When Brentwood area was taken off the FTTP roadmap earlier this year / late last year, Dennis Jensen wouldn't do any lobbying to get it added back to Malcolm Turnbull. I sent some emails and it was all very standard party line of FTTN MTM was suitable blah blah blah. There was no lobbying from my local MP (Dennis) on my behalf, so it was very disappointing. All the questions and points I raised went to the Ministers office and came back with bland non answers.... So maybe he is feeling the pressure, and if so keep it up.
I sent some emails and it was all very standard party line of FTTN MTM was suitable blah blah blah
Actually that is what I was hope I was fed too. In fact given all the heavy duty digging in Murdoch along Johanson Promenade which is completely off the map here is a nice piece of fiction for you:
The NBN engineers know full well what a mess MTM will be so have decided to confuse the LNP by pulling 6APP-05 off the map, but only after it had completed Build Prep, then scheduling 6APP-07 to go to Build at the last minute instead (on some pretext) and quietly start a backhaul build around key minor roads in 6APP-06 (like Johanson Promenade). Then a couple of months down the track when MTM is going nowhere fast they pull this rabbit out of the hat: look the Build crew in 6APP-07 is done maybe we can move them to 6APP-05 since that is ready to go? What about 6APP-06? Well let's start the Build Prep there just in case.
Nice to dream ... or is it? Let us see what happens with the build activity in Murdoch, if they go completely around Johanson Promenade then that must be for the local area, if they turn east or south soon then we know it is backhaul to another area (all I can think of is Murdoch Square precinct?) ... we should by the end of next week.
This morning @ 7am saw some Diversified trucks pulled up near the corner of Marsengo & Broadhurst Roads in Bateman (the intersection near Corpus Christi, not the one next to the park). They hadn't started work, so I couldn't tell if they were just meeting there, or had some work to do.
Another piece of the puzzle?
Another piece of the puzzle?
Maybe. Today they just stopped at the Telstra pillar and associated 2x2 m service pit at the corner of Whitnell Gdn and Johanson Pde. From what I can tell they are running a large (150mm diameter?) white conduit, first it went under Fennessy Green intersection with Johanson Pde and now sticking out of the aforementioned Telstra pit.
This is obviously fibre backhaul , but it could mean anything from FTTP, FTTN and HFC at the moment even if it is for the local area.
I wonder if the same is happening or has happened in Bull Creek where we know it is getting FTTP? I think the fibre backhaul will run around minor connecting roads like Johanson Pde (or Camm Ave / Parry Ave / Bull Creek Dr in Bull Creek).
They are running the big conduits up Parry Ave and Camm Ave at the moment, but have also started up some side streets, including mine!
day they just stopped at the Telstra pillar and associated 2x2 m service pit at the corner of Whitnell Gdn and Johanson Pde. From what I can tell they are running a large (150mm diameter?)
Now spotted coloured PVC pipes on the southern end of Somerville Blvd between Murdoch Drive and Johanson Pde so no idea where they are coming from (Bateman? Bull Creek?) or heading to (Murdoch Univ?).
Still waiting for my PCD to be installed in 6APP01. Came across some guys in a blue 4WD (not official looking and no indication of who they work for) putting in PCDs in Tweeddale Rd yesterday. Asked if I could book my appointment to have a PCD installed. No you can't. So who do I contact to get an install in time for the RFS date? Dunno. So I have to wait until you're good and ready for you to make me serviceable? I'll have to ask my supervisor that one...
Piss up, brewery
Yesterday a gang of PCD installers rock up to install my house. Telstra duct blocked so they had to dig up my brick paved driveway to put some PVC conduit in. For some reason they couldn't install the PCD box or pull the fibre so the pipe is left hanging off the outside of the house and they promised to come and finish the job today. I even had to lend them a brush to sweep the sand they left before I let them leave. I may be ready when they release 6APP01 for service allegedly on 23rd June, then let's see how long it takes for an ISP installation...
Telstra duct blocked so they had to dig up my brick paved driveway
Interesting that they dug up your pavers. Did they do a decent job of replacing them?
I'm in the same situation, long telstra conduit to rear property under tree roots will probably be blocked, but the driveway is concrete not pavers. If they attack that with jackhammers I will not be impressed.
Now spotted coloured PVC pipes on the southern end of Somerville Blvd between Murdoch Drive and Johanson Pde
Noticed wooden markers continuing along from Somerville Blvd and around to Murdoch drive on the west side head south and the even more coloured PVC pipes on the south side of Marsengo Rd between Murdoch Drive and round the corner on Broadhurst Cres. It looks like an island of NBN activity connected to nowhere else in particular east, west, south or north!
Also lots of heavy-duty vehicles and crew working the pits and cleaning the ducts along Johanson Pde between Somerville Blvd and Whitnell Gdn.
I pity those living in the area having to bear all the cacophony, open pits and dangling conduits when it is not even meant for them.
I'm in the same situation, long telstra conduit to rear property under tree roots will probably be blocked, but the driveway is concrete not pavers. If they attack that with jackhammers I will not be impressed.
You might get a new concrete driveway out of it.
You might get a new concrete driveway out of it.
I can see why NBN are desperate to go FTTN where they would not expect to have this problem which can be quite expensive. But HFC (my pet peeve this month) will not be much better if most premises do not have HFC lead-ins and the same problem will arise.
However if you have to suffer this for FTTP it will be worth the hassle, not sure with HFC though.
I wonder if the same is happening or has happened in Bull Creek where we know it is getting FTTP? I think the fibre backhaul will run around minor connecting roads like Johanson Pde (or Camm Ave / Parry Ave / Bull Creek Dr in Bull Creek).
they did backhaul on benningfield road mid last year right near bull creek shops.
they did backhaul on benningfield road mid last year right near bull creek shops.
That was probably for the Orion Terraces greenfield development at that time. No matter what I am being told I still believe the exchange is the hub of the FTTP in the area so the backhaul would have gone through Benningfield Rd and Bull Creek Dve and I am sure this would have made easier, quicker to do 6APP-07 for FTTP. And what is happening now in Murdoch/Bateman seems similar with backhaul which seems to be pointing back to Bateman exchange on South Street for what purpose we don't know since it is all stuck (1/4)th around Johanson Pde.
The next spot to watch is whether any NBN works along Parry Ave cross the freeway!
The next spot to watch is whether any NBN works along Parry Ave cross the freeway!
they are doing pit remediation in bateman at the moment but the telstra signs have been out for a loooooong time.
I may be ready when they release 6APP01 for service allegedly on 23rd June, then let's see how long it takes for an ISP installation...
23rd June?
http://www.mynbn.info/sam/6APP-01 states "Expected Ready For Service 03 Jun 2015 (accurate as at 01 May 2015)".
Our PCD has been installed and ready for nearly 2 months now. Looks like I must acquire more patience.
"Expected Ready For Service 03 Jun 2015 (accurate as at 01 May 2015)".
What a joke!
I'm in Applecross North [6APP-01] and noticed NBN contractors at the pit in front of my place a few days ago. I asked if they were about to install to my house, they said 'no, only XX and YY [two of my neighbours]'. And went on to say they didn't have the contract to do my place!
So you're two months ahead of me!
My driveway is just square block pavers, I wouldn't be too prissy about it. If I'd spent money having a nice driveway done I might have worried more. However the installers did not return in the last 2 days, and I've no idea, nor can I find out when I can expect them back to fit the PCD on the wall and pull the fibre. Since we're not RFS till 3rd June I'm not worried, but it seems their systems for installs are at best shambolic.
I'm in Applecross North
So Applecross North really is a suburb? I always see it as a suggestion when entering 6153 on various websites but just assumed it was internally used by Australia Post...not sure why I assumed that though...
I asked if they were about to install to my house, they said 'no, only XX and YY [two of my neighbours]'. And went on to say they didn't have the contract to do my place!
