm on the 100/40 plan and still get nowhere near those speeds. Lucky to get half that most of the time for DL and Up are still around 15mbps at best! It's a joke... And that's when it's not dropping out.

    Edit: I'm on the HFC network though I believe those on FTTH have been getting a better service (most of the time)

  • Tuesday at 11:36 pm

    Yay, back online.

  • Tuesday at 11:36 pm

    Spoke too soon... And it's just hit 10pm. Hopefully this is fixed by tomorrow :/

  • Wednesday at 12:01 am

    Hi realmsurfer. I have the Netwave MNG-5100 also.

  • Wednesday at 12:01 am

    exceptionaldes writes...

    A couple of months ago, we started getting severe outages, mostly during the night after 12am, but recently during the day.

    Yesterday and last night it kept dropping out ever 20 mins or so. Pretty horrible stuff when the kids are trying to play games and while I was trying to watch a movie. Of a night time it is like clock work the way it goes off at about 12am, and pretty much doesn't come on again until the morning

    Your problems sound very similar to those that many of us on HFC had for a long time after Opticomm first launched their HFC service. As AussieGav suggested, try speaking to the iiNet fibre team directly, the general support really aren't able to do anything other than refer it, and it never really gets addressed unless you stay on top of the fibre team directly. If you can find a single person in the fibre team to champion the issue for you, I found that helped a bit.

    The original HFC dropouts were physical defects with the Opticomm cable dating back to E-wire days, according to them caused by numerous illegal Foxtel connections on the network, which they eventually mostly fixed. At least most of the dropout issues were fixed, for most people, but the speeds are still erratic, which is something of a general HFC issue. May be that the cable in your street is still faulty? Certainly your dropouts sound very similar to what most of us on HFC experienced originally.

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