Possible explanation(?): You or your neighbours property is considered an MDU? IIRC, different companies were contracted for SDUs and MDUs?
So Applecross North really is a suburb?
First time I've seen people claiming they live in "Applecross North" rather than just Applecross as well, besides on websites.
Pretty sure people just assume Applecross encapsulates areas south of Canning Highway and use "Applecross North" as north of it.
94.91MBps download and 37.86MBps upload still with a 2ms ping.
Son of a b.... :(
Pretty sure its the first FTTN yes
Yea. NBN just released a statement saying they are using MTM, so cannington should be getting FTTN since there is no HFC around.
It will be interested to see what is the peak session performance. Whether it will slow down the speed or they are able to keep the speed at top speed.
Whether it will slow down the speed or they are able to keep the speed at top speed.
Something like this ?
Yea. NBN just released a statement saying they are using MTM, so cannington should be getting FTTN since there is no HFC around.
6CAN is listed as "Other" in the Communities in the Rollout, and Other means anything but FTTP (which appears as Brownfield Fibre) so yes FTTN since there is no HFC.
Now back on topic, what will happen to 6APP-05 which went to Build Prep and got removed and 6APP-06 for which some serious works are happening (coils of white 20cm wide conduit being laid along Somerville Rd across to Marsengo Rd from Johanson) given only 6APP-07 is in Build for FTTP and these are all HFC areas in the remaining 6APP SAMs?
To this day no explanation as to why 6APP-07 went to FTTP after other HFC areas were removed when it would make more sense to have the whole Bateman exchange bounded area go to HFC together (as FTTN is doing now in 6CAN and 6DBL)? It just makes one still hope for FTTP given HFC won't start up until Mar/Apr 2016 and the Bateman exchange (located in 6APP-07) is now being Built out by FTTP which may continue west and south.
Now back on topic, what will happen to 6APP-05 which went to Build Prep and got removed and 6APP-06 for which some serious works are happening (coils of white 20cm wide conduit being laid along Somerville Rd across to Marsengo Rd from Johanson) given only 6APP-07 is in Build for FTTP and these are all HFC areas in the remaining 6APP SAMs?
Nice to see the folks (or is it just the one person?) up in arms about 6SPT-05 taking some action:
Anybody in Winrthop, Murdoch and Bateman prepared to do the same given we have also been shafted and will have to wait until end of 2016 (at the earliest) for the inferior and (so far) untested HFC flavoured NBN?
Surely those that have never bothered with Foxtel or Bigpond cable may not be thrilled having a second-hand thick coax cable forced on you (requiring some serious trenching perhaps all over your garden / driveway) to provide a second rate network? I would rather the thinner fibre cable providing a permanent and expandable first rate service and also improving the value of our hard-earned housing investments for all the inconvenience and disruption that will be caused.
Hi guys haven't checked here in awhile. Is brentwood up and running..towards the leach hwy end?
If so.. What's the process to get connected??
I have a letter saying my street in app01 is ready for service but the iinet application page is saying the area isn't activated. I guess I will call them tomorrow.
I see other people in app01 are active, who are you with?
No, 6app-04 is not ready for service yet. Maybe in a couple of months, but who knows. I am certainly not holding my breath.
May i know what is the process to get the NBN contractor to install the box outside your house pre to the RFS? or do they just come and install it whenever they are ready?
May i know what is the process to get the NBN contractor to install the box outside your house pre to the RFS? or do they just come and install it whenever they are ready?
They just install it when they can, they do it usually before the area is RFS. They installed my NTD on the wall nearly six months ago but the area was only made RFS a week ago. I think it depends on when they make the 'nodes' active. Service areas have a few nodes that need to be connected to the exchange/tested etc.
I ended up ringing iinet and they said an application could be done. Their website is slow to update with activated areas apparently.
Nobody really knows and if you ask the workers I am sure they will say it is for the NBN coming soon to Murdoch, but which type?
Just saw guys leaning against a Diversified van with a small light green NBN logo and further down one marked Downer between Johanson and Murdoch south side of Somerville. Wanted to go back and talk to them but they were gone within 10 minutes I saw them (must have been wrapping up for the day).
Pity nobody lives around the area to ask, we need our own I'm Bill (see whrl.pl/RejfJd)!
6APP-04 expected RFS Sept 15', no NTD installed at any house as we can see, which means the RFS will push backward again?
6APP-04 is currently having NTD's installed at some premises as I have some friends who have had this done just recently. I understand that previously NBN had to do about 60-70% connections prior to RFS but that has now dropped to 30%, so I would expect it to be maybe July or August as they seem to want to progress it now faster than before. I have put my application in to Skymesh and looking forward to some decent speeds in the near future. I am on Vivid Wireless and although quite good it typically suffers extreme slowness at peak times. I can't get ADSL as too far from the exchange and also a rear unit on pair gain.
6APP-04 is currently having NTD's installed at some premises as I have some friends who have had this done just recently.
WellI I would think 6APP-03 would go RFS before 6APP-04 but after the MDU holdup in 6APP-01 I would not be surprised both are in play for lead-in works and go RFS within a month of each other.
Was down at Garden City today and saw the nbn stand in the centre mall area.
Talking with the person manning the stand was always going to be an exercise in futility, and the guy virtually admitted that really all they are there for was window dressing and placating the oldies that they won't be without a landline in those areas lucky enough to get FTTP.
I'm now thinking of going off grid.... after all, I'll probably be in a pine box by the time 6APP-05 goes live in some way shape or form, and I'm only 50 years young now. <shrugs shoulders>.
I was down there too and was giving one of the guys a hard time (jokingly) about the note that NBN left me in 6APP-03 after installing my PCD "contact your service provider to switch to the NBN today!"
Which is obviously poetic licence as according to them 6APP-03 ready for service won't be before early 2016.
I have put my application in to Skymesh and looking forward to some decent speeds in the near future.
Will this help to prioritise your NTD installation?
Not really sure but sure it can't hurt. If they are trying to get as many done in a short a time as possible maybe having an actual order in might help to push them along but probably only wishful thinking. Skymesh did say they will keep me in the loop and also did suggest that 04 is slated for September RFS but I am hoping it might be sooner than later.
Which is obviously poetic licence as according to them 6APP-03 ready for service won't be before early 2016.
Count yourself lucky... you have a date and FTTP.
what I see at the intersection of Murdoch Dve / Somerville Blvd (going nowhere fast in particular)
They were back working this morning around 7:30am when I was driving to work (only one guy), probably the full crew will be there later in the day.
I guess a nice break every 2 weeks or so from Bull Creek.
No hurry of course since NBNCo are still optimising the mix of technologies for Bateman, Murdoch and Winthrop.
Live on Cranford ave, Brentwood � 6APP-04, and just got the installation notice for the nbn utility box today. Yaay!! Finally!
Installation date is between 7th Aug 2015 and 29th Oct 2015. Anyone else in 6APP-04 got it?
Ditto. We finally got our installation notice today too! Hooray!
Our dates are also 7 August to 29 October. Can't be too soon. ADSL2 here is shockingly slow. Shirley Ave.
Bring it on.
What! I'm 6app-04. Haven't got my notice yet!
Edit: I did receive it, wife left it on the table :)
Bring on the NBN!
NBN tech coming 27th July to install the inside bits at my residence in Applecross. Booked it yesterday with my ISP so lead times aren't horrendous compared to the early days of ADSL.
Live on Cranford ave, Brentwood � 6APP-04, and just got the installation notice for the nbn utility box today. Yaay!! Finally!
Yup got the notice today... If i wanted to choose a location to install it inside my garage which is not existing telephone connection point. How do i do it?
Also, there is an option under the Yellow box (your installation dates), " Please disregard if you have already contacted your preferred phone or internet provider to switch your services to the nbn".
Can we select our internet provider and ask them to arrange the installation?
Thanks... so exciting.
By they way, anyone using the TPG? :)
6APP-04, and just got the installation notice for the nbn utility box today. Yaay!! Finally!
Im in 6APP-04 (Marmion Ave Booragoon) and got the notice as well today. Happy days
Still waiting with sub-par ADSL and will be for a while.... no map update for Bateman, Winthrop, Murdoch and nothing on the horizon....
While it's nice for the remainder of you, please don't forget about the forgotten ones. :(
Still waiting with sub-par ADSL and will be for a while..
Well then you should get Bigpond cable which is available in most of this area and then when NBN come round at the end of next year you can do a simple modem swap and get to choose a cheaper RSP and plan of your choice after your 24 months with Telstra are up.
Or you can move to Bull Creek before house prices jump when they get FTTP early next year.
Well then you should get Bigpond cable which is available in most of this area
I've been to the local T$ store... I thought I'd gone to Pamplona* by the comparative pricing to the NBN pricing and data compared to iiNet. (we chatted about that before) � (*charging like wounded bulls)
The problem is that regardless of the situation, nothing is concrete with the ship of fools currently in power, and I really don't want to lock into anything with the evil empire (especially 2 years).
The problem is that regardless of the situation, nothing is concrete with the ship of fools currently in power, and I really don't want to lock into anything with the evil empire (especially 2 years).
Well if everybody was like you then very few people in the area will have cable (those who stay away from Telstra will usually stay away from Foxtel for the same $$$$ reasons, especially now with NetStan streaming services) and NBN Co might find it too expensive with all those premises without lead-ins and might as well continue the fibre into 6APP-05 and 6APP-06.
So your sacrifice in refusing to get cable (I assume you don't have any cable lead-ins?) will not only save you money and keep your options open, but increase the chances of the area getting FTTP instead of HFC(*1) or bleed NBNCo in trying (*2)
I salute you!
(*1) I get excellent speeds on Bigpond cable, I don't know what congestion is. Maybe I am the only in my street with Bigpond cable? I hope so!
(*2) And because I enjoy Bigpond cable there is no way NBNCo will contemplate FTTN and only keep the HFC goiing for Foxtel and try to provide me with a potentially inferior service (my internal copper wiring is a mess believe me and I am not prepared to spend $$$ on a central splitter just for FTTN when I have HFC already).
its like winning the lotto... got my notice today!!
Now... which provider to go to??
Byebye adsl1....
6APP-04 on Bateman road havent received a notice..
Is the NBN only for some roads or the whole area??
Is the NBN only for some roads or the whole area??
I don't know why everybody north of Leach Hwy in 6APP-03/6APP-04 are so excited, you will all get FTTP so we only need to know what is happening in the area, not at each and every premises and street.
But the lead-in activity in 6APP-04 is indeed fast work given lead-in works were held up in 6APP-01 early in the year and already now the contractors are at the doorstep of 6APP-04. By September the whole area north of Leach Hwy should be lighting up in purple.
Disney St and Sicklemore St residents go them in the mail yesterday. Build starts in about 3 weeks � up to late October time frame.
Also gave what will happen, do NBN need access to my place, where will the box, what happens next information.
I'm on leach hwy side of bateman rd and got my notice
They were back working this morning around 7:30am when I was driving to work (only one guy), probably the full crew will be there later in the day.
On Friday the main roads people were there on Johanson Pde to mop up and concrete pave the footpath. I am sure that is the end of the NBN works in that area for now, I can't imagine NBN coming back and breaking the newly laid concrete to run more conduits and fibre runs to each premises along that street which would be necessary for FTTP.
So I guess now it is a wait for NBN to green the light the FTTN or HFC Build given the NBN fibre works conveniently ended at the local pillar / HFC node.
I wonder if we will see similar NBN works to targetted HFC nodes and Telstra pillars across Murdoch/Winthrop over the coming months in preparation? Funny if that is all we see.
Request: If you live in Bateman, Murdoch or Leeming can you please report any activity or notices of activity involving remediation of the Telstra infrastructure (e.g. see whrl.pl/Rd7ofX)? If the MTM 18 month rollout map is correct there are up to 1800 premises which will enter Build by September and Build Prep will need to start by the end of this month.
For those of you in Winthrop, Murdoch, Bateman, Leeming with HFC lead-ins there is some good news:
So we should all be getting NBN by June 2016 only months after Bull Creek gets it.
This is in fact better than hoping for FTTP which needs to Build out from Bull Creek with each FSAM taking 9 months before you can order a service (and the above suburbs cover at least 3 FSAMs, so that last won't be ready until mid 2017). And if you have HFC already for your Foxtel / Bigpond no need to schedule contractors to run cable from the street to your house (which may not even fit in the existing conduit carrying your HFC and copper cables), you can do a self install, and just replace your cable modem to finally dump Telstra from the get go.
We will find out soon enough I guess.
Yes we have:
FSAM___________Reason for removal_____________________ Access technology now planned
6APP-05_________In a HFC area � avoid overbuild_________HFC
So does that mean there is still hope for 6APP-06 / 6APP-08 (since these were never on the map)?
Still doesn't explain 6APP-07, maybe NBN didn't realise it also had HFC?
Look those of on in Winthrop won't be seeing any NBN activity until Q2 2016 at the earliest and then nothing to crave for given how congested HFC will be when everybody hops on.
I am in booragoon. I got a grey box on my wall about 2 months ago. I dont have much understanding about nbn, but I got an email today from nbn co saying its not yet in my area. So whats with the box then?
At this stage I am probably going to stick with my iinet wireless. I dont use much internet, my main concern is my landline. Its registered as it has a medical alarm attached to it.
I am thinking of just waiting until the copper things are turned off. My understanding is that we will get written notice.
So, do we or dont we have nbn in booragoon? Is the box just for show until the lines go down. I dont get it!
So I got my external box installed last night, fantastic, I got pretty excited � called up iiNet the next day wanting to change my ADSL2+ plan to NBN, only to be told that it has not been activated yet.
On the little pamphlets I got from NBNco some months back, it said that as soon as the external box is installed, I can contact my preferred ISP to get NBN connected
So, question for you guys who already have NBN, how long did you wait for between the installation of the external box, until when it is activated?
So, do we or dont we have nbn in booragoon? Is the box just for show until the lines go down. I dont get it!
It won't get switched on until all the premises are largely complete. Yours just happens to be one of the early ones.
So, question for you guys who already have NBN, how long did you wait for between the installation of the external box, until when it is activated?
I had the same experience as you. The note from NBNCo is misleading. Any area that is a new build will not get the NBN switched on until the entire area is substantially complete. For example I am in 6APP-03 and have had my grey box installed for a month or so, but have been told the service won't start until early 2016.
but have been told the service won't start until early 2016.
Isn't the RFS for 6APP-03 this month (see: http://www.mynbn.info/sam/6APP-03 )?
Internal box was installed on the 27th, now waiting for Telstra to come out on the 19th of August for my router+POTS system install. Mean time getting my patch panel installed so it will be nice and neat. They're really starting to bank up installs in my area. Was advised if I had to change anything it would have been pushed out until September. This is for Applecross suburb.
Isn't the RFS for 6APP-03 this month (see: http://www.mynbn.info/sam/6APP-03 )?
Sure, but that's a plan date rather than an actual. The 2016 date I mentioned was suggested (with refreshing honesty I might add) by the guys on the NBN stand at Garden City, based on past performances from build to RFS. If I had to guess I would say very late 2015 for 6APP-03.
For example I am in 6APP-03 and have had my grey box installed for a month or so, but have been told the service won't start until early 2016.
That is an absolute pants!!!!
Thanks for your confirmation, bloody 6 more months of waiting
Anyway, a large gathering of techies were at Queens Rd this morning when I left home for work, at least a dozen techies, 3-4 utes and 2 larger trucks
I was told by an NBN contractor its now 40% RFS you can get the box switched on.
I was told by an NBN contractor its now 40% RFS you can get the box switched on.
In the usual way I'd imagine. Rather than all of the area needing to be RFS to be turned on the NBN contractor said only 40% of the area needed to be done before they switched it on. Helps their figures I imagine.
Good news for those in the HFC areas:
Looks like they are starting to hire the local talent in Perth for the NBN HFC Build. I hope Winthrop which was held back for HFC will be the first off the ranks so finally get our NBN by end of next year (an unbelievable 4 year wait since Oct 2012 when it first started).
I am sure the rest in SE Bull Creek, Murdoch, Bateman, Leeming will follow (with the exception of the mystery 1800 premises who will join NW Bull Creek on the last of the legacy FTTP Builds).
BTW after next week we will know who The 1800 are (yes does sound like a TV series doesn't it? Let's hope it doesn't get cancelled even before the first episode airs).
Interesting � if this is correct 6AAP 3 goes live on Friday
What are peoples experiences with various ISPs in this area? I'm currently on ADSL with tpg but the congestion is horrible. I'm thinking of trying out skymesh when my contract is up
I've been with SkyMesh for the past few weeks, haven't experienced any congestion, good speeds all day.
Fresh service markings (PVC pipes) down Jackson Ave from Richardson Arc to Winthrop Drive in Winthrop. No idea if NBN related.
Fresh service markings (PVC pipes) down Jackson Ave from Richardson Arc to Winthrop Drive in Winthrop. No idea if NBN related.
Just drove there and there is just one row of regularly spaced yellow topped PVC pipes along Jackson between Richardson and Simmonds. I note Simmonds is where the new high pressure gas pipeline starts. I believe yellow is for gas so these are probably the markers for the gas pipeline that travels along there although I don't know why it stops at Richardson.
If this is to do with the NBN you need more markers for the other utilities.
If this is to do with the NBN you need more markers for the other utilities.
Yes a false alarm again:
There will road resurfacing works starting 17 August along Jackson Ave.
We have roadside cabinets in 6APP-07-01 (Bull Creek) now.
My bigpond cable internet has also stopped working, I wonder if they broke something dragging the new green cable through.
Is this cabinets beside the park alone parry avenue?
We have roadside cabinets in 6APP-07-01 (Bull Creek) now.
My bigpond cable internet has also stopped working
I wonder what will happen to the Bigpond cable internet running from Bateman exchange given the area in 6APP-07 will be removed for FTTP whilst the rest will be upgraded to the NBN HFC?
Will NBN own the cable in Bull Creek just to provide Foxtel or what?
Or maybe residents in Bull Creek can choose between NBN FTTP or NBN HFC!
Interesting how the rollout map for 6APP-07 (Bull Creek) has a tiny pocket of Leeming included (the commercial premises on the corner of Calley drive, The Professional Centrepoint Offices). Was that part always included?
And doesn't the Hon. Joseph (Joe) Michael Francis (Liberal) have his electorate offices there?
Interesting how the rollout map for 6APP-07 (Bull Creek) has a tiny pocket of Leeming included (the commercial premises on the corner of Calley drive, The Professional Centrepoint Offices). Was that part always included?
And doesn't the Hon. Joseph (Joe) Michael Francis (Liberal) have his electorate offices there?
That explains why only tiny pocket of Leeming included in the first roll-out..
in the first roll-out..
and only rollout (of FTTP).
Spotted an NBNCo sign and a Figure 8 stack of green cable on the corner of Marsengo Rd and Broadhurst Crescent, Bateman yesterday. Across the road from Yidarra.
Spotted an NBNCo sign and a Figure 8 stack of green cable on the corner of Marsengo Rd and Broadhurst Crescent, Bateman yesterday.
Yes that would be to feed through the conduit they put there that runs across to Somerville Blvd/Johanson Pde. Could be the backhaul fibre for the HFC nodes when they start on that next year, or transit network to elsewhere.
Unless somebody asks when you see them there again next time, who knows?
BACKGROUND: Don't forget this is in 6APP-06 and from http://www.aph.gov.au/~/media
Was that part always included?
Yes, this part was there when the area was in build preparation (based on a screenshot I have from April).
Got a letter from NBNco saying FTTP equipment to be installed outside the house within the month. 6APP-07, Bass Road.
installed outside the house within the month
Going by the activity in 6SPT and 6VIC it looks all the FTTP contractors across the Perth metro will be wrapping things up by October, perhaps with only a skeleton crew to mop up the remaining PCD installs here and there. Not surprising given the backlog of FTTN Builds (6CAN and 6DBL) where the workforce will now be redirected at top priority.
The rest of us in 6APP will have to wait another 9 months or so given the HFC Build process is still at the hiring of the business managers and design engineers.
Received the same letter as Elsory, Camm Avenue.
Spotted an NBNCo sign and a Figure 8 stack of green cable on the corner of Marsengo Rd and Broadhurst Crescent, Bateman yesterday. Across the road from Yidarra.
Just walked passed the same area today and spotted the same. So they just dumped it there for a couple of days? Usually they wouldn't leave it there for so long. Given they started this back at the end of May with the groundworks across to Somerville Blvd I guess they do this in between other jobs, at least until an actual Build is triggered.
NBN contractor on Bateman road, Cranford ave side. Installing the outside boxes perhaps?
whilst the rest will be upgraded to the NBN HFC?
Bad news for those of us getting HFC in the rest of 6APP not under Build.
First commercial launch will be in H2-2016 and there will only be 10,000 premises ready for service by the end of June 2016 across all of Australia (according to the just released NBN Corporate Plan).
Oh well Telstra Bigpond for another 18 months I guess.
Unless somebody asks when you see them there again next time, who knows?
They are back today (spotted them in the distance as I was turning left onto Murdoch Dve from Somerville Blvd).
If anybody is walking by Marsengo Rd near Murdoch Drive and spots the NBNCo crew can you please ask what they are doing (i.e. is it for a Build that will happen in Bateman, Murdoch, Winthrop within the next 6 months)?
Many many NBN crews scattered around Mount Pleasant 6APP-04 for the last couple of days. Looks like they are trying to churn through the premises connections. They were on Bateman and various side streets. Not mine yet though!
they are trying to churn through the premises connections
what does this mean? roughly when will the outside NBN utility box be installed after this is done?
Connected in 6APP-03 :)
Installers turned up at 8am for a 1pm-5pm timeslot � obviously an error of communication somewhere. Lucky I was home or could have potentially had a 'missed appointment' issue.
Everything is working well.
Well my guys turned up at 1pm for an 8-12, so perhaps we got swapped? :)
Anyway installation went fine (just a simple back to back with the NTD on the wall inside where the PCD was mounted). Was pleased to see that they drilled through behind where the PCD mounts so that it was not necessary to run a piece of conduit out of the PCD and into a visible hole in the exterior wall like the ugly image you get if you google "pcd nbn"
On the 25/5 plan my download speed is 24-ish and upload about 4.5Mb/s. 6APP-03, with Internode.
Still nothing on Bateman rd =(
Still a lot of cabling work today around Bateman rd Brentwood side.. Hopefully won't be too long until pcd installations..
Lots of activity at either end of Karoonda Oval today, and fibre going in at Riesley St, south west side of Garden City.
So I came home to find a nbn co box installed on my wall.
What's the next step??
So I came home to find a nbn co box installed on my wall.
Which section of Bateman Road are you in? Cranford side?
Leach hwy side. There was two guys this morning along Bateman laying green cables in front of the letter boxes..exciting
6APP-04, Cromer road, A technician came on Friday with a tablet and booked an appointment to install the outside box next week.
Out of topic question, is there anyone here that has NBN plan with TPG, how is the speed and performance within 6APP?
If anyone in Bateman close to the freeway, south of Parry Ave, north of South Street, east of Murdoch drive wants a wireless link to my house for NBN port once APP-07 gets it. PM me. I'm sure we can arrange something. :) Can't let you miss out on some fast internets just because govt doesn't want you to.
If anyone in Bateman close to the freeway, south of Parry Ave, north of South Street, east of Murdoch drive wants a wireless link to my house for NBN port once APP-07 gets it.
I would be more concerned with those immediately south of and east of Parry and Benningfield who are a stones throw away and can sight the FDH across the road. At least those of us west of the Freeway can plead ignorance is bliss. I was seeing more action in 6APP-04 / 6APP-03 than 6APP-07 since I go through there more often than Bull Creek, and this is now but a distant memory.
Also from:
Telstra is already setting things up for NBN HFC to be happening soon for those in 6APP. And as I have an HFC lead-in I won't have to suffer getting the fibre to my house, yet another box on the side of my house and then a couple more inside as well.
In fact it will be interesting to see for those in 6APP-07 who have cable how easy the contractors will it find to feed the fibre cable through the same conduit as well. And all this for what I suspect a low initial take up of NBN in 6APP-07 given you have such good ADSL2 (close to Bateman exchange) and choice of Bigpond cable to boot.
Granted that Bull Creek may have pockets of good internet connection, not everyone has good ADSL. North of Parry Ave, I will be lucky to get 5mb/s connection although in theory I should be looking at 11 or 12.. The state of copper is deplorable. Big pond no thanks. Rip off.
Can't wait for NBN. :)
You are right Petep....I am the one that is living south of and easy of Parry (Vigors Avenue) :(
But not complaining too much as I am pretty satisfied with my current ADSL2+ speed (22mbps)
With so many devices connected to the router, 22mbps will soon be suffering.
But not complaining too much as I am pretty satisfied with my current ADSL2+ speed (22mbps)
That is pretty damn good. I was lucky to just get 5 Mbps in the east side of Winthrop (the closest part of that suburb to Bateman exchange). Bigpond cable was the saviour back in late 2013 when the unreliability and speed of ADSL was getting to be just not good enough (and now more so with Netflix and Stan).
The only advantage of NBN HFC is perhaps a better deal at 25/5 (with more risk of network congestion by the RSP not buying enough capacity if I go for the cheapest on offer) and with NBN FTTP the same at 50/20 (since I don't think HFC will be able to deliver the upstream speed that FTTP can). Otherwise Fast cable at 36/1 is pretty good.
Oh for 5 Mbps. On the south side of Mount Pleasant we struggle to get above 3 Mbps! FTTP is our only hope. It just seems to be dragging out.
Lots of fibre going into the rest of Bass Road and Endeavour Ave. Reels were dropped off at each pit this morning.
Primary Rollout Status (6APP-04)
Status Build Commenced
Expected Ready For Service 18 Sep 2015
(accurate as at 01 Aug 2015)
Is that going to happen?
Seems pretty unlikely to me. No external boxes on my street yet. I doubt they are anywhere near 40%.
No external boxes on my street yet
My external box installed yesterday, i booked it on last Friday when they approached me to get access to my existing Telstra conduit inside my locked gate.
Lots of work being done on Dawson St (south end of the Brentwood Primary School). Looks like fibre being pulled from the pits and holes across lawns etc to put NTD's on walls. Some done by contractors (there was a truck with a NBN logo and its own logo) and NBN.
Workers with an NBN sign at the corner of Parry Ave and Rockett. More workers further east on Parry Ave pulling a yellow rope through a pit. Further west on Parry Ave there were a couple of guys working on an opened beige roadside cabinet.
exciting and all.. when do we expect to actually be connected. ive already signed up to skymesh and am waiting for the box inside to be installed. got the outside box already but.... no idea when this will all happen!
Hi Petep, if my house used to have telstra/foxtel installed but I demolished the house and rebuild.
I read somewhere that it is a requirement with any new developments (including I supposed rebuilds) that the builder needs to install the appropriate conduit/duct for Telstra, as they would for electrical and plumbing (telecomms should be no different). Such a new conduit will certainly carry the coax or fibre cable (or both). A licensed builder should be aware of this.
Hi Petep, I saw a "white electric box covered" saying NBN beside my smart wiring box system. I presume that might be the conduit you are talking about where the conduit is linked somewhere outside the property for future cable?
Optus is very congested I've found south of the river. I've broken two contracts with Optus with ease due to congestion. I'd go find another ISP. You won't have any downtime. Thanks to your NTU.
Cease Sale Commencement Dates Schedule
This schedule sets out the Cease Sale Commencement Date for each NBN rollout region. Generally, Cease Sale will commence in a region 10 Business Days after the region�s Ready for Service Date/Disconnection Commencement Date.
6APP-04 Brentwood, Mount Pleasant, Booragoon WA Applecross CSA 02-Oct-15
6APP-07 Bull Creek WA Applecross CSA 15-Feb-16
Source: http://telstrawholesale.com.a
PCD installation occurring on Shirley Ave Mount Pleasant today. 6APP-04.
PCD installation occurring on Shirley Ave Mount Pleasant today. 6APP-04.
getting closer to where i am on Bateman Rd!
PCD installed Disney St Brentwood late this afternoon � woo hoo. Took about 90 minutes despite being a back house on the block. The lead in was still pretty good, checked it with water flow from the tap, pushed the rod through & pulled fibre back from the pit by the road. And then attached to the wall about 90 odd minutes. Now to call my ISP and wait I guess.
The 6APP04 status hasn't turn to RFS.
Don't wait for the NBN website to update. If you want to connect and your PCD is installed and it's past the notional RFS date contact the RSP of your choice and try to place an order for one of their NBN plans. They can tell if the area is really RFS and place an order with NBN for you. I did this and 4 days later I was installed and my NBN service was live well over a week before my area (6APP01) was officially declared RFS. Even then NBN backdated the date to match the original RFS date. Also despite subscribing to the NBN email when your address is RFS I never get one. In other words, the left hand and the right don't know what each other is doing. What matters is if you can get connected and get a decent broadband connection. That definitely won't happen till you place an order with an RSP so try it on and see what happens.
Don't wait for the NBN website to update. If you want to connect and your PCD is installed and it's past the notional RFS date contact the RSP of your choice and try to place an order for one of their NBN plans.
Cheers, thanks alot..will do so.
called iinet, they said 6APP04 not available for applications yet
Buggar, was going to do that today. Net is slow slow today.
Same happened to Skymesh... they said it is not ready on NBN.co
Same happened to Skymesh... they said it is not ready on NBN.co
From mynbn.info:
In NBN Fibre areas, this status is triggered when nbn� passes at least 90% of premises and also completes installing between 30% to 50% of customer drops
so i guess, not yet.. theres still a lot of digging and houses without pcd boxes..
Spoke to nbn contractor doing the digging for 6app04 on Friday arvo and he said the drill is flat out busy for those that need work done to get their PCD installed... In Connelly way it's right at the edge of the boundary for nbn so will probably be among the last to get units installed � lottery of timing though! He said the guys installing for 6app04 have until middle of October to complete installations...
anyone in 6APP-04 tried calling any providers today?
where are NBN contractors installing PCD boxes today?
anyone in 6APP-04 tried calling any providers today?
My friend at work who lives in the same area rang TPG on last Friday, TPG will install his PCD and NTD this week.
However, Skymesh still cannot install nor book my NTD due to it is not turned on yet.
My friend at work who lives in the same area rang TPG on last Friday, TPG will install his PCD and NTD this week.
Does his address pop up as ready for service on the nbn website?
I called TPG today and they said not available yet.
Does his address pop up as ready for service on the nbn website?
I called TPG today and they said not available yet.
No i don't think...he is on Pulo Rd.
I saw a heap in Sicklemore St Brentwood, and also on Disney St (the western side) this morning (same guy that did mine last Thursday on Disney St).
im booked in for the 7th also for NTD install.
called on Friday arvo to order NBN, NBN came on the same day to install PCD box.
im booked in for the 7th also for NTD install.
Contacted Paul on the Skymesh Whirpool page, he organised and had the sales to ring me yesterday. Finally, booked in on the 9th Oct with Skymesh.
My PCD got installed yesterday as well on Cranford Ave. Still waiting on TPG to get me an appointment with the technician for the installation.
so in the middle of bateman they have decided to redo the entire drainage/sewerage system with heavy duty drills etc.
one would have thought it would be working hand in hand with the NBN guys but you know that would make too much sense.
so in the middle of bateman they have decided to redo the entire drainage/sewerage system with heavy duty drills etc.
one would have thought it would be working hand in hand with the NBN guys but you know that would make too much sense.
Completely separate companies/etc. Sure it would make sense... just like when Western Power was changing suburbs to underground power they should have run fibre (and not just their Bright network experiment) in conjunction with Telstra or whoever. Would have given coverage to a lot of premises over the years. Sadly it seems the logistics of getting companies to work together seems to just fall into the "too hard" basket.
Anyone seen any PCD installs in 6APP-07?
Actually, noticed today all of Bass Road was completed.
Just reading of reports of completed maintenance and service interruptions to Telstra cable in Winthrop, Murdoch and Leeming. Since I am away from home can anybody in the area confirm of any changes (e.g. from QAM64 to QAM256)? This may be due to the preparations Telstra are making for NBN to take over the HFC and would indicate this will be happening sooner rather than later. Normally Telstra only do upgrades or maintenance in areas with congestion which I don't think is the case with Bigpond cable in 6150/6149.
Got my appnt booked for Bateman rd with skymesh! Can't wait!
This may be due to the preparations Telstra are making for NBN to take over the HFC and would indicate this will be happening sooner rather than later. Normally Telstra only do upgrades or maintenance in areas with congestion which I don't think is the case with Bigpond cable in 6150/6149.
there has been a lot of work being done on the bateman cable too, around Corpus. So something is afoot.
Anyone seen any PCD installs in 6APP-07?
Is the PCD the connection to the house? They were starting mine this morning (near Camm Ave).
6App-04 Brentwood...
So... NBN Tech's came early today :)
Skymesh & NBN to the rescue of my pathetic previous ADSL speeds!
Skymesh & NBN to the rescue of my pathetic previous ADSL speeds!
You are the 2%, congratulations :D
6App-04 appointment today 1pm-5pm, still no one has turned up...
6App-04 appointment today 1pm-5pm, still no one has turned up...
They've still got over an hour before the end of the appointment window...
They've still got over an hour before the end of the appointment window...
30min left now still no show or no phone call.. Called nbn they see no updates to my appointment..
6App-04 appointment today 1pm-5pm, still no one has turned up...
The guys who were meant to do mine booked 1pm-5pm but rocked up 11am, said they only had 1 more job as got thru a lot in the morning and then that's it...
got it installed! they arrived right at 5pm...
no congestion issues in Applecross area which is good
there has been a lot of work being done on the bateman cable too, around Corpus. So something is afoot.
I assume you mean HFC cable and not green fibre cable? The Telstra service status showed a completed maintenance in Murdoch (which I assume includes Bateman) while still showing ongoing interruptions in Leeming.
Looks like NBN was prepared to pay Telstra $$$$ to bring their HFC network up to scratch (fit for purpose) rather than continue FTTP which seems to have been a relatively smooth operation in 6APP-07.
The guys who were meant to do mine booked 1pm-5pm but rocked up 11am, said they only had 1 more job as got thru a lot in the morning and then that's it...
I asked to book me on this week but only Friday is available...Mine is on Friday morning.. hope everything goes well...
If you have had good Bigpond cable expect it to actually get worse before it gets better with regular maintenance and service interruption downtimes over the next 12-18 months.
Now Telstra service status reports a cable outage in Winthrop. Since I am OS I am blissfully ignorant but now not looking forward to coming back with flaky Bigpond cable over the next few months before NBN take over and make it even worse.
Yes HFC can be as good as FTTP, but only with D3.1 and Bigpond removed, which won't happen for another 3 years at least. Who is prepared to wait that long and suffer?
I do not expect them to even bother remedying that situation at all.
It's been mentioned that they would.
Had 2 technicians install my NTD not 30 minutes ago. Everything was smooth until they finished and informed me that the line has no connection (optical light red) and that someone else would have to come out to fix it either today or tomorrow. One more set back... hopefully iinet fibre team answers my call and it can be resolved sooner rather than later.
Dennis Jensen is talking about NBN again...
Always an amusing read.
So tech support called me back to inform that there is some sort of external light defect on my line that is preventing my connection. The date to fix the issue has been set at the 30th of November.... its like having a new car sitting in your garage that you cant drive :( although the issue could be resolved anywhere between now and then.
Was expecting NBN today, to do the inside stuff (ntd??) in mount pleasant
1-5pm........and a no show........"trouble on the multi port" .....claims the iiNet fella.....blollocks service from NBN
1-5pm........and a no show
That's a shame. They turned up 1hr early to my place last week in Booragoon and had us online in 30mins
Oh how quiet it's gone on this thread!! When was the rfs date??! ;-)
Those on iinet how are you finding your speeds? dad is in Mount pleasant and was finding iinet to be woeful on his 100/40 plan. I suggest switching to Telstra as I'm on them (I'm on same POI as I live in Applecross) and find I get excellent speeds at all times. Dad signed up on his 2nd port and did back to back testing and found his telstra link out performed iinet across the board and especially on international testing. I know there's a submarine cable fault but seems Telstra has a substantial better back haul to cope atm.
Skymesh also have very good capacity on Applecross POI and dont have lock in contracts.
I am so so so salty.
First half of 2016
Oh how quiet it's gone on this thread!! When was the rfs date??!
Not much to talk about, it's all either tales from the previously built areas, speculation on new lib contracts and maybe a little salt. And I would think all 3 have been somewhat exhausted at this point. Labor era contracts being finished, new lib areas announced somewhat, or at least we can somewhat reliably guess what they will be.
Not much to talk about, it's all either tales from the previously built areas, speculation on new lib contracts and maybe a little salt.
True, after waiting since 2012 for the real NBN in Winthrop my 24 contract with Telstra cable expired and I renewed for another 24 months. After all what is the difference between NBN cable and Telstra cable (other that waiting another 12-18 months for the former) ? And from the various posts the high cost of the NBN CVC/AVC means the cheap RSPs provide an NBN FTTP service little better than ADSL and the more reliable ones (Skymesh, Internode and Telstra) cost the same as Telstra cable anyway (plus with Telstra cable bundle you get to keep your 24x7 landline rather than a more unreliable VoIP you have to get with NBN).
Are there issues with VoIP services?
Are there issues with VoIP services?
Relies on the vagaries of the RSP's equipment given it is a software phone rather than a hardware phone. Also not sure if location based services (e.g., emergency calls, booking/calling a taxi) , monitored alarms, etc. work properly with VoIP.
If VoIP is implemented properly and adopted the standards set used for PSTN/ISDN the service could be similar. Well known VoIP suppliers don't do this though. iiNet's offering forces you to waives all your rights because they don't want to try to support the same type of standards. I presume it's because they can't guarantee it � you'd hope with the NBN NTU this changes as it's implemented properly.
VoIP is reliable, better and more flexible when set up and used on stable networks.
Wow over a month and 6APP thread is totally dead!
Went for a walk along Parry Ave yesterday from the Bateman and checked out one of the residential areas (Gribble Rd to Orbell Way) and noticed pretty much all houses with a clear frontage had an NBN PCD install, and most lawns appeared intact too.
So have all PCDs been installed in 6APP-07?
And why the holdup to RFS until mid Feb 2016?
It will be interesteding to see what the take-up rate will be in 6APP-07 (compared to 6APP-04) given most premises have Bigpond cable and fast ADSL being so close to Bateman exchange.
FYI, take-up rate in 6APP-04 just under 3 months since RFS is already at 25% (see http://www.mynbn.info/rollout/6APP-04), compared to 6APP-01 which is only 37% after just over 6 months (area surrounds Applecross exchange so good ADSL in 6APP-01 perhaps?).
area surrounds Applecross exchange so good ADSL in 6APP-01 perhaps?).
Yeah speeds were good in that area (i think we were getting ~16Mbps)
So have all PCDs been installed in 6APP-07?
And why the holdup to RFS until mid Feb 2016?
Where next after 6APP-07? Are they going to stop at Karel Avenue and will they ever start work in Willetton?
Where next after 6APP-07? Are they going to stop at Karel Avenue and will they ever start work in Willetton?
If you have access to Bigpond cable the Build for NBN HFC should commence in this area in the first half of 2016:
State....... WA
Areas where construction scheduled to commence before end Sep 2018
................Bateman Bull Creek Leeming Murdoch North Lake Winthrop
Estimated number of premises within areas
............ ...11100
Anticipated technology
Expected time of first site to commence construction
Otherwise if you are outside that you will get FTTN in the second half of 2017 if in the Riverton region.
Check it out: http://www.nbnco.com.au/learn
And why the holdup to RFS until mid Feb 2016?
I've been looking for the reason for this. I can't find out why.
I have not seen much work myself in APP07 � just gone quiet since the PCB installs.
Where is the mid Feb 2016 date from? We haven't had any letter since the first one. I can't quite recall what date that had, but Mid Feb might have been at the later end of the range.
I've been looking for the reason for this. I can't find out why.
Maybe it's my house , still in construction phase :) which coincidentally will be ready around Feb
Wow over a month and 6APP thread is totally dead!
We are too busy streaming tv and downloading :)
Checked the nbnco website and all the map data is not there anymore.
What happen? Another "big delay" coming?
Checked the nbnco website and all the map data is not there anymore.
No the map has now become even more transparent than before. The information is still there. Type an address in Winthrop and the "the NBN has not commenced yet" (lie! it was derailed for 6APP-05 in May), type in address in Bull Creek (6APP-07) and it correctly states the NBN is underway. You just don't get the pretty colors anymore to confuse people, that is all.
I have not seen much work myself in APP07 � just gone quiet since the PCB installs
Went quiet for a few weeks now. Maybe it is all done. Quick question, once my house is completed in Feb, what is the process to get my PCD installed?
Not long to go for APP-07. I'll be excitedly putting in 3 orders with Skymesh on the 16th of Feb. Bring on 100mb.
First possible sign of the remainder of 6APP getting NBN HFC:
Strictly still to do with Telstra Bigpond (not NBN) , but it is the worst kept secret that Telstra are only bothering to upgrade their HFC network on behalf of NBN.
Would any ISPs other than telstra offer the HFC option, though?
Would any ISPs other than telstra offer the HFC option, though?
Any RSP who wants to survive post-FTTP better offer services, certainly on HFC if not also FTTN.
Remember that FTTP will only be 20%, HFC around 35% and FTTN just over 35% each (see page 39 of http://www.nbnco.com.au/conte
FYI 1, If you look over the Skymesh thread the main issue facing smaller RSPs are the costs in setting themselves up on a new POI, not the access technology per se. So we should be safe as we are part of the 6APP POI which means access to RSPs like Skymesh, Amnet, etc. which only serve this POI now already.
FYI 2, On the otherhand the access technologies (and/or also CVC/AVC charges) are now forcing RSPs to streamline (all) their plans and:
- Treat the 100/40 as a premium tier costing $30 more than 25/5, previously it was only $20 more, probably because of the CVC/AVC costs
- Removing the 50/20 speed tier and only offering the 25/5 and up to 100/40, certainly because of the variable speeds one gets with FTTN (only 25/5 is guaranteed).
Any RSP who wants to survive post-FTTP better offer services, certainly on HFC if not also FTTN.
. So we should be safe as we are part of the 6APP POI which means access to RSPs like Skymesh, Amnet, etc. which only serve this POI now already.
My thanks.
So it seems the option is to either go for Telstra now, for wait until the HFC is completed and take Skymesh/Amnet. Although not sure when that will be, but guessing in a year's time. I may just have to take the ETC or go casual.
APP-07 should go live tomorrow according to NBN info. Let us know if you get any orders in.
6APP-07 still not ready for service. Was hoping for some long weekend goodness next week.
6APP-07 still not ready for service. Was hoping for some long weekend goodness next week.
Maybe NBN are finally confused over the fact 6APP-07 is in the Bateman HFC footprint and should be part of the H1 2016 NBN HFC rollout happening in the rest of the area without realising it is been waiting to go live for FTTP for the past week or I should I say the last two months?
Just got an email saying I'm ready to go 6app-07. Camm Avenue Bull Creek.
Now the fun part.....stick with my isp or wade through the offers I've been saving to read that have been filling the letterbox....
Finally, 6APP-07 is live.
Will be ordering two services tomorrow morning.
I'm still not convinced that H1 2016 rollout for HFC is going to be in H1.... I'm even struggling to believe even 2016.
Got any news I might be unaware of Pete?
part of the H1 2016 NBN HFC rollout happening in the rest of the area
Question is what will be the incentive to switch to NBN HFC when it is ready?
RSP You can choose (not an issue if you are happy with Telstra, otherwise big reason)
Cost Congestion free, reliable NBN plans are more expensive, as expensive as Telstra cable (but this may change)
US 2.4Mbps --> 40Mbps (if you host a website, use cloud backup, or have HD webcams for remote monitoring when you are away this will be excellent, otherwise not sure)
DS 115Mbps --> 98 Mbps (if you are a speed fiend this will be a problem, otherwise no different)
Voice Landline --> VoIP (quality may not be as good, problem if you have monitored alarms, etc.)
US 2.4Mbps --> 40Mbps (if you host a website, use cloud backup, or have HD webcams for remote monitoring when you are away this will be excellent, otherwise not sure)
If NBN HFC is going to cost significantly more, I dont see any reason at this point to pay for higher upload speed.
I've just signed up to go from Telstra HFC to Skymesh NBN. Not really sure there will be much benefit. Main appeal is being able to choose someone other than Telstra. Upload speed will be nice for working from home or putting things on youtube. I actually wasn't on the higher speed option on HFC, but will be paying for a faster connection with NBN to feel like I'm getting something from it. Phone calls also seem cheaper than Telstra's base option, it was slightly annoying to have to remember to use mobiles instead of the home phone to save money.
Not sure if the HFC will be turned off eventually in NBN areas. There was a letter saying we will need to switch eventually, but may just be referring to the phone line.
I actually wasn't on the higher speed option on HFC, but will be paying for a faster connection with NBN to feel like I'm getting something from it.
I felt the same when we thought we were getting FTTP. With NBN HFC I don't think I will bother since I don't feel it is a real upgrade, 25/5 will be good enough for my purposes when I am forced to move off from Telstra HFC.
Not sure if the HFC will be turned off eventually in NBN areas.
Not as long as it has to provide Foxtel service for those who have Foxtel cable.
it was slightly annoying to have to remember to use mobiles instead of the home phone to save money.
It will be more annoying for us since most providers lock their VoIP forcing you to use their router (or as with Skymesh/Internode you have to pay more just to get a phone service), another reason why I will stick with Telstra HFC and copper landline voice calls, and keep bridging to my router where I have more control. Mobile is not an option since we have friends/family who call us and I am not sure they will be that happy to pay to call a mobile. Something like Whatsapp or Wechat is, of course, the way to go, but not everybody uses that (especially older family).
I've seen groups of Telstra workers inspecting pits across Winthrop (6APP-05) this past week. Around 3 Telstra vans going from street to street. If I'm on foot and see them I'll ask what they're up to.
Hi guys, just wondering if there's any ETA on updates on the site? It says it was last updated in Jan which is a while ago.
I've seen groups of Telstra workers inspecting pits across Winthrop (6APP-05) this past week. Around 3 Telstra vans going from street to street. If I'm on foot and see them I'll ask what they're up to.
Nothing to get excited about, we are supposed to get NBN HFC early next year, which those of us with Telstra cable have already, so nothing really new.
I've seen groups of Telstra workers inspecting pits across Winthrop (6APP-05) this past week.
<cynic mode> Those would be the same pits that were inspected in 2013 before we were supposed to go FTTP. It's only been another three years since. </cynic mode>
<cynic mode> Those would be the same pits that were inspected in 2013 before we were supposed to go FTTP. It's only been another three years since. </cynic mode>
Inspected in early 2013 when we first entered FTTP build, disappeared from maps in Sept 2013, then inspected again in early 2014, appeared as Build Prep for FTTP with remediation in late 2014, and then removed from maps in April 2015, and now one year later they are inspecting again. A real goldmine for Telstra for sure!
Yes... we're living the coalition dream..... I wish I'd kept my T$ shares :)
I've seen groups of Telstra workers inspecting pits across Winthrop (6APP-05) this past week. Around 3 Telstra vans going from street to street. If I'm on foot and see them I'll ask what they're up to.
Spotted on Parry Ave, Bateman yesterday too.
5 vans this morning in Winthrop � up around on Aitken Drive.
I think part of that area doesn't have HFC � correct me if I'm wrong....
If that is the case, then I guess there will be some infill...
5 vans this morning in Winthrop � up around on Aitken Drive.
Any other activity in Winthrop/Murdoch/Bateman these days?
Apparently everywhere else seems to have some activity already:
The installation is going on for me in WA in the 6164 Postcode or 6JTS rollout area. ... This would be part of the HFC rollout as well... They just finished installing the NBN box on the outside of my house.
I'm in the 6JDL-60 SAM and have seen Telstra vans installing HFC to houses that were missed in the initial rollout.
Maybe Telstra/NBN just realised they have taken on more that they can chew if there are patches with no lead-ins or even no cable along the street. I suspect areas like Ocean Reef / Yangebup are newer estates and less problematic to run lead-ins and new cable compared to the more stolid 70s/80s built houses in our area!
Any other activity in Winthrop/Murdoch/Bateman these days?
I haven't seen anything since I reported that last lot � Ive been away for the last week and a bit.
Only got out for a ride this morning (which is when I've seen them before), but didn't see any vans around.
I'll keep any eye out and report back on anything.
Spotted a Telstra technician with a clipboard at Georgian Rise, Willetton checking out the pits. He said he is checking them for NBN. I don't know why he would be doing that when that area has Telstra fibre for Foxtel unless the fibre runs through those pits also.
Yep, we are in Leeming just off Beasley Rd near South St end.
We had the Telstra guys checking the street today, I went and had a chat, and they said they are doing an audit in preparation for NBN, he said they have a team of about 15 vans that travel from area to area taking notes, pictures etc to report what they find. He told me that most of the surrounding area has cable, but our street doesn't (as I'm well aware with a poor 3500k service currently...)
He also said that generally speaking it takes about 12 months to have an active service from this stage. Not sure if that changes with the use of HCF or not, and if they will back fill the streets without it, or use FTTN...?
Still waiting..
He also said that generally speaking it takes about 12 months to have an active service from this stage.
Nobody has any idea since NBN is only now discovering how many streets require HFC fill-ins with 100% new lead-ins as well. Expect this all to surface later in the year leading to an increase in both the overall Build costs for and delays in activation for HFC areas. But 12 months would be about right though, which is no different than FTTP.
Ditch Witch and PVC pipe markers seen on corner of Farrington and Casserly (near freeway) in Leeming. Unknown if NBN related.
Addresses that are in a HFC area will be connected with a new HFC rollout, not FTTN. There's probably about 30% of addresses that are currently being passed with existing HFC that require new leadin cables run.
He also said that generally speaking it takes about 12 months to have an active service from this stage.
I think Bateman has been "12 months from active" 3 or 4 times so far.
Maybe Telstra/NBN just realised they have taken on more that they can chew if there are patches with no lead-ins or even no cable along the street. I suspect areas like Ocean Reef / Yangebup are newer estates and less problematic to run lead-ins and new cable compared to the more stolid 70s/80s built houses in our area!
half of bateman doesn't have HFC so it will be interesting to see how much remediation is done and how long until the timing gets pushed back again on bateman. Though i'm looking at finder.com.au and there is no information at all available on 6APP-06?
Use 6APP-60, 61, 62, 63 & 64
doesn't work?
They are the new HFC ones, NBN may not have them online yet?
They are the new HFC ones, non may not have them online yet?
These are currently only "known" by Telstra and can be found in:
on the Expected RFS sheet, just search for BATEMAN.
finder.com.au (mynbn) only has these as 6APP-XX under Planned Brownfields for 6APP
Nice, just received a letter from the nbn stating they will begin inspections between 04/5 and 29/6 in Murdoch.
Nice, just received a letter from the nbn stating they will begin inspections between 04/5 and 29/6 in Murdoch.
So first we have Telstra doing the inspections and these are followed by NBN? Any other areas off Bateman exchange received similar letters from NBN and are these before or after you already had Telstra vans flying through?
So first we have Telstra doing the inspections and these are followed by NBN? Any other areas off Bateman exchange received similar letters from NBN and are these before or after you already had Telstra vans flying through?
Sorry to be specific, the letter came from NBN but ISGM will be doing the inspection on behalf of Telstra.
Sorry to be specific, the letter came from NBN but ISGM will be doing the inspection on behalf of Telstra.
Well we have reports of Telstra vans visiting areas in Winthrop, Leeming and Willetton. I guess they decided it would be nice to spend some more money to send flyers out now too, with the election looming that would make sense. I would expect any and all NBN activity will now be visibly advertised over the next two months in all areas.
These are currently only "known" by Telstra and can be found in:
on the Expected RFS sheet, just search for BATEMAN.
finder.com.au (mynbn) only has these as 6APP-XX under Planned Brownfields for 6APP
ah ok right.
So 2017 March is the fairytale due date
Another Ditch Witch on Farrington, this time at the corner with Findlay (petrol station side). Conduits for backhaul?
Telstra has already completed audit, ISGM are doing the construction of new leadins.
Another Ditch Witch on Farrington, this time at the corner with Findlay (petrol station side). Conduits for backhaul?
Nah, something else
Telstra has already completed audit, ISGM are doing the construction of new leadins.
Yes that would make sense to have notification in the mail for lead-ins rather than just inspection, which wouldn't take as long as:
Nice, just received a letter from the nbn stating they will begin inspections between 04/5 and 29/6 in Murdoch.
So I guess Murdoch will the first to get NBN HFC then!
Well, they are back in our street again, second time in 9 days....
The only difference this time is that they brought a terra vac truck, apart from that it looks the same as last time, checking pits taking pics etc... ?
cleaning out pits full of sand to finish the audit job that couldn't be done on the initial visit
Just seen an NBN crew digging around a pit on the Murdoch Chase side of Farrington Road (corner of Murdoch drive). Seen a lot of activity over the past few weeks there, but the first time I've seen NBN signage.
SCS crew also feeding in black cable from a huge reel into a Telstra pit on South Street (corner of Murdoch drive, Bateman side). Not sure if that work is NBN-related.
Just saw at least 10 Telstra vans parked in Westmorland Drive, just South of South Street, in Leeming. They told me they were doing surveys for the NBN. I didn't ask for more details.
HFC audit there is completed today .. maybe bar some rework. Enjoy your second rate high speed internet :(
